TWiT Newsletter Nov 20 2023

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The New TWiT Live
Exciting changes are happening in the world of tech! We're thrilled to announce that the TWiT Live experience is evolving. Take a look at our newly revamped live streaming hub in Club TWiT on Discord. It's a vibrant community hub where you can directly interact, learn, and connect with others through discussion groups, behind-the-scenes content, and exciting bonuses. And for those who just want to watch our shows live, you can catch us on our YouTube Live Stream.
We invite you to join us in this evolutionary shift, where you can explore and connect in a more engaging and dynamic space. Don't miss out on the action! Subscribe and download our episodes to stay updated on the latest tech trends and innovations. Whether you're a tech enthusiast or just curious about the latest developments, Club TWiT and YouTube Live offer an enriching tech journey for everyone. So come on board and let's embark on this exciting adventure together!
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Uniting Against Election Disinformation
Alex Stamos shares an important message in the most recent episode of This Week in Google: it's time for us to unite against election disinformation. Stamos highlights the need for a non-partisan approach, emphasizing that foreign influence campaigns thrive on chaos rather than aligning with any specific party. To safeguard our electoral process, it is crucial to understand this.
Dive into the full episode for a comprehensive discussion here: TWiG Episode 742

Exploring OpenAI's Shake-up
Join host Devindra Hardawar alongside Paris Martineau, Alex Lindsay, and Anthony Ha as they dissect the surprise firing of Sam Altman at OpenAI on This Week in Tech. Uncover the complexities of OpenAI's structure and the clash between AI progress and board objectives. Explore Apple's RCS support, PlayStation Portal, and Abyss 4K in this dynamic episode.
Dive into the discussion at TWiT Episode 954

Holiday Announcement
In observance of the holiday, no new episodes will air on Thursday and Friday. Take this time to catch up on some fantastic past episodes! Download and enjoy insightful content from:
Hands-On Windows
Hands-On Mac
Home Theater Geeks
Tech News Weekly
This Week in Enterprise Tech
This Week in Space
Relax, unwind, and dive into the wealth of tech knowledge from these incredible shows! Regular programming resumes next week. Happy Holidays!
"The Alex death-threat index is way down."