Feb 9th 2015
This Week in Enterprise Tech 128
Shmoocon & BYOD
Hosted by
Fr. Robert Ballecer, SJ,
Brian Chee
Mobile Security with PulseSecure
Although the show is no longer in production, you can enjoy episodes from our archives.
Lisa Lorenzin
Title II will enforce strong Net-Neutrality regulations, Windows RT is dead, Anthem breach, and more.
Download or subscribe to this show at https://twit.tv/shows/this-week-in-enterprise-tech.
Thanks to CacheFly for the bandwidth for this show.
- Title II is night... Let's start the FUD!
- Sour grapes as lobbies complain that the White House had undue influence over FCC on Net Neutrality
- Windows RT is dead --- Good riddance!
- Washington state lawmakers want computer programming languages to count as a foreign language
- Apple to repurpose Saphire factory
- Net Neutrality... AGAIN...
- Anthem Breach