Host-Read Ads

Nov 4th 2022

Host-Read Ads 7

Partner Testionial -

Hosted by Lisa Laporte

Partner Testionial -

New episodes published every Friday.
Category: Help & How To

Here at, we refer to all of our clients as partners because we want long-term relationships with brands. As they grow their offerings, we want to keep them in front of our tech-savvy audience and continue to promote their products/services. This way, our audience remembers our partners' offerings as we deliver long-format ad reads. We include our partners' information on our episode pages when their ads appear on a show. They also appear in our RSS feeds to see who advertised on an episode. We have a "sponsor page" with all active partners listed for easy reference. We make it easy for our fans to know who is on our network.

Because we are not Google, Facebook or Apple, we do not collect data about our audience or invade their privacy. Therefore we rely on an annual survey that our audience can opt-in on, and we use these metrics along with partner testimonials to sign new partners to our network. In addition to testimonials, we have case studies showing the longevity of partnered brands, and no one renews YOY if you do not work for them.

Visit and watch or read our client testimonials. Here's what Tim Broom, the Founder of ITPro.TV talked about working with our network; they have been with us for ten years.

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