
US Government Bans Kaspersky

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In a recent episode of This Week in Tech (TWiT), host Leo Laporte and guests Ed Bott and Louise Matsakis delved into the complex issues surrounding the US government's decision to ban Kaspersky antivirus software. This move has sent ripples through the tech community, raising questions about national security, geopolitics, and the evolving landscape of international tech companies.

The Ban and Its Implications
The Biden administration has announced a ban on sales of Kaspersky antivirus software, giving current users 100 days to find an alternative. This decision extends beyond direct sales, also barring white-labeled products that integrate Kaspersky technology. The Commerce Department has gone a step further, adding two Russian and one UK-based Kaspersky units to its entity list, citing alleged cooperation with Russian military intelligence.

Historical Context and Suspicions
Leo Laporte reminded listeners of a past incident where Kaspersky software, running on an NSA contractor's home computer, detected and quarantined NSA spy tools. As is standard practice, these quarantined files were sent to Kaspersky's home office in Moscow for analysis. While it's unclear how this information may have reached Russian intelligence, the incident raised red flags about Kaspersky's potential ties to the Russian government.

Erring on the Side of Caution
Tech journalist Ed Bott expressed strong reservations about using any code originating from Russia, especially software that integrates deeply with computer systems like antivirus programs. He pointed out that the Russian government has a history of co-opting private industry for its purposes. Bott also noted that the US government's ban on Kaspersky products for government networks two years ago was likely based on concrete evidence.

The Changing Perception of Russian Software
Both Laporte and Bott reflected on how perceptions of Russian software have shifted. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Russian developers were highly regarded for their skill and innovative products. However, the current geopolitical climate has drastically altered this view, especially concerning software with deep system access.

Calling for Transparency
Technology journalist Louise Matsakis raised concerns about the government's approach to banning foreign tech products. While acknowledging the potential risks, she argued for more transparency in the decision-making process. Matsakis suggested that the government should be more straightforward about its motivations, potentially framing the ban as responding to Russia's actions in Ukraine rather than relying on classified information and "theoretical concerns."

Comparisons to Other Tech Bans
The discussion touched on similarities and differences between the Kaspersky ban and other high-profile cases like TikTok and Huawei. Ed Bott argued that the Kaspersky situation is more comparable to Huawei, which faced less controversy when banned. Louise Matsakis pointed out that the US government's power to completely shut out foreign companies from global markets may be waning, citing Huawei's continued success in China and other markets.

The Broader Implications
This ban raises larger questions about the balance between national security and open markets, the changing dynamics of global tech competition, and the challenges of navigating an increasingly fractured digital landscape. As consumers and businesses adapt to these shifts, the tech industry must grapple with the complex interplay of innovation, security, and geopolitics.

To hear the full discussion and gain more insights on this topic and other tech news, be sure to listen to the complete episode of This Week in Tech, episode 985. The show offers in-depth analysis and expert perspectives on the latest developments in the tech world.

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