TWiT Newsletter Apr 8 2024

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Live Audience Returns!
After four years, TWiT welcomes a live audience! This episode features the brains of Harry McCracken, Lisa Schmeiser, and Mikah Sargent discussing the latest in tech, including online privacy bills and zero-day exploits. It's an episode full of insights, laughter, and community spirit!
Are you ready to dive deep into all things tech? Join us on This Week in Tech and stay ahead of the curve! Get the full episode here: Download & Subscribe

Eclipse Viewing 101
Don't let the solar eclipse catch you unprepared! Join our experts on This Week in Space for a masterclass in safe eclipse viewing. Meteorologist Joe Rao, Rod Pyle, and Tariq Malik share the dos and don'ts of eclipse safety. Essential advice for a spectacular celestial event!
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