Nov 20th 2016
This Week in Tech 589
Save it for St. Patrick's Day
Hosted by
Leo Laporte
Extreme surveillance, narcissist nation, secret Snapchat IPO, Homer Cosby, and more.
Records live every Sunday at 5:15pm Eastern / 2:15pm Pacific / 21:15 UTC.
British Parliament passes the Snoopers Charter. Fake news is on the rise. Snapchat files for a secret IPO. Selfie deaths have more than doubled each year for the past three years. Apple charges $300 for a book of pictures of Apple products.
- Owen J.J. Stone can't even believe the new MacBook Pro
- Georgia Dow thinks the key to breaking our addiction with technology lies in education and good parenting
- Baratunde Thurston wants you to take action for what you believe in
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- The Snoopers Charter is now law in the UK: "extreme surveillance" rules the land
- Article: Trump’s CIA Director Pick Thinks Using Encryption ‘May Itself Be A Red Flag’ | Motherboard
- Coke invents the 'selfie bottle' - CNET
- MacBook Pro 15" Touch Bar Teardown
- Apple releases $300 book containing 450 photos of Apple products
- Snapchat files for one of the biggest tech IPOs in years: sources | Reuters
- Snapchat's fans, not the media, are telling the world about Spectacles
- Selfie deaths are on the rise
- TV And Videogames Rewire Young Brains, For Better And Worse : Shots - Health News : NPR
- Article: A Call for Cooperation Against Fake News
- Woman, prosecuted for selling $12 of ceviche on Facebook, now faces trial | Ars Technica
- Apple dissolves Mac automation management post, Sal Soghoian to leave company