Intelligent Machines with Leo Laporte, Jeff Jarvis, and Paris Martineau

Oct 12th 2016

Intelligent Machines 374

Somewhere Between Scandal and Risotto

Samsung officially kills Note 7, Yahoo hack, will anyone buy Twitter?

Records live every Wednesday at 5:00pm Eastern / 2:00pm Pacific / 22:00 UTC.
Category: News

Samsung stops production of the Galaxy Note 7 after packing it with "so much innovation it became uncontrollable." Verizon wants a discount on its Yahoo purchase after the largest hack in history and possibly the most intrusive government surveillance program. Amazon Music Unlimited, released today, is ridiculously cheap - if you own an Amazon Echo. Who should buy Twitter? Disney, Google, and Apple won't.

  • Jeff thinks Facebook should buy Twitter, Leo thinks the only person who could buy Twitter is a "Wall Street bastard."
  • Leo, Danny, and Jeff have a wide ranging argument about the journalistic ethics behind printing leaks from illegally hacked data
  • Danny Sullivan "can't even" with Allo.

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