Dec 26th 2016
Tech News Today 1669
Security and Privacy in 2016
Mirai botnet, Fancy Bear, Yahoo hack, Shadow Brokers, Snoopers Charter, encryption
Megan Morrone, Jason Howell, and Iain Thomson from The Register take a look at some of the biggest security and privacy stories from 2016. The Internet of Things has proven to be a powerful vector for widespread Internet attacks. The DNC is hacked by purported Russian Government hackers and sets a precedent for election hacktivism. Yahoo and Adult Friend Finder hacks put many millions of user details at risk. NSA spy tools are put up for auction by the Shadow Brokers. The UK passes the Investigatory Powers Bill, broadening its surveillance powers in unprecedented ways. A terror attack in San Bernardino sparks a months long debate around backdoors and encryption, and Apple refuses to play ball. Messaging services double down on encrypted communication for its users.
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- That massive internet outage, explained
- Huge DDoS attacks are about to get bigger: Mirai bots infect Sierra Wireless gateways
- Source code unleashed for junk-blasting Internet of Things botnet
- Russian Hackers Infiltrate Democratic National Committee
- Exclusive: Clinton campaign also hacked in attacks on Democrats
- How John Podesta's Emails Were Hacked And How To Prevent It From Happening To You
- Yahoo has confirmed a data breach with 500 million accounts stolen, as questions about disclosure to Verizon and users grow
- Yahoo is sued for gross negligence over huge hacking
- Dropbox hack 'affected 68 million users'
- Russian hacker arrested after 117 million LinkedIn users compromised
- Adult Friend Finder and Penthouse hacked in massive personal data breach
- Exclusive: Yahoo secretly scanned customer emails for U.S. intelligence - sources
- Yahoo wants the US to explain its email surveillance order
- Shadow Broker hacking group auctions off claimed NSA online spy tools
- Cisco confirms two of the Shadow Brokers' 'NSA' vulns are real
- Snowden files confirm Shadow Brokers spilled NSA's Equation Group spy tools over the web
- NSA contractor charged with stealing top secret data
- ‘Shadow Brokers’ Whine That Nobody Is Buying Their Hacked NSA Files
- China’s new cybersecurity law is bad news for business
- Alibaba, Tencent Get Behind China’s Strict New Cyber Law
- The Investigatory Powers Bill has been passed by both Houses of Parliament. Once it receives Royal Assent it will become law
- Inside the FBI's encryption battle with Apple
- Apple's San Bernardino fight is officially over as government confirms working attack
- FBI Director wants 'adult conversation' about backdooring encryption
- You can now encrypt your Facebook Messenger chats
- Non-US encryption is 'theoretical,' claims CIA chief in backdoor debate
- WhatsApp goes head-to-head with FaceTime, adding end-to-end encrypted video calls
- Google’s Allo Sends The Wrong Message About Encryption