Dec 16th 2016
Tech News Today 1663
Keep the Internet Weird, People
Evernote privacy, Vine Camera, Super Mario Run, Election hacking
Evernote came under fire when it announced an upcoming change to its privacy policy that would open a user’s notes up to being read by Evernote employees, all in an effort to improve its machine learning capabilities. After users lodged a mountain of complaints, Evernote reversed course, saying that an updated privacy policy will be delayed as they rework it so that users can choose to opt-in.
In his last press conference of the year, President Obama said foreign hacking of our election system should be non-partisan issue. This comes after news that the U.S. Election Assistance Commission was itself hacked. This doesn't mean that the election was rigged, but it does point to another cybersecurity weakness of the election process.
Twitter's Vine will survive after all, at least in part as Twitter now plans to keep it around in the form of a low profile app called Vine Camera. The social aspects of the service will be gone, but users can use the app to record 6-second videos to share out to other services.
The Center for Digital Democracy says the data from your FitBit or Apple Watch poses a serious privacy risk. Lack of regulation makes the wearable data industry ripe for abuse and deceitful data mining practices. The report suggests enforceable standards, formal processes, and stricter regulation for data collection and sharing on wearables.
Apptopia released app data that shows Super Mario Run saw around 2.85 million downloads in the first day of release, compared to Pokemon Go’s paltry-by-comparison 900,000 downloads. App Annie estimates closer to 3.5 million downloads for the plumber. Either way, Super Mario Run is set to continue breaking records as we head into 2017.
- Ben Popper from The Verge discusses his recent trip to the Huaqiangbei Market in Shenzhen, China.
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- evernote
- The government body that oversees the security of voting systems was itself hacked
- Twitter will keep Vine alive as a simplified app for only shooting 6-second videos
- New Report: Health Wearable Devices Pose New Consumer and Privacy Risks
- Super Mario Run tops 5 million downloads on day one, but half reviews are just one star
- A trip through Huaqiangbei Market, the heart of China’s electronics industry
- Who needs friends when you can have a digital hologram?