Know How...

May 10th 2018

Know How... 381

Maker Virgin

Maker Faire, Gassifier, Voltera, Chipsetter, Tiny Homes, Shopbot, Dremel

Although the show is no longer in production, you can enjoy episodes from the TWiT Archives.
Category: Help & How To

Have you ever wanted to go to a Maker Faire, but were a little intimidated by "Burning man meets CES"? -- If so, this episode of "Know How" is just for you!

We prepare Megan Morrone for her first-ever Maker Faire by taking a trip through some of the wonders we've found at Maker Faires past. From a "bomb" that makes fuels from organic scraps, to an electronics printer, to the Tiny House revolution, this "Know How" has something for everybody with the spirit of a maker!


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Thanks to CacheFly for the bandwidth for this show.