Host-Read Ads

Oct 21st 2022

Host-Read Ads 5's Host-Read Ads Stand Out & Here's Why

Hosted by Lisa Laporte's Host-Read Ads Stand Out & Here's Why

New episodes published every Friday.
Category: Help & How To

Today I want to focus on "why"'s host-read ads stand out.

First, our hosts are trusted by our audiences. They are experts, and they live, eat, & breathe tech. For example, my partner Leo Laporte carries multiple cell phones, codes in different languages, and reads about tech at least 4 hours a day. You can't fake knowledge or passion. All of our hosts love tech and remember our audience trusts them.

Second, our network is a trusted tech source because we are clear when we transition to an ad read and do not offer paid reviews. You can't buy an endorsement from our hosts or network, and we only sign sponsors who have services/products that we believe in and that our audience can benefit from. Sponsors who advertise on our network that our hosts already love - win big.

Our hosts also take the time they need to deliver a host-read interstitial ad, unlike other networks that cut you off after 30 or 60 seconds. We believe in covering all of the features and benefits and providing details as to why our sponsor's products/services work for you. Sometimes other hosts chime in if they have experience with the sponsor or their offerings. Sometimes our hosts provide deep insights into the features/benefits, especially when personal experience can be included. And our interstitial ad reads can be anywhere from 2 minutes to 10. It almost feels like part of the show because our hosts have the freedom to include their thoughts and experiences in the ad read. It's not scripted, making them more powerful.

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