Host-Read Ads

Apr 21st 2023

Host-Read Ads 31 Has Simulcasted Its Pods Since 2009

Hosted by Lisa Laporte Has Simulcasted Its Pods Since 2009

New episodes published every Friday.
Category: Help & How To

After attending the Podcast Movement in Las Vegas, I discovered that partners and agencies are finally into simulcasting. And lucky for us, has been simulcasting all of its pods starting in 2009, well before YouTube became a household name and TikTok wasn't even a thought.

And when I say simulcasts - I mean, it's way more than YouTube, as most of our video downloads are outside of this platform. Because we've been simulcasting for years, we can show off our partners products and services. We can show off websites, how we use a particular software, etc., on air in our ad-reads. We also go out of our way and shoot b-roll of clients products if our hosts can provide a PE (personal endorsement). And since our ad reads are not cut off at 60 seconds, our hosts take their time introducing brands with all their features and benefits to our qualified audience. Nothing is rushed, and our audience trusts our hosts.

In addition, we also send the video version of the interstitial ad read to our partners to use on social, our landing page, anywhere they want besides paid media.

Are you ready to grow your business? Please email, and we can discuss your growth goals. Thanks for listening, and have a great day.

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