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Apr 14th 2023

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Sought After IT Skills & How Can Help

Hosted by Lisa Laporte

Sought After IT Skills & How Can Help

New episodes published every Friday.
Category: Help & How To

Today I want to talk about the IT job explosion. LinkedIn's Opportunity Project recently produced 2023's Most In-Demand Hard Skills List.

Here are the top 10: Software Development, SQL, Finance, Python, Java, Data Analysis, JavaScript, Cloud Computing, Operations, and CRM (Customer Relationship Management).

In the current economic climate, every business is either a tech firm or a tech-enabled company, whether they admit it or not. Thus, maintaining your technical skills is crucial. Tech skills are the most widely sought-after quality across industries; according to LinkedIn statistics, skill sets for professions worldwide have changed by about 25% since 2015. By 2027, this percentage is predicted to double. New technologies are evolving how we do our tasks, and although not everyone has a background in technology, everyone should meet the basics of today's hiring standard.

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