Host-Read Ads

Oct 14th 2022

Host-Read Ads 3

What Should Your Advertising Approach be in a Recession?

Hosted by Lisa Laporte

What Should Your Advertising Approach be in a Recession?

New episodes published every Friday.
Category: Help & How To

Part of why I am doing my podcast is to address the real world, and everyone is questioning - are we in a recession? Inflation is off the charts, interest rates are rising, the stock market is up and down, well, mostly down. Yet Biden reported that we added 263,000 jobs in September and our unemployment rate is 3.5%. So are we in a recession or not? And how does this impact advertising? My advice in times like these is to continue moving forward, as consumers have higher expectations from brands in a crisis. It is proven that brands that continue to advertise in a recession fair the best. If you stop advertising because you are worried about budgets, you can guarantee that your competition will blow right by you and gain market share.

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