Host-Read Ads

Mar 24th 2023

Host-Read Ads 27

B2C Campaign - Audible Case Study

Hosted by Lisa Laporte

B2C Campaign - Audible Case Study

New episodes published every Friday.
Category: Help & How To

I want to talk about another sponsor who originally signed to our network in 2007 and only left at the end of 2022 because Audible fired their agency again. It takes time to connect with the new one, especially because Amazon owns Audible now. I anticipate we will get them back because we cater to life-long learners - 78% of our audience are college graduates or hold advanced degrees. Plus, why would Audible be on our network for 16 years if we didn't deliver results? Clients only renew YOY if they work.

Some of the longest interstitial ads on our network are from Audible because all of our hosts use it. The lead hosts of our shows and the regular co-hosts who appear on our network have Audible accounts. Why? Because they are lifelong learners, too, and their book recommendations are endless. Audible ads on our network become a conversation because every host on the panel has a recommendation, and they are excited to share it.  It builds enthusiasm with the audience, and if they already have Audible, they buy more credits because they want to listen to the books our hosts are recommending.

We have longevity with sponsors because every ad is fresh, unique, and delivered by trusted hosts. Are you ready to grow? Reach out today to, and let's chat about your growth goals.

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