Host-Read Ads

Mar 17th 2023

Host-Read Ads 26

B2C Campaign - Ford Case Study

Hosted by Lisa Laporte

B2C Campaign - Ford Case Study

New episodes published every Friday.
Category: Help & How To

I want to speak to the impact we make when we sign brands to our network, especially expensive B2C products like a car. 70% of our audience makes over $100K a year, and 26% make over $200K yearly. We cater to an affluent audience, and our host-read ads work.

When Ford came to our network to promote their car technology, they signed up for a one-year campaign because they were one of the first to put tech in their cars. They chose our network because we were one of the largest independent tech podcast networks around. We had the opportunity to show off what Ford was doing because our network releases all shows in audio and video formats. This was supposed to be a branding push to promote their tech, and they were not going to renew, it was a one-year deal.

Ford was so impressed after the initial campaign that they renewed for another two years based on the feedback they received from TWiT fans who were touting they bought a Ford because of the ads on our network.

Given Ford was willing to commit to a one-year deal across multiple shows. It proved to them that the frequency, show selection, and audience reach were worth coming back for more. Are you ready to grow like Ford?

We are the gold standard in podcast advertising. Reach out today to, and let's have a conversation about your growth goals.

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