Jan 15th 2015
Coding 101 50
Image Manipulation with PHP
Hosted by
Fr. Robert Ballecer, SJ
Insert your own text on an image with PHP
Although the show is no longer in production, you can enjoy episodes from the TWiT Archives.
Patrick Delahanty
The code for today's show is available here
Ur/Web wants to make web programming easier and more secure.
- In designing a web site, a programmer often needs to juggle multiple services, languages and technologies.
- For Example:
- You've got CSS that control page style
- SQL or MySQL database queries
- JavaScript + Java
- Silverlight
- A service for ad service
- Widgets
- It's easy to get lost in all the different tech confused -- OR WORSE CASE... you leave a few things a little more open than they should, because you're not sure how the different elements will interact with one another.
Now a new programming language called Ur/Web promises to make the process easier.
- It uses a STRONGLY TYPED language and "Variable Scoping" to make sure data stays where it's supposed to be.
- It also allows the developer to design in a single interface and Ur/Web will bring in the disparate pieces as needed.
Free PHP Hosting for our fans!
Jared Bartimus
- The owner of "Atabyte Hosting" has made a generous offer for those who want an easy way to develop with PHP
- 500MB Storage Per Person
- 5GB Bandwidth/month Per Person
- PHP 5.5, Perl, Python Coding Support
- MySQL and SQLite Support
- GD image manipulation support
- Full email access
- SSH/SCP/SFTP access
- cPanel
- A subdomain.c101.net
- ONLY for C101 development... any other use would be prohibited.
- We'll get details for you ASAP.
Get In Touch With Us!
Subscribe and get Coding 101 automatically at https://twit.tv/shows/coding-101
Follow @PadreSJ and @PDelahanty on Twitter.
Bandwidth for Coding 101 is provided by CacheFly.