Ask The Tech Guys - Leo Laporte & Mikah Sargent

Apr 28th 2024

Ask The Tech Guys 2022

Which Wife?

TikTok’s U.S. Ban, Off-Site Backups, AirPrint

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Category: Help & How To

TikTok will be banned within the U.S. in nine months unless Bytedance divests, but now the government may be seeking to ban another popular Chinese product within the country. Why are a caller's photo uploads to Instagram failing? How can I get Siri to stop bringing up duplicate contacts when using it? Plus, Dick DeBartolo brings some exciting gadgets to the show, and Chris Marquardt goes over the Power photo assignment!

  • Banning TikTok just puts a Band-Aid over social media’s problems.
  • Many people say their Apple IDs were inexplicably reset last night.
  • A Chinese firm Is America’s favorite drone maker. Except in Washington.
  • With YouTube booming, podcast creators get camera-ready.
  • What off-site backup options do Leo and Mikah like the most?
  • Troubleshooting why a sound bar is no longer connecting to a caller's WiFi network automatically.
  • Dick DeBartolo and the semi-smart lightbulb.
  • Why are my photos failing to upload to Instagram?
  • Is there an app that can allow me to send the same pre-recorded voicemail to those that I call?
  • How can I get Siri to stop bringing up multiple instances of one contact when using the digital assistant?
  • Is there a way to securely open JPGs within BItwarden without re-downloading it or opening the image externally?
  • Why is my iPhone 11 unable to connect to my printer?
  • Chris Marquardt and the Powerful assignment review.
  • Why is the quality of my audio so poor when streaming through Xfinity?
  • Is it time to upgrade my Intel iMac to the most recent Mac mini? Should I wait for Apple to refresh the Mac minis later this year?

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