
Ask The Tech Guys 2031 Transcript

Please be advised this transcript is AI-generated and may not be word for word. Time codes refer to the approximate times in the ad-supported version of the show.

0:00:00 - Leo Laporte
Well, hey, hey, hey. How are you today? It's time for Ask the Tech Guys. I'm Leo Laporte Coming up. How do you get that first job in IT?

0:00:08 - Mikah Sargent
And I'm Mikah Sargent, and we answer a great question Can you back up an iPhone without Apple's help?

0:00:16 - Leo Laporte
And if it's time to buy Wi-Fi for your parents, what's the best system if you don't want to support it for the rest of your life? All that coming up next on Ask the Tech Guys.

0:00:30 - VO
Podcasts you love. From people you trust. This is Tweet.

0:00:45 - Leo Laporte
This is Ask the Tech Guys, with Mikah Sargent and Leo Laporte, episode 2031 for Sunday, June 30th 2024. Three Weddings and a Baby. Well, hey, hey, hey. Look at this guy, look at this fella. Look at this guy, it's Mikah Sargent. Hey, Leo Laporte. In the house.

0:00:59 - Mikah Sargent
Hey how you doing.

0:01:01 - Leo Laporte
This is the show where we answer computer questions. You're not going to ask us any. Now You're going to say why them Weirdos? We are the tech guys. I know because it says so on the screen. I'm Leo Laporte. Now for the last 20 years I've been doing this on the radio. But we decided at the end of 22, I decided to stop.

People say we like the royal, we Right, just me. I'm not Rush Limbaugh with a whole cast of characters, just me, not the guy with the curly hair, it's not me. It's not me, I'm just me. I'm just the guy. And I said I'm tired of doing this so I ended the show. But then then we said let's make it a podcast and because I am old and tired, I'm going to bring in a young guy who knows something. And that's this guy right here. So now we answer your questions at 888-724-2884. That's by all the time we're here Sundays, when Leo gets here on time, from 11 am to 2 pm Pacific time, 2 to 5 Eastern, 1800 UTC. That means if you're calling at that time we can answer, but otherwise you can leave us a voicemail. We have a few voicemails we get to today, uh, but it's all questions, all answers. Today we also have emails at 4000 arrested.

0:02:31 - Mikah Sargent
I was so pleased to see this 4 000. I want more, but I was happy to see that 4 000 people around the world have been arrested for their participation in online scams. That's a lot of people.

0:02:46 - Leo Laporte
It is a lot of people I can't think of any case where that many people have been arrested all at once. This is an international operation, obviously dubbed operation first light 61 countries. They targeted fishing. These are the folks who call your grandma and take her money investment fraud, fake online shopping sites, romance scams. They call it hog butchering. That's right, hog butchering, where they pretend that they're a nice person in love with you. Instead, they just want your money. Impersonation scams. Interpol arrested thousands of potential cyber criminals. Police also identified 14,600 other possible.

We're coming for you this is why this is so widespread. There's a lot. This is a big business that's more employees than apple. During the searches no, it isn't. But law enforcement sees suspects real estate, high end vehicles, expensive jewelry and many other high value items and collections. They froze 6,745 bank accounts used for transferring money obtained through illegal operations. In one case, police intercepted a 331,000 dollars gleaned from a business email compromise fraud involving a Spanish victim who thought he was, you know, sending real money, but sent it to some scammer bank accounts in Malaysia and Hong Kong.

Now here's the sad thing. They arrested a lot of people, but it's not going to stop it. It's just going to come right back. Here's another sad thing. We've mentioned this with hog butchering A lot of the people who do it. You shouldn't yell at them because they're, in effect, slaves. Police rescued 88 local youths who were forced into conducting scams as part of a sophisticated international crime network in Namibia. Law enforcement Singapore, hong Kong, china prevented an attempted tech support scam You've heard that one, you've seen that one Saving a 70 year old victim from losing 281 000 worth of savings well, I'm glad they did it.

0:04:53 - Mikah Sargent
I'm so, I really am pleased about this. I was just talking about how I wanted to see these fraudsters online have some sort of justice uh, you know, brought to their doorsteps and to see that you, you talk about this story, I thought, oh, it's happening.

0:05:11 - Leo Laporte
It needs to keep happening and well, that's the problem, you know. I figure it's gonna keep on going. Yeah, I hope this is not a scam story, but I don't know this site very well, dear the record recorded future news. That makes me nervous, um, but I but I believe it's real I saw. Yeah, Interpol meme, let's see yeah, it's, it's it does link?

0:05:33 - Mikah Sargent
to a Interpol article.

0:05:34 - Leo Laporte
Okay, there you go, a statement by Interpol and this statement is at, so that's real. Oh shoot, is that real? Let's see what is. You know, this is the other thing that really is bugging me, which is the rise of junk, the four, you know, 404 media, which I really love. 404 media this is a 404 was created by I don't know five, four, maybe four people who were kind of abandoned mainstream media to do their own thing. A few of them came from Motherboard.

0:06:10 - Mikah Sargent
Yeah, it was basically the.

0:06:11 - Leo Laporte
Motherboard vice team. We've had Jason Keebler from them on. Their editor in chief said let's try to make a fake 404 Media and it cost him 300 some bucks. That's all I paid $365.63 to replace 404 Media with AI. This is Emanuel Myberg, who's the editor-in-chief. He didn't publish it because he said it's too close to the real thing, but he got a freelancer on Fiverr to use AI chat GPT to generate articles stolen from other sites.

0:06:50 - Mikah Sargent
Wow, so it wasn't even. It wasn't. He didn't even do much work at all, no, it just paid somebody else?

0:06:56 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, he did not and it didn't pay him. It's amazing. On Monday June 17th, emmanuel says, I published 53 articles on everything from top Internet service providers in South. Dakota.

0:07:13 - Mikah Sargent
Well see, that's for search right. Yes, that's good.

0:07:14 - Leo Laporte
AI generated images in Google search results have provided access to an alternate reality. I saw that story, by the way, almost clicked on it. This is why I'm nervous Every time I look at a story. Now I have to say, yeah, is it real? Has that been generated? Uh, he published that story on 404 media and then it was ripped off and put on his site, which he named fortunately a terrible name prototype press. But boy, this cost him nothing to do and apparently the who does it and there are many on Fiverr who do this say oh yeah, I've done hundreds.

We are being flooded with fake sites. Now most of these sites maybe get discovered and taken down, but not before they make hundreds of dollars or thousands of dollars or more in Google ads, and that's the whole reason. You would do that, right, to generate traffic so you can make money in ads. What a world. So I'm just saying, in a way, this is I hate this, this is self-serving, but it's good for us Because you look at us, you know we're not fake, we're here, we're real. If we were fake, we'd be much better looking. We're genuine, we're authentic, right, and so I think it becomes really important, and this is why I mentioned this for all of us to pay attention to the sources for our news and get your news from trusted sources, people like micah and I, who, micah and me, who will make sure that you know we don't give you phony stuff right, we are checking, we're we're skeptical about these things and making sure it is what it is.

And I had. I had vetted it at the same time. It still makes you nervous. I mean I went, wait a minute. Now the picture in this article came from Interpol, so we know it is, and that is the.

0:08:59 - Mikah Sargent
that is the Interpol website, the official website.

0:09:01 - Leo Laporte
Interpolint? Yeah, you know, it is because it's so crappy. Again, real stuff doesn't look as good as the generated stuff. It's so gleamy, flashy, yeah, but there's the picture. That is just a mind boggling story. Authorities in Hong Kong, multiple suspects there. This is in Brazil. These are assets that belong to suspected scammers.

0:09:27 - Mikah Sargent
Look at the watches and these are huge crime rings too yeah basically it's organized crime. Organized crime, yeah, which is? Scary yeah that's unbelievable.

0:09:39 - Leo Laporte
Um data contained in handheld devices, computers and telephones were handed over to Interpol for analysis. And you've seen maybe you have seen, I don't know the pictures there's the team China, china's Ministry of Public Security. You've seen, probably in China and other places, the walls of smartphones controlled by one or two computers that they're using to generate these scams. It's just mind-boggling what a world, what a world we live in. So I just wanted to mention that and say watch us, keep your trusted sources ready for you. Watch us, keep your trusted sources ready for you. Uh, here's another great, encouraging story microsoft, as you know, microsoft has had some security issues lately.

0:10:35 - Mikah Sargent
I mean basically any time.

0:10:36 - Leo Laporte
They're always having security always they had a big one with their uh, with their uh servers, their exchange servers. Microsoft told more than a dozen state agencies and public universities in texas this week that russian state-sponsored hack hackers had accessed email between them and the software giant. You know, that's the tip of the iceberg because it's in those emails, all sorts of stuff. The agencies that microsoft warned of exposure in the attack include the texas department of transportation, the texas workforce, include the texas department of transportation, the texas workforce commission, the texas department of motor vehicles, the land office and the state securities board. Midnight blizzard, russian intelligence services hacking them. Uh, the state and microsoft are examining the effect of the breach. That means this is the tip of the iceberg. There is a lot more to follow on this one.

Remember when Microsoft said oh, yeah, somebody got into our email servers, but only one-tenth of 1% of Microsoft's employees were exposed? Turned out it was the higher was, higher ups. It was all the executives, the, the, the people ran the company. It was just by chance. Those are the ones, yeah, that they got into. You know, you know, obviously via an old machine. Yeah, that was just sitting in the corner somewhere. Unbelievable. Um, I we should get rod pile back on because I'm worried about the astronauts. They're sitting up there. Nasa says no, no, no, they can come home anytime. We just want to analyze the boeing rocket that will bring them home more carefully before we put them on it they're like we just want to come home please let it.

No, they say you know it's good pr. Oh, we're happy. Hey, we get more time in space. What could possibly? My eyeballs are swelling right what could possibly go wrong?

my bones are losing density, but nasa and spacex misjudged the risk from re-entering space junk. This is an Ars Technica story subtitled. Safety tends not to be on the front burner until it really needs to be on the front burner. That is a quote, I don't. That's terrifying. Since the beginning of the year, landowners have discovered several pieces of space junk traced to missions supporting the International Space Station space junk traced to missions supporting the international space station. They, you know, they've hired spacex to take down the iss um, but now there's some concern that you know, maybe they're not as good at this as we thought.

The biggest immediate need, says marlin sorge, executive director of aerospace's center for orbital and and Reentry Debris Studies, is just to do some more work to really understand this whole process. Yeah, so you understand that you can't stay in orbit forever. Eventually your orbit decays and you crash to Earth. So the idea is to do a planned reentry, a deorbiting over the ocean. They actually I didn't know this, but there's a part of the pacific that's considered the space graveyard. They try to aim at this part of the ocean. Apparently they're missing a lot. In march, a fragment from a battery pack jettisoned from the space station punched a hole in the roof of a florida home. That is horrifying in may, well it's not all. A 90-pound chunk of a SpaceX Dragon spacecraft fell on the property of a glamping resort in North Carolina.

0:14:10 - Mikah Sargent
A homeowner in a nearby town found a smaller piece of material that seemed to be from the same Can you imagine you let your dog out to use the restroom and you come out and it's been crushed by SpaceX?

0:14:19 - Leo Laporte
It's the stuff of motion pictures. Oh, cue the dog.

0:14:24 - Mikah Sargent
Sorry, lily.

0:14:24 - Leo Laporte
I wasn't talking about you not you, you're fine pieces of a dragon spacecraft fell over colorado last year and a farmer in australia found debris from a dragon capsule on his land in 2022. So just there, look at this. I mean when I say a piece that is a piece.

0:14:44 - Mikah Sargent
It is bigger than the man.

0:14:45 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, that's a piece of something that could kill three people. Uh, it's a trunk, it says, and that's a chunk of trunk sticking out of the ground.

0:14:59 - Mikah Sargent
I wonder what happens. Does spacex come and grab it?

0:15:02 - Leo Laporte
probably they're hoping to grab it before the landowners find it. There's the stuff that fell in the field.

0:15:10 - Mikah Sargent
This is mine now, yeah.

0:15:11 - Leo Laporte
The good news is the earth is pretty big and the oceans are huge and most of the time stuff doesn't hit anybody Most of the time, but I just came up with five examples.

0:15:22 - Mikah Sargent
Yeah, that's too many, because we haven't been to space that many times Like that's statistically significant in my opinion.

0:15:32 - Leo Laporte
During its initial design, the Dragon spacecraft trunk. That thing was re-evaluated for re-entry breakup and was predicted. We thought it would burn up fully the information from the debris recovery presides an opportunity for teams to improve debris modeling they said look, we'll get better at this sorry didn't? We thought it would burn up.

0:15:55 - Mikah Sargent
Maya culpa according to the european station, age space agency.

0:15:58 - Leo Laporte
The annual risk of a human any given human, is less than one in 100 billion being hit by space debris. But see, that's a little deceiving. You only have one in 100 billion chances of getting hit by space debris, right? But someone who's? But anybody, you know. If he's like all humans, what's the chance of some human in the entire set of humans?

0:16:21 - Mikah Sargent
that's what I'm saying. That's why I hate statistics, because literally it could still happen. Yeah, and so if you're the one getting hit, it doesn't reassure you.

0:16:29 - Leo Laporte
Yes, I don't care. Wow, I should have. I should have bought a lottery ticket I didn't know, I was that lucky.

0:16:34 - Mikah Sargent
It doesn't change anything in my opinion, but also, I would imagine that it goes up if you live in places like florida or other places where it's. You know what I mean. So it can't be one in 100 billion for them. I don't, I don't like it anyway, I'm not against space.

0:16:51 - Leo Laporte
Do some more research, yeah, and let's have it burn up faster, uh. So, as you know, there is an election coming up in november did you know that?

I hope you young people vote in august. You better vote because, uh, it's your civic duty. In august, the white house is going to hold host a conference for social media creators. Did you get your invitation? Sadly? No, I didn't. No, I better reach out. They've done this before. Influential oh, there's the problem. Social media personalities and industry professionals will be invited to the white house, their first ever white House creator economy conference.

0:17:28 - Caller
Wait, I'm glad you're going to ask.

0:17:29 - Leo Laporte
PewDiePie about oh God, privacy, fair pay, ai and mental health oh no. Oh no. Make sure you get those influencers in. Who's the guy?

0:17:42 - Mikah Sargent
Oh the guy, yeah the guy YouTube guy With the mirror shades who's on Twitch. Oh the guy, yeah the guy YouTube guy With the mirror shades who's on Twitch, but not on Twitch anymore. Yeah that guy, yeah him. I know John Ashley knows he doesn't want to say it.

0:17:51 - Leo Laporte
They announced this at VidCon on Friday. The inaugural White House Creative Economy Conference will emphasize the administration's commitment to creators and reinforce the economic and cultural value they represent. You want me to translate that I would love young people vote yes.

0:18:07 - Mikah Sargent
Also, I would like to say that um my co-host on tech news weekly, amanda silberling, she's a young person. Well, she was, she is a young person. She also moderated a panel at vidcon.

0:18:19 - Leo Laporte
Oh nice, yeah, vidcon's fun. I've I've been. It's cool, um, it's a you know what. Of course, if you're uh running for uh any office, you probably should talk to the youths through the medium they watch exactly through.

0:18:32 - Mikah Sargent
They don't watch tv.

0:18:34 - Leo Laporte
Do you even watch tv? I'm very much you watch tv, I know because you watch below deck, so I know, uh, but you're not that young anymore, correct? Did you watch tv when you were younger?

0:18:43 - Mikah Sargent
I know this dumb question yeah, that's why I still watch tv, because I remember when henry, who is now a media.

0:18:50 - Leo Laporte
I wonder if he'll get invited. Uh, tiktok influencer chef, uh, but I remember when he was, you know, a teenager, he didn't watch tv, watch youtube, oh, all the time. And that was a long time ago. That was 15 years ago. Anyway, that is the news across the nation. Thank you everybody. Oh, one more thing. I like this and this is an Apple story and it might be a little speculative, although it comes from the information, which is a good source. So Apple has been told by the EU you got to make your batteries replaceable. Make your batteries replaceable. Not just apple, but all phone makers have to ensure smartphone batteries can be replaced by their owners with easily accessible tools. Next year, by next year. This is the eu, you know they're tough. So, apple, which right now, if you try to change the battery in your phone, you can't, you gotta. I mean, you could you go to, I fix it right and you do things like you put heat on it.

0:19:43 - Mikah Sargent
Yes, they have these little adhesive tabs that are difficult, they're a pain and if they melt, the glue yeah it gets it's bad.

0:19:51 - Leo Laporte
So, apple, this is really cool. I hope this works. It's exploring a new technology that will. This is according to five people in the iphone manufacturing process. It will allow you and this will start with at least one model of the iphone 16 this year, and possibly all phones, all iphones, by next year. It will allow you and this will start with at least one model of the iphone 16 this year, and possibly all phones, all iphones, by next year. It will allow you to use electricity to dislodge the battery. Does it heat the it uses?

uh no, it's electric. It's called electrically induced adhesive debonding or e-i-a-e-i-e-i-o. Yeah, yeah, I, oh like they really missed a bet they could have done electrically induced adhesive debonding. You put the battery in metal and then you administer a small jolt of electricity to the battery and it goes.

0:20:39 - Mikah Sargent
Oh, I'm free and that's it okay. So the I I got it where, instead of it being sticky, it's kind of like it's a glue that releases with electricity yeah, just maybe it's static must be something like that anyway, that's cool.

0:20:55 - Leo Laporte
Kyle weens, our friend from I fix it, says uh, I love to see apple innovate towards improved repairability. Glue is the bane of modern device repair and any strategies to help reverse adhesives are welcome.

0:21:09 - Mikah Sargent
It's a promising approach, says Kyle, so nice 12 volts for 60 seconds, so I could just lick a 9-volt battery and touch the battery If you applied 12 volts to me for 60 seconds, I'd release my contents as well.

0:21:24 - Leo Laporte
I think we all work that way. I'd release my contents as well.

0:21:26 - Mikah Sargent
I think we all work that way, don't we? That was good. I liked that. Not normally a potty humor kind of guy, but that was good. It is potty humor.

0:21:34 - Leo Laporte
But that was a good one If you really think about it. Oh sorry, it was veiled. Potty humor it was veiled and that's why you liked it. It's kind of veiled. Anyway, let's take a break. When we come back we will take your calls at 888-724-2884. You're watching. Ask the Tech Guys with Potty Mouth, Leo and Nice Guy Mikah. All right, who should we? And speaking of nice guys, John Ashley, our producer. I see some people with their hands raised in the uh zoom window.

0:22:09 - Caller
All right, we're gonna try to pick up on this caller right here.

0:22:12 - Caller
This caller right here say state state your name right here this caller right here hello, hey, welcome, oh uh, first of all I'd like to say I am a Club Twit member, so I am supporting you guys. Thank, you.

0:22:29 - Leo Laporte
Thank you. In that case, we'll give you a good answer.

0:22:32 - Caller
Okay, that'll make a difference. Now I've been to your on your sponsor's webpage, aci Learning. Yeah, I'm thinking of taking a course in Azure Nice. I'm thinking about taking the one certification course. Yeah, now I have looked for jobs on Indeed and there's one in particular that I remember where they wanted five years of experience. Now, let's say, I take the course, I get the certification and I go out there, you know, and start looking for a job. How am I going to compete when these postings they want you know, and start looking for a job? How am I going to compete when these postings they want you know years, you're not going to get that job, yeah Right.

0:23:09 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, and I remember when I started in radio, you know, it said you need three to five years experience. I said, well, how are you supposed to get that if you can't get a job? So I actually got the worst possible job and worked my way up and now I Now I have almost 50 years experience and I still don't know how to get a job. So it's kind of the whole point of places like ACI Learning, I think, by the way it's it's you may remember it as IT Pro TV and their whole idea is, and you'll see a lot of schools that do this. If you're going to get an entry level position, it is a kind of a catch 22. How do I prove that I have the skills? And that's why there are these certifications the A-plus certification, for instance, which shows you could do IT support, or a network plus. These are all from CompTIA, which is one of the big cert companies.

Microsoft has its own certifications. You said Azure, so there is an Azure certification. So that's like the ground level. You've got to get that. But by studying for that test and getting the cert now you have something you can put on your resume. It's still going to be an entry level job. But every IT department has apprentices, right People you know. Remember the old days where you had a journeyman carpenter and he'd take on apprentices. It's funny, we had an electrician the other day.

0:24:29 - Mikah Sargent
I was going to say electricians still do that.

0:24:31 - Leo Laporte
And he was with a young guy and that was his apprentice and that's how you learn, because so with IT it's a little different. You really the certs are the apprenticeship program and then you're going to get an entry level position somewhere. You're not going to get that five year position.

0:24:45 - Mikah Sargent
Yeah, and I want to say too it is as, as Lee was kind of talking about that five year is definitely signaling that that's, that's, that is something where you do need to have experience.

But if they say two years, three years experience, I'm going to tell you you should still apply because there are a lot of things that go into it. One you can talk about you know your learning experience, what you've done in terms of personal experience. But also somebody comes along and they've got five years experience. They're applying for the two to three year experience job. They might want a whole lot more money than what you're willing to take as someone who's newer to it. That person might need someone quick, so they choose to hire you over that other person, especially if you show that you're a go-getter, a person who's a self-starter, blah blah, blah blah. So I think that those requirements are often negotiable up to a certain extent. That five years signals that this is definitely one that has a lot of experience. That is genuinely required. But something in the two to three range.

0:25:46 - Leo Laporte
you might still apply for the other thing I would say is that a good school will have a placement division, placement department, it pro, tv does, or ACI learning. They have a people who help you find jobs and the good thing about that if it's a legitimate, by the way and I'll talk in a second about a not so legitimate example of this but if it's legitimate and I say CLA learning is very much. So they have people, companies come to them and say, hey, we have needs and we have entry-level positions and you can help us fill those. Those may never even get posted. They may go directly to the schools and say, hey, is those may never even get posted. They may go directly to the schools and say, hey, we just need somebody who's got the Azure certificate. So what I would do is call ACI and ask them about placement support, and I would ask that of every school.

Now, unfortunately, there are places who scam you. You remember that Trump University got sued because they didn't do anything. Right, there's a very well-known remember there was a big fad for coding camps. Right, there's a very well-known school called lambda school which then, after it got in a lot of trouble, renamed itself bloom tech. But they are getting sued by lots of students who say that, that they lied about their placement rates and the earnings for graduates of the program. And the reason this was a problem with this company is they had a novel. They were, you know, one of these startups with, you know, venture funding. They had a novel approach. They said you don't pay us up front, you give us a percentage of your earnings, oh.

But the problem was you'd say, oh well, great, I'll get a coding job, I'm gonna make hundreds of thousands of dollars and I'll have great earnings. They would take it. Even if you got a job delivering for uh for food, taxi right for uh door dash, they would take a percentage of your earnings for any job horrible after. So this was really kind of a rumpelstiltskin. It was not good. Uh, it's been in trouble before. It was operating without approval from the state and so forth. Uh, the national student legal defense network has brought a class action lawsuit. So this just really underscores. It's important to go to a school that's legit and and I would definitely talk to them about their placement bring this issue up to them. They have people who do this and say you know, it's not, it's not super expensive, it's less expensive because it's online than it would be if you went to a classroom, if you went to like a technical college, which can be very expensive, um, but it's not an insignificant.

0:28:22 - Caller
I'm looking at aci. It's so much more affordable and fits into my work schedule you know exactly and it works.

0:28:27 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, no, I love their model. In fact, the guys who founded it pro this was they were classroom trainers and they said they actually said we were inspired, leo, by what you did with twit. We thought we could do that for it learning and, uh, and of course they're doing. They did very, very well. They end up selling to it to aci learning, which is a big, even bigger enterprise. But you know, look at reviews before you go to any school. Look at reviews, uh, former students, what their placement policies are. You know how they're going to help you and and, yeah, you really want to make sure that those thousands of dollars you're going to spend getting the skills are going to end up being a job. But so my, our advice is, you know, take it with a grain of salt Talk to the talk to the people at the school, and people have gone through the school.

Now I can tell you we have a lot of viewers In fact, I bet you somebody will call, but we have a lot of viewers who went to IT pro or ACI learning and who got jobs. Um, I've talked to people, many, many people. So it is, it is absolutely possible to a lot of people in our audience change careers by doing that, which is, I suspect, what you're doing. Yeah, it's a much better career. You know, if you're a coal miner, now would be a good time to learn. Azure is what I'm thinking. What do you do now?

0:29:45 - Caller
Okay, okay, that sounds like great advice. I mean, I'm going to follow up on that. I didn't know ACI Learning had a placement program, so that's a big plus.

0:29:55 - Leo Laporte
And don't just go to our sponsor. You call some others, get in a sense of how they're going to help you and then say hey, can you give me the name of a reference, Somebody who's who's used your system and can help and tell me how it worked, and then a good company will give you references. So what are you doing now?

0:30:15 - Caller
Right now I work for a plumbing company. I work outside. It's very tiresome.

0:30:22 - Leo Laporte
It's a great skill and great pay. But you're, yeah, it's hard work. Yes, yes, yeah, yeah, azure is not so hard work. Yes, you can sit at a desk.

0:30:31 - Caller
One final thing, and then I'll. I'll leave. Sure, I sent you an email and asking this question about four weeks ago, so if you see it, just trash it.

0:30:39 - Leo Laporte
I apologize, for you know we get a fairly heavy volume of email. We only answer a small percentage of hey. I'm glad you called, though it's nice to talk to you. Yeah, thanks for calling. Good luck, let's stay in touch, yes, thanks. Thanks for being there. Sure, our pleasure. Uh. All right, that was a. That's a good question. That was a great question. Question I see more hands raised in the classroom. Oh, oh, mr kata. Mr kata, who should we talk to? John Ashford.

0:31:06 - Caller
I just picked up on. I'm guessing Michael, but we're going to find out when the phone caller actually hits star six to unmute themselves.

0:31:13 - Leo Laporte
Star six to unmute. Then tell us your first name and the city you're calling from. We need a better way of identifying them. You know Line six. Go ahead. What's your first name and where are you calling from?

0:31:25 - Caller
Yeah, we can hear you. Yeah, this is Shell calling from Sacramento. Hi, Shell, Welcome. Yeah, I'm sure you guys have probably answered this before, but I love the situation where I'm. I love repeat the questions. I love repeat the questions. Yeah, I'm trying to do like a personal cloud setup using NAS and I'm just curious as to is this something that you could actually say backup and iOS device to not? Just with media, but just do a full backup yeah, because so let me yeah, okay.

0:32:15 - Mikah Sargent
So, when it comes to doing a full backup, versus the backups that you're used to, where they go to iCloud, yes, you can do that with network attached storage devices. It's a little bit more involved and it does require a third party tool in order to change the location of the device backup to something like a network attached storage. There's a program that I recommend, and have recommended for some time, called iMazing. That's like the word amazing, but with an I instead of the A at the front, and what iMazing does is specifically this it lets you sync and backup your devices to any location that you choose, and once you make the initial pairing between iMazing and the device, from that point on it can do it over your local area network, so you don't have to plug in after that. It will continue to back up your device to that network attached storage that you have over Wi-Fi.

0:33:15 - Leo Laporte
It is a, so, in other words, you have to use a tool to back up your iPhone as if you're backing up to a hard drive yes, but Instead of using Apple's automated iCloud system. Correct, yeah, and I wish Apple would have a way to do that.

0:33:32 - Mikah Sargent
And, yeah, you can plug in your iPhone to your computer, to your Mac, you can open up Finder and you can do a full backup, but it saves it to a location on the hard drive in macOS and it doesn't let you change that location, right? So in order to change the location to network attached storage, you have to do it that way. Now. That said, if what you're after is essentially just a place to back up, say, your photos or your music library or something like that, oftentimes these uh network attached storage devices will have apps or services that will do that synology has a photos app, for instance, that will automatically back up your iphone.

0:34:13 - Leo Laporte
In fact, I do that. I have my iphone. Whenever I take a picture of my iphone, it automatically goes to my synology at some point. But but it sounds like shell, you want to back up the whole phone yeah, exactly, and and also the ipad as well. Yeah, um there, you need it, I actually use iCloud myself, yeah and you know, apple makes it super easy.

I mean, google does the same thing on android, where you just, you know, push a button and it's going to automatically back up. But I can understand why you might want to have your own local backup, and I think the only thing you have to understand is you have to use a piece of software to suck the data off the phone, make a backup blob, which will then be backed up to your NAS. Yep, absolutely.

0:34:59 - Mikah Sargent
Yeah, it's a little unfortunate. So the iMazing.

0:35:04 - Caller
Is that on the computer? You actually have that on the computer and back up to the computer, or how does that work?

0:35:12 - Mikah Sargent
So, yeah, you get it. You download it to your either Windows machine, because it's available on both Mac and PC. You download it to your Windows machine, or you download it to your Mac and then, at initial setup, you're going to take however many iPhones, however many iPads, whatever devices you have, and one at a time you'll plug them in and then it'll ask you where you want to do the backup If you're trying to do a full backup, if you're trying to do a partial backup, et cetera, et cetera. You'll choose a place on your network attached storage and then John, show my screen. Yeah, there you go. Yeah, you'll choose your network touch storage location wherever you want it there. And then, from that point on, there's a toggle that says I want you to just use Wi-Fi from now on to do backups. And so every time iMazing on, that machine detects that the iPhone is there and connected to the Wi-Fi network, it can automatically keep that backup going and rolling and make sure that it's staying backed up.

0:36:08 - Leo Laporte
They have a new version that came out that just does a whole lot more. That is nice. Yeah, it's not cheap, but I think it's worth it. You know, micah told me about iAmazing about three or four years ago and I bought it and I never looked back. So it really is a great piece of software for anybody who has an iPhone, because you can. You know, people often say I want to save my text messages. You know, and yeah, you can save it, but it's because you're syncing with messages in the cloud. It's not the same thing. You want to have them so you could like print them or look at them.

0:36:39 - Mikah Sargent
And I also I'm amazing, I'll do that. Yeah, and I also like that. Uh, if individual apps that you have have uh strange like file storage systems and you're having trouble getting files from them, you can get into your backup and pull. I mean, it does, it does a lot, um, it is you can they have one-time purchase options and subscription options. So if you just have three devices, it's a one-time purchase of 60 and that lets you connect and sync. Yeah, three devices entirely.

0:37:07 - Leo Laporte
It feels like a lot, but boy, uh, it's nice to have, over the years, yeah, that it's cheaper than it's, a couple of years of iCloud, right, or even one year of iCloud, yeah, absolutely yeah, they do a nice job. I think that this is the company. There are other companies that do, uh, something simpler, but this is. This is really the product. Imazing is at imazingcom, and Mikah convinced me to buy this some time ago and I'm glad I did. Okay, shell, what kind of NAS are you going to use? I am owning it.

0:37:44 - Caller
Well, I've looked at Synology. I've been looking at Synology, so I'm probably going to. That's our favorite.

0:37:49 - Leo Laporte
I've already got it set up to get it from Amazon, so I'll probably, you know, $60 for iMazing is nothing compared to you have to get the box and then you have to stuff it with hard drives.

0:38:02 - Caller
It ends up being and the hard drives, right it's expensive.

0:38:07 - Leo Laporte
I have a Synology at home and then I have a Synology here and they back up to one another. What I did is I retired my old Synology when I got a new one and then I brought the retired one here and Synology has something called Hyper Backup that'll back up over the internet. So I have a local copy of everything and and then I have an off-site copy at work of everything. So that's a very handy way to really belt and suspenders backup. Nice to talk to you. I'm glad you listened.

0:38:33 - Caller
Well, I'm a club member and Mikah thanks for the instructions on how to use the club, because I struggled a little bit you did a video I was referring to those instructions.

0:38:44 - Mikah Sargent
Oh, I'm glad to hear that.

0:38:45 - Caller
Watch the video.

0:38:46 - Mikah Sargent
I've got three different videos. So if you're on Windows, I've got a video for you. If you're on Android, there's a video for you. It's complicated.

0:38:53 - Caller
If you're on iOS, there's a video for you.

0:38:54 - Mikah Sargent
Yeah it is. It's a little complicated.

0:39:09 - Caller
So I'm glad that it appreciate the support. Uh, it makes a big, big difference. Thank you, sean. I appreciate it. Am I saying your name right? You said shell. Yeah, thank you, it's shell. Yeah, yeah, I've actually been to both your studios, uh, brick house, all that. I've even got pictures. So hey, there you go pictures or it didn't happen.

0:39:18 - Leo Laporte
No, I'm so glad, it's nice to see you thank you for listening and thank you for your support.

I I really appreciate it. Have a good day, take care. Yeah, I should mention that we probably are shutting the studio down for good in a couple of months. When we started Twit in 2005, I came, as you might know, from a background in radio and television and so I thought, well, I'm going to make my own little tv studio.

Tech tv had just shut down a year before and I was sad about that and I thought you know, there's a real audience for tech tv. They don't understand that audience. So what if I try to kind of duplicate a 24-hour? I wanted to be the CNN of tech is how I positioned it in my mind a 24 hour kind of television station for geeks, which was what tech TV was supposed to be. But I couldn't. Obviously, tech TV they spent it was Paul Allen's money, one of the founders of Microsoft, but he lost $300 million on tech, on tech TV, over six years, holy moly. So I couldn't really afford that.

So, but we found a way to do it literally for, I think, a tenth or maybe even a hundredth of the cost, using tricasters and and consumer grade cam that's what we're on right now is a canon vixia camera. I mean for 2005, this was really state-of-the-art. You may remember, we had a wonderful engineer, colleen Henry, who she's now a big shot, by the way, at Facebook doing their streaming. But she designed this whole setup. We called it Skype-a-saurus and we had Stream-a-saurus. It was really a cool thing. So over the years, over the past 19 years, it's kind of grown into. You should see our network room. It's a beautiful, beautiful thing, but it's also an expensive thing and as time has gone by it's gotten less expensive, easier, simpler to do this stuff and, most importantly, it costs a lot less. We've spent I don't know how much we've spent over the years it is probably $50 million over the last 20 years uh, on this studio, on previous studio and so forth.

I felt like we had to do that because we had to show that um podcasting wasn't just some guy in his jammies, his mom's basement, and it helped us. Advertisers trusted us and believed in us, and so we were able. We've never lost money. I should reassure you that we have spent a lot of money, but I've made a nice living and survived and we've been able to pay a team a good wage out of that, and so it was economically viable. But those times you know, those fat times have kind of gone, advert advertising's moving elsewhere to Youtube influencers, things like that. Uh, advertisers are much more skittish about podcast advertising than they used to be, so we're really looking at ways to.

In fact, I tasked the team with this a couple of years ago. I said, if we were going to start twit today, what we? How would you do it? And we wouldn't build a studio. We wouldn't have a giant rusty gear on the wall. We and we wouldn't build a studio, we wouldn't have a giant rusty gear on the wall. We, you know, we wouldn't have. You should see this. I mean, it looks like it is a television studio, for this is what a TV studio looks like. So, but nowadays people do it from their house. They use software like Ecamm to stream, zoom to stream, and so we're going to move to that.

We'll save a lot of money by moving out of the studio. By moving, you'll be working from your house, I'll be working from my house. Our technical directors, our editors will be working from their houses. It'll be all work from home, with no central locus. We'll have parties, I promise, but there'll be all work from home, with no central locus. We'll have parties, I promise, but there'll be no central spot.

But by doing that we're really cutting costs, and we've had to because as the revenue has diminished. You know we were able we used to be up here, we make, we make, I think, the best year. We made nine million dollars in the best year in advertising, and so we were able to spend that money. We spent on the Brick House studio. We spent over a million and a half dollars with your help too, by the way. Those bricks were a good portion of that. But as the advertising revenues diminished, we don't have I don't have an investor. There's no Paul Allen here to give us hundreds of millions of dollars. So we have to reduce our costs to match our revenue. The revenue is pretty flat right now. So that's when we started to do the club.

The club makes a big difference. The club picks up about half of our payroll not all of it, but about half of our payroll. Now we want to give you a benefit. We've kept the price low. A lot of people say seven bucks, you could charge more, because look at all the shows you get. You get ad-free versions of those. You get additional content that we only offer our club members, including video for a lot of the audio-only shows, like Mikah's Hands on Mac and iOS Today, but we wanted to keep it low so we didn't want to make it out of people's reach. You also get access to our great Discord where all the club members hang out. You could talk with smart people, ask questions. It's really a lot of fun. So we kept it at seven bucks a month.

But somebody, some people say well, we want to support you more. By the way, you can make it more than seven dollars a month. You can make it as much as as you see fit, as you think it's worth. I hope it's worth seven bucks to you. If you feel like it is That's how we're going to continue.

Uh, we can't count on advertising. In fact, you know at this point, it might be in a couple of years. There is zero advertising, and so we'll only be able to do what the club allows us to do. You see, we're doing our part. We really have cut costs quite a bit, but if you would, if you like what you see, seven that's a long way of going about it, but I really I want you to understand that I'm not just you know, some country preacher asking you to send me money. This is really. The money goes directly into Mikah's pocket and John's pocket, and at least here it keeps the lights on, but fortunately, in about two months we're going to be able to turn off the lights. We're going to be able to shut this thing down, sell off the equipment. I hope we can make some money on that and send people home, and I think that that will be a significant cost savings as well. So we're doing our part and we'd just like you to do your part if you can, if you can. If you can't, don't worry. We're still going to offer free ad supported stuff as long as we can. Don't worry. We're still going to offer free ad-supported stuff as long as we can. I'm sorry to take so much time explaining that, but I think it's important. All right, we're going to take some more calls in just a moment. You're watching, ask the Tech Guys Mikah Sargent, Leo Laporte. We would like to keep doing this show. And note, there are no ads this week as far as I know. So if you join the club, maybe we can. That'd be great. Maybe we can, that'd be nice, all right. Who should we talk to? Next I'm going to. I just picked up on Nate.

Hello, Nate, welcome to the show. Hi guys, good to see you. Where are you calling? From Rock Island, illinois. The Rock Island line is a mighty fine line.

0:46:22 - Mikah Sargent
Is it an island?

0:46:25 - Caller
No, we have the Rock Island. Line is a mighty fine line. Is it an island? No, we have the Rock Island Arsenal. That's on the Mississippi River, that's right. Yeah, so we've got a couple of questions here for you guys. Yes, sir, so I have a Mac and I use another computer that's got some drives I connect to and whenever that computer reboots those drives go offline. So I'm just kind of curious how I can reattach to those drives when that does happen.

0:46:54 - Leo Laporte
Are you using? What protocol are you using to share those drives?

0:46:59 - Caller
They're on a Windows machine, so I think it's SMB. Yes, I believe so, yeah, SMB is yes, I believe so.

0:47:05 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, SMB is notorious kind of for failing. The other thing is you want to make sure your Windows is using SMB Boy, that's been a long time. 2?, I think it's 2. 2, I believe. Yeah, 1.2 was flawed fatally, as it turned out, but I also have noticed that that is not unusual. Hasn't turned out. But I also have noticed that that is not unusual, that shares often drop off and I'm not sure why that is.

0:47:46 - Mikah Sargent
Yeah, there are so many factors at play. Especially if, for some reason, something decides to try to tickle the drive and it's at a period of time where the drive is, you know, asleep or there's some other power saving thing going on, then it immediately panics and thinks that it's not there. That can cause issues. Um, so basically you're saying, from another machine you are trying to access those drives and occasionally they just fall off.

0:48:24 - Caller
Is there any way to have the Mac ping it, the Windows machine, and it can't find the drives, and then that sort of thing, right?

0:48:32 - Mikah Sargent
Yeah. So you kind of you're. You wanted to say, ok, I don't see the drives, so let me check again, and then I don't see them yet, let me check again. One way you could probably do that is with a little bit of scripting, but I don't know about anything. That's kind of, uh, user facing for that.

0:48:54 - Leo Laporte
I've heard this question many, many times and I've had my. I've had the same issue myself with these shares dropping off and I don't, I just I don't, I don't know why it happens. It's kind of frustrating and I'm not sure why it happens, but I know it does. So let me see if our wonderful club members here is ScooterX found something on Reddit how to automatically reconnect an SMB drive if it is dropped. It takes a lot for recent versions of macOS to drop a share. You're on a recent version, right? This is a couple of years ago From Finder. You can use Go connect to server. Do you do that? By the way? Do you manually? I have it set up to connect to server and use it. Do you do that, by the way, do you manually?

0:49:45 - Caller
I haven't. I haven't set up to connect to the drive on boot, so automatically on boot of the mac it will go out and find the drives so you could have an automatic script that would periodically thinking, connect to the server's smB address.

0:50:06 - Leo Laporte
Okay, yeah, basically, this thread isn't very helpful.

It's still an issue. A year later, it's still an issue. Maybe a static IP address for the windows machine Would that help? That may be one. Everything is static, it's all static.

Yeah, um, I think it's possible that. So do you know the SMB address of that machine? Have you looked to see? Okay, yeah, I think it'd be possible to have a script. Well, first of all, you could do it manually. You could even set up a script that if you've lost the share, you double click it, so you'd have to go to the go menu and it would, and it would connect again and it would be possible, I think, to have a script that would run periodically. I know it would be possible to run periodically. What's the best practice? We used to, uh, use cron to do this on on unix machines, but I don't. I don't think he used cron on a mac. I think he's launched e, I think maybe that's not even still the. It changes all the time. But it's possible to create, um, a script that would run in the background periodically like a cron job, um yeah, I think it's.

I think cron is still accessible as a cron's probably still apple never gets rid of these unix. Yeah, you tell, they finally got rid of emacs after many years.

0:51:34 - Mikah Sargent
Um, yeah, I, yeah, I don't. I don't know a way of uh doing this, just kind of user facing. You know, easy, I think it's going to take some, some uh behind the scenes.

0:51:46 - Leo Laporte
Just write a little, a little you know, just here we go here to out of mountain. Here's a article. Thank you, scooter x is really great at googling things out of mount samba.

0:51:57 - Mikah Sargent
Shares automatically, oh no that's what, sorry I, this is just this. He, he's already doing this. Oh, he's already doing this. Yeah, he's got it in his user. You, you have this right. You dragged your the drives over into your user login items.

0:52:13 - Caller
That's what you do yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what I'm currently doing, oh yeah so that's, it's never a problem.

0:52:18 - Leo Laporte
If you reboot the mac, it'll just automatically remount those it's only a problem when the mac is still running and then the machine goes out on the Windows side and you want a way to rejoin it. You can use the Go menu, or you could probably just write a quick little script that would automatically do it. I wouldn't have something running in the background. Yeah, it seems like there should be a better way to do this like there should be a better way to do this.

0:52:46 - Mikah Sargent
Do you the? The other thing I would ask is is the window machine windows machine something that you use regularly, or is it just there to serve as a place to access these drives?

uh, mainly just to access those drives okay, so then you might try just, uh, potentially going for like a raspberry pi or something that reboots a lot less, and connect them to that and use that as the kind of headless essentially, and basically roll your own NAS a little bit, as opposed to this Windows machine that, of course, microsoft's always pushing updates from Ah AutoFS.

0:53:22 - Leo Laporte
AutoFS, autofs, ah, auto fs, auto fs, auto fs. Uh, this is a uh reconnector, uh huh, the site can't be reached, so this is an old answer. Does this, does this ring a bell? This is from a super user question 14 years. Yeah, let's not use.

0:53:41 - Mikah Sargent
I feel like auto fs is still around, though that sounds really familiar you could create a script that you then also add to your login item. That runs whenever the mac reboots and it just says it's basically just a um, what am I trying to say? It's a loop. Um, hey, keep trying so yeah, you can.

0:54:02 - Leo Laporte
Auto fs is a unix tool that automatically mounts network volumes, and if you have a folder which you probably do that is the share folder that's been disconnected. As soon as you open that folder, auto fs says hello, it is pre-installed on a Mac, so I'll I'll give you this link. It's from a GitHub gist to make auto FS automatically reconnect. Oh, this looks like exactly what you want. Perfect, yeah, auto FS, that's you know. As soon as I saw that name, I went oh yeah, auto FS, that'll do it. So this looks like the solution. I'm going to put this in the Discord. John Ashley will then put it in our show notes. It is a GitHub gist and I think this will do it Apparently. Let me just see if I still have it. I have a modern Mac. No, it doesn't, so you'll have to install it. Probably Brew will install it. Let's see if Homebrew will find it. Yep, oh, wait a minute. That's all the stuff I don't have.

Maybe, not Auto SSH Auto Firma. Oh, wait a minute, that's all the stuff I don't have. Uh, maybe not auto ssh auto firma. Huh, maybe it is. Uh, maybe it is no longer available now. I'm sad because I thought I had the answer. How old is this?

0:55:37 - Mikah Sargent
this gist. Wow, they call it mac os 10.

0:55:39 - Leo Laporte
It's that old oh yeah, apple used to include that, but there's got to be something modern. Off here's auto fs and catalina does not auto mount. Five options for auto mounting network. This is from two years ago. Oh, there's a program called Connect Me Now. Connect Me Now is mount network shares quick and easy on a Mac. I wonder if this will automatically rejoin so and he has made this 64-bit Mounting network shares supporting protocols. Connect me now. It is in a menu bar. It runs in the menu bar, which is nice yeah so, and this is 64-bit.

He's updated this. Connect me now v3. This is from a few couple of years back, so it looks like a good possibility something to look at, at least yeah yeah, make it a little bit quicker than you know.

Making sure you have finder command k from our brilliant uh team tech guy in the discord. Auto mounter for mac os ensures your shares are always mounted. This is, you know, at pixelize. I know pixelize stuff. This is looks good too. Auto mounter from pixelize. Pixel e y e s dot co dot n z. This looks like it's fancy mount, fancy wake on land.

0:57:34 - Mikah Sargent
Yeah, this looks nice.

0:57:36 - Leo Laporte
There was server discovery, so that might mean that yeah does support SMB as well as apple file protocol and it. Oh good news it's on the app store. That makes it even better, even more better. Auto matter ten dollars on the app store. Tired of mounting your network shares? Auto matter ensures your shares are always mounted when you need them. Sleek, powerful yeah, I think this replaces Auto FS.

Yeah what you want and there are pro settings, but it's free for the automatically mounts. Smb quickly remounts shares if they unmount. Yeah, this does what you want. Yep, okay, yay, so there. Sorry, it took us so long. No, that's all right yeah, somebody other question for another time oh, come on, give us another question now I'm feeling cocky.

0:58:30 - Mikah Sargent
I will say somebody in the the reviews for this literally explained the same problem that you were having and that this is a common problem.

0:58:37 - Leo Laporte
So yeah, this is great and system d? You can't have a system d mount. But that's on on uh unix and what I think auto-mounted is the right answer. Thank you, sig Poggy. Sig Poggy in the Discord Found it our Club Twit member. All right. Question number two All right.

0:58:55 - Caller
question number two I do a lot of home automation. I've got a Honda Accord that whenever I drive nearby the house for something, for some reason something triggers, like Siri on my phone, and takes over the audio on my car. Is there any way? I'm not going to help you with that?

0:59:14 - Mikah Sargent
I can't help you with that. No sorry. Something takes over Siri only when he gets close to the house, so you get something.

0:59:22 - Leo Laporte
He gets close. You know, what he's getting close to is the HomeKit hub, which could be an Apple TV or a HomePod, and then the car is saying we're home.

0:59:32 - Mikah Sargent
Yeah, but I don't understand the part where you're saying it connects to Siri. What do you mean? You hear a. What do you mean by that?

0:59:37 - Caller
Well, like on my dash, I will see like the connection, like the audio drops out on whatever I'm listening to and on my display it shows the little like uh in the car it's got like a face with like sound waves coming off of it.

0:59:52 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's the series yeah, interesting.

0:59:56 - Caller
Huh, and then. But the thing is, I also have to like, trigger Siri again to say like cancel, to get it to bring back the audio.

1:00:11 - Mikah Sargent
Okay, so there are a couple of things here. Um, have you I assume you've gone into on your phone, uh, settings Bluetooth, and you have looked at the list of Bluetooth items there and you have removed ones that you don't use regularly? Because my first thought is this if there, is a device in your home it's trying to join, that is well.

If there is a device in your home, it's trying to join, that is well. If there's a device in your home that's a bluetooth device and for some reason it currently has the like center button pressed down, the thing that would trigger siri, then when you bluetooth connect to it, then it's automatically like turning on the voice to try to connect to siri. No, then the other, uh, the, because I no, you'd say no, but this has literally happened to me before. Oh, so I used to have a little.

So when you got within 30 feet of your house, yeah, I had a little controller on my car steering wheel before I had the car that I have now, and I had it just sitting on a shelf and it got pressed down and when I would come home then it would think that it, you know, connect, and then it would try to be talking on a phone. Anyway, that is that's where that comes from that actually happened to him.

Yeah. The other thing is um, do you have any cause? You said home automation stuff Um, do you have? Is your garage door opener? Uh, connected? Yeah, so the only other thing that I could well that I'm thinking of is I know that there are specific settings for those security devices like a garage door, and I can't remember how Apple has you authenticate essentially and I'm wondering if it's trying to get you to like authenticate with your voice that yes, I do want the car or the garage door to open.

The other place that I would suggest that you look. Well, there are two. Open the home app, go into automation and check those to make sure that you don't have an automation setup that's like, when I get this close to my house, do this, because there could be something you could. And then the other one is in the series I'm so weird in the shortcuts app. Also go into the automation section and make sure that you don't have a shortcut there that is like when I'm close to my home, I want you to do this. And for some especially, um, uh, in home there are the uh intercom options for the HomePod mini and all of those. Sometimes that can be. Basically, I think you need to audit a few places just to check what location based stuff you have and see if there might be something there that is trying to trigger the microphone for some reason.

1:02:35 - Leo Laporte
How close to the house. Do you have to be for this to happen?

1:02:39 - Caller
It's usually about a block away.

1:02:41 - Mikah Sargent
See, bluetooth won't go a block, that's true. Yeah, if it's a block, that would have to be a Wi-Fi.

1:02:46 - Caller
I mean the only thing I've set up is just for the lights to come on when I get home.

1:02:55 - Leo Laporte
So I mean, I don't know of anything that's in there that can trigger when you're a block away. Can you see the lights in your house? Can you see if they're going on from a block away, not from the direction you can't tell? Yeah, because that's I'm curious. I mean that you do have a home automation that says hello yeah, but I don't know why.

1:03:11 - Mikah Sargent
Would it make sense primarily, yeah, okay okay, um yeah, I just double check, uh, those two automations places. And then that's hysterical give it a shot on just uh, disabling those automations one time, if you haven't done that, and just see, and then if, for some reason, then you know that there's something else going on. At least you're one step further. But it is very strange. I don't know why it's automatically activating and asking for something. That's very odd, crazy.

1:03:43 - Caller
Well, thanks guys. Leo, big fan, thank you, been a fan since high school, so uh the uh now you're making me feel old, that's awesome.

1:03:53 - Leo Laporte
I am so pleased. Thank you so much for being here. I really appreciate it.

1:03:58 - Mikah Sargent
Thanks guys, all right your questions and good luck.

1:04:00 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, I mean that I think we found something with Automatter. Thank you, sig Pogge. That is a great find, very clever. It sounds like you know. I think that's what's the real strength of this show is it's not just you and me. We can't answer every question, but we've got this great group of people in our club who know a lot and who also do good research, like Scooter X, and can can find stuff that is so weird that a block away that's a lot, that's hundreds of feet away.

1:04:29 - Mikah Sargent
Yeah, that has to be. It's not bluetooth. They can't be bluetooth. It has to be wi-fi home assistant.

1:04:35 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, it must be wi-fi like.

1:04:37 - Mikah Sargent
So he's joining the wi-fi and then something is saying, something's Shlomo, yeah and see, but Siri. I don't think that Home Assistant has the ability to inherently activate Siri, so that's why I really feel like it's a shortcut automation or a home automation Right, because those two things can, and I know that Apple has some authentication stuff for if you, if you try to tell it to automatically open your garage door, then it will. Yeah, that's the thing.

1:05:12 - Leo Laporte
It will authenticate. Yeah, that's the thing. It's that garage door opener. I bet you you know that's one way to easily diagnose it. Just turn that thing. One thing off in HA. That's why the that's something to try at least. At least see what a great, what a great question. Two questions. John ashley, I see you standing. Does that mean you want us to uh do something?

1:05:34 - Caller
no, uh, yeah, I want you to uh take this caller, answer this call question right here.

1:05:38 - Mikah Sargent
Okay, star six to unmute yourself, dear caller, dear caller, you are on the air.

1:05:48 - Leo Laporte
You're on the air with Mikah Sargent and Leo Laporte, the tech guys.

1:05:58 - Caller
I'm sorry, leo. What's your first name and where are you calling from Jeff, from Las Vegas, nevada.

1:06:06 - Leo Laporte
Hey, jeff, how long have you been listening to me? Make me feel old, Jeff.

1:06:14 - Caller
I'm not sure whether 30 years maybe weekends at KFI was the first time I listened to you.

1:06:19 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, yeah, that started in 2004. So 20 years anyway, yeah 20 years.

1:06:24 - Caller
Not bad, not bad. Okay, I have a Hotmail account which I've had since I started listening to you, and it's my first name and my last name at Hotmailcom Right. I use the Edge browser to sign in using Outlookcom Right. About Tuesday of last week, I got a message that my account has been locked due to activity that violates their service agreement. They have a URL that you check akams slash compliance lock. When I complete that form, I get an email a few minutes later saying they don't have my first name and my last name at hotmailcom as an account. I tried the authenticator account to sign in, I've tried my phone app to sign in and I just can't get in, and I've tried different browsers. Do you have any suggestions?

1:07:18 - Mikah Sargent
Tell me what you, what was asked for in that form, that form that you filled out asked for in that form, that form that you filled out.

1:07:28 - Caller
What did they tell you to put in?

1:07:29 - Mikah Sargent
I'm sorry, micah, let me click on it again. Did they ask?

1:07:33 - Caller
you to put in your password? No, no, no, no, it says Microsoft account review form. My name, my contact email address, which I put in a different email address than first name. Last name, as Hotmail. The disabled account email address. My phone number. Any additional information? What product am I trying to use? Type of issue, experience and logging in and then a caption form.

1:07:58 - Leo Laporte
So it might be related to the fact that Microsoft announced that at the beginning of this year they were going to migrate everybody to Outlook and I'm wondering if that's related to that. You know, hotmail was bought by Microsoft many years ago and it sounds like they are changing it over so that your Hotmailcom address would be Outlookcom.

1:08:20 - Caller
Okay, so, Leo, then my new Microsoft email address'd be first name, last name. Email address would be first name, last name at outlookcom. That's right, Okay.

1:08:32 - Leo Laporte
So I'll try it and I would just see see if that works. Yeah, I mean I think that that's probably related to this, this, this they said they're going to start doing it gradually to everybody this year.

1:08:49 - Caller
No, I never received a notification. Of course not, so that would have been nice.

1:08:53 - Mikah Sargent
But also for it to say that you were violating the terms of service. Yeah, that's puzzling. So the reason why I asked you what was typed into the form is because I was trying to get to the root of of, uh, whether it sounded like this was a phishing thing. Um, because you said that the website was akams. Anyone can create an akams site if you yeah, if you, if you use, if you use microsoft products, you can, because we have an akams site. We do that's part of our backend stuff. Yeah, so that's why I just, I just felt weird about this. But the fact that you didn't have to type in your password on that form, I don't know, I don't like this. Yeah, the, the link, the link being sent to your email where you go and fill out a form, feels always, always sounds bad.

1:09:40 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, feels always, always sounds bad yeah.

1:09:43 - Caller
But I get to that link going through Microsoftcom, oh, going through their, their outlook or hotmail stuff, and that's the end result is that link. Okay, so um have you noticed any disruptions to your email? I can't get it. I can't sign into the email account to see if there's any disruptions.

1:10:13 - Mikah Sargent
Okay, well, that sounds like.

1:10:17 - Leo Laporte
So. If you go to the Outlook sign-in page and use your Hotmail address, you can't sign in there.

1:10:26 - Caller
Correct. It gives me the same error message. I don't even get to, but I'll try logging out and I'll try some things and see if that works. Yeah, and there is no. Are you aware of a paid service that Microsoft has to fix this? No, they had me over a barrel and I know it's a free account, but I'm willing to pay to get it fixed.

1:10:53 - Leo Laporte
And you don't know of any malicious behavior. This is just.

1:11:00 - Caller

1:11:02 - Leo Laporte
This is from January. No, this is not.

1:11:06 - Caller
I really wonder um if they, I don't know, I don't know um and you don't know of a paid, uh microsoft provider that I could get help from, a Microsoft provider that I could get help from.

1:11:24 - Mikah Sargent
I mean, I guess, if you signed up for Microsoft 365, then you could try. Well, I would call the.

1:11:29 - Leo Laporte
Microsoft help number and then ask them can I escalate this? I'm willing to pay. Yeah, that's a good idea and see.

1:11:36 - Caller
Okay, well, I've tried that you get the dial one for X, dial two for Y, and maybe I'll try that again as well. Maybe I'll try dialing different numbers for a problem.

1:11:52 - Leo Laporte
This is the problem with a and you've heard me say this, so I don't want to belabor it. You've been listening for 20 years. You've heard me say this many times there's a problem with a free email service is who you're going to call when something goes wrong and it feels like something's gone wrong.

1:12:06 - Caller
Right, yeah, I use a paid service for my business account. I'm a sole practitioner attorney, so that's 100% safe.

1:12:18 - Leo Laporte
And you have somebody to call.

1:12:20 - Caller
Okay, yeah, and I have somebody to call.

1:12:22 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, that's the problem, I don't know. Okay, yeah, and I have somebody to call. Yeah, that's the problem that I don't know who he. It feels like if you could get through to microsoft paid support, uh and, and they said, well, it's gonna be, but the problem is don't google. This is, by the way, another way people get burned all the time is they google for a support number and then they get some bad guy who's just kind of moved up the ranks. Yeah, so make sure, if you do it, that you Microsoft Pay Per Incident support. This is at Microsoftcom. You could say this is a business issue. No, it is.

1:13:01 - Caller
A lot of secondary authentication goes through that mail account.

1:13:04 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, this one looks like you have to buy it through as an enterprise.

1:13:14 - Caller
Okay, yeah, I tried the 800-642-7676. Right, and, like I said, I get the dial X and Y, et cetera. All right, thank you for your time. Enjoy the show.

1:13:30 - Leo Laporte
Oh man, I failed you here. Thank you for calling, though, and thanks for listening for 20 years. Wow, long time, long time. You're watching. Ask the Tech Guys Mike Sargent, Leo Laporte. We're going to. I want to do an email or maybe a voicemail when we come back. Beautiful, yes. How about, instead of email?

1:13:52 - Mikah Sargent

1:13:53 - Caller
We do, just kidding this Viewer question Right here. Here's a voicemail. Hi, leo and Michael, my name is Jim.

1:14:01 - Caller
Hi, jim, I'm a retired minister in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Oh my, I've been watching you, leo, since the screensaver days and I am a proud member of Club Twit. Thank you, thank you. The reason that I'm getting in touch is I have a website that people use to find me when they want to do weddings, but they're having trouble getting there. The problem is they put in my name jimeastonnet. I'm going to show this because I'm not trying to really plug it. I just need you guys to understand what's going on with it. Unless they put in the HTTPS colon backslash, backslash it says that the server can't be found. I have called iPage many times and said fix this. And they keep telling me they have, but they haven't. So what can I do? What connection is not being made so that people can just simply put in jimeastonnet and find my website?

1:14:59 - Mikah Sargent
Thanks for your help guys.

1:15:00 - Caller
I really appreciate it and carry on. Thank you, jim. I just put it in and it worked.

1:15:05 - Mikah Sargent
Yeah, it worked for me. It worked for me just fine. I just I didn't type in HTTPS first, I just typed in Jim Easton, e-a-s-t-i-n. Dot net and it worked. Yeah, it seemed like it was a forwarding error. It could have been that at one point I think you said iPage is your DNS problem. Yeah, and I wonder if, if they used to only do HTTP and then they turned on HTTPS and when they did that it was still getting locked into the HTTP. That wasn't there anymore, or something like that. But yeah, mine automatically added HTTPS and went to the website.

1:15:40 - Leo Laporte
They probably knew that you were going to call and they said we better darn well fix this. It's a DNS error. So DNS is you know. The domain name system takes a written address and turns it into a number. The browser needs the number and if it doesn't get a number back from DNS, it can't. It'll say, well, that site doesn't exist, or I can't get there, or, the more likely, you'll see address not resolved. And yeah, it's a couple of possibilities. It sounds like perhaps it wasn't a secure site and then became a secure site. Yeah, but usually you don't have to type. The browser will not need the HTTPS colon slash, slash.

1:16:23 - Mikah Sargent
Also. I tried it on Chrome, now Firefox and Safari. It resolved in all of them.

1:16:25 - Leo Laporte
All right, so it's fixed, it's fixed.

1:16:27 - Mikah Sargent
Thank God, thanks for the call.

1:16:30 - Leo Laporte
And it looks like he does beautiful weddings. This really looks really, really great. What a nice way to retire. Just tie the knot for people.

Yeah, you get to learn a little bit about the couple lisa and I were married by a former priest, a catholic priest from ireland. He's called him peter and uh, he, um, he fell in love and and so he he stopped being a priest, got married. They call him grass priest. You're never not a priest, so he's still a priest. Got married. They call him grass priest. You're never not a priest, so he's still able to marry people. And he was wonderful. He had such wonderful things to say at the wedding.

1:17:11 - Mikah Sargent
You know, I just learned about California. It's one of a few states where your dog can serve as a witness on your certificate of marriage. Do they do a paw print?

1:17:22 - Leo Laporte
You do a paw print yeah, and you're wondering why do you have a dog that you want?

1:17:27 - Mikah Sargent
You want Henry and Missy, to be your witnesses, to be two of them. Yes, yes, I think it's going to be amazing. They do a little paw print and that counts, and it counts. Do they do it for cats, any pet? So the reason why this works. It's actually. It's a different thing. It's. The truth is that. California does not require you to have witnesses. Yeah, and so your dog can put the paw print on there, your cat can, because you don't need witnesses. In California it's called like self solemnity or something like that.

1:17:58 - Leo Laporte
That's really sweet. Oh, there's some reason you're yeah.

1:18:02 - Mikah Sargent
You know, I might be getting married soon, so next year, isn't that?

1:18:07 - Leo Laporte

1:18:08 - Mikah Sargent
Have you set a date? We've set a range, we haven't set a specific date See. The first step is to save the range.

1:18:15 - Leo Laporte
You have to send out cards Early summer. Early summer sounds perfect, perfect. Well, I don't expect an invitation, but I would like to send you a very expensive gift. I just want to set the stage for this. Replacing what? When's your wedding, john Ashley? Sometime next year too? Yeah, lots of weddings. Yeah, and Kevin King got engaged. We got three. Is it three weddings coming up? Yes, and we just had a baby, not me.

1:18:48 - Caller
Viva just had a baby.

1:18:50 - Leo Laporte
So we? This is a fecund group or something.

1:18:54 - Mikah Sargent
I don't remember what that word means. I'll be honest with you. Now I'm curious myself.

1:19:00 - Leo Laporte
Replacing the mail app in Windows 11. Asks Kevin Enjoy enjoying retirement for 43 years of broadcasting. Oh, hello kevin, hello kevin. You know I once went to a uh convention of uh radio djs, did they all? It was at this, the mark hopkins in san francisco, francisco, in the lobby, everybody's voice goes down an octave. They go hello, yes, I'm at. Wgw in New Berlin, mexico, and you said, no, be serious with me, and they're like hi, leo, hi, and when they talk it's like this but when they're talking to, each other they are announcing Kevin.

Hi guys, kevin, here from suburban Chicago, I'm a longtime listener, watcher. Hello, kevin, I have Windows 11 and I've been using the mail app for my emails. Oh, recently Microsoft mandated that users of mail switch over to Outlook. This is like the same story, isn't it? As part of a Windows update, I also use a version of Outlook from 365 for my corporate affiliations email account. That account secure and I cannot add additional accounts to that application. Oh, interesting, that's an interesting conundrum. So basically, I have windows default outlook and outlook 365 on my computers. Oh, that's annoying. Yeah, my problem is that mail has allowed me for that mail allowed for me to link or consolidate all five email accounts into one inbox. Basic default outlook won't allow that. That means I have to click into five different accounts to read the inbox. So annoying. Is there any other email client that is free that I can use until microsoft gets their act together?

1:20:40 - Mikah Sargent
for windows is thunderbird still an option yeah, thunderbird's a good choice actually.

1:20:47 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, thunderbird, which was for a while, was orphaned. Um, it was a mozilla uh email client, very nice one. Uh has been kind of revived uh, windows, mac and linux. It is free forever. Uh, you can donate it if you want. And it does combine multiple imap accounts into one. Now, if you're using exchange, that might be a little more tricky, but if it's imap of all of those accounts are imap, they'll all go into one inbox and then you can sort them and so forth. See, see that Unified inbox. So that would be our recommendation. I think you know. For a long time I tried all sorts of Windows email clients. I ended up using I wonder if it's still around one called Pegasus and it was so funky and old Yep still around Pmailcom, but it is Just look at the website.

1:21:46 - Mikah Sargent
You got to zoom in to even see anything.

1:21:48 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, it's a single person, by David, but it's actually quite good and it's free as well, so you might take a look at it. I like using quirky, individually written email clients. On Mac, I use one called Mailmate from Freeron.

1:22:10 - Mikah Sargent
It sounds like they're all made up it. Does I use Clorbishire from Doolahan?

1:22:16 - Leo Laporte
But I actually really like Mailmate and I actually I'm a patron. I give him, you know, 10 bucks a month or whatever it is. Pegasus used to be really a great tool and it looks like it's still up to date. So if you look at Thunderbird and you say, yeah, Thunderbird's kind of classic, everybody uses it and you'll get a lot of support. Pegasus is a little bit more out in left field, but it's also free and David Harris makes that. I think it's also free and David Harris makes that. I think it's a very nice tool. Now, speaking of tools, john Ashley, what would you like us to do next? That's mean, that's mean. That's mean. That was mean, that was unconsciously mean. How could you?

1:22:59 - Caller
I see, david. I want to pick up on the Zoom call, okay.

1:23:05 - Leo Laporte
Hello David, I want to pick up on the Zoom call. Okay, hello David, join us in the Stargate.

1:23:22 - Caller
Can you hear?

1:23:22 - Leo Laporte
me now. I hear you now, David. Welcome to the show.

1:23:25 - Caller

1:23:26 - Leo Laporte
Where are you calling from, sir?

1:23:28 - Caller
Very Ontario Canada.

1:23:31 - Leo Laporte
Nice, I like Canada, I like Ontario, okay.

1:23:36 - Caller
My issue is I have Linux Mint 21 on my laptop because Microsoft won't install my computer on that laptop and when I use the program it won't update. I have to go into the command line and have to do it through the command line. What's the issue? It says it won't do security updates.

1:24:11 - Leo Laporte
So updating Linux is a little different than updating Windows. Most Linux installations have at least two installers a graphic installer and a uh and a command line, and in fact linux mint, which is based on ubuntu, has several, come even has several command line installers. Now I always can I just?

1:24:39 - Caller
can I just say I haveuntu on there and I don't have Ubuntu?

1:24:45 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, you do have Ubuntu. Yeah, I have Ubuntu on there, but Mint is yeah, mint is Ubuntu Plus, and one of the things they do differently is they change the repositories. So I think you do want to use the Mint repository.

1:25:04 - Caller
Can I say, the only reason I have Mint is for some reason I can't use one program on Ubuntu. That's the only reason I have two.

1:25:19 - Leo Laporte
Oh, so there is a program that you need. Ubuntu doesn't support, but Mint does. Yeah, yeah, what's that?

1:25:24 - Caller
program. So there is a program that you need.

1:25:25 - Leo Laporte
Ubuntu doesn't support, but Mint does. Yeah, yeah.

1:25:28 - Caller
What's that program? It's uh, it's um hold on a second Kodi.

1:25:35 - Leo Laporte
Oh yeah, so you use that for watching TV? K-o-d-i yeah. Yeah, yeah, and it won't work on Ubuntu, but it will work on this, and you're saying that you try to do the graphics installer.

1:25:54 - Caller
Yeah, and it says for some reason it won't install security update. I look at the update. They're basically just updating like Edge or nothing security based, but it won't do it. I have to go into command line and have to do it the hard way.

1:26:19 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, and you don't want to use the command line because, honestly that's, I don't mind using it. You don't want to use the command line because honestly that's.

1:26:26 - Caller
Oh, no I don't mind using it. I don't mind using the command line. I just want to know what the issue is, right.

1:26:36 - Leo Laporte
And what graphical? Do you know what the name of the graphical installer you're using?

1:26:42 - Caller

1:26:42 - Leo Laporte
No, I'm trying to remember what Mint uses.

1:26:47 - Caller
Well, because I'm trying to don't take it the wrong way. I'm trying to go away from Microsoft because Windows 11 won't install any of my computers.

1:26:59 - Leo Laporte
Right, no, and Mint's a good choice. Mint's a good choice. I love Mint, yeah, no, I think Mint's fantastic. So you're using probably Software Manager, right or no?

1:27:13 - Caller
Yeah, it was Software Manager Software.

1:27:15 - Leo Laporte
Manager and when you launch Software software manager, it shows you all the things you need to install and you press the apply button, but it won't apply security updates it says it won't install anything because of security issues. Ah, so it won't install anything and it says are you logged in? As you know what, I bet you, you're not logged in as a yes, I am, you are, yes, I am, yes, I am Okay.

That's an interesting question. Yeah, so it says because of security, is it? Is it your sense that when it's saying that, it's saying you have a security problem on your computer? No, because I did it all because it still does it with a clean install yeah, I even did.

1:28:15 - Caller
I even did from the fun drive and it won't do it.

1:28:19 - Leo Laporte
It won't do it if you boot on the fun drive. No, no, I wonder.

1:28:24 - Mikah Sargent
So I wonder why it's doing this um, because it doesn't have any built-in um tools, like windows does, where it's looking at the hardware and saying, oh, this is too old.

1:28:36 - Caller
I will say I'm using a VPN.

1:28:44 - Leo Laporte
That might be. Try turning off the VPN. That might keep you from getting to the repositories. I think that may actually be it.

1:28:54 - Caller
It may be blocking, but I have it on when they do command line oh, that's true.

1:29:03 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, when you do it from the command line, do you type s-u-d-o and then yeah, apt. So it sounds like you're not running as an administrator when you're running software manager there should be a way to escalate that?

it's funny. I haven't used mint in a long time and I'm trying to remember. There should be a way to escalate. The software manager, as you are doing, when you type sudo right as you do, is saying I'm now going to be the super user and please execute apt or whatever the installer is that you're using when you're doing it on the graphical interface. Does it ever ask you for a password? No, that's the problem. It thinks you're running. It's not letting you install because you are not running as a super user.

1:29:53 - Caller
But it's the same user name, password and everything. No, I know, but that's how, that's how linux works.

1:29:59 - Leo Laporte
That's how it works. You can't just do stuff from your user account unless you escalate, and that's why you type su do before you do your install on the command line. What's happening with software manager is, for some reason it's not running uh, escalated. I'm trying to remember. Let me see if I can find the command that would be helpful it should do that automatically well, I know I.

I know Software manager does not work as standard user. It should prompt you for a password, and that's the problem. It's not, and until it prompts you for a password, you're a normal user. You don't have the permissions to do the install, and so that's exactly why it's doing that to you, and I'm just trying to see if there's a way Normally what it would do you might look in your menu and see if there is a software manager, run software manager as super user or as administrator or as root um hopefully he's still listening.

1:31:32 - Mikah Sargent
He's no longer on the call.

1:31:33 - Leo Laporte
Okay, software manager does not work as standard user. Yeah, so if you're, well you know you're in the pseudoers group because you're able to do it from the command line. So that's. One issue is if your user wasn't in the group of users that are allowed to escalate. When you log into Mint, you're a normal user that can escalate elevate privileges to super user and of course, in order to do that, you'll be asked for the password. That's why, when you do as you do and then the name of your installer, apt or apt-get, you'll be asked for a password. Before you can do that, a software manager should be asking you for a password. It's not, and I'm not sure why it's not. Maybe look in the menus. I'm looking at a forum post which gives you all sorts of ways to launch software manager from the command line as a super user. But you don't want to do that. That's dangerous.

Normally, what you would do is run Software Manager. It would ask for a password and then install the software. I don't know why it's not asking for the password. You have to elevate and I'm not sure exactly what's going on there to elevate, and I'm not sure exactly what's going on there what you could do from the command line is type S-U-D-O. That escalates you space, mint install. That's the software manager. Mint install, no space. One word. That should open software manager as administrator. That's what I was reading as well. Yeah, but it should do that anyway. Right, that's why. So I'm not sure why it's not doing that, yeah something going wrong with the initial install process.

1:33:39 - Mikah Sargent
But yeah, but he says it doesn't.

1:33:41 - Leo Laporte
Yeah I can see how it wouldn't run off the usb key, that that's a read-only operating system, so you wouldn't be able to write. Anyway, you could try sudo, sudo, as you do space mint install and see if that works. If it does, then you're going to be at least in the graphical interface as an administrator. It's the same thing as typing sudo apt-get, which is probably what you're doing on the command line. I'm just puzzled. I'm not sure why. And by the way, they say don't use S-U-D-U, use G-K-S-U. Okay, fine, g-k-s-u is probably safer. G-k-s-u space M mint install. G-k-s-u space mint install. I don't know what else is going on, but for some reason your mint install thinks you're not a super user and that's all there is to that. It's an interesting Linux issue. Can I do an email or what do you want me to do? I think it's time for us to take a moment.

Let's take a breather, as YouTube TV calls it a moment of zen. You're watching, ask the tech guys micah sergeant on your left, leo laporte on your right and, uh, I'm glad you're here.

1:35:07 - Caller
time to take another call, john ashley all right, uh, I want to pick up on jane hello jane. James, hello Jane, hey, leo and Mikah.

1:35:22 - Leo Laporte
Hey, what's your first name and what city?

1:35:24 - Caller
are you calling from James? Calling from Philadelphia? James from Philly? Hello James, I first off, I'm a happy club member. I want to shout that out.

1:35:36 - Leo Laporte
It seems like we're everybody's a member now which?

1:35:38 - Mikah Sargent
is great.

1:35:39 - Leo Laporte
That makes me so happy. It's a good thing, right, that's what we want. It's what we want.

1:35:42 - Caller
Yeah, Thank you. We're discussing on the club to it, uh, or not club to it. The twit community forums, uh, twitcommunity.

1:35:57 - Mikah Sargent
A oh isn't that funny?

1:35:58 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, I saw that on the forums as well. Yeah, thank you. What handle do you use on?

1:36:00 - Caller
the community forums. I'm Newman on there, oh, I know you yeah.

1:36:04 - Leo Laporte
I love you. Good to talk to you, newman, yeah.

1:36:07 - Caller
Hello Newman, I wanted to call in because at home I use an Ubiquiti Unify Wi-Fi system. I love it, as do I love it. It's great, as do I. Yes, yes, a lot of management overhead. My parents, they're just now getting fiber to the home and they asked me what Wi-Fi they should get. And I'm not going to recommend Unify because they just can't. You have to be kind of an expert.

1:36:30 - Leo Laporte
It's an advanced system for expert users.

1:36:32 - Caller
And I've been with Unify so long I really don't know what the landscape is out there right now for Wi-Fi.

1:36:37 - Mikah Sargent
I would do what Mikah does. How much of a help do you want to be to your folks, are you?

1:36:42 - Caller
okay, we're about two hours away at this point, so hands off.

1:36:47 - Mikah Sargent
Yeah, well, so here's the great thing. There are multiple reasons why I'm about to recommend what I'm about to recommend. I'll just tell you what I'm about to recommend Eero me. What I'm about to recommend, I'm. I'll just tell you what I'm about to recommend, ero, and the reason why is because you can manage it remotely, help manage it.

I manage my mom's ero from from here in rhode island yeah, so if they do end up having an issue, then you're able to see their network and do a restart or whatever it happens to be. Um, yeah, eero, I think is the best bet Were you an Eero customer before Amazon bought them? Yes, I was. And did you notice any changes once Amazon bought them? Just the addition of a few Amazon features. But outside of that, no, and the price drop. It went down.

1:37:32 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, things got less expensive over time. One thing to note with Eero it is a little more expensive than we're used to with routers because it's a managed mesh system. Is it a?

1:37:42 - Mikah Sargent
subscription service. You don't have to have the subscription service, though. The subscription service gives you access to some extra features, including you get a free VPN if you want to use it. You get a free Malwarebytes subscription if you want to use it. You get a free Malwarebytes subscription if you want to use it, and you get a free 1Password subscription if you want to use it. None of those are required. It also has features like dynamic DNS, which you wouldn't get otherwise, and some more in-depth ad blocking and kind of protection features.

1:38:16 - Leo Laporte
So if you don't, and it's $ bucks a year if you don't do that If you don't do that or want that, it's not a big deal.

1:38:21 - Mikah Sargent
It sounds like yeah, yeah, okay.

1:38:23 - Leo Laporte
Now I would not get the Euromax 7. They now have Wi-Fi 7. Oh, they don't need 7. No, $1,700 for the system.

1:38:39 - Mikah Sargent
Let's not do that. No, they don't. 6e is a little less 550, to be clear, this is for three of them and depending on the size of the home and leo and I actually just talked about this you don't necessarily want to fill your home with too many of these devices because they end up competing with each other. So, depending on the size of the home, it might be good to just have one, maybe two.

1:38:55 - Leo Laporte
Let me ask you a question do mom and dad, dad, get the latest iPhone when it comes out? No, they're happy Android users. Okay, so I would get the Aero Pro 6. There's no reason to get anything faster. They have a 6E and they have a 7, and the price goes up dramatically. 6 is three units for $400, which actually is a lot less than it used to be. They've really dropped the price. I think that's good. Uh, the six plus is three hundred dollars. So, depending on how price sensitive they are, uh, and they also have two packs and one packs, they've really, you know what the price is really?

139 yeah that's the uh, the six plus, which is less than the pro six, which is more than the six. I don't know which one. Which one does he need? Uh, how fast is their internet?

1:39:46 - Caller
you said they have fiber yeah, they just got fiber to the.

1:39:51 - Leo Laporte
You're gonna want the six plus, because that at least the six plus, because that's gigabit, yep, um, but that's 239 for a two-pack. Uh and uh. Now some people aren't, uh, don't want the two-pack, they want the three-pack, which was 299. That's not bad at all, yeah, no, and I tell you, what's nice about this is they won't complain about their wi-fi not working in the chief. Yeah, that's what I need.

Yeah, I need no complaints, no complaints uh, I think euro is a very good choice. I'm I like you. I use ubiquity. I love ubiquity, but it is, you know, because we're pros, we have v lands and we have elaborate systems and ethernet and all the rooms and stuff like that. But uh, if you just for mom and dad, I think euro is a really good choice.

1:40:36 - Mikah Sargent
That's what I got my mom, so I think yeah, that's what my uses, and same for my family, because I know I can check in on if I need to and yeah, everything just works, do they?

1:40:46 - Leo Laporte
need a hardware, uh connection, an ethernet port only for the one initial they don't want, so yeah, they'll, yeah, they'll need one Ethernet. Yeah, one next to the fiber box, but I mean like elsewhere.

1:41:03 - Caller
Oh yeah, yeah, they have a desktop computer right next to it. That'll need an Ethernet input.

1:41:08 - Leo Laporte
Okay, so some of these are not, I think, the cheapest ones do not have Ethernet on them.

1:41:15 - Mikah Sargent
The 6.

1:41:16 - Leo Laporte
Plus might have one in the back.

1:41:19 - Mikah Sargent
So what I have done and it's not expensive to do this is I have for my system, I've got some TP-Link switches, and so basically yeah there you go.

1:41:31 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, there are two in the back, so they have one in and they have one out.

1:41:33 - Mikah Sargent
And then, yeah, I just oh, that's two out. That right yeah I take the one that comes out of it and I run it to that, uh, that tp link switch I think it's an eight switch and then everything else. Then you have connect off.

1:41:45 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, all you need is one, because obviously everything else connects to uh, the switch. So this is good, this, uh, this is 300 bucks for the euro six. Plus it's a gigabit system, so it gives them all the speed of their fiber Boy. That seems like it's a pretty good solution. And each, each one of these has an extra ethernet port. 4,500 square feet, the three, the three, they, they say about 1500 square feet per beacon, per device.

This also has a smart home hub so you can really give yourself a support nightwear and get them to have a smart home.

1:42:18 - Mikah Sargent
Yeah, my lights won't turn on. What's going on? Oh golly.

1:42:24 - Leo Laporte
You know this is interesting. And, by the way, Prime Day, as you know, is coming on the 16th. Oh, that's true. Yeah, wait for that. And I think they have already early Euro Prime Day deals. Oh sweet.

1:42:38 - Mikah Sargent
Yeah, well there, already early euro prime day. Oh sweet, yeah, well there you go.

1:42:40 - Leo Laporte
Now's the time, buy it from amazon. Oh my gosh, save some money. Big, big price cuts, holy cow, oh that's great. Yeah, wow, now it's funny. This used to be euro, used to be easily the most expensive wi-fi out there. Now it's might be the most affordable. Yeah, it's good choice. Still still good stuff. Hey, it's great to talk to you new man. All right, thanks guys. We, you know, I think we don't mention the twit community enough it's a really we need more people in there. It's a great spot to hang out.

I agree, we have a forum, we use discourse software. They were a sponsor and, uh, it's at twitcommunity. It's free to join. You don't have to be a club member. And the idea the really the idea behind this is it's a comment section for every show. So, you see, every show has and their commenters on here. I bet you newman's in one of these for sure. Yeah, I'm always on the windows weekly ones. Ah, there you go all right. So, uh, this is definitely uh a even if you're a club member great place to hang out. Highly recommend it. This is the one you hosted. Mikah, you're drinking wood. I missed that episode.

1:43:48 - Mikah Sargent
Oh you really missed the twig.

1:43:49 - Leo Laporte
I'll tell you that the twig was pretty wild Something about fake skin or something.

1:43:56 - Mikah Sargent
Yeah, yeah, it was something.

1:44:01 - Caller
Let's just say paris martin, now she's, uh, she got wild too about how to do research and I.

1:44:08 - Leo Laporte
I think I should just let you have that show. I think it was people said as the funniest twig in ages, wonderful. Anyway, newman, it's nice to meet you. Thank you for being in the Twit community and listening to Windows Weekly, and we'll see you around. Well, thank you guys. Have a good one, my pleasure, take care. We have twitcommunity. We also have twitsocial. If you're interested in Mastodon, we have our own Mastodon and both of these are open to all. Mastodon, we have our own Mastodon and both of these are open to all. But with the Mastodon you have to be a listener. So if somebody applies and says I just want to hang, I don't let you in, you have to say Leo sent me or I listened to this week in Google, or I listened to Windows Weekly or something like that. You do not have to be a club member in either case. So if you've been interested in a uh, I think a social network that's got quality, that is not instagram, has gone off the deep end seriously, it's what the hell mess it's a mess.

It's a mess. Uh, ads everywhere. People I don't follow. I don't know about you and I don't know why I'm getting this, but the very first post on my Instagram feed for the last few days has been a naked woman advertising her OnlyFans on Instagram oh wow, it's like I don't, I don't, I don't want that. Uh, I'm baffled. It's like I. I came this close to erasing the app from my phone.

1:45:37 - Mikah Sargent
I just was so disappointed. Everybody's upset right now too, because, uh, facebook has been well meta has been labeling everyone's posts as made with ai, even when they're not your proposal, when you got down on your knee and proposed in real life in real life, that was not.

Ai was labeled as ai yeah, and there's this person that I follow who makes miniatures and like that's their craft and they sell miniatures. So for their posts, where they're showing off what they're able to do, to be labeled as ai, the person's going I swear to you, I took these with my iphone, these are real. Because that could actually damage the money that she makes, because people will think that the minis that she's making are not real and then people aren't buying them. And then I know in the film community and by that I mean the community who takes photos using film and then, uh, processes them using scanning and photoshop they're up in arms because now instagram is marking their posts as made with ai, what? And they're going no, I just used Photoshop to develop the photo.

1:46:41 - Leo Laporte
I do not, I do not, I will not, I'm, I will not eat green eggs in here. I just can't. I just can't. Do we need another break? I can't remember, okay.

1:46:53 - Caller
We're broke. We should probably listen to this voicemail right here.

1:46:59 - Leo Laporte
Play it correctly like this by the way, somebody's trying to join. I'm from Rifle.

1:47:04 - Caller
Colorado. Hi, I have a question about finding my next home laptop. I have looked at a couple of different websites with reviews. It seems that they're very polarized. They're all in one camp or the other and, uh, not sure they're advocating one brand very strongly and then exclude the other ones, or the next website advocates for a different brand. Um not see this seem like I'm getting a spare shake out of what the best next laptop is for the house.

Um open to suggestions not been a big mac guy, um, but you, I'm open to suggestions. I've been a big Mac guy, but you know I'm open to that as well. And then just a question about spamware, for like anti-spamware for my phone. I have a Pixel 8 Pro. Any suggestions on that? Appreciate it, thanks, bye.

1:47:53 - Leo Laporte
So two questions. Let's start with the laptop. He says maybe a Mac, but not necessarily. Yeah, not super into it. You know right now Lenovo, I don't know. Do you think the CoPilot Plus PCs are worth Paul?

1:48:08 - Caller
He loves it.

1:48:09 - Leo Laporte
Paul, really. So these are not running Intel and that's a big shift for Microsoft and that's a big shift for Microsoft. But I think that they are pretty good if you want battery life and the prices are very aggressive now and I think that that's because companies like Asus, acer, lenovo, apple not Apple Microsoft and others are really trying to get you to look at these new Snapdragon based laptops. Let me show you the Lenovo. This is the price I thought on the. It's the Lenovo Yoga Slim 7X. It's 14 inch, very thin. This is see.

You know, it's hard to give you a laptop recommendation until you tell us what you're looking for, what you want to use. It's hard to give you a laptop recommendation until you tell us what you're looking for, what you want to use it for. But assuming you want a laptop because it's good battery life, it's thin, it's light and it's powerful and you want windows, this is the windows laptop I would probably get and I have to say, even if you uh load it up, it is very affordable. I loaded it up for $1,300 with everything and I was very, very impressed. But you can do the build your own PC version. Lenovo does this stuff. I would get Windows Home, unless you know you need Pro. But Pro is only $28 more. I mean, that's pretty impressive. So let's get 32 gigs of RAM, unlike Apple. Doubling the ram is 69 to double the ram on a mac.

That's it 69 69 and to go from 512 gigabyte storage to a terabyte is 45. These are not apple prices, so so for $1,300, this is loaded. Honestly, I came close to buying this because I just thought this is very sweet. This is a sweet deal. So this is the Lenovo Yoga Slim 7X. This is one of the new CoPilot Plus PCs. They call it that because it has AI hardware built in. They call it that because it has AI hardware built in, what they call an NPU, a neural processing unit. But honestly, the big difference here is it's running Snapdragon, a Qualcomm processor, instead of an Intel processor. It means it's quieter, doesn't have a lot of fan, noise cooler and better battery life and, from everything we've heard, it's very fast. Paul likes his. Yeah, he got a Surface, probably.

1:50:39 - Mikah Sargent
Yeah, he did. And he had some negative thoughts, as I'm not a Surface fan, to be honest, right right, but in terms of him saying I was able to just open it up, it started, it worked and the battery lasted a good amount of time. He was very happy with that and the battery lasted a good amount of time.

1:50:58 - Leo Laporte
He was very happy with that and compatibility seems to be quite good, with the exception of a few weird things like Fortnite. So you should look into the compatibility issues. I think those will be going away. There are some issues. If you're a gamer, then maybe this isn't the right thing for you, but you didn't give us that information. I personally wouldn't even dream of buying anything but a macbook air because I like mac os, you like mac os. I'm not a windows fan, but if you want windows, I think this yoga slim is really a nice piece of gear for a very good price. I mean 1300 bucks for this is kind of remarkable.

Um, his second anti-spam on an Android. That really, yeah, you didn't focus on the right thing. It's the provider, the email provider, that makes the difference. So you don't really. I mean you could run an anti-spam filter on your email program, but I think it's much better to do it with the provider. Google's Gmail used to be really good. It, as far as I can tell, is terrible. Maybe that's because I've had such a long. For so long I've had this Gmail account, laporte at Gmail, but for some reason it's just filled. All I see is French spam. It's French, yeah, because Laporte, oh, because Laporte. So I mean I'll show you my Gmail if you want to see it. It is sad.

1:52:18 - Mikah Sargent
It's all just emails about cheese omelets.

1:52:21 - Leo Laporte
Omelette de fromage. You got it. It is just all spam. It's all French spam. So I don't, I can't. Oh, here's a Spanish one. Well, that's nice, at least they're mixing it up.

I can't recommend Gmail for spam fighting anymore, nor Outlook. But if you've heard us talk about our sponsor, fastmail, they have a very good anti-spam program called Civ that runs on their site. That's the best. Here's why I say this. Ideally, spam should never even hit your phone, especially a phone. Ideally, spam should never even hit your phone, especially a phone. So if you put the anti-spam on the phone software, you're going to download all the spam and then eliminate it. What you want to do is not even see it. It should never download. That means you run it on the server side. That means you want to have an email provider that has good anti-spam. Fastmail is my recommendation. They're a sponsor. I know who else. Do you have Anybody else? Fastmail? Yeah, that's what I use.

Protonmail is very popular these days. I don't know what kind of anti-spam. I imagine they have good anti-spam. Somebody says is Five Eyes a concern with Fastmail. Well, fastmail runs its servers in the United States. So if you don't trust the US government, I guess it's a concern. They were an Australian company. They're part of the Five Eyes as well. I should point out, though, email has never been designed really to be private and secure. It's always been like a postcard. Companies like ProtonMail and Tutanota add encryption on top of it, but it's really clunky. You have to be either sending email to another ProtonMail user or they have to log into ProtonMail to see the decrypted version. It's just not. I would say do not use email for anything. You want to have be private, use Signal, or well, use Signal. There are other encrypted messaging programs but really use Signal.

And if you want a really private conversation, just say hey, let's take this offline onto Signal. Email has never been. It's a postcard and you should consider that. So, five Eyes or not, if you're living in the United States and somebody's sending you email, unless it's encrypted, they're seeing it.

Let me just see what ProtonMail has in terms of sorry, about that, I'll turn off my sound. Protonmail has in terms of anti about that, I'll turn off my sound. Proton mail has in terms of anti-spam or maybe somebody in our chat room, our discord, can tell us who uses proton mail. Are they? Do they have good anti-spam?

1:55:10 - Mikah Sargent
um, nobody's saying sounds like your mother's sister, who gives you lots of canned spam, anti-spam, spam spam, spam, spam spam.

1:55:22 - Leo Laporte
Secure email that protects your privacy. Proton mail, I mean, I don't have anything against them. I think they're a good company. Uh, they are swiss, so you know they're good, um, but uh, yeah, it looks like they have any phishing and any built in, so you might look at them as well. Both Fastmail and ProtonMail are paid. Protonmail does offer this encryption layer on top of it, but again, to me that's not the ideal way to do encryption. You should just imagine that your email is non-private. It does block trackers. I bet you they have have. Yeah, they say they have good anti-spam and I bet that they have similar anti-spam. Civ is an open source program which a lot of companies use them. I bet they even use the same one. So there's another, another choice for you fast mail be my strong choice again, because there's no such thing as an encrypted email. All right, I think we're out of time. I hate to say it, that's terrible.

1:56:26 - Mikah Sargent
But thank you for joining us.

1:56:27 - Leo Laporte
I'm just seeing if anybody's got anything. Never got any spam at my Proton email address. There you go. The thing is about that, though, is you don't get spam in the first year, right?

1:56:38 - Mikah Sargent
It's after.

1:56:38 - Leo Laporte
That email has been around for a while one of the reasons laporte at gmailcom is no longer usable is I got it 20 years ago. It's just and it ages like curdled milk. Yeah, there are people I know who change their email address every year. By doing so, they eliminate the possibility of spam because you got a free year, you're dodging before they catch on.

So what he does is he has the same email but he adds the year so be micah 2024 at gmailcom, and then next year, 2025, and and by doing that, uh, he kind of just one step ahead of the spammers. I, I just use it, I just use fast mail and I still get. Look, spam is a problem. Do you get spam?

1:57:26 - Mikah Sargent
some yeah, but I usually don't see it. Yeah, because it's gets filtered right exactly.

1:57:32 - Leo Laporte
Uh, all right, we thank you so much for joining us. Mikah sargentgent will be back on Tuesday with iOS Today, is it this week? No, next week, next week but he will be back on Thursday with Tech News Weekly. That's July 4th. Happy Independence Day to our American viewers. Now we do have to explain this, because every year on the 4th of July, people say where's the show. People outside the US say where's the show. People outside the U? S say where's the show Because in the rest of the world, 4th of July is just another day. So for all of our international listeners and we have a third of our audiences outside the U? S for all of you, I'm sorry we're taking Thursday off.

1:58:11 - Mikah Sargent
I wonder why specifically, we choose July for, like, what is it about the 4th? Is it you Do the fourth of july? Is it lisa? Does she love the fourth?

1:58:18 - Leo Laporte
it's a freaking legal holiday. No, I know, but what are you talking about?

1:58:23 - Mikah Sargent
I, I don't know. Oh, it's because usually holidays are on mondays.

1:58:26 - Leo Laporte
That's what it is, and this one's just whenever it is right and it's a, and it's an american holiday. Is it like bastille day, yeah, or canadian independence day, which is, I think, tuesday? They like to get a jump. I don't know if you know that about Canadians they like they do a little ahead of us.

1:58:41 - Mikah Sargent
Their Thanksgiving is ahead, yeah.

1:58:43 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, everything's ahead of us. Even Anne Murray and Gordon Lightfoot ahead of us. So what were we talking about? Oh yeah, so we won't, you won't be here on Thursday.

1:58:54 - Mikah Sargent
Good, have a nice day off. That's wonderful. Yeah, so all of the we won't. You won't be here on Thursday. Good, have a nice day off. That's wonderful. Yeah, uh, so all of the club shows there won't be one on Thursday uh, Micah does on the club does do that crafting corner which is gonna be great next month.

1:59:05 - Leo Laporte
That'll be a lot of fun. We had a good Stacey's Book Club, even though both Stacey and I managed not to finish the book. Oh, Stacey didn't finish it either. Did you finish it, john? Yes, john was the only one who finished it, but it was fun. I'm still listening, it's like. So here's the test I'm still listening to the book. I didn't stop, even though I don't have an assignment anymore. Uh, we're looking for new books. There's a vote, the poll, if you want. Uh, if you're in the club. If you're not in the club, Mikah will be back at well, along with me on July 9th, nice math.

1:59:37 - Mikah Sargent
Right, am I right? I just trusted your math. Why?

1:59:44 - Leo Laporte
Fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, seventh. Yeah, that's right, we'll be back on the seventh day of July in this year of our Lord 2024. It's like good Lord willing, and the cricks don't rise.

1:59:56 - Mikah Sargent
Until, then you can get in touch with us. You could still get in touch with us how can you do that?

You could call us 888-724-2884 during the week and leave a voicemail, like those beautiful, booming voicemails we heard today. Hello, you can also email us with video, like you saw earlier from our pastor friend, or send text which will end up in the mailbox, or send audio and we'll play it back and, of course, during the show you can get in touch by heading to call Twitter TV and joining us in the zoom.

2:00:25 - Leo Laporte
By the way, cranky tech, who was our caller earlier, said that auto matter solved his problem. We thank you. Thank you, see, the club is great. Thank you, Cranky Tech, and thank you to Mr Pog who gave us that answer. I will be back in about three minutes for this Week in Tech, which is coming up next, and, of course, on Tuesday with Security. Now, MacBreak Weekly, Wednesday with this Week in Google and Windows Weekly. I will be here for all those shows, but thank you so much for doing windows very well this week in google. Uh, for me, good time Wednesday. Yeah, apparently I gotta go listen to that Wednesday show, is there? Is there anything I should be worried about?

2:01:07 - Mikah Sargent
not worried about, it's just okay. So I'll give a preview scientists, uh, we're trying to make it so that when you attach uh skin to robotics, right, a real like lab grown, lab grown skin, uh to robotics figuring out the attachment mechanism. But then we thought where does that skin come from? And we wondered did the scientists donate the skin? Is it from a cadaver? And then Paris Martineau found the source of the skin and it was a little. It was a little unexpected, yes, and I apparently had a reaction that people really enjoyed, because I just was beside myself, you lost it yeah, and let me just say this is a terrible idea do not put skin on robots.

2:01:55 - Mikah

2:01:56 - Leo Laporte
It's so pink I hate it. Why? I don't care where the skin came from. No, anyway, I have to listen to that Wednesday show because I got a lot of email. That's all I'm saying, not negative People you're giving me nightmares.

2:02:12 - Mikah Sargent
Stop it, John.

2:02:14 - Leo Laporte
It's so pink People loved that show. They said never come back, leo.

2:02:21 - Mikah Sargent
Okay, I'm done, I'm out of here.

2:02:26 - Leo Laporte
Oh, I can see why you had a hard time getting serious.

2:02:29 - Mikah Sargent
Yeah, and then when you find out the source, it's even worse.

2:02:32 - Leo Laporte
I think I know what the source is, because I again have emails From the emails yeah, did you say? Leave a message? You did. You said the email, you did. Yes, is there anything else we have to cover? Thank you very much to our studio manager, John Slanina, to our producer and technical director, John Ashley, to Burke McQuinn, who just sits in his cubicle and doesn't pretends nobody.

It brings us the dog every once in a while and if we need something fixed, he's like wow and he focuses the cameras and he focuses the cameras and he built that beautiful sign for me which I don't know what we're gonna do where can I put that that thing is so huge for the site?

2:03:11 - Mikah Sargent
I think the in your, in your garage there's, so I know look the the attic studio is already bulging at the seams.

2:03:21 - Leo Laporte
I don't have any more room. I don't know what I'm gonna do. Thank you, everybody. We'll see you next time on. Ask the tech guys. Bye-bye, have a great geek week. 

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