
Big Changes Coming to 'Hands-On Tech'!

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Hey, TWiT fans! We have an important announcement: As most of you know, 'Ask The Tech Guys' closed its chapter as a standalone show on July 28th. But don't worry, it's not the end! Instead, we're transforming it into an extension of 'Hands-On Tech.'

Starting August 11th, Mikah Sargent will not only tackle your tech troubles but will also introduce themed episodes. Picture this: each week, we'll zoom in on a hot tech topic, unpacking your burning questions with Mikah's expert analysis and straightforward advice. From the latest gadget launches to mastering your everyday tech, we pack every episode with value and entertainment.

What's new, you ask? Expect a shorter, more dynamic format with guest experts making regular appearances. These pros will share their specialized knowledge, adding even more depth to our rich content. Have a privacy issue or a cutting-edge innovation you're curious about? Our guest experts have you covered.

And here's a fun twist: you can still submit your tech queries through email at or via TWiT's social media. Your question might even get answered on air!

Tune in every Sunday from 11 am to 11:30 am PT and be part of this exciting new journey with us. 'Hands-On Tech' is all set to turn your tech confusion into tech confidence, now with an added layer of excitement. We can't wait for you to experience these changes with us!

Stay tech-savvy, and keep those questions coming!

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