Tech Break

Jul 29th 2015

Tech Break 1452

Twitter Results Are Nothing to Tweet About: Tech News Today 1312

Hosted by Mike Elgan

Twitter shares plunged 10% this morning in reaction to the company's earnings call yesterday.

This feed has been discontinued, but you can find the clips in our archives.
Guests: Kevin Tofel
Category: News, TWiT Bits

Twitter shares plunged 10% this morning in reaction to the company's earnings call yesterday. Twitter reported that they're struggling to gain new users, despite having launched several new features designed to make Twitter more appealing to mainstream users. Twitter's interim CEO Jack Dorsey was pretty hard on the company, saying that Twitter remains too difficult to use.Twitter has about one fifth the users of Facebook. And in a report published yesterday ranked seventh in user satisfaction among social networks and well below Google+ and Facebook. On the plus side, Twitter is making more money per user, but that's because each user is seeing more ads.

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