Jan 23rd 2009
This Week in Fun 3
Episode 3
Here's video from Martin's and my latest episode of THIS WEEK in FUN (TWiF).
Leo and the TWiT team don't have the resources to edit and host our TWiF episodes just yet, so the awesome folks at odtv.me have been archiving them for us. The only problem is that the start/stop time of the show is a little off since we got going later than expected and weren't telling anyone exactly when to hit "record". I'll figure out a way to rectify that in future shows.
But here's the good news: we've gotten so much positive feedback and requests for more, regular episodes of TWiF that we're going to try to bring the show to you on a weekly basis, starting this Friday, January 30th, at 3 PM PST at live.twit.tv! Set your calendars, bitches! And hey, thanks for the support! I'm really pleased with the response so far.
Thanks to CacheFly for the bandwidth for this show.