Oct 16th 2018
Security Now 685
Good Samaritans?
Paul Allen, Microsoft's October patching fiasco, & the end of TLS v1.0 and 1.1
This week we observe the untimely death of Microsoft’s co-founder Paul Allen, revisit the controversial Bloomberg China supply chain hacking report, catch up on Microsoft's October patching fiasco, follow-up on Facebook's privacy breach, look at the end of TLS v1.0 and 1.1, explore Google's addition of control flow integrity to Android 9, look at a GAO report about the state of US DOD weapons cybersecurity, consider the EOL of PHP 5.x chain, take a quick look at an A/V comparison test, entertain a few bits of feedback from our listeners, and then consider the implications of grey-hat vigilante hacking of others’ routers.
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