Security Now with Steve Gibson and Leo Laporte

May 16th 2017

Security Now 612

Makes You WannaCry

WannaCry Ransomware, FCC DDoS

Records live every Tuesday at 4:30pm Eastern / 1:30pm Pacific / 20:30 UTC.
Category: Help & How To

This week Steve and Leo discuss an update on the FCC's Net Neutrality comments, the discovery of an active keystroke logger on dozens of HP computer models, the continuing loss of web browser platform heterogeneity, the OSTIF's just-completed OpenVPN security and practices audit, more on the dangers of using smartphones as authentication tokens, some extremely welcome news on the Android security front, long-awaited updated password recommendations from NIST, some follow-up errata, a bit of tech humor and miscellany, closing the loop with some listener feedback... then a look at last week's global explosion of the WannaCry worm.

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