Security Now with Steve Gibson and Leo Laporte

Mar 28th 2017

Security Now 605

Google -vs- Symantec

Google vs. Symantec, Lastpass vulnerability

Records live every Tuesday at 4:30pm Eastern / 1:30pm Pacific / 20:30 UTC.
Category: Help & How To

This week Steve and Jason discuss… Google’s Tavis Ormandy takes a shower, iOS gets a massive feature and security update, a new target for ‘Bot money harvesting appears, Microsoft suffers a rather significant user-privacy fail, the UK increases its communications decryption rhetoric, a worrisome vote in the US senate, NEST fails to respond to a researcher's report, this week in IoT nonsense, a fun quote of the week, a bit of miscellany, some quickie questions from our listeners, and a close look at the developing drama surrounding Google's enforcement of the Certificate Authority Baseline rules with Symantec.

We invite you to read our show notes.

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