Security Now with Steve Gibson and Leo Laporte

Jan 10th 2017

Security Now 594

A Look Into PHP Malware

A TV station learns to be careful when saying the "A" word.

Records live every Tuesday at 4:30pm Eastern / 1:30pm Pacific / 20:30 UTC.
Category: Help & How To

The US Federal Trade Commission steps into the IoT and home networking malpractice world, a radio station learns a lesson in what words NOT to repeat, Google plans to even eliminate the checkbox, a crucial caveat to the "passwords are long enough" argument, more cause to be wary of third-party software downloads, a few follow-ups to last week's topics, a bit of miscellany and a close look at a well-known piece of PHP malware.

We invite you to read our show notes.

<p>Download or subscribe to this show at <a href=""><… can submit a question to Security Now! at the <a href="; target="_blank">GRC Feedback Page</a>.</p><p>For 16kbps versions, transcripts, and notes (including fixes), visit Steve's site: <a href="; target="_blank"></a>, also the home of the best disk maintenance and recovery utility ever written <a href="; target="_blank">Spinrite 6</a>.</p><p>Bandwidth for Security Now is provided by <a href="; target="_blank">CacheFly</a>.</p>