Sep 13th 2016
Security Now 577
Your Questions, Steve's Answers 239
Is secure delete still necessary on a drive with whole disk encryption?
Flip Feng Shui follow-up, Apple's announcements, Android's rough week, a bank's data center shuts down due to noise, Bluetooth device privacy leakages, and Steve answers your questions!
We invite you to read our show notes.
<p>Download or subscribe to this show at <a href=""><… can submit a question to Security Now! at the <a href="" target="_blank">GRC Feedback Page</a>.</p><p>For 16kbps versions, transcripts, and notes (including fixes), visit Steve's site: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>, also the home of the best disk maintenance and recovery utility ever written <a href="" target="_blank">Spinrite 6</a>.</p><p>Bandwidth for Security Now is provided by <a href="" target="_blank">CacheFly</a>.</p>