Jan 5th 2012
iOS Today 79
New Years Resolution Apps, Nest, Apps for Apes!
Hosted by
Leo Laporte,
Sarah Lane
Leo & Sarah's apps to keep your 2012 resolutions, Foodily, Fitness Free HD, apps for apes, & more!
New episodes every Thursday.
Leo & Sarah's apps to keep your 2012 resolutions, Foodily, Fitness Free HD, apps for apes, & more!
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- Foodily
- Reminders app Native in iOS 5
- My Net Diary
- Fitness Free HD
- WiScale
- Apple's January event: Publishing, not hardware?
- spiderArm
- FLOTE iPad Stand
- Apps for Apes!
- Is the Nest thermostat worth it?
- This Week in Weight Loss: Congratulations Joe!
- Sarah's App Cap: Color Uncovered
- Leo's App Cap: PicStroom