Oct 24th 2013
iOS Today 171
iPad Air, Retina Mini, DEVICE 6, Threema!
Leo & Sarah recap a huge week in new iPad Airs, iPad mini with retina displays, iOS 7.0.3, iWork & iLife app suites are free, Threema for secure messages, DEVICE 6 is really confusing, & more!
Leo & Sarah recap a huge week in new iPad Airs, iPad mini with retina displays, iOS 7.0.3, iWork & iLife app suites are free, Threema for secure messages, DEVICE 6 is really confusing, & more!
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Thanks to CacheFly for the bandwidth for this show.
- iPad Air!
- Retina Mini!
- iWork, iLife free with new hardware
- iOS 7.0.3: Fixes aplenty!
- Apple: 170M iPads sold
- TiVo Roamio DVRs now stream to iPads
- Why Is Apple Still Selling the iPad 2? Because It Can.
- UPDATED: iPhoto!
- UPDATED: iMovie!
- UPDATED: GarageBand!
- Sarah's App Cap: DEVICE 6
- Leo's App Cap: Threema