
This Week in Google 271 (Transcript)

Leo Laporte: It’s time for TWiG, This Week in Google, the Lollypop edition. Gina and Jeff are here. We’ll talk about Android 5.0, the new phone, the new tablet, the new TV device. There’s lots to talk about today on TWiG. It’s coming right up.

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Leo: This is TWiG, This Week in Google, episode 271. Recorded October 15, 2014.

The Lollypop Guild

This Week in Google is brought to you by Mandrill. Mandrill is a scalable, reliable, and secure email infrastructure service. Trusted by more than 300,000 customers. Sign up at Use the promo code TWIT and you’ll receive 50,000 email sends per month for your first six months of service. And by Personal Capital. With Personal Capital you’ll finally have all you financial life in one place and get a clear view of everything you own. Best of all, it’s free. To sign up go to And by Prosper. Prosper is a peer-to-peer lending marketplace that connects people who are looking to borrow money from those who have money to lend. Visit and receive a $50 Visa prepaid card when you get a loan. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for TWiG, This Week in Google. The much awaited, this is for us. This is a big day in Google-land. Jeff Jarvis joins us from Seoul, Korea where it’s 5 in the morning. Oh my God. Thank you, Jeff. You are above and beyond. That is a commitment to the cause, thank you.

Jeff Jarvis: My pleasure.

Leo: I really appreciate it. And because you’re in Seoul, you have the best Skype connection you’ve had all year.

Jeff: I know.

Gina Trapani: Is the internet that good in Seoul?

Jeff: 94 up and 92 up.

Leo: Oh my God, I’m so jealous.

Gina: That’s good stuff.

Leo: Gina Trapani from New York, New York. Good to see you.

Gina: Good to see you. This is a huge news day. Of course I’m sad because I did All About Android last night. But we can talk about everything that happened today.

Leo: You put it to bed last night without knowing what the morning would bring. But we all kind of knew that today would be a big day.

Gina: Oh yea, we rocked the show saying we know for sure that all this stuff is going to happen tomorrow. It’s probably going to be Lollypop. We’re going to hear about all the new Nexus. And of course it’s going to happen tomorrow because we do All About Android on Tuesdays. So the big Android news seems to always break on Wednesdays. But we get to catch it on TWiG, so that’s good. And of course we’ll talk about it next week.

Leo: And to be honest, nothing surprising. Or is there?

Gina: No, I mean we said last night we knew pretty well it was going to be Lollypop. Even though there was quite a bit of misdirection going on. The statue guy was dropping a lot of hints about licorice. There was a lady finger eating a lady finger in one of Google’s videos.

Leo: Didn’t they do an audition? They had an audition video where they were auditioning the next dessert. For those of you who don’t watch the show regularly and have never heard of something called Google, you Bing users maybe don’t know that Google names its versions of Android after desserts. First one was not a dessert, right? That was just Alpha.

Gina: Cupcake?

Leo: There was Alpha and Beta. And C was Cupcake, the first release version. Donut, Eau Claire, Froyo, Ginger Bread.

Gina: Honey Comb.

Leo: Honey Comb, which had a short-lived; it was the tablet version. Short-lived.

Gina: Honey Comb was the red-headed step child for sure. Ice Cream Sandwich. Jelly Bean, Kit Kat, and now we are on L.

Jeff: That was very sad, you two.

Leo: That we knew those?

Jeff: All those brain cells devoted to that.

Leo: It is weird, isn’t it? Here’s the casting Google did. I think this is really great for L.

Gina: It was cute.

Leo: Lava Cake. Lady Finger. Lemon Drop. Quiet please, casting in session. This is hysterical. Oreo?

Gina: I like the Lady Finger eating a lady finger. Recursion!

Leo: Google has such a great sense of humor. I just love that.

Gina: Totally.

Leo: Now I’m going to make news out of it. Last time they did Kit Kat. I was a little miffed-where’s my Kit Kat bar-that they used a brand name. They apparently made a deal in which no money was exchanged-aha-with Hershey’s or Nestle depending on which country for Kit Kat. And I thought do you think they waited to do Lollypop until the last moment hoping they could make a deal with Laffy Taffy?

Gina: I don’t know what the delay was about. Yea, I don’t know. I think they just weren’t ready. They simply weren’t ready. They didn’t have the statue or the promo videos made.

Leo: The statue wasn’t made!

Gina: The statue wasn’t built yet. I just think they weren’t ready. They wanted to do some new launch. Although it was just a blog post. It wasn’t like there was an event today.

Leo: No. Somebody asked me yesterday, oh Mr. Apple Fan, I bet you’re not going to cover the Google event tomorrow. And I said, well I would if there were one.

Gina: If there would have been, we would have covered it.

Jeff: Are you an Apple fan or an Apple enemy? I can’t keep it straight.

Leo: Well that’s the problem. It depends who you ask. So here’s the follow-up by the way to the L casting. Licorice, did you see red licorice?

Jeff: Notifications, notifications. Sorry. Notifications notify you even in the lock screen. Show me sweet.

Leo: He’s memorizing. Oh this is the full-length one, I guess.

Gina: Oh, okay.

Jeff: I went in there and I lagged. I lagged!

Gina: I like that Lava Cake has a little berry in his hair.

Jeff: And if you don’t feel like you can get it in one take, which I know you will, you just demand another one. Don’t say sorry. Don’t say excuse me. Don’t say please. You say I want to do it again. I know you. I know you! You do know it’s L this time, right? Ugh... we, Oreo.

Gina: Wait, who’s that guy?

Leo: Wait a minute. What is the giant sponge with coconut on it? What is that?

Gina: What is that thing?

Leo: Chat room, you’ve got to figure that out. It’s an L dessert. What is it?

Jeff: Or is it MNO talking?

Leo: It’s Oreo. What is that? It’s weird-looking. It’s a lacaroon? What is it?

Gina: A lacaroon.

Leo: Anyway, let’s continue on.

Jeff: Focus, focus. You’re objective is to go in there and crush these people’s dreams. No, no! Seriously, I’ve never had…

Leo: Oh! Oh!

Gina: Oh…

Jeff: Hey, next year is M. Muffins! Oh come on!

Leo: This is probably exactly what it’s like.

Gina: This is pretty great.

Leo: Lollypop is here.

Gina: So that woman was dressed as licorice. Lemon bar.

Leo: Lemon bar, Oreo. Sorry Mr. Lady Finger. Who is this guy? LMP, lemon meringue pie. Licorice. Lemon drop, lava cake. Who is this guy?

Gina: Lemon drop!

Leo: No we saw lemon drop. Who is this guy? Ladue. What the hell’s a Ladue?

Chad Johnson: And then, there they are. This is me. This is what Ladues are. They look like a cross between…

Leo: It must be an Indian dessert.

Chad: … a deep-fried thing or a meatball. I’m not sure.

Leo: It’s got to be, it’s one of those… okay, I don’t mean this to sound disparaging in any way but every time I go to an Indian restaurant I skip the dessert. Because it’s like that. Often it’s kind of a sweet liquid.

Gina: Yea.

Leo: Not a fan.

Gina: It’s an acquired thing, isn’t it?

Leo: Acquired taste. I love Indian food but the dessert, ehh. Anyway, no Ladue. It’s Lollypop. Doesn’t mean anything, right? There’s no prize. And they couldn’t do a deal with Lifesaver?

Jeff: Ooh.

Gina: I think that would have been overdoing it.

Leo: I think they got the message when I and others in the tech press said I don’t know want to say a brand name every time I’m talking about your version of Android. And in fact we did. And Kit Kat got a lot of free publicity because of it. It’s just not appropriate for a code name, I don’t think.

Jeff: So this is the first number jump since when? This is 5.0.

Leo: Yea, 5. So 4.2 was Jelly Bean. 4.4 was Kit Kat. So I think since Ice Cream… no Ice Cream Sandwich was 4, right? Honey Comb was 4.

Gina: This I should know off the top and I do not. My brain cells are not being used.

Leo: Since Ginger Bread. Because Ginger Bread was… Ice Cream Sandwich was 4.

Gina: Ice Cream Sandwich was 4.03 to 4.4.

Leo: But Honey Comb was what? Four, right? No, Honey Comb was 3. So it’s the biggest jump since Honey Comb.

Gina: Since Honey Comb.

Jeff: And how long ago was that?

Leo: Ages ago.

Gina: Since 2011.

Leo: So why 5? Well, it’s the new look, right?

Gina: Material design.

Leo: I like material design.

Gina: It’s beautiful. I’m very excited about material design.

Leo: It’s flat-ish.

Gina: It’s flat-ish, yea. It supposedly runs really well on low-powered devices. So it’s getting the next one billion online.

Leo: Because all those gradients are expensive in CPU terms. And the gooey stuff, and the lighting effect, and all that. That’s expensive. So I guess they’re kind of eliminating lighting effects. This is all very flat.

Gina: Yea, definitely very flat, for sure. And the Chrome tabs are for first-class citizens. Each web process is its own process. There’s a lot to L. I don’t know there; there definitely are transitions. Things don’t transport, they slide and shift. And L also focuses on big images. And also as all of Android kind of has this responsive design where it fits perfectly on whatever size screen that you’ve got.

Leo: Here’s an interesting slide show describing material. The interesting page seven: users initiate change. Changes to the interface derive their energy from user actions. Motion that cascades from touch respect and reinforces the use as prime mover. This is the kind of thinking that goes into this stuff. There’s a message being passed subliminally to the user. Like I this case, you are the God. You are the power. Animation is choreographed on a short stage. Motion provides meaning. Just don’t have motion for motion’s sake. It’s feedback.

Gina: Right, when you move, touch, swipe, everything should move with you.

Leo: When I move, you move. Color surface and choreography emphasize actions. Somebody put some thought into this.

Gina: Definitely.

Leo: As if they didn’t put thought into it before. I like it. I like it. So one of the things we know, in fact I’m very pleased to hear this; they’re going to put Lollypop on going all the way back to the Nexus 4. You’ll get updates on the Nexus 4 and the Nexus 5.

Gina: Great.

Leo: Yea.

Jeff: This will just take three years to roll out to phones, but that’s alright.

Leo: Your carrier may Lollypop-block you. But if you’ve got a Nexus, you’ll get it right away. And then I’m very excited about the Nexus 6. What are you laughing at?

Jeff: No, I said expensive?

Leo: Yea that I’m not so excited about. The Nexus line has traditionally been the low-cost. The new Nexus 6 and the Nexus 9, powered by Lollypop will come out; well the Nexus 9 will be available for preorder on October 17th. And it will hit stores on November 3rd. Nine is a tablet, it’s a successor to the Nexus 7. It’s 8.9 inches. The 16 gigabyte version is $399.

Jeff: That’s the one that upsets me. I think 7 was a great size.

Leo: It’s $225.

Jeff: The 9 is just too big. It bothers me. So now I guess the joke is do I get rid of my tablet? Is my 6 a tablet? But no, there’s quite a difference here.

Leo: You know who I think should feel a little ripped off are people like me who bought the 2014 Moto X. Because essentially, this is a 6-inch Moto X.

Gina: Is this the death of the small phone?

Leo: No, in fact isn’t Google keeping the 5 around?

Gina: I think they are.

Leo: Because they realize that people may want a smaller phone. I don’t think the small phone is dead. But I think we’re now going to see a very clear division. The 4.7 is the sweet spot. 4.7 and 5.5 and up; 5.5 to 6.

Jeff: The battery life on the…

Leo: I like the Moto X in many respects but the battery life is too short for me. It’s 12 hours.

Jeff: What about…

Leo: It’s a much bigger battery and they’re claiming 24 hours.

Jeff: Because that is the main selling point of the One Plus One as far as I’m concerned.

Leo: Me too.

Gina: Yea, definitely.

Leo: And we’ll talk about the new update. I don’t know if you guys got it.

Jeff: Yea, I got it. My lock screen is now different from my screen saver. That makes me very happy. I finally have, hold on a second here; I have Lennon.

Leo: And McCartney?

Jeff: And Marks Sinagos.

Leo: Aren’t you lucky? Actually I’ve had different pictures for some time.

Jeff: I couldn’t get it to work.

Leo: The new one gives you… it’s just different. This is not it actually.

Jeff: No, I did all that before and it didn’t work.

Leo: Well I’m not using it and I never have. But let me turn on the new custom lock screen. Wait a minute, we’re getting distracted!

Gina: We are getting distracted.

Jeff: Squirrel!

Leo: I’ll save that for later. It’s so easy. There’s so much to talk about. But let’s not throw it all in at once. They also announced a Nexus TV device which is kind of…

Gina: Yea this was the one surprise.

Leo: Yea, we didn’t know about this. The Nexus Player, they call it. With remote control. $99, optional controller: $40. Are there pictures of the Nexus Player? I don’t see them.

Jeff: Yea, I see them. It’s this little round thing.

Leo: It’s running Android TV. It’s kind of an Ouya competitor. It will run games.

Jeff: Why does the remote control cost $40? That’s what I don’t get.

Gina: It’s almost half… well not quite. But almost half the cost of the device itself. You can use your phone to control this thing, right? You don’t need this controller.

Leo: Right. Although the Nexus Player has voice search. It’s a lot like the Android Fire TV really.

Jeff: I was in the AT&T store this week and I said so is that Fire selling? They said ha-ha, no.

Leo: So wait a minute. You get the remote control with this.

Jeff: Oh you do?

Leo: You don’t get the gaming controller. This is just like Fire TV. So this is the gaming controller for $40.

Jeff: I’m glad I don’t have to pay for it.

Leo: Right.

Jeff: So the difference between the Nexus TV and Apple TV is what?

Leo: It’s the same difference between the Nexus, Apple, and everything else. And that is only the Apple TV supports iTunes. And Apple TV does not allow apps so you can’t have gaming on the Apple TV either. So I don’t think Apple TV is, unless you’re really in the iTunes universe, Apple TV is the right thing for most people. This competes directly against Roku and the Fire TV. Let me go to the Google website here.

Gina: And the Chromecast?

Leo: No, Chromecast is so different.

Gina: It feels like the Chromecast is a light version of this. Because this is all cast-ready. This all works with the Chromecast stuff. It seems like this is like the device for people who want more than the Chromecast.

Jeff: They demoed this stuff at IO. And I was confused then trying to figure out what the real difference is.

Leo: So look at the apps. That’s interesting. Because that’s a set worthy of Roku. Netflix of course, IHeartRadio, Crackle, Tune In, Hulu Plus, YouTube, Ted, Daily Motion, Pandora.

Jeff: Where are you on it?

Leo: Well, TWiT is an Android app, so I don’t know. What’s missing on here? Plex is here. That’s good.

Gina: All you need is a podcast app.

Leo: Amazon is missing. That’s a big one. So now you have to get the Fire TV if you’re an Amazon-streaming customer. The Apple TV if you’re an iTunes customer. That’s kind of unfortunate. I don’t see Google… oh there it is, Google Movies. If you’re a Google Movies person, you’d want this one.

Jeff: But now that I have a smart TV, it basically does all of that.

Leo: I want all of them, yea. So it’s an Intel Atom processor, a 1.8 GHz quad core. 802.11 a/c which is nice. HDMI app, that’s how you’ll hook it up to your TV. You get the remote with the player.

Jeff: Severe shortage of HDMIs.

Leo: Yea. You got to get an A/V receiver. That’s the only solution. I bit that bullet a long time ago. But that’s good because it really confuses spouses. It’s a spousal-confusing device. Why can’t I just turn on the TV? Oh, and ex-spouses, too. Which is handy. Lisa’s husband came over and he couldn’t figure out, he would turn off the TV and then the A/V receiver would turn it back on. Sorry, I shouldn’t laugh.

Gina: I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been with friends who have gotten a call from their significant other, like how do I turn on the TV? I just want to watch Netflix or whatever. It’s so true. And it’s like listen this is what you do: turn on the media player. Is the light on? Alright now make sure the video source is set. It’s a universal experience.

Leo: Well A/V receiver just makes it worse. Because it’s another remote.

Gina: You get way too much fun deriving-too much pleasure from that.

Leo: He said it keeps turning itself back on! So I don’t see HBO Go on here. I don’t see Showtime anywhere on here. That’s two big omissions. I really want to see HBO Go on this. But I presume that Google could make those deals or I’m not sure how this works really. Did you guys get this from Google IO? Did you get one?

Gina: No, we didn’t get one. But Jason snagged, they had developer kits. And Jason got one of those. So I mean it’s just a black box. But he’s been playing with it and he’s been using it with an early preview. So this is cast-ready, so with HBO Go, if I cast from that, I don’t need an app for that, right?

Leo: I don’t think Showtime anywhere does Chromecast though.

Gina: And for TWiT, there’s got to be a TWiT app.

Leo: There is, TWiT Cast. Thanks to Mark Lane.

Jeff: You just want to promote it though.

Leo: Well I’ll promote it. TWiT Cast, get it everybody.

Jeff: You promote it on the actual device.

Leo: It’s frustrating because Showtime does not have Chromecast support. That makes me mad. And you still have to log into Xfiniti. By the way, big story: HBO let out that they are going to end that next year. That you’ll start to be able to buy a subscription to HBO that will not be tied to a cable provider.

Gina: That is awesome.

Jeff: Every man for himself.

Leo: That is the crack in the wall. If they go through with that, it’s all over. It’s the end.

Gina: That’s going to be awesome.

Leo: It couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch of people: the cable companies.

Jeff: A story we didn’t talk about last week I think, was also the Google fiber said that one of the problems they have with rolling out is the negotiations with cable companies. And this is the case where Google gets a much worse deal because they’re not in the cartel.

Leo: Right.

Jeff: It’s a horrid, horrid thing.

Leo: It’s good to be in a cartel.

Jeff: It’s handy.

Leo: So those are the big announcements. I’m excited about the Nexus 6 because even though it doesn’t have the Moto maker support. You can’t get leather. There’s only two colors: midnight blue and snowy pearl ice or something. Black and white. Let’s just call a spade a spade. Black and white. But it is a 6-inch screen which I think is good. I have been using a six-inch screen on the Nokia 1520 and I think it’s good. I don’t think you’re going to hate it. It is big.

Jeff: This is a transition for me. And I’ve gotten used to this. This feels normal. Here in Korea, and by the way, let’s just say in Korea, the world laughed at you Korea for your fablets. You were right.

Leo: Yep.

Jeff: Everybody thought, Oh those silly Koreans all carrying around these gigantic phones. And they were way ahead. But when I put this next to a Note 4, it looks almost the same size. When you see someone holding a Note, it just looks so much bigger.

Leo: That’s a design thing I think. The key is tapering the edges and so forth. And bezel size; what I’m really thrilled about… so I loved the Moto X last year, I thought it was the phone of the year last year despite its 720p screen and weak camera. And they fixed some of those things in the Moto X. But the battery life was not great. It was a little frustrating. And I was a little disappointed because it looked like they have dual-ported speakers in the front. Only one of them was a music speaker. The other one is the phone speaker. So Google is putting out a Nexus 6 which is essentially a Moto X with bigger battery life, a bigger UHD screen-by the way it’s not just 1080p. It’s whatever the new thing. Oh I just turned my flashlight on by stroking my phone.

Gina: That happens.

Jeff: Quite obscene.

Leo: Just go like that and the flashlight turns on. It goes I like it! Keep it on!

Gina: Oh things just got weird.

Leo: But they have front dual-stereo speakers which is one of the things I loved on the HTC One.

Jeff: Leo, why aren’t you carrying your Moto right now?

Leo: Battery life! And we’ll talk about this later but the new R-38 update for Cyanogen. By the way, I am now convinced that the best version of Android is Cyanogen mod. Do you not agree all of you?

Gina: It’s pretty great.

Jeff: Yep.

Leo: Far and away! And one of the things it does is it takes raw images now with the camera in addition to a JPEG. And that’s huge. It’s going to be a better camera on the shamoo, the Nexus 6.

Jeff: If I want to update and get a new 7-inch tablet because I’m going to be resistant on this 9-inch stuff, and I get a Samsung 7-inch…

Leo: You’re going to have a six-inch phone!

Jeff: But Leo, this is quite a difference.

Gina: Well that’s 5.5.

Leo: It’s not six.

Jeff: Number one, I’m on the plane watching movies on this which is better. Number two it fits the pocket so it’s smaller. Number three I can type on this easier for big documents which is better. I don’t think the half-inch is going to make that much of a difference.

Leo: You’re probably right.

Gina: Alright.

Leo: In fact given these One Plus Ones that we’re all wielding that are $350. And the Nexus 6 is going to be $650.

Gina: Yea, that price…

Jeff: 64 gig is $700 isn’t it?

Leo: Yea. Twice as much. Twice as much!

Jeff: Yea. But it says on the back, Leo.

Gina: I can’t go another half inch you guys. This 5.5, I can’t do it. This 5.5 has taken me a while.

Jeff: You’re just not going to do it?

Gina: I’m being lucid. I love the Nexus line and yea, I mean I love the front-facing speakers. I really miss that from the HTC One. That was one of the things I loved about it. But yea, no I just can’t do another half inch. I was on the subway the other day trying to type out an email. And there’s just some places you can’t be holding on and typing at the same time. There’s just some places my thumb doesn’t go.

Leo: That’s a special need though. I don’t ride the subway.

Jeff: For little people.

Leo: And subway-riders.

Gina: And one-handed.

Leo: That’s this whole thing about one-handed which Apple guys make a big deal about. I don’t really understand it. I haven’t had a one-handed phone in years.

Gina: I agree. I think people make a bigger deal about it than we can. But there are times when I feel slippery and I just don’t feel I can get my grip on it the way I like. So the 5.5 has definitely been a push for me. I don’t think I could do six.

Leo: Six is a big difference. When I handle the 1520, it’s big. It feels big in your hand. It’s a little stretch. I’ve been using it to stretch my hand in preparation from the Nexus 6. The Nexus 6, you’ll be able to order not until October 29th and it will come in the second week of November.

Jeff: They’re really cutting it tight.

Leo: It will have wireless charging. It will come which the Moto X did not, with a quick charger. That was $30 or $40 extra on the Moto X. It will come with a 3220 MAh battery. That’s about 400 MAh more than the Moto X. Dual front-facing speakers, 32 or 64 gigabytes. A snap dragon 805 also better than the Moto X. 13 megapixel rear camera. In every respect, it’s a slap in the face to everybody who bought a Moto X because for the same price had we waited a month.

Jeff: But it’s the same specs as the One Plus. What’s the battery size on the One Plus?

Leo: I should request that. I don’t remember. I think it’s very close.

Jeff: And a 13 megapixel camera is the same.

Leo: You don’t have dual front-facing speakers, you don’t have cheap charging. It’s similar and I think frankly if you have a Plus and you’re happy with it, stay with the Plus.

Gina: 3100 MA.

Jeff: Versus what?

Leo: 3200. This is more. But one difference is the screen. This is the new screen, it’s-as I said-ultra HD.

Jeff: How much of a power hog is that?

Leo: That could make a big difference. It could mean that the bigger battery gives you less battery… you know we have to wait and see. Supposedly Lollypop is also an improvement to the battery.

Jeff: It ought to be.

Leo: What is the resolution of the new screen?

Chad: 1440 by 2560.

Leo: So it’s 1440 instead of 1080.

Chad: Yea. The PPI is 493.

Leo: I thought it was over 500.

Chad: Well that’s what they say on the website, is that 5.96 inches.

Leo: Oh, so it’s not six.

Chad: It’s not perfectly six.

Leo: Now how do you feel?

Chad: It’s 0.04 inches away from being six inches.

Jeff: Okay, Gina. It’s okay. Just get longer fingernails.

Leo: Quad-HD. You know, that’s really… anything more than 300 PPI is probably invisible at a normal… unless you’re really near-sighted.

Jeff: Especially that size.

Leo: Yea. 493 pixels per inch is pretty amazing.

Gina: And the 6 Plus is 5.5 inches, right? This isn’t 0.4 inches bigger than the 6 Plus?

Leo: The 6 Plus? What’s the 6 Plus?

Gina: The iPhone 6 Plus.

Leo: Oh the iPhone. I forgot about that. The iPhone screen is identical to the One Plus screen. In fact I think it’s the same part. So it’s 5.5 inches. You have an iPhone 6 Plus screen in your hand.

Gina: Right.

Jeff: Is that what makes it so difficult to get scale on the One Plus?

Leo: It is now my theory that that is exactly what’s been happening. That Apple has been taking every one of these screens. And so all One Plus can do is whenever they get a batch of screens, they put out more invites.

Gina: Interesting.

Leo: That’s my theory.

Gina: We should try to get one of those One Plus guys on the show. That would be kind of fun.

Leo: Because all three of us have settled on the One Plus One as the phone to have. Let’s take a break. When we come back I want to talk about the update on the One Plus One which actually puts it over the top now. As the without question king of the Android phones, in my opinion. And there are some real rivals to this. The LG G3, there’s some tough rivals. We’ll have to see when the Nexus 6 comes out but for now I think we can declare a king of the hill. Hey a brand new sponsor. I want to welcome Mandrill to This Week in Google. And it’s just a coincidence but Gina uses it!

Gina: I do! My company Think Up uses Mandrill to send all of our email. I love it. I’m so thrilled that they’re a sponsor.

Leo: Mandrill is scalable, reliable, secure email infrastructure. Trusted by more than 300,000 customers. It’s the back end for Mail Chimp. We determined that. And I’ve been recommending Mail Chimp for years for our consumer users. Particularly on the radio show. But this is like the heavy duty back end for it. Fast, you can integrate, deliver, and track. And analyze everything.

Gina: Look at that. They’re amazing. They just got this, I literally just copy and pasted that code into my app and it’s working great.

Leo: Okay so let me understand it better. I’m glad you’re here. So this is like a mail server?

Gina: Yea, it’s a huge farm of mail servers in the sky and you basically… there’s an awesome API. It’s just a very simply rest API and you say send this email, use this template. It helps you design your HTML templates to make your mail look the way you want. And it sends it.

Leo: So you could use it for mailing lists but you put it in your app as a way for the app to have email capability?

Gina: Exactly. So on Think Up, you can opt-in to a daily email with your Think Up insights. And Mandrill sends that. So in your app, you say yes I want email. And then when our crawler runs it says does this user want email? Yes; then it pings Mandrill and that email comes through them.

Leo: You send Mandrill a template from your mail account. Or you can code your own and port it. They have a rest API. They have a template editor in Mandrill. Real-time notifications. Bounce-rate changes. Reputation management. So if people start interpreting your mail as spam, you’ll know before anybody and you can make adjustments. Real-time analytics with web hooks to integrate real-time into your account and keep track of trends like open rates. Are people reading your email? Are they clicking? Are they unsubscribing? You’ll know. Mandrill is brought to you by Mail Chimp, a company with 10 years’ experience building world-class email marketing platform. They send 10 billion emails a month for 7 million customers. And this is the back end. You’re going to use the super duper tool. For developers who love documentation, integration, high delivery rates, web hooks, analytics, a beautiful interface; they have not stinted on that. Flexible template options, custom tagging, advanced tracking reports. It’s the only email infrastructure service with a mobile app that lets you monitor delivery and troubleshoot from where you are. Mandrill. Mandrill: it’s a powerful scalable and affordable solution that you can try right now for free. Sign up at, use the promo code TWIT and you’ll receive 50,000 free email sends per month for your first six months of service.

Gina: Funny story about Mandrill. We noticed that our open rate went very low. Like from quite high around 40% which is very high to very low after we did a redesign of one of our emails. And we realized that the reason why is because we found out through Mandrill that the email was getting shuttled into Gmail’s promotions label. Which is, you know we were using some language that made it sound like a promotion.

Leo: But now you know. And that’s what’s great.

Gina: We knew, yea. And we actually just rolled with it. We added tags that showed the little promotion at the top of your Gmail inbox. And a lot of our customers use Gmail. But we wouldn’t have known that because of Mandrill. Mandrill is awesome. I love it.

Leo: That’s fantastic. So your first 50,000 emails free. You get 50,000 free emails per month for your first six months. So actually that 300,000 emails free. Mandrill, but you’ve got to go to and use the promo code TWIT for that special deal., promo code TWIT. And we’re excited to welcome Mandrill in. Thank you, Mandrill for joining the TWiT family. And I had no idea Gina used it.

Gina: That’s funny. I’m in Mandrill every day.

Leo: I’ve used Mail Chimp for years and I know it and recommend it. But this was the Mandrill name that’s new to me. Here is a great website, thank you to the chat room, comparing screen sizes of all the big phones. The Nexus 5 is on the left, then the Moto X, the new 2014 one. It’s always felt a little squatty to me, now I see why. There’s the LG G3 right next to it. That’s a UHD screen. Our One Plus One is kind of the one in the middle. The one that says never settle. Samsung Galaxy Note 4; my Note 4 is coming and should be here by next week. I’ll have a review for you of that on Before You Buy next Tuesday. There’s the iPhone 6 Plus. See, iPhone is bigger because of the bezel. And I think that’s a mistake that Apple made. They have a physical home button and so does Samsung. I am now no longer a fan of the physical home button. Remember how much I bitched.

Gina: I was going to say, you loved the physical home button.

Leo: I was so wrong! You were right. Google said no we want you to do on-screen buttons. Actually I like capacitive buttons. I never liked the physical button that much. Because I feel like something’s going to break. Both the S5 and the 6 Plus have it because they use fingerprint readers. Or the Note 4.

Gina: The only advantage to the physical buttons is you can tell what end and which way your phone is turned by looking at it and touching it. I find that I on Android phones that are just this flat black slabs that I search on the sides for the power button. That’s part of the reason I love the One Plus One is you can just tap the screen to wake it up and not have to find the power button. But that’s the only thing about the physical buttons that I miss. Otherwise I think it’s just a much nicer design and the software can be what the software is without that, a physical button. It feels primitive.

Leo: You won me over. You totally won me over. And I’m not looking forward to playing with the Note 4 because of that physical button. It’s a simple thing but I’m trying to use my phone syrupticiously in bed. And you know, I tell you way too much about my life, don’t I?

Gina: Is it syrupticiously because you’re working when you should be trying to sleep?

Leo: It’s 4am. But I clicked the button and it’s like click! If it’s dead silent you could hear it. Obviously not normally. I want to just silently… there at the far right is the Nexus 6. It is the biggest. It’s shamoo alright. I wish they had a 1520 in here. Because the 1520 which is the six-inch Lumia is just as big. It’s a nice, thin phone though. I really like the gray icons.

Chad: With this website, you could just kill one of the phones and add the 1520. Hit the X above one of those. There’s a weird popup.

Leo: I don’t need a Nexus 5 anymore. How do I add? This is a cool site. I’ve never seen this site. Where do I add? Here it is. Lumia 1…

Chad: Here, I’ve added it.

Leo: Oh you’re so good. See it’s that big. It’s that big, baby!

Gina: Yea, wow.

Leo: And some of this is hard to tell because you’re not holding it. The thinness of the body has a lot to do with how big you feel it’s going to be.

Gina: The Nexus 6 dwarfs the iPhone 6 Plus. It really, there’s so much more screen going on there. It’s only half an inch, right?

Leo: It’s because no bezels! No bezels, baby!

Gina: I didn’t realize how big the bezel was on the iPhone, yea.

Leo: Bezels are bad.

Gina: But that things got to be a monster in person though.

Leo: I’m buying it right away.

Gina: It’s nice that the Nexus 6 is actually six inches versus you know the 6 Plus being 5.5. The numbers line up. There’s something about that that makes me very happy as a coder.

Leo: It’s the OCD nerd in you.

Gina: Exactly. It can cause a lot of cognitive distance that the iPhone 6 Plus is 5.5 inches.

Leo: Well that’s what they said. The joke is oh the iPhone 6 must have been designed by a man. It’s 5.5 inches but they call it a 6 Plus.

Gina: That was Kara, wasn’t it? I think that was Kara.

Leo: Probably Kara. Probably.

Jeff: Tell Kara to get back to her son.

Gina: Oh, okay! That’s good.

Leo: October 29th, we can preorder that.

Gina: Can we talk about the new Android ads real quick? We talked about it on All About Android but let’s just play one. I find the whole tagline and the whole thrust of the marketing campaign is very interesting.

Leo: I think they’re smart because I think they’re playing on the fact that there’s choice in the Android.

Gina: They’re turning it into a feature instead of a bug.

Leo: Yea, you call it fragmentation. We call it choice.

Gina: Right, exactly. But they’ve communicated that very effectively this time around. In this particular set of promotions, I feel have been really landed.

Chad: Sorry.

Leo: Chad has it.

Chad: Yea, there’s a few different ads. Which one?

Gina: There’s a few different ones.

Leo: Play all three of them so I can go to the bathroom.

Chad: Okay great. Let’s start with the bus stop.

Gina: I like the bus stop.

Leo: This is the best one because this tells you something. Remember this is before we saw the Nexus 6.

Gina: Had some great music.

Leo: Be together, not the same. That’s an interesting…

Jeff: What was that, drop your own; Androidify.

Gina: Yea, that’s Androidify.

Leo: All of these are Androidify characters, right? That was the website where you create your own Android. Be together.

Gina: This is the tear-jerker.

If you did, that was a cool move. That was an And move. And moves take guts. But they can mean everything. Their And move is to put wings on a bicycle. Now we fly. When enough people have an And view, the world changes forever. If you think…

Jeff: That’s a little bit…

Leo: It’s their think different campaign.

Gina: This is it, yep.

Leo: Oh, that’s great. That’s the self-driving car. That’s the ALS ice bucket challenge. Robots. Graduations, selfies.

Because everyone doing the same thing won’t move us forward.

Leo: Putting underpants in there.

Together we can.

Leo: Wow. How much are they going to spend on this campaign?

Gina: This is…

Leo: Hundreds of millions of dollars.

Jeff: Have they ever really advertised Android before?

Leo: Well Google has bought ads before, but it’s been for searches.

Gina: We were wondering this last night. I’ve seen Chrome ads on TV. But are we going to see Android ads on TV? I can’t think of any mobile operating system that’s every had its own ad, and it wasn’t focused on phone. There’s never been an iOS ad. There’s never been a Windows Phone ad. But we’ve seen Windows Phone on the HTC M8 and we’ve seen the iPhone ad. So I was wondering last night if these videos are targeted towards developers. This is Google’s way of saying this isn’t fragmentation, this is choice.

Jeff: I think also is what kind of phone do you have. I have an Android phone. You hear people say that. But Google’s never really branded it heavily. And Google made the model for that stuff. You couldn’t have that separation before. If you had a Blackberry operating system you had a Blackberry phone, full stop. Nokia operating system, Nokia phone, full stop. It was open-Android that changed this new model and they never really branded it.

Leo: Well I also should point out that previous Nexus phones are clearly developer phones, Google realized with the success of the Nexus 5, maybe there’s a market. This Nexus 6 is priced like a phone-phone. This is priced to make money. This is a product. Google’s definitely selling this not as a developer… right? It’s not a developer platform anymore. This is a product.

Gina: They’re calling it their reference device. In their blog post they said we understand that you can’t innovate in software if you don’t do it hand in hand with hardware. And that’s why-they made a very strong stated declaration-we’re continuing our Nexus line and we’re doing so through the Nexus 6 and the Nexus 9. I don’t know. Are consumers… there’s a big benefit to buying the Nexus 6 unlocked at the high price. You can use the carrier that you want and you get pure Android. I just don’t know…

Leo: They’re selling it on all the carriers. It’s on Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile. They didn’t do that before. This is a product for them that they want to make money on.

Jeff: Is pricing also a way to suck up to the phone companies? Alright we’re going to stop making you look bad. We’re going to go along with the game and charge $700 for the phone so that you can have your ridiculous made-up business models.

Leo: I think what they’re doing is continuing to sell the Nexus 5 because there’s a low-cost developer phone. If you’re a developer, do you really want a six-inch screen? Doesn’t that really… I mean you’re a developer.

Jeff: I think the pricing shamed the phone companies and shamed both the hardware…

Leo: I agree. But so does One Plus One.

Jeff: But now it’s not Google doing it. One Plus One shaming them is a different matter. And you can’t get them. Google shaming them is a big deal. So I’m just asking, is this Google caving into the…

Leo: Maybe. They’ve given it to the carriers so maybe.

Gina: I’ll be honest. As a developer, I want to see what my app looks like on a six-inch device. Because there’s a tablet layout and a phone layout. And six inches is right between them, right?

Jeff: You’re making excuses, Gina.

Gina: How’s Android going to render? Is it going to be the tablet layout or the phone layout? And I want to see what that looks like. It could look like the phone layout too spread out or the tablet layout too squished up.

Leo: Actually it’s not of course the screen size. It’s the resolution you care about. Is there a device with this… yes, there are many devices with this 1440 resolution. But they’re tablets. So this is the tablet layout.

Gina: Yea, it’s got to be the tablet layout. Did they just the SDK or are they going to? There are going to be simulators that shows you what this looks like. You don’t have buy every device that you are developing for. But I am certainly interested to see what it looks like. And I also probably should do some material design updating as we all should.

Leo: So we’ll do this quickly because I know most people don’t have a One Plus One and it’s still tricky to get one. Although, invitations are flowing much more freely now.

Gina: Yea.

Leo: Than they used to. The Cyanogen mod is, you know we’ve been saying for a long time that we prefer vanilla Google. We want the Google Play experience. So I’m curious, Gina, because you were the biggest proponent of it. Cyanogen mod is an adjustment just as touch is and sense are.

Gina: It is. I love it.

Leo: I love it, too.

Gina: Because it gives me extra functionality but I will say that some of the extra functionality does border on a little extra geeky and a little big bolted on.

Leo: Yes.

Gina: And I’m okay with that because I kind of know what I’m doing. But there’s part of me that feels like well maybe for a regular person the pure Android, the Google experience. I shouldn’t say pure Android. The Google experience Android might be just as good if better. The things that Cyanogen gives me are very fine grain controls that nerds like me care about. But probably not everyone cares about. I don’t know. I want to hear your argument.

Leo: Perfect example here is quick settings. Before you see the system settings, the first thing you see when you slide down on the right is the quick settings. On stock Android you can’t modify these. On Cyanogen, you can. And there’s a much richer set of choices available for you.

Gina: Yes.

Leo: That is great. And it makes perfect sense. And yet it’s still very much the… it’s just a small edition to what is essentially the Google experience. Similarly when you go in… oh and this is also there, this quick bar. Which is not part of the Google experience. When you go into settings it will be very familiar. Anyone who has used a Google Play experienced phone.

Jeff: Unlike a Samsung experienced phone…

Leo: Right, you don’t have four different tabs. But they have a few things. For instance, this is nice. You can choose… actually this may be in the Google experience-I can’t remember. Choosing the home, the launcher? I like the ability to choose the launcher. There’s themes which you don’t have obviously in Google Pay edition. And there’s a theme store. So you can change this dramatically if you don’t want to use the Holo theme which is basically, and I’m sure there will be an L theme. Gestures, you saw me do the V to turn on the flashlight. Gina loves the fact that once you turn off the phone, you just double tap it to wake up the screen.

Gina: Yea, that’s awesome.

Leo: It’s a little thing. And I bet you there’s a third-party app that will give you that capability. It’s little things like that but essentially it feels pretty much… oh and I’ll tell you here’s the biggest difference. These capacitive buttons are weird. So it’s home, you can’t even see it it’s so dim.

Gina: Oh, and the menu.

Leo: Home and menu. Google doesn’t want you to have a menu button. That might be the most controversial thing on the One Plus. This would normally be back and recent. And on the One Plus, it’s menu, home, and back.

Gina: Right and I’m running the Google Now launcher so I can switch between… I get wallpapers, widgets, and setting when I tap that. You can customize it. You can customize it a lot. And I love that. And customization is a huge part of Android and one of the biggest selling categories of apps. I think only behind games. Which isn’t the case for iOS. I just don’t know. I mean look, Google’s got to create the experience that makes sense for most users. And I just don’t know if most users care enough about their phone to rearrange the tiles here. You know what I mean? I mean, listen this is the line you always have to walk and consider when you’re making any kind of software. There’s so many different levels of users.

Leo: Cyanogen mod has always been aimed at the sophisticated user, right? Which is why we like it.

Gina: I completely agree that Cyanogen is way better. I didn’t want to have to deal with doing it myself. I loved this phone shipped with Cyanogen on it. And I was just like okay, this is for me. I know I’m getting updates. I don’t want to deal with any of that B.S. I don’t have that kind of time in my life anymore, fortunately. But I love that I can buy a phone with Cyanogen on it. And yea, I love it. I do love it.

Leo: Now they’ve added Cyanogen camera, camera raw. Now that’s a-from this phone-that’s a 16 megabyte file. So every time I take a picture I use up almost 20 megabytes. And you can’t read the camera raw with anything. You have to import it to Light Rim to read it. But it’s a DNG format which is a stammered format. They’ve also added high-res music capability which I think is great. I can now play back flack files recorded at 192 kHz sound. That’s the Pono Player’s doing that. The new Sony Walkman does that. We’re moving in that direction; I think the HTC might do that, where the ability to play really high quality music back.

Jeff: So, when does Lollypop come out for Android? And when is it likely to come out on Cyanogen?

Leo: They didn’t say, did they?

Gina: Like when are we going to get Lollypop?

Leo: Oh, much later, right? Because they have to get the source code and modify the source code.

Gina: They basically have to re-base their work on top of Lollypop, yea. It’s going to be probably a while.

Jeff: Define a while.

Leo: Months.

Gina: I think it’s going to be months.

Leo: Next year.

Gina: I would be surprised if it happened before January 1st. It depends on when the source code drops and how long those guys…

Leo: They’re at Google’s mercy. They can’t do anything until they release the source code. I thought you were asking about Lollypop on the Nexus 6. Well I guess it will come out when the Nexus device with the L comes out.

Gina: And Google has been releasing the source code faster. So that’s good for us.

Leo: I think Cyanogen is going to…

Jeff: You’re going to make Gina feel jealous that you have a new phone.

Leo: I’m going to immediately get a Nexus 6 and probably move to it. I presume it’s going to have the other things that I like about the Moto X like the always listening and all that stuff.

Jeff: Oh I don’t know. Does it? It’s a Motorola product, so…

Leo: I would guess. They put it on the Droids. The Macs and the Turbo will have it.

Jeff: It has a big Motorola logo on the back, right?

Leo: Yea. I can use it with my Hint and my Moto 360.

Jeff: So I tried to go out and get…

Gina: How’s the Hint going?

Leo: The Hint I threw away. Say again.

Jeff: I tried to go out and get the LG R and failed.

Leo: That new watch with the bezel.

Jeff: Right, sorry yes. It’s a real round one. No flat tire. And it’s out here in Korea for I think $330 equivalent with Korean tax. But I asked the front desk of the hotel and the guys at the hotel said oh it’s already sold out! And it’s weird, there’s no Best Buy in Korea. You go to these big electronic marts and there’s just booth after booth after booth of people selling stuff. And people making computers there and all kinds of odd things. I can’t figure out where I would go to get it. I tried all yesterday afternoon and failed.

Leo: I am very happy with the Moto 360 and I don’t notice it. Does the flat tire still bother you?

Jeff: No.

Gina: I stopped seeing it. It doesn’t bother me at all.

Leo: I have to say this convinced me, this is the first device I’ve used that convinced me that wearables might have a feature.

Gina: It’s a great device.

Leo: I would like to do the change log. Would you like to do the change log?

Gina: I would be happy to do the change log.

Leo: Let me take a break. When we come back, Gina Trapani with the latest from Google. Which is all we’ve been talking about today. And we’ll also talk about why Eric Schmidt tells us who Google’s biggest competitor is. It’s not Bing.

Jeff: Alta Vista!

Leo: Who is Google’s… this is a good brain teaser. Who is Google’s biggest search competitor? Think about it and the answer will surprise you. But that’s right after this word. Our show today brought to you buy Personal Capital. A marvelous solution; somebody just emailed me and said I’m trying to figure out what to do with our retirement money. Do you recommend Personal Capital? I said, yes I do! It solves two problems with planning for your future. The first is it’s hard to keep track of where all your money is: cars, loans, mortgages, stocks, bonds, 401Ks, checking, savings, credit cards. It’s all over the place. Each with a different password and username. All different sites. So if we want to take a look at our actual total financial situation, that’s challenging. And if you’re paying somebody to manage it, you may be paying too much. You may not be getting the best advice. So this is the solution I use and I recommend it. It’s called Personal Capital. First of all, you’ll give it all your account information. It’s secure and safe. And all your financial stuff will appear on a single screen. All the graphs and charts and everything on one screen. It’s a dashboard. Whether it’s on your computer, your phone, or your tablet, real-time intuitive graphs. Yes, they have an Android wear app. It’s right on the Google Play store. You can integrate it with your Android wear watch, your Moto 360, your LG, or your Samsung. It provides users with timely updates on their finances on your watch. Also, Personal Capital will show you if you’re overpaying in fees and how much you’re overpaying. And what to do to reduce those fees. You’ll also get advice that’s tailored directly to your needs. Your age, where your money is, rebalance your investments. There’s a 401K calculator. There’s a fee calculator. So don’t wait. This is all free; it will pay big dividends too. It will give you total clarity, transparency, so that you can make better decisions about your future. I tell you what, it’s great. to try it free today. It only takes a couple minutes to set up. You’ll have it going by this afternoon and then you will be in the know. And now, ladies and gentlemen, play the trumpets because we’ve got the change log. Here’s Gina Trapani with the latest from Google.

Gina: Google launched a new Hangouts app for Chrome on Windows and Chrome OS only. So sad panda here because I’m on my Mac and was unable to try it out. But this is basically a Chrome packaged app so it worked outside the browser. So it’s separate from the Hangouts Chrome extension that you may be using already. This is outside the browser and it displays in a separate list your contact list and your chats in one window. And you get notifications of course that alert you to new messages. And chats of course with all Hangouts sync across all your devices. It’s got calling on the desktop now. So it has all of Hangouts’ video and voice capability so you can make phone calls to any number in the world via the Hangouts dialer from your desktop. And the app includes complete Google voice support. So you can make and receive calls, get your voicemails, and SMS messages directly in hangouts. So to get this, if you’re on Chrome on Windows or Chrome OS, go to the Chrome web store and you can download this separate app, separate from the original Chrome extension. And it will put itself in Chrome’s app launcher and you’ll see the new window. And it gives you kind of chat heads style almost access to your contacts and chats that are going on.

Jeff: I was going to use it today, but I thought I would—I installed it then uninstalled it, because I figured I didn’t want another variable being in Korea at five in the morning.

Leo: Wise.

Gina: That was a good choice.

Leo: Wise.

Jeff: But what I couldn’t figure out was the little green thing, I couldn’t get it to go away so it’s just always there on top of whatever you’re working on. And I hate that.

Leo: Oh that’s annoying. Yeah, I don’t like that.

Gina: That is annoying.

Jeff: I’m sure there’s got to be a setting somewhere to get rid of it, but I didn’t take the time to-

Leo: Woah! Did you see that? Woah. Drag it around.

Gina: Look at that action.

Leo: It’s always there, but you can put it anywhere you want. You know, it’s like the Chatheads. It’s like Facebook's Chatheads.

Gina: It’s like Chatheads. Yep.

Leo: I hate that.

Gina: You hate it.

Leo: I hate Chatheads.

Gina: aww!

Leo: But you kind of do want it to be persistent because I have to say, even on the Mac I’m always, you know, like digging around for the hangouts window.

Jeff: You got a bar on the bottom, you got a bar on the top, use them.

Leo: Well but if you click the Chrome extension for hangouts on my Mac, because I have multiple screens and multiple work areas—

Gina: Spaces.

Leo: Spaces. I don’t know where it is, I have to search because it pops up.

Gina: Yeah me too.

Leo: Yeah.

Gina: And then it signs me into the wrong Google account and then I have to—

Jeff: Oh don’t even get me started.

Gina: Jarvisian rant comes on, and all I want to do is send a text message, you guys. All I want to do is send a text message.

Jeff: I think they fixed that problem but they haven’t. Because now you can, in fact, on Chrome os, you can sign into both accounts without having to sign into two completely different sessions.

Leo: Good.

Gina: Right.

Jeff: So I can switch back and forth. Well that sounds ok, but that’s not the point, folks. The point is I want to go tab to tab and be using different accounts.

Gina: Yeah.

Jeff: I don’t want to have to change my entire view just because my Google plus is different from my g-mail, so it doesn’t really help. My Chrome was crashing as never before, so I stopped it.

Leo: Oh.

Jeff: And it hasn’t crashed since, so I think it’s a little buggy still.

Leo: Oh.

Gina: There’s a point in software development, and I know because I’ve gotten there many times, where there’s a giant bug that you’ve been wrestling with for, you know, months, and maybe sometimes years, and you convince yourself that it is fixed.

Jeff: Yeah, it ain’t folks. It ain’t.

Gina: For your own sanity, and I think maybe Google’s gotten to that point, like fixed enough.

Leo: It works.

Jeff: It ain’t, folks.

Leo: It works.

Jeff: I’m not letting you off the hook. It’s—you know the thing is, it works perfectly on Android. I can go into any Android application, go back and forth smoothly between users. Perfectly may be a little stretch, but it’s a lot closer. If you got to Android quality in Chrome, you would be OK, but you’re not there.

Leo: yeah.

Gina: Yeah. Well.

Jeff: Because the real problem is if I click on a link to Google plus from in my Gmail, if it opens it in the wrong account and I can’t get the link over. Just fix that and you’re on the right track. But enough of Jarvis’s rant.

Leo: Continue on. By the way, this is the compromise lollipop. It’s a lemon meringue flavored lollipop.

Gina: Oh! Double l.

Leo: Continue.

Gina: All the lollipop licking is getting obscene here.

Leo: Who did this, by the way? One of my- our staff decided to put lollipops all over my table, was this Burk?

Gina: It’s amazing.

Leo: It feels like a Burk. Or was it you Chad?

Chad: This seems like a Jeffism, if I’ve never heard of one.

Leo: Not needles? It wasn’t needles? Tanya?

Chad: Carson and Tanya.

Leo: Well thanks to whoever gave me about 8,000 lollipops. Look at this one. What do you do with this?

Chad: I want one.

Leo: You know what? They use this as an excuse to go over to Powell’s sweet shop and stock up. On the good ship, lollipop, it’s a short trip to the-- We represent

Gina: There you go.

Leo: The lollipop league.

Gina: Oh yeah, there you go!

Leo: The lollipop league. All right. More of the—

Gina: Yeah, let me keep going with the change log, let me try and save this. OK. Change log continuing. Chrome for iOS now downloads and saves files in supported applications, so Google has updated Chrome for iOS. It’s got better support for the iPhone 6 and 6 plus, and now, thanks to the newness that iOS has, it’s kind of similar to the oldness that Android had, ha ha ha, when you run into a downloadable file when you’re browsing you can download it and send it over to a supported application. You can download something on your phone, on iOS and send it over to dropbox or Google drive for example, which is a nice upgrade. Chrome 39 beta for Android is now rolling out with reader mode and a couple of other little features. This is coming out to users on Google play, you have to be opted into the Chrome beta which is available, but please do have some tolerance for some bugs. Although I do use it as my primary browser, so I recommend it if you’ve got some of that tolerance. It’s got some performance improvements, bug fixes, and other tweaks. Google doesn’t usually announce new features in the beta version, but there are a couple of new things. There’s a new reader mode that kind of strips away the UI elements of Chrome to let the user focus only on the text of the web page.

Leo: I like that. That’s nice.

Gina: And also in this release, is this little experimental window mode, which is accessible only on the Android L preview. This is this when each web, each tab in Chrome actually looks like it’s own individual app when your flipping through your recent apps or switching between processes. So Chrome itself isn’t a process but each web page is, so that’s kind of nice. Chrome 39 beta for Android. Latest Google glass update does notification sync a lot like Android wear does. So basically this means glass gets the same functionality as the Android wear smartwatches, meaning that any notification you get on your phone you’ll be able to see on your glass. I think this makes a lot of sense that glass and Android wear is kind of syncing on Android wear. You’re basically running the same software that you’ll be running on your wrist. That update is due to hit glass this week and you’ll have to be running the latest version of the MyGlass Android app. That’s version 3.30, and that will be coming out today. Finally, and thanks for this one, Jeff, I hadn’t seen this one, but it’s really neat, Google released a new Chrome extension for Google Maps that lets you—that turns your default new tab page into a random satellite image from Earth. From Google Earth.

Leo: Love this.

Gina: So every time you open up a new tab you get this sort of gorgeous satellite image. It’s called “Earth View from Google Maps.” Search the Chrome web store for “Earth View from Google Maps.” And you know, I downloaded this and installed it, I thought it was a little gimmicky, I thought it would slow things down and be kind of annoying, it’s awesome. I love it. I hit command T all the time to open a new tab, and it loads a random Earth image and tells you where it is, and it’s just really neat. Really cool customization from Chrome. So that’s free and that’s also from Google.

Leo: Let me try it. Oh! That’s so cool!

Gina: Yeah, did you get it?

Leo: Oh, that’s so cool!

Gina: Yeah, and it’s totally random. Look at that. Look at that.

Leo: This is like the new backgrounds on the Chromecast, which are also very cool. Oh I’m just going to keep hitting control T.

Gina: Yeah, I know right?

Leo: These are great.

Jeff: Does it say where it is?

Leo: Yeah, this is Australia. Telford.

Gina: You can’t see it, but it’s on the lower right-hand corner cuz yeah the screen is in the way.

Leo: St. Mary Antigua and Barbuda. Oooh. That is Burketown, Australia.

Jeff: Oh wow.

Leo: Yeah.

Jeff: While flying over Siberia on the way here, jeeze is it big.

Leo: That must be fun.

Gina: Really that must have been amazing.

Leo: This is Argentina.

Gina: Yeah, this is, this is neat. And it loads so fast, right?

Leo: How do they—yeah. I don’t want to know how they’re doing it. It’s probably something I don’t want to know.

Gina: Though it feels like locally cashed, I feel like they

Leo: Yeah it does doesn’t.

Gina: Right?

Leo: Yeah. It must be locally cashed.

Gina: It’s got to be. Right Leo? These are like high res images.

Leo: Yeah. Our Internet’s not this fast.

Gina: Yeah. Yeah.

Leo: These are locally cashed. By the way, I’m now at like 800 tabs. Wow.

Gina: And I haven’t seen a repeated one yet.

Leo: This is so cool. Oh you just wasted the rest of my day.

Gina: Yeah sorry. Yeah, the problem with this is that you forget you opened a new tab to start doing.

Leo: Really!

Gina: Because you’re now planning the next vacation. Look at that! Wow.

Leo: Beautiful. Oh. That’s a repeat.

Gina: I think we saw that before.

Leo: Got a repeat.

Gina: Repeat! Oh. These are all repeats. Cashed.

Leo: No, I’m going backwards now.

Gina: Oh, you’re going backwards.

Leo: oops. Went too far.

Gina: Well that’s all I got.

Leo: And that’s the Google change log. And in the name of the lollipop guild: We’d like to welcome you to Android L. They should have done that. They missed a bet. OK.

Jeff: Can you imagine the negotiations that would have had to have occurred for that?

Leo: Who owns “The Wizard?” By the way, it’s so funny, because I said lollipop league at first.

Gina: Right.

Leo: And of course the chat room went crazy.

Gina: And I was like “No it’s kids, it’s kids,” but you got it right guild, isn’t it.

Leo: It’s guild.

Gina: Guild. I’m glad I didn’t correct you incorrectly.

Leo: I knew it was guild and I thought “No that can’t be right, it must be league,” but it’s the lullaby league and the lollipop guild. I’m glad we got that straight. Holy Moly.

Gina: It sounds like a show title to me.

Leo: Yeah. The Lollipop Guild. We’d like to welcome you to Android L. So the answer is, and the chatroom sussed this, Amazon. But you have to understand why Eric Schmidt says Google’s biggest competition is Amazon. He’s speaking to Europe. It’s a speech he gave in Berlin earlier today. I don’t know why Jeff wasn’t there. Seems like-

Jeff: I know.

Leo: Anybody in Berlin, Jeff should be welcoming them. He wanted to make very clear that Google has competition, because there’s some, you know I think in Europe people feel like they’re a monopoly and they’re evil. He says that “we have a lot of competition all over the world”. Some people suggested Baidu the Chinese search engine, absolutely. Let me find the Amazon part. “Google is not the monopoly people think it is because if you want the news, you’ll likely go straight to your favorite news service. Build, the most widely read newspaper in Europe, gets around 70% of its traffic directly. A little over 10% of their traffic comes from search and just under 10% comes from social sites like Facebook and Twitter. If you are looking to buy something, perhaps a tent for camping, you might go to Google or Bing or Yahoo or Qwant, the new French search engine.” Nice little plug there, Eric. “But more likely you’ll go directly to Zalando or Amazon. Last year almost a third of people looking to buy something started on Amazon — that’s more than twice the number who went to Google.” So he’s got a good point. Google search is not just going and searching nowadays. He says, “Our biggest search competitor is Amazon. People don’t think of Amazon as search, but if you are looking for something to buy, you are more often than not looking for it on Amazon.” And a “Google killer” is almost inevitable. “Somewhere, someone in a garage is gunning for us.” Says Eric Schmidt. “I know, because not long ago we were in that garage. Change comes from where you least expect it. The next Google won’t do what Google does, just as Google didn’t do what AOL did. Inventions are always dynamic and the resulting upheavals should make us confident that the future won’t be static.” A little self-serving, you know, it’s clear who the intended recipient is. But it’s true.

Jeff: I’ve written in to say about the German problem, I’m trying to place in a certain German newspaper; they’re taking forever to get back to me. We shall see.

Leo: I mean, it’s not wrong.

Jeff: No, not at all.

Leo: Ireland is finally considering closing the tax loophole that have made Google and Apple cash rich in Europe.

Jeff: That’s the job of the government to do that, not the job of the companies to take advantage of it.

Leo: Right.

Jeff: And it’s a fine thing that they do it.

Leo: It’s how they powered the Irish miracle, I would guess, is low corporate tax rates. You know, companies took advantage of it.

Jeff: Well the tax rates going to stay low. The difference is that you could, now I’m going to get this messed up, but you could take certain assets and attribute them to a

Leo: Irish subsidiary.

Jeff: A subsidiary that was then somewhere else that had no taxes. Thus Bermuda.

Leo: It’s the so-called “double Irish.”

Jeff: Yes.

Leo: So we’ll see. I mean it’s true that Google should take advantage of this. Create a Dublin headquarters; it’s the biggest Google office outside the U.S. with more than 25,000 people. A Dublin-based subsidiary for Google generates revenue, mostly from online advertising, and then pays that money in royalties to a separate Google unit that’s registered in Ireland but is resident in Bermuda.

Jeff: Right. .

Leo: But Adobe and Yahoo and Apple all do the same thing. The truth is, you know, the Irish miracle is a bust, right? Ireland did very well and grew very fast, but has now slumped a little bit I think. And of course there’s a lot of pressure from the US and elsewhere, the European commission too, to change their tax rules.

Jeff: That’s how it should happen. It should happen through lawmakers and diplomats

Leo: Starbucks uses the Netherlands.

Jeff: The double Dutch, right?

Leo: The double Dutch. Wow. All right. So I’m sure Google has got its attorneys have got Google looking for a new loophole, as does everybody else. Google has removed 498—oh, this might be a number—

Jeff: No it’s not, we counted it the last week anyway, so

Leo: All right. 498 thousand have been removed under European law, actually 498 thousand URLs were requested to be removed; a little bit less than half. 41.8% were removed. And now Tokyo wants to do the same thing. A Japanese man—

Jeff: It spreads. That’s the problem with this.

Leo: Yeah.

Jeff: This stuff spreads. So the right to be forgotten has now spread to Japan, and the leichtung sus recht has spread to become the Spanish link tax, and these games are dangerous.

Leo: You’re gonna have to learn some Japanese, Jeff.

Jeff: I know.

Leo: The Tokyo District Court on Thursday issued an injunction, ordering Google to remove some Internet search results about a Japanese man that are considered to be violating his privacy. He felt, well maybe this is legit, he felt his life was endangered by the results that came up when his name was entered in a Google search. So they’ve been kind of closed mouthed about what the actual circumstances were to protect his privacy, so it’s hard for us to judge that. Google’s Chromecast is number one. At 35 bucks I’m not surprised. The number one “connected device” according to a report from App Annie, which is pretty reliable. We’ve trusted them before. They analyzed the top apps associated with connected devices on iTunes and Google Play. The Chromecast app was number one in downloads followed by Fitbit, DirectTV, HP ePrint, Kodak, Square Register, GoPro, AT&T U-verse, DISH Anywhere, and HP’s All In One Printer Remote. Gartner Group says that there will be 26 billion connected devices globally by 2020.

Gina: The Fitbit comes behind the Chromecast? Interesting.

Leo: Chromecast number one, then Fitbit. Then DirectTV.

Gina: This is quite an assortment of devices you’ve got here.

Leo: yeah.

Gina: You’ve got Healthtracker, the streamer, the square register. I’m surprised there’s more square registers out there than Gopros, although the register is free.

Leo: Gopro app is free once you have a gopro. Well the dongle’s free. Yeah.

Gina: right. Right. So the Chromecast is 35. Fitbit’s 99, I think. I guess that makes sense. It does feel a little bit like apples to oranges though.

Leo: Did you see the—we talked about this on windows weekly, and I made fun of it—but Microsoft research has released an app that will let you type on your Moto 360 or Androidwear watch. It’s a little bit—

Jeff: It’s so Newton.

Leo: It’s so Newton.

Gina: It solves a problem that you don’t have.

Leo: I guess they forgot that we can just talk to the watch. But now, when somebody asks you if you can do lunch, you can say s-o-u-n-d-s-g-

Gina: I’m exhausted.

Jeff: But you could have just said “K.” Just say “K.” It’s what the kids say.

Gina: It felt like the story was supposed to be that MSR was collaborating—not collaborating with Google, but developing an Android, but the real story is why would anybody want this? Right?

Leo: Well, but this, Ok. You know, it’s not actually easily installed and blah blah blah. But I think it’s interesting that Microsoft is even doing something for an Androidwear watch.

Jeff: Yes.

Leo: That’s kind of what? This is the new Microsoft.

Gina: There’s Microsoft research, which is, you know, a really cool part of Microsoft that kind of does their own thing. It didn’t feel like that was a story but then it was like why? What is this? And it feels like Google could make that app, right? I mean Google’s got that handwriting recognition and translate already. It seems like a very weird thing.

Leo: I think they thought better of it.

Gina: Yeah. Right. Did you see them typing into that Google search box? Did you see them say “OK Google?”

Leo: It’s like they maybe didn’t know how to use the Androidwear or something.

Gina: yeah.

Jeff: Well another story though is that old people don’t like talking to search.

Gina: That's right. I’m officially old, because I—

Jeff: So I can imagine old people doing that.

Leo: Do young people like to talk to search?

Gina: Yeah, this study, let’s find this study.

Leo: Who said yes?

Chad: I did.

Leo: Oh well you’re young, I guess.

Chad: I love talking to the search. It's so much faster, I don't have to

Leo: So do you do it in your phone or do you do it in your desktop too?

Chad: Both. Both. I'll be lounging in a chair in the most stupid young kid position, hurting my back I'm sure, unable to reach the keyboard and all you have to do is say a few words.

Leo: Mostly, I ask my Moto x what time it is. Maybe that's an old person thing.

Chad: Yeah, I've never done that.

Jeff: Must be.

Chad: I didn't even know that was possible.

Leo: Wake up, "Moto x, what time is it?" And then it tells me. The new Tesla all wheel drive like that, the model D, also reads highway speed signs and obeys them.

Jeff: Well I don't believe that.

Leo: What?

Jeff: Does it read the signs, or does it have a database of

Leo: No no.

Jeff: speeds?

Leo: It has a camera. In fact, Tesla's CEO Elon Musk and founder was laughing at how Google cars autonomous vehicles work. He said "eh. That's silly." Because, you know, the lidar has to be, you have to map the neighborhood before you can drive it and stuff. So Tesla's starting to look into the idea of actually reading signs. So also, this I will never use on the D, using a system of 12 sensors around the car, when you press this turn signal it then looks at the traffic, checks your blind spot and then actually changes lanes. You go like this and go all yours. Would you do that?

Jeff: I don't use autopilot whatever it's called on cars.

Leo: Most cars—not most. Many cars Ford has the bliss system will warn you if there's somebody in your blind spot.

Jeff: That's good.

Leo: That's good. My car blinks. But the idea that the car, just all you would have to do is just flip the, just signal your intent to change lanes, and the car would actually do it. That seems a little scary.

Jeff: Yeah.

Gina: It's a slippery slope of automation.

Leo: But you'll love it over bridges, Jeff. Very rarely leaps over the edge.

Jeff: Do I have an up?

Leo: Teens embrace voice search.

Gina: Yeah, that's weird. So Jeff's car would have to administer a sedative, and then do the lane change.

Leo: You'll have to when you get in, the car will have a little I.V. that you insert, and then you just sit there and it'll just calm you. It'll smooth the ragged edges. Hopefully.

Gina: Put a little laughing gas.

Jeff: Don't worry you idiot. Nobody falls off bridges. What kind of fool are you?

Leo: 45 percent of US adults said they felt “like a geek” talking to their phones. That sounds about right.

Jeff: Yeah.

Leo: Yeah. Less so, of course, when they're younger. 55 percent of those under 18 years old use voice search daily. 75 percent for those who are on their phones 11 or more hours per day. What could you possibly--11 hours on your phone?

Gina: Wait a second. Is that even possible? I mean what?

Leo: Kids today, you're saying yes?

Gina: Chad, explain.

Chad: When it's your computer, yeah. When you're watching movies and chatting.

Leo: Well, I do notice. I see all the time, I just they walk around, there's no if you're waiting, anything it's always--

Jeff: You're in a constant text conversation.

Chad: Yep.

Leo: Even if there are people standing there, you would prefer to type at somebody who is distant than talk to the person with you. Kid's today! 40 percent of under eighteens use voice search to ask for directions. Actually, I use that all the time.

Gina: Yeah.

Leo: Navigate too. I use that all the time. 39 percent dictate text messages with voice. I do that, both on my Moto x and on my Moto 360. In fact, I very frequently dictate texts. It's too much trouble to type. 32 percent initiate phone calls. It's funny it's lower. That's the lowest number with voice commands.

Jeff: It's because they don't call.

Leo: They don't call. That's why.

Chad: it feels so arcane anyway. You have to go use the dialer.

Leo: Call? 50 percent of Northeasterners.

Gina: Northeasterners. What?

Leo: What is this? This is what it says. 50 percent of Northeasterners use voice search at least once a day. What does that mean?

Gina: I wonder what Northeastern

Leo: You're a Northeasterner. You're a Northeasterner.

Gina: Yeah, we are. Are we supposed to be cutting edge?

Leo: I know. Because it's cold and you've got gloves on.

Gina: Ok. Ok.

Leo: Survey asked respondents pick something, I feel like Richard Dawson. Pick something “you wish you could ask your phone to do for you.” 45 percent said “send me a pizza.”

Gina: Now isn't that so interesting. Isn't a pizza delivery app the first thing that Larry and Sergei worked on together? Wasn't that their idea?

Jeff: Very good.

Gina: Wasn't that their idea? To place an order for pizza through the web? Those guys were

Leo: Was it Larry and Sergei or was it, who was it? Some founders, they wanted a pizza fax service.

Gina: Yeah! It was like pizza by fax. I thought it was them.

Leo: Pizza by fax.

Gina: So I don't have to talk to anybody, but I get my pizza.

Jeff: Would you eat the whole breaded pizza? I would.

Leo: Pizza by fax. I though maybe it was Alex O'Haney and

Gina: No. He's too young for that.           

Leo: Google was merely a site that allowed users to order pizza through a fax machine.

Gina: So it's amazing to me that they're still building the pizza by fax.

Leo: They're still doing it. This is from his solve for x talk about moonshots. We don't have to watch all of this. The order would be faxed to the pizza shop. No phone call would be required.

Gina: No phone call required. I don't want to talk to my dirty pizza guy. I just want him to send me the pie.

Leo: Actually, I order pizza all the time over the web now. There's a Petaluma food taxi it's called. But there's other services.

Jeff: Domino's I don't normally use, but I have been known to when I'm late and there are barely--it's the last place that's going to be open where I live. The Domino's app, I have a standard thing in there and one button on the phone and it's pretty cool.

Leo: Isn't it awesome? I wouldn't eat Domino's pizza if I were you. That's a strange thing.

Jeff: But when it's ten till' ten and you're desperate.

Gina: Yeah. And in the suburbs.

Leo: You have to be really desperate to eat Domino's pizza.

Jeff: Oh you snob.

Gina: Yeah, I'm going to be a total snob here. I've got to tell you guys, ever since I moved back to Brooklyn after eight years of missing good pizza

Leo: You got good pizza.

Gina: I walk to my local pizza shop and I pick it up.

Jeff: I agree with all of that if you don't live in the boonies like I do.

Leo: Where's your favorite pizza in Brooklyn?

Gina: My favorite pizza joint is recently opened. It's called Fina Pizza Bar. It's on Fort Hamilton in Windsor Terrace. It's delicious. It just opened. The guy literally he had the oven shipped from Italy. It was stuck in customs. The pizza is delicious. It's kind of fancy. It's fancy pizza.

Leo: I don't understand because how could the best pizza in Brooklyn be just opened?

Gina: Well, no. Ok. Well there's many--there's much best pizza in Brooklyn.

Leo: By the way they don't seem to have a website.

Gina: Yeah, no. They literally just opened.

Jeff: Well let me plug mine so I keep it open. The brick oven pizza where I am. Lombardi's pizza company in Martinsville, New Jersey.

Leo: That sounds more like good pizza. Lombardi's pizza company.

Jeff: It started with a truck, and now they've got a brick oven and the place has a furnace.

Leo: I like the brick oven.

Gina: Yeah, the brick oven's good. It’s true. You're right. You know what? They don't have a website. How is that possible?

Leo: They don't have a website. It's so weird.

Gina: It's so--they have twitter and Instagram though. But yeah. There's great pizza all through Brooklyn. You really, you know. I grew up gong to Maria's on Fort Hamilton Parkway as well, a little farther up.

Leo: All right. 24 percent of millennials say "I am not paying for T.V. Chad, you don't pay for T.V. Do you have a cable subscription?

Chad: No. It's so funny. The cable guy came to my door and he wanted to switch me to, like I was on Comcast and he wanted to switch me to AT&T or something like that. And he's doing the whole pitch, the sales pitch, until he gets to "so how much T.V. do you watch?"

Leo: Zero.

Chad: None. And he's like, "Well, you got a T.V right?" And it's like I moved in and I haven't plugged it in. And he was like "Well, great talking to you. Have a great day. And he walked away.

Leo: Goddamn millennials!

Chad: It was like the fastest way to get rid of the guy trying to sell you cable.

Leo: Comscore and nielsen both kind of agree that young people watch less and less T.V. They don't pay for cable T.V. 24 percent of 18 to 34 year olds say they don't pay for pay T.V. More than half, 13 percent say they've cut the chord, 11 percent said they never had a chord. Period. Yeah. So, between that and HBO saying "We're just gonna sell it direct", it's gotta be scary for Comcast. And good. They brought it on themselves.

Jeff: Yep.

Gina: yeah.

Leo: They brought it on themselves. We're going to take a break. Come back with our picks, our tip, our tool, our number of the week. But first, a word from prosper. This is the place where you go and, it's a market place that brings together people that have money to lend with people that need money to borrow. What would you do if in the next three days you could get 35,000,000 dollars? Would you pay off high interest rate credit cards? Would you start a business? Do a home improvement project? Buy an infinite amount of lollipops? It's up to you! All you have to do is go to and fill out an easy online application. Actually, if you do it for me, go to so that we just get credit. It's the same page. You can get a, you provide a few simple details. Not too much. They don't ask for a lot of information, and you will get a rate quote right there online. They offer low fixed rates. These are unsecured loans; you don't have to provide collateral. Multi-year terms are available. Prosper. This is Silicon Valley's answer to the big bank loan. With Prosper's innovative peer to peer lending process, no outrageous fees, no rising interest rates, and you don't have to put the pants on to go to the bank. Do it all from the luxury of your browser. With your voice, if you wish. Prosper has more than 2 million members, over a billion dollars in funded loans. This is not a flash in the pan, this is the real deal. get your rate right now. You see how easy it is. And it will not affect your credit score to fill out that application. For a limited time prosper is offering twit viewers a prepaid card when you get a loan. So, go to, that's a special site for you, and find out what you can get. Up to 35 thousand dollars in just three days, plus that 50 dollar visa prepaid card. We thank them for their support for This Week in Google. Somebody in the chatroom says "Who puts their pants on to go to a bank?" I don't know.

Jeff: This is the pants show. Leo was taking his pants off at the beginning of the show, now we're putting the pants on.

Leo: Was I?

Gina: I think there were women taking their pants off for Leo at the beginning of the show.

Jeff: Oh, is that what it was? Oh, right. OK.

Leo: It was the lollipop talking.

Gina: This is the lollipop talking.

Leo: I was just crazed on sugar. Gina, you have a tip of the week?

Gina: I do, I do. Good one, Leo. So this, no no. So this actually got released a couple of weeks ago, somehow it escaped the change log. But I wanted to announce it for a special reason.

Leo: And I know why, go ahead.

Gina: So yeah. Google plus added the ability to add interactive polls to your post so you can ask your followers any question, a multiple-choice question and get them to vote. I use social media for this all the time, and I love that this is something I loved about Wave, rest in peace, so I'm really excited to see this show up in Google plus. And the reason why I brought it up is because we at All About Android, Ron Richards, and Jason Howell, and myself switch over to Google plus polls for the Android arena, which is a segment of our show where we each demo an app that we really like on Android and then our listeners and watchers vote on which one is the best. So if you go to my Google plus, it's you can see that I've got the latest Android arena poll posted there, and you can vote on it, and you can see how polls work. What's really nice about these polls is that when you reshare them, the votes don't get forked. So right now on Google plus, if you reshare somebody's post, the comment threads get forked, you know like your share will have its separate comment thread than the original post.

Leo: Oh, that's good.

Gina: On the polls, the votes, the numbers all, you know, they're all the same. Right? So if I reshare, I have the same numbers yeah. Which is really really nice. And of course all the votes have a names attached them and a Google plus account attached to them, which helps deal with, you know, scripts that try to dupe the stats or whatever. So yeah. Really nicely done. And a cool way to use polls, so we have some really good apps in the arena last night so.

Leo: I know, and who's winning?

Gina: Well, we didn't attach names to what they are. But mine is winning.

Leo: yay.

Gina: So I'm pretty happy about it. We've already gotten a huge response. Much bigger response to this poll than we do on our normal, our regular straw poll app, so I'm pretty happy with this, so,

Leo: I like it a lot better, and it's in of course the social community. I've been using it, I used it because I took pictures with my one plus, my iPhone and I can't remember what the other phone was. And asked people to give me a rating on which phone they thought was the best, and I got 2,234 votes which I don't think I would have gotten anywhere else.

Gina: Wow.

Leo: yeah. So that's really good.

Gina: Yeah, that' s a tremendous response.

Leo: And an unusual response. The Moto X 1 and the OnePlus One and the iPhone 6, the laggard in the bunch, which kind of surprises me.

Gina: Wow.

Jeff: Well that's going to bring the haters out.

Leo: Well it is GooglePlus, I guess, that's maybe part of the reason. OnePlus was really winning for a while, and then people chimed in for the Moto X. And again, lots of comments on it too. This poll is great.

Gina: Yeah, it's nice. That the people can vote but they can also discuss. Which is nice.

Leo: Really like that. I'm going to use more of that as well. Yeah. Polls now on GooglePlus. Jeff Jarvis your number of the week?

Jeff: Well, Google has now announced it's going to bring same day delivery to Boston, D.C and Chicago with Manhattan and L.A. following and here's the interesting thing, they have their own version of prime. 95 dollars a year for same day delivery. Speaking of competing with Amazon.

Gina: Is this Google shopping express? I thought that they had this is Manhattan. I remember trying this out in Manhattan, because they had a trial period there for a while. And it was great. It doesn't work in Brooklyn and they said Brooklyn was to come, but yeah. This is clearly

Leo: that's really interesting.

Jeff: Isn't it?

Gina: It's clearly the next frontier.

Jeff: It's really a slap at Amazon.

Leo: We don't have that in Petaluma obviously. It has to be a metro area I guess. That's neat.

Gina: The choices were a little bit, I should say a lot more limited than what, I mean it was basically

Leo: But same day means that you have to have a depot, you have to have a place to drive. They don't bring it to your house, do they? Or do they?

Jeff: Yeah.

Gina: I think if you lived in Manhattan they would bring it to your house. Yeah.

Leo: To your house? Wow.

Jeff: The difference in models here I think is that Amazon has its own fulfillment. Google fulfills out of existing brands.

Leo: Right.

Jeff: e-bay wants to enable small stores to do the same thing, eventually.

Leo: So it's really the shopping express rebranded, but they're not delivering stuff from the Google store, because that would be kind of limited. This is from third party partners.

Gina: Right, there are drivers going around and assembling your order at target and bringing it to you, yeah.

Jeff: So by the way, the other number is it's 7:00, so it's dawn in Korea.

Leo: Look at that.

Gina: Wow.

Leo: That's beautiful.

Gina: It is. That looks great.

Leo: Can you see Kim Jong Il from there?

Jeff: Un.

Leo: Un

Jeff: It would be a trap to say Il. Un.

Leo: Il's under the ground.

Jeff: It is news here that he--

Leo: No one's seeing Kim Jong Un either, I might point out.

Jeff: He was seen yesterday at a mixed news here, lord knows.

Leo: Yeah. Where was he seen?

Jeff: Hobbling somewhere.

Leo: Yeah. Well, he's alive anyway.

Jeff: Going to get some mac n cheese, perhaps.

Leo: So I owe an apology to one of our stalwart chatters who asked me about 80 times to install a program called SystemPanel and I insisted no. I don't like task managers, I don't think they're a good idea, but I finally gave in. There are two versions. This is the free version, SystemPanel lite, and they also have a $1.99 pro version.

Gina: That's bright.

Leo: Bright?

Gina: Sorry, go ahead. No, it's just sort of the bright green, sorry.

Leo: Yeah it is bright. But what it does is really actually kind of useful. I don't recommend, this is not a task killer. We know that's not recommended anymore, and you don't need one of those, and a lot of times programs like this will chew up battery life, so this is really more of a diagnostic tool for those times when you're wondering what's running in the background? What's eating the CPU? What's eating my battery? And you can get very granular information, which you can get somewhat from the app manager, but in a much nicer format. SystemPanel it's called, and this is a plot over, and by the way it does history. So you can see what's been using the CPU for the last week or month or whatever. Very handy if something is eating your battery life for instance, I mean one of the problems with the battery monitors is that it will most of the time tell you Android's services, but what does that mean really? What is it that's really using the battery life? So I can see which applications are active on my OnePlus, but which applications also are running in the background as services and I can see over time which is using how much memory, how much CPU, how much battery life. It's really, I wouldn't say something you want to have all the time running, but as a diagnostic tool, very handy. I was surprised to see that, for instance, I've never even launched it once, the Amazon kindle app was running all the time in the background on my phone, so I just uninstalled it. Actually, I just uninstalled a half dozen apps that I don't use like Glimpse, but that seemed to be using CPU and memory all the time on my phone. So there's a free lite version. The Pro version has some interesting things that you can for instance pack up applications, uninstall them and reinstall them in one lump. Some interesting additional features. It's called SystemPanel. One word. SystemPanel App. And the task manager from next app. And I don't remember the name of the chatter who was asking me about it, but thank you for pushing through. $2.99, not one dollar. $2.99. That's it for This Week in Google for this week. Thank you so much, Jeff Jarvis, for taking the time to join us from Korea. Are you done?

Jeff: No, I'm not. Today is when I work. I've got to give two talks today.

Leo: Oh my goodness. Go back to bed. You got up at 5 to be here, and I'm very grateful, Jeff. Thank you. Really appreciate it.

Gina: Dedication.

Leo: But you know what? It wouldn't be the show without you.

Jeff: Shucks, Thanks. Now I'm going to put on my gas mask.

Leo: Oh my god.

Gina: What is that?

Leo: Emergency escape mask.

Gina: is that like part of the hotel feature?

Jeff: Yeah, well when you go to the subways here, they have huge containers with gas masks.

Gina: That's not ominous.

Leo: They seem to be planning for something. Yeah. That's not ominous at all.

Jeff: There could be an invasion of cheese from the sky.

Leo: Thank you, Jeff. Jeff Jarvis blogs at Get his books. The latest: "Public Parts." They're on Amazon and he's the greatest. And if you want him for speakingwe asked this before. You don't have a speaker's bureau.

Jeff: Just come to me.

Leo: He'll arrange it. He'll set it up.

Jeff: Yeah.

Leo: Gina Trapani's ThinkUp is the way to figure out what's going on your Twitter or your Facebook or both. You can try it for free at The things that Facebook and Twitter don't tell you.

Gina: Thank you, Leo.

Leo: She's back to blogging too, at

Gina: I know it's confusing.

Leo: Oh. Scribbling.

Gina: I keep moving domains. Yeah. I've been trying to--it's tough. It's been a while since I've written. Code is a lot safer. People don't actually read code.

Leo: You did post today, so that's good.

Gina: I did post today.

Leo: Yeah, that's awesome. I'm sorry,

Gina: No no. That's OK. No worries.

Leo: We'll add that to your lower third. Thank you Jeff, Thank you Gina. We do this show 1 PM pacific, 4 PM eastern time. That's 2,000 UTC every Wednesday on Please watch live if you can, but if not, on demand audio and video available at, on is it this week in Google? Probably is.

Chad: Something like that.

Leo: Something like that. And of course wherever finer podcasts are aggregated, including iTunes, the podcast apps on Google, I use dogcatcher, instacast, pocket cast, all those. It's there. It's there whenever you want it. Make sure you download it and subscribe to it and that way you'll get it every week. Thanks for being here. We'll see you next time on TWiG!

Leo: Oh! They're putting it in!

Gina: The Lollipop.

Leo: I was actually looking for something like this. This is good.

Gina: Driving at work. Taking their picture.

Leo: Isn't that cool?

Jeff: Bet the Google store is going to have amazing Google lollipops.

Gina: Yeah.

Leo: I bet that's a great community to be a part of.

Jeff: Yep. I'm jealous whenever I go there.

Leo: yeah. Really neat. Feel good about what you're doing. Skinny Shamoos in that. That looked like that guy in front of the Shamoo.

Gina: Oh that's cool. Throwing the peace sign. That's nice.

Leo: Yeah. Android 5.0 Lollipop.

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