
TWiT News 407 Transcript

0:00:10 - Leo Laporte
This is TWiT news, episode 407, recorded September 25th 2024. Meta connect 2024. Now we gotta whoa. Yeah, we got giant. Now I want to sit back a little bit. We have to explain a little bit that we are going to do this differently because, uh, Mikah went to copyright school and he learned a thing or two.

0:00:36 - Mikah Sargent
I did we are not going to stream Meta's content.

0:00:39 - Leo Laporte
We are only going to stream us commenting on Meta's content. So I am going to go like this when Mark Zuckerberg enters the stage, and if you're watching this after the fact, cue up your video to Mark Zuckerberg walking on. Will it be, Mark at the beginning, the first human who walks on the stage? We're gonna, I'll go like that, and then you cue your content up and when you hear me do that, you play your content and you should be in sync with with us. Now we may not be in sync with each other because you're watching a stream, right, Mikah?

0:01:10 - Mikah Sargent
yes, exactly yeah, we're both watching a different stream. Wait a minute. I hear sound.

0:01:15 - Leo Laporte
So do I. Besides spacey music, I hear sound. So it says on the screen. We'll describe the screen for those of you who are not watching. Met Meta connect 2024 will begin shortly. I hear people it's maybe ai coming to you is that is that in the room with you, leo because, I hear it either from you or Mikah.

0:01:35 - Mikah Sargent
It's not me, is it maybe in the next room? Stop talking, whoever you. Whoever you are, it almost sounds like a television is on.

0:01:50 - Leo Laporte
It is. For some reason no one knows why my iPad decided to start playing Slow Horses. Ah, I wasn't watching it on the iPad. I never asked it to do that. It was closed. So AI is working All right. It was closed, so ai is working all right.

So, again, we're not going to stream Meta's video or audio. We're going to be listening to it in our own brains and then talking about it, and you will be up to you to have another window open with, with Meta or not, which might be an interesting, and I have a feeling we're going to have to thanks to the rules of copyright. It's like Riff Trax exactly Thanks to the rules of copyright that we may be doing this with everybody from now on. This is an experiment. We are excited about this because there will be a lot of AI talk. There will be some interesting stuff coming from Meta about augmented reality glasses. They apparently have something they've been working on.

Uh, Mark's been promoting this. Zuck, as I call him, has been promoting this for a while as a big deal, so he suckered us in one hour and then please pardon me, he zuckered us in. He zucked. He's smoking those meats. Um, uh, we will do windows weekly as soon as this is over, which we anticipate will be on time we are now three minutes away hope and the desire did you just say hope and the desire.

0:03:22 - Mikah Sargent
I said hope and the desire, but I said hope, and the desire, but I said desire. It's such a desire, desire.

0:03:29 - Leo Laporte
I'm going to turn down the Spacey music a little bit because I think it's impeding my ability to understand what the hell you're saying.

0:03:36 - Mikah Sargent
Yeah, I had to turn it down almost off. It's really loud. You don't want to hear everything else. Yeah, it is quite loud. Were you expecting hardware at this event, or is this gonna be hardware that you can't buy?

0:03:48 - Leo Laporte
love that, yeah, that's great yeah, hardware that they won't really ship ever, or at least not for a while. Um, we expect a lot of announcements of stuff that isn't available in the in the real world but is available in the ai world. You know it's interesting. Apple will play pop music that they presumably license, uh, beginning before their things. Meta apparently didn't want to license it, so it has just chords playing that probably generated generated?

yeah, will we have a nerd helmet? Probably. I mean, they have the best-selling nerd helmet, which is the MetaQuest 3. Certainly low cost compared to the Vision Pro. I don't think that this is going to be an announcement of new stuff for MetaQuest 3, but we'll see for MetaQuest, but we shall see. Wow, this music is making me want to do something. I don't know, something bad, what Fall asleep? Yeah, something I shouldn't do on the air. You know what I am going to do do because we love you. Chat, guys, is I am also going to bring up the chat here and that way I can drop it in as we're, as we're doing it. Love that, yeah, I do like that feature. So, uh, if you say, in fact, I could even put it in an overlay Might as well, well, maybe not. What do you think?

0:05:30 - Mikah Sargent
It's risky. It is risky, it's risky business.

0:05:33 - Leo Laporte
It can be fun to bring in from time to time. All right, I will just do it that way. Like this, I do have a profanity filter on that.

0:05:43 - Mikah Sargent
Oh yeah, and it's strong, you, I do have a profanity filter on that.

0:05:48 - Leo Laporte
Oh yeah, and it's strong.

0:05:48 - Mikah Sargent
You could say certain words Don't say that because people will attempt to oh, that's true. Oh yeah, that's true.

0:05:51 - Leo Laporte
It's very weak. Please don't use it, don't attempt to bypass it. Now. I definitely can't leave the overlay on.

0:05:59 - Mikah Sargent

0:06:04 - Leo Laporte
We have people watching as usual in all the platforms, and they persuaded me yesterday that we should continue to stream on Twitch, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, what x we're. So we're gonna stream on x uh be there. If you're there I was I felt like that was brand off brand. So shall we say, but uh, it is an advantage to having a lot of people watching. Right now, absolutely nobody's watching, but hey, hey, it's early, it's early that's not even true.

0:06:38 - Mikah Sargent
Those, the 224 people are watching. Gonna be sad that you said that.

0:06:42 - Leo Laporte
I'm in the wrong spot if that's what's watching across all platforms, across all platforms. Well, good welcome, it's good to have you. That's there and we're happy. Discord for our club members youtube Twitch, where Mikah is now a copyright guru, so that that taking that test, which you did and is now available on the stream and to download if you want to watch it, did that clear all our badness yes so you did penance, in other words, you did a couple of hail marys, yeah, a couple hail marys and we get reset to zero.

0:07:14 - Mikah Sargent
Um it, you can only do copyright school, I think once a year, uh so so we shouldn't be bad again.

Yeah, and in fact it's always on your permanent record, even if it doesn't show up for your account. So they have like a repeat offenders section. But the most difficult thing was now I'm seeing it's 1001, so we might have to stop. There was a question on the quiz that said fair use protects you from copyright strikes, yes or no? And we said no because we did fair use and we got a copyright strike. It was a fair use instance and we got a copyright strike.

Well, they were going with a that's sort of a trick question because technically it is supposed to protect you, because a lawyer should not try to ding someone who falls within fair use, but Twitch does not have anything to do with the legal aspects of it, and so you literally do as you said, leo, when we talked about this have to go to court to prove out that it is a true fair use instance. So basically, apple in this instance is just saying we know that they won't be doing that, we know that, that that you know we're not going to be able to afford to go to to court against Apple to prove.

0:08:30 - Leo Laporte
You know, uh, jason's now quite eloquently talked about this on Mac break weekly yesterday and said yes, it is fair use, yes, it is legal and we could defend it in court and we would not have a problem. The problem is, uh and Google knows that, youtube knows that, but they are, so don't want to not get sued by Apple or anybody else that they bend over the other direction and they make it virtually impossible for us to defend ourselves. It would be hugely expensive. So we just are doing this.

We're not showing the streams. We are watching them together, like Riff Trax, exactly like Mystery Science Theater 3000, where Micah and I will be little talking heads and it'll be up to you to stream Meta's stream from YouTube or Facebook or whatever you happen to want to watch it in conjunction with us. And, as I said, once somebody comes on stage, once the first human that comes on stage, I will say, okay, start your video now. So if you're watching after the fact, queue up to the part where the first human comes on stage. Now we're doing this with a disadvantage we don't know if there will be humans that's true I'm merely projecting um.

Why do I see a different chat here? Because I like this comment does human include suck?

0:09:54 - Mikah Sargent
but I don't see it oh, I don't see that either yeah, so I guess I'm looking at the discord.

0:10:02 - Leo Laporte
Discord is not in our.

0:10:03 - Mikah Sargent
It's not getting picked up. It's not getting picked up. That's why I don't know.

0:10:07 - Leo Laporte
It can be flaky yeah, it's supposed to sometimes yeah, so welcome everybody. Uh, again, start your engines yourself. It's up to you to watch the video, because we don't want to go to jail which we wouldn't, by the way we just don't want to go to court, yeah, and sued into, and what?

they do is they take you down, and we were off Twitch for a week because of it, which is completely illegal. We are used it's a fair use commentary on somebody else's copyrighted product. We're not impinging their copyright. We're doing what's called in the business news weird. Never heard of it. Never heard of it. Apparently, it's all right. It's all right. Uh, just, you know that we live in a world where people don't want you to know anything.

0:10:56 - Mikah Sargent
Just know that only, only from them, only from them can control the, they control the horizontal it was interesting, while we were doing the school, a couple of our listeners who were watching and helping went and found maybe five, six other examples of videos on Twitch that were still up that had. Oh, it's very selective.

0:11:25 - Leo Laporte
If I were a small human human, I might take it personally well, because it happened while we were live, which usually doesn't happen.

0:11:33 - Mikah Sargent
Usually it's after the fact, right apple?

0:11:36 - Leo Laporte
has uh human, active, human attorneys who are looking for this. They used to only look for it on youtube, which is why we haven't streamed Apple's events on YouTube for a long time Now. Apparently they've gone to Twitch. I imagine they'll go everywhere eventually.

0:11:52 - Mikah Sargent

0:11:52 - Leo Laporte
They want absolute control over the content. What they don't want is some unwashed human like you and me to come on their pristine content and say, well, Apple's full of it. That doesn't do that. That doesn't work that way. That's not a great product. Don't buy that.

0:12:10 - Mikah Sargent
Which we don't do. Actually, we're pretty positive about Apple stuff.

0:12:13 - Leo Laporte
ironically, apple for some reason has decided that I am the enemy.

0:12:22 - Mikah Sargent
So it was meant to start at 10. It is now 10.06, where we are, and the event has yet to begin.

0:12:30 - Leo Laporte
I wonder if I should put a real-time clock up on the screen for future.

0:12:38 - Mikah Sargent
Oh, that could be cool.

0:12:41 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, this is exactly right. That kind of nails it. The other problem I have, uh and I will need to be disciplined later is I can't. I keep these up to apparently too too short a period of time.

0:13:04 - Mikah Sargent
Oh, so people aren't able to read through them.

0:13:11 - Leo Laporte
Yes, my head is bigger today.

Leo's head is way larger today I felt insecure after yesterday's Mic Break Weekly. Everybody's head was so big and mine was so tiny. And see, now I match you, Mikah, which is what I really wanted to do, actually, if so tiny. And see, now I match you, Mikah, which is what I really wanted to do actually, if I back up, I'll match you better. And the reason is I changed lenses. I was using a 20 millimeter lens which, with the crop factor on this APS-C sensor on the Sony FX30 camera I use was 20, would be 30 millimeters, and I just switched to a 35 millimeter. Crop factor is 1.5, so that's 35 plus 17 and a half or something. Oh, hey, look at that. There's a mystery lozenge above your head containing the time on Earth.

0:14:07 - Mikah Sargent
So good, that's good. Thank you, Mikah.

0:14:10 - Leo Laporte
How did you do that, ecamm? Oh, it's magic.

0:14:15 - Mikah Sargent
So I think I might take away the seconds, because that's a little bit distracting for me.

0:14:20 - Leo Laporte
Well, but it helps, I think people sync up what we're doing.

0:14:22 - Mikah Sargent
Right, that's true. And plus I can't take away the seconds.

0:14:33 - Leo Laporte
You're stuck with them, so this is accurate real time. Yes, according to my, you know computer clock, so is that going to be helpful to people when they watch this back?

0:14:38 - Mikah Sargent
probably not, because they don't know what time it is well, yeah, actually it should probably be you, because you, maybe I should do the clap and then they can see that, oh no, that wouldn't mean anything to them, would it? You're right?

0:14:50 - Leo Laporte
yeah, we're just I guess you know, as soon as a human walks on stage, we'll say something yeah, and then everything starts look, they're nine minutes late to their own party.

0:15:01 - Mikah Sargent
That's, that's what that's for which means it's live right.

0:15:04 - Leo Laporte
It means it's not a prerecorded, unless somebody broke the tape. Oh no, hello, black Rhino. Since G4, which I was never Well, I was on in Canada I was on G4, tech TV Canada. Good to see you too. Welcome, I'm glad you found us. It's one of the reasons we do stream now on all of these places is because I think a lot of old friends find us that didn't know that for the last 20 years we've been doing a podcast network and basically the same thing we did on tech tv.

Even better, this is an old, by the way, screens shirt. I've resurrected from the pile. I hear birdies in them. Does that mean MetaConnect 2024 will begin?

0:15:51 - Mikah Sargent
shortly. Let's hope so, because we don't want to encroach into Windows.

0:15:59 - Leo Laporte
Weekly territory here. Well, we've warned them, we don't want to encroach too far and honestly, all this means is, if Mark isn't really interesting, we're going to dump out of it, and do Windows Weekly, so good luck, Mark.

The burden is on you now, Mark. Get it together. Bro, come on in, stop smoking those meats and let's do some stuff. I thought you were going to say doobies. Oh, hi, ron. Ron Nehring, former candidate for was it? Lieutenant governor in the state of California and a good friend of the network. It's great to see you, hi, ron. Yeah, nice guy.

0:16:44 - Mikah Sargent
Oh yeah, we got a lot of people on YouTube who are, for some reason I think, youtube's serving our stream to several people.

0:16:50 - Leo Laporte
Announcing it to others, yeah. Hopefully none of them are lawyers. Thank you.

0:16:54 - Mikah Sargent
Matrix Prime.

0:16:56 - Leo Laporte
No, this is the beauty part they can't ding us for just talking, that's true.

0:17:02 - Mikah Sargent
Oh, that's right. Yeah, I forgot we're safe.

0:17:06 - Leo Laporte
We don't have it. Yeah, lieutenant governor. That's right, ron. Yeah, it's great to see you again. I feel so powerful. We're safe. What did I call him? Assistant governor? I think I said lieutenant governor, yeah. Yeah, I think he's just confirming. Yeah, assistant governor assistant to the governor did you see that every board member just resigned from 23 and me?

0:17:29 - Mikah Sargent
yeah, I do want people to know, though, that, um, because I had some people reach out to me about it too, asking and honestly it's not some horrible conspiracy theory. It is simply that the ceo and co-founder of the company susan wojcicki yes, susan wojcicki wants to take it private and the board does not think it should be taken private. And if they do, they said if you're going to take it.

0:17:56 - Leo Laporte
Susan is her sister who passed. Oh yeah, that's right and yes.

0:17:59 - Mikah Sargent
Susan passed away. Yeah, um, and she. The music has stopped a human may emerge yeah, so basically it's about viability in the company it just started again. Oh dang it, it just started over don't you?

0:18:16 - Leo Laporte
okay, when you go to a concert, a rock concert, right, and inevitably they start late. If you go see Madonna, like hours late, and the way Madonna handles it, she has a DJ who can play a randomly long set open for her. That's clever. But the moment the DJ descends into the stage which they do, you know well, it must probably be another half hour 45 minutes before Madonna comes on stage. And it's the same thing with this music, right, when they bring the music down you think, oh, it's going to start, and then they Just like a theater where they flash the lights or they bring the lights down.

0:18:56 - Mikah Sargent
We're kind of Pavlovian response to that. Did you see, by the way, the new Roadcaster video?

0:19:10 - Leo Laporte
way uh, the new roadcaster uh video. Don't tell me about something I don't own but might have to want to buy someday soon. What?

0:19:13 - Mikah Sargent
is it? What does it do? Uh, so scooter x posted it in the discord I meant to actually mention to you yesterday, uh, because I saw it pop up. Basically, road is making um a video production.

0:19:27 - Leo Laporte
It's kind of like an atem, but oh, it does look like an atem, doesn't it? Yeah, so just to give people some background um and I'll show this because it's we've got nothing else to do, right just to give people some background road, which was for a long time kind of a low-end audio uh company.

Wow, 11.99 it's a little more pricey than a than a uh has suddenly kind of become a big deal. Oh wait a minute, I see a clock. I see a clock, it is now. We are now one minute and 50 seconds away from re-entry that's funny. Just so I use the roadcaster duo for my mixer and it's actually a really good quality audio mixer for a very good price. I do use black magic's atem mini extreme and and I use elgato's stream decks uh, also in production. But the road stuff's very good.

0:20:25 - Mikah Sargent
I don't use the Rode microphones. Oh, I see it's got XLR inputs and preamps. Oh, so it's audio as well. Yeah, it's audio and video.

0:20:36 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, there's a little analog mixer built into the Blackmagic, but that's good Broadcast-grade video. I'm always looking for that in my video.

0:20:46 - Mikah Sargent
That's cool that it has two usbc inputs, so if you have cameras that are just usbc, then you can use those and switch with them as well, as opposed to having to go through the computer.

0:20:55 - Leo Laporte
Many do. Ladies and gentlemen, we are now 53 seconds what are?

0:21:00 - Mikah Sargent
we is the way but are we? Does anybody really know what time it is? I'm going to take away my clock. I will remove my clock from the back why I like your clock what do we want?

0:21:15 - Leo Laporte
it's not helpful I guess it's not helpful. Yeah, yeah, it's just a clock 32, 31. Why don't you and I, Mikah together, count down from 10, and that way people will have something to do while they're waiting for this music to go away? Okay, all right, let's see if it if we are on the same exact thing minute. Here's a disclaimer. We better read this. The following presentation includes forward-looking statements about our future business plans and expectations. These forward-looking statements are only predictions and made.

0:22:03 - Mikah Sargent
Oh see, that was like you putting up a comment on stage.

0:22:07 - Leo Laporte
It's a stock uh perspective. Okay, now we got people wearing Meta quests and doing cool stuff and technically this is a human coming up, but this isn't the. This is not the human we're talking about.

0:22:17 - Mikah Sargent
I mean on stage, although we gave you the countdown yeah, we did that should be now there's music and singing and dancing how do I get rid of the chat on Facebook, because that's very distracting.

0:22:31 - Leo Laporte
Here's a guy with a telescope, there's a guy with a virtual soccer ball, there's a gal doing wiping off the blackboard, I guess I don't know. Stuff's flying around, possibilities, inspiration, collaboration. Connect is open. This is their developer conference, Meta Connect, and this is the keynote which was rumored to be very interesting. Ready, here comes a human.

0:22:55 - Mikah Sargent
Who's it gonna?

0:22:57 - Leo Laporte
be there. It is. There's a human, it's Mark Zuckerberg. Ladies and gentlemen, with longer hair than usual, yeah, looks like a hippie Black t-shirt.

0:23:09 - Mikah Sargent
I think it's German on his shirt.

0:23:12 - Leo Laporte
He says we have a lot to show you. So again, you should be watching the video. We're not going to describe everything, we're going to comment on it. Watching the video, we're not going to describe everything. Yeah, even a comment on it. I will say he seems a little more confident, poised on stage than he has.

I agree events confident, poised and also a little relaxed, it's just the future of computing and the future of human computing hand in hand, and it's pretty awesome. So here we go, we're jumping right in with MetaQuest 3S Interesting Apple nomenclature Completely different. Configuration on the front of the cameras Makes you look like an alien $299.

0:24:05 - Mikah Sargent
Good price Shipping October 15th Big deal Says you can pre-order today.

0:24:13 - Leo Laporte
No, he hasn't. He hasn't been waiting for this, he has it. He says you can reach out and touch digital things as if they're right there, bring the future to everyone. Well, at 300 bucks a lot more people than apple, that's, yes, exactly right. The cameras, uh, on the, on the front, look kind of like the apple they do cameras sideways, and there's two sets of them.

0:25:08 - Mikah Sargent
Touch plus controllers.

0:25:17 - Leo Laporte
That's something you want to hear Apple say. We optimize the whole system A lot. It's a technical term.

0:25:33 - Mikah Sargent
He says $299, it's $299.99, that's $300.

0:25:46 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, I mean, somebody understood that sentence and went whoo one guy.

0:25:50 - Mikah Sargent
One would hope that 3s would be better than 30 which he said for a long time period.

0:26:05 - Leo Laporte
He said that remember he did that whole video why we're better than division pro. Okay, so this is a hundred dollar less or two hundred dollar less version of the quest 3 is what. This is Best value and best product available. Again, he's shooting at Apple.

0:26:33 - Mikah Sargent
I was going to say that was fast. If that's all there is.

0:26:37 - Leo Laporte
Oh, there's a nerd in the audience, kenny Altman. Hey, kenny, he's waving as if he could see us.

0:26:43 - Mikah Sargent
He's got an Xbox controller in his hands.

0:26:50 - Leo Laporte
So what they're really trying to do is what Apple does right Multiple screens.

0:27:02 - Mikah Sargent
Where did that screen go?

0:27:05 - Leo Laporte
He moved it. It's over, see it's. I don't know where it is.

0:27:09 - Mikah Sargent
It disappeared right now the killer app for the vision pro is watching movies in bed yeah, in bed on an airplane this.

0:27:25 - Leo Laporte
This is all directly from the Vision Pro.

0:27:31 - Mikah Sargent
Wow, this truly is a live demo.

0:27:35 - Leo Laporte
They just switched views there. We saw the command line in operation.

0:27:42 - Mikah Sargent
Somebody's getting. No, I'm just kidding.

0:27:52 - Leo Laporte
And how many times kenny has failed. Poor kenny, you killed kenny. Oh, he doesn't even know where we are. He just said I don't know where we are the day I don't know what's happening, says Mark Zuckerberg. See Netflix. Not available on the Vision Pro Amazon Prime Video YouTube.

0:28:15 - Mikah Sargent
It's for watching TV, but again only by yourself.

0:28:20 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, what's the resolution Do we know?

0:28:23 - Mikah Sargent
He said was it 4K for the- 4K eachK for the. That was for the other one, not for the 3S. Spatial audio Makes sense.

0:28:42 - Leo Laporte
Okay, because no one wanted to use them. Please use them. He really does feel like he escaped from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure and somehow became the CEO of a a huge corporation I've taken over.

0:29:09 - Mikah Sargent
Oh, they've worked with microsoft to do, yeah, what is essentially what apple does?

0:29:17 - Leo Laporte
yeah, microsoft's wanted to do this for a long time. They did it with hololens and nobody wanted it look, there are multiple virtual displays again, this is something apple's been pushing.

0:29:29 - Mikah Sargent
And then one of the few things people really like about the vision pro and you can do this anthony, can you still only do one uh virtual display for apple with your mac, because they just showed two virtual displays so that could be even more. On the mac it's still one display, but now they have that on two version two.

0:29:49 - Leo Laporte
They have that super wide screen like the 5k mac thing. I haven't played with it yet, though anthony is our representative vision pro user. Thank you for buying that, anthony. I made.

0:30:03 - Mikah Sargent
I made mike a turn, send it, oh here we are in Horizon World Made me feel.

0:30:11 - Leo Laporte
You could go after Godzilla Legs.

0:30:23 - Mikah Sargent
There's a lot going on in Horizon Worlds.

0:30:27 - Leo Laporte
This is kind of an Overwatch-y experience. Mark's making a good point. The sense of presence is unique to this form factor that you're in the program.

0:30:50 - Mikah Sargent
Primitive. A portal is a link. I thought I could already do that. To be honest with you. Oh, those avatars do look better.

0:31:11 - Leo Laporte
They look better than apples a little bit, I think, because they're not trying to be too human. Yeah, there's no Uncanny Valley, they're cartoon characters.

0:31:20 - Mikah Sargent
So YouTube is going to be available in Horizon World so you could join other people and watch.

0:31:23 - Leo Laporte
YouTube videos together, yeah.

0:31:30 - Mikah Sargent
Oh, here we go. This is what we were just talking about. How it was creepy.

0:31:38 - Leo Laporte
Ooh, oh every photo realistic spaces.

0:31:45 - Mikah Sargent
Do you have to Hi? Can I see your?

0:31:54 - Leo Laporte
hyperscape room please. Daniel's got for some reason, we don't know, a porsche 911 in his studio. Whoa, that's cool. Green day records records there that looks really good. Do you have to pre-render it? Can you be? I've noticed they're completely empty of people. I think just a pre-rendered 3D environment that you can't really interact with.

0:32:27 - Mikah Sargent
I've got an old Quest. I wonder if it works with that, because I'd like to check that out and see what it's.

0:32:36 - Leo Laporte
I can't play any games. Gaming is something, though, that Apple has kind of not really jumped on. Yeah, even in virtual reality and until Apple came out with Vision Pro, it was considered kind of the killer app would be gaming. It does look scary, Is that right Boy? He's very relaxed in his presentation style, shall we say.

0:33:05 - Mikah Sargent
Just dance.

0:33:11 - Leo Laporte
The fitness crew, Mark you're looking good.

0:33:14 - Mikah Sargent
Do you lift Supernatural's really?

0:33:14 - Leo Laporte

0:33:17 - Mikah Sargent
Ooh, that looks like fun. Yeah, Supernatural's a really good app. Oh, is that Supernatural? Wow, that's improved a lot in quality and they just rolled out group workouts.

0:33:25 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, that's really cool.

0:33:26 - Mikah Sargent
I don't know how that works, but Okay, so this is a current product.

0:33:37 - Leo Laporte
So, jubhub, we decided not to put the Metastream up. We're going to leave that to you because we don't want to get a takedown notice. We've had problems with that in the past, so this is the RiffTrax version. All right, ai folks, so this is, of course, whatrosoft's done with co-pilot. It's what google's doing with gemini.

0:34:35 - Mikah Sargent
the idea is get it, get it into every did you hear that it's on track to be the most used ai assistant in the world? How?

0:34:43 - Leo Laporte
on track. What does that even mean?

0:34:45 - Mikah Sargent
I don't know he said we're probably already there.

0:34:47 - Leo Laporte
That's what he said well, Meta is open, llama is open and uh, it is the case. For instance, I have a local version of llama running on my mac, so it is possible. I suppose I haven't found llama to be as good as uh say anthropic or 4-0. But everybody's kind of neck and neck so they're saying things like make the.

0:35:27 - Mikah Sargent
They uploaded, uploaded a photo. They said make the shirt tie dye, blur the background.

0:35:32 - Leo Laporte
That's what Google's doing with Gemini in the new Pixel 9. What book.

0:35:44 - Mikah Sargent
I missed that, but it's just a lot of fun and awesome. What book? I missed that, but it's just a lot of fun and awesome.

0:35:51 - Leo Laporte
It's really interesting how Apple's going more and more pre-programmed, polished, pre-produced, and Meta's gone more natural, relaxed, and I think developers probably want this right. They want to hear from Mark directly.

0:36:03 - Mikah Sargent
They do. Yeah, he's talking to them as a peer.

0:36:08 - Leo Laporte
I have time to be here with you and talk to you. It doesn't feel like you're talking down from the god exactly why so?

0:36:23 - Mikah Sargent
pretty soon we're gonna see Meta aia AI in our Instagram. Yeah, popping up and being Inevitably.

0:36:29 - Leo Laporte
yeah, I don't think really chatting with an AI is the best use of it, but oh, who have they licensed? John Cena.

0:36:39 - Mikah Sargent
Oh my goodness, john Cena, ai Dame, judi Dench.

0:36:45 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, this was a news story a couple of days ago that they had got these big names. Who would you talk to Dame Judi Dench? Yeah, this was a news story a couple of days ago that they had got these big names. Who would you talk to Dame Judi Dench?

0:36:52 - Mikah Sargent
Awkwafina, oh, 100%, or John Cena, I don't want to talk to John Cena Awkwafina would be funny, but Dame Judi Dench is just too cool. Yeah, oh, here.

0:37:11 - Leo Laporte
Sounds a little like scarlet, that's totally scarlet.

0:37:21 - Mikah Sargent
No, that's aquafina's voice is?

0:37:22 - Leo Laporte
she sounds a lot like scarlet, doesn't she? Yeah, it's that vocal fry. Yeah, you saw, he interrupted her. That's one of the things. That 4-0. That was a big deal with open ais chat, gpt 4-0, embodied, embodied. No, no, I don't want to.

0:38:01 - Mikah Sargent
No, I think he's gonna say no okay, all right all right, yes, yeah, let me get my hair up. Yeah, yeah, exactly.

0:38:20 - Leo Laporte
Is that a broccoli cut? I don't know what you call that With an aggressive fade.

0:38:45 - Mikah Sargent
He's a creator and author, by the way, no idea. Yeah, this is have somebody else talk for me. Yeah, do you get a ton of dms? I do, but many of them are not important and so they wouldn't be something where do you get all these? Dms on. That's the thing. It's all over across platform, you know it's.

0:39:06 - Leo Laporte
It's on instagram and it's on x slash I should probably check to see if I'm getting any dms. I'm sure you are I don't want them.

0:39:13 - Mikah Sargent
Yeah, many of them are just spam or whatever. So maybe I don't like this, though this is, this is the idea that you know we shouldn't have social relationships with people right and we want to be able to talk to them. And then the the person says I don't have enough time to talk to all of you, so I'm going to have my. Ai do it instead. Oh my God, it's an AI version of him. That's this creator's voice, his likeness it's just more mediocre crap.

0:40:01 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, anthony nielsen says we should have ai leo in this environment. I don't want to talk to it. It's just it's nonsense.

0:40:36 - Mikah Sargent
I like that at least no, not in horticulture. I like that. That it calls to cattle ranching horticulture. I think that's what it said. I barely heard it. Okay, I hate that, though.

0:40:47 - Leo Laporte
Bye-bye, not like that this is what sag after is terrified about.

0:41:11 - Mikah Sargent
I do like this idea culture, not horticulture agriculture.

0:41:15 - Leo Laporte
I do actually think, for instance, for us, the idea that our podcast could be in Spanish. That's awesome, it'd be great.

0:41:24 - Mikah Sargent
Yep, so this is the original language.

0:41:40 - Leo Laporte
The person's doing a recipe, and salt hank would be interested in this, I'm sure. Let's see how the lip sync is Wow.

0:42:21 - Mikah Sargent
That's pretty good. That is good and, mind you, the last one had music yeah.

0:42:35 - Leo Laporte
I love the idea that our shows could be automatically translated into any language. It's fantastic.

0:42:39 - Mikah Sargent
This is really cool. This is what I want to see done with AI Multimodal model.

0:43:18 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, this is an interesting story.

0:43:19 - Mikah Sargent
The EU is basically making it impossible to do this due to privacy the white grail, white grail, the white whale, the holy grail, are these smaller models that work very?

0:43:51 - Leo Laporte
well on small devices right yeah, glasses. This is the reason I'm here, reid. We're watching and you should watch it too the MetaConnect keynote, and that's what we're commenting on right now. We't dare, as we used, to broadcast it, rebroadcast it, so it's up to you to play it while we're watching. Um, we'll give you some way to sync up here. How we about that?

0:44:31 - Mikah Sargent
well, if they tune in live. It should be live, yeah, but if you're watching after the fact and it's just two people talking.

0:44:36 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, he just said I'm really proud of the work we're doing and now open source. Ai is on the screen and people are clapping. Go to that part. Glasses, glasses, augmented reality. I thought, it was Meta. Ray-ban depends who which company is talking about it. Yeah, quality's not great but it's cool. Henry takes uh takes him out in his kayak as he's kayaking around the bay to record that yeah, I think speakers are very good.

0:45:37 - Mikah Sargent
Unique ability of recording things that way is one thing that makes them valuable yeah, they look like ray-bans.

0:46:06 - Leo Laporte
Okay, dragon fire's gotta go to the a.

0:46:09 - Mikah Sargent
When they clap, we'll clap it's not an endorsement, to be clear.

0:46:14 - Leo Laporte
No it's just, I'll go like this. No, it's just, I'll go like this. Oh, oh, I like that you can listen to podcasts, your books. I want augmented reality. I want a heads up display In my lens yeah, his name is Mark Zuckerberg you met him at yes, Metaconnect1 this is what I'm curious about, and they are next couple of months. Okay, yeah, we, yeah, we demoed that, uh, a few months ago on twig and it was not impressive, but at least you could say what am I looking at? What is that?

0:47:30 - Mikah Sargent
how do I park better?

0:47:33 - Leo Laporte
uh, remember this, that's good, everybody remember. Mark's car is parked in slot 9702 that's nine seven is he? Driving a hyundai Mark says of course I don't have to worry about that, my chauffeur always knows wow, like remember this, yeah, and like apple's vision whenever that releases, they may both come out at roughly the same time, which would be interesting. Is this a sweater? What does this go with? Look, if you're sewing up that you're at, this is a Mark Zuckerberg feature. I don't know. Should I wear this with this? I don't know.

0:48:50 - Mikah Sargent
So the person the example that they gave is somebody was going to a 1920s themed party. So they said what here would go for that?

0:48:56 - Leo Laporte
Well, that makes sense, because it knows history right.

0:48:59 - Mikah Sargent
Yeah, and then it's like, how should I accessorize it? I said, oh, that pearl necklace you have would be great. So if you have parties to attend this might be open Live translation.

0:49:14 - Leo Laporte
This is the Holy Grail. Do this well and you're done the Babelfish. The struggle is real. Oh, I want to see this pre-recorded video.

0:49:57 - Mikah Sargent
No live demo kids. This is terrifying for me. No kidding, I get secondhand anxiety with this kind of thing.

0:50:05 - Leo Laporte
They're both wearing the glasses. Wow, wow, wow. Awesome is increíble. Just remember that.

0:51:08 - Mikah Sargent
So you have to kind of stand there you're looking kind of yeah, but I guess that's how it would work with any Anyway right Translator yeah.

0:51:23 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, simultaneous translate. How did it translate, bro?

0:51:31 - Mikah Sargent
I think it said hombre.

0:51:36 - Leo Laporte
Bro is, I think, in every language.

0:51:43 - Mikah Sargent
Ah, bro is, I think, in every language. Ah, this is huge. I love this app.

0:51:47 - Leo Laporte
Put Be my Eyes in those glasses. That's great, yep.

0:51:52 - Mikah Sargent
And that's exactly what they're going to do with this. Ah, this is so smart. Wow, this gives me goosebumps Every time I've gotten a call from someone on Be my Eyes and was able to help them, like it was so oh, you've done it.

0:52:07 - Leo Laporte
Oh, that's neat.

0:52:08 - Mikah Sargent
It's so rewarding.

0:52:09 - Leo Laporte
It was tied, of course, to humans, and thanks to AI, now they're using AI to do the same thing. I don't know if it's as good. I probably, well, no.

0:52:20 - Mikah Sargent
In this instance, the glasses are being worn by the person who needs help, and then the person who's volunteering can look on their phone and but I thought be my eyes was replacing the human volunteers, in many cases with ai oh, I did not hear that well, we'll see yeah, because, yeah, it's showing the caller and the volunteer view so that the volunteer sees through those classes.

0:52:41 - Leo Laporte
Sometimes the disadvantage I mean that's fine right, the disadvantage would be my eyes is there's not always somebody there to answer.

0:52:46 - Mikah Sargent
Yeah, transition lenses, yep, transition lenses for the Meta Ray-Bans or Ray-Ban Meta.

0:53:17 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, I like my transitions actually. Yeah, I like my transitions actually. They don't work in the car, unfortunately, because the UV is blocked by your windshield. Blind Wiz says I'm blind, I use Be my Eyes. They're doing a lot of AI but still have humans for when the AI falls short. That makes sense. Anthony nielsen's head is too big for the styles they have, as is mine, anthony. Uh, the ones I I bought I ended up giving to Mikah because my head made it didn't fit, and then you, you kind of lost interest, right, yeah, yeah, so then they went to henry.

0:54:02 - Mikah Sargent
Has him, henry actually they.

0:54:08 - Leo Laporte
They're in my car because he didn't want him. Oh no, he bought his own. Oh, I see, I think that I would order them with my prescription probably.

0:54:25 - Mikah Sargent
I wish we could stream from them. I think that would make a difference for me. Yeah, if I could stream from them, that'd be cool. Yeah, because that'd make unboxings so much easier. That would mean that cooking stuff could be fun.

0:54:38 - Leo Laporte
It's not a great image, it's okay, but it's not what we've got here. It's not Exactly. They are the best glasses out there right now. I think I'm still waiting for my Brilliant Labs glasses. They never have arrived. They're augmented reality, supposedly. Maybe that's why they haven have arrived. They're augmented reality, supposedly, maybe that's why they haven't arrived.

0:55:20 - Mikah Sargent
This mic is getting a little close of yes, you have.

0:55:30 - Leo Laporte
This is what we came to see ha pun this is what I'm very interested in. This is the future. If they can make this happen, they're gonna be a little big.

0:55:49 - Mikah Sargent
Oh my goodness, that person has come out with a briefcase. It's a Metal briefcase, it's handcuffed. Watch your head, watch your head.

0:56:01 - Leo Laporte
Watch your head, watch your brain. Man, this is going to be awesome.

0:56:08 - Mikah Sargent
Live demo with a briefcase.

0:56:13 - Leo Laporte
This guy's gone. I went to graduate school for this. It's the only one. Okay, yeah, Mark went to Toastmasters, that's it. That's good. It makes you look like jeff goldblum, which everybody wants exactly wow, wow, 100 grand. More than 100 grand, but less than 100 grams. So that's yeah. I mean, this is the Holy Grail If they can do this, and good on Mark for pouring billions of dollars into this. Yes, you too. This is the problem Apple has with spooky eyes. Mm-hmm, hmm.

0:57:58 - Mikah Sargent
Or slips into your DMs. I think it's smart to call it a hologram, because we're used to holograms not being very high, fidelity Right.

0:58:09 - Leo Laporte
That looks just like Apple's avatars.

0:58:12 - Mikah Sargent
Although slower frame rate.

0:58:14 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, Look, this is a very early prototype. Of course it's going to be funky.

0:58:27 - Mikah Sargent
It's like the Nintendo 3DS.

0:58:31 - Leo Laporte
Oh, what is it? Oh?

0:58:40 - Mikah Sargent
Wow, wow, wow.

0:58:50 - Leo Laporte
Oh, this is the only technology for real 3D holograms that makes any sense. So it's shooting the light into your retina. Ah, there's a small puck.

0:59:28 - Mikah Sargent
This is of course there's no live demo of this so far distant future yeah yeah and we knew this would be distant future. But Voice, Did you already say that? Oh dear.

0:59:54 - Leo Laporte
I have to jack into that.

1:00:01 - Mikah Sargent
What does this mean?

1:00:05 - Leo Laporte
I mean, this is what Elon wants to do, of course, straight out of sci-fi. I'm doing this right now. Imagine training this thing.

1:00:28 - Mikah Sargent

1:00:53 - Leo Laporte
How does it work? Is that I justine? If it's a bracelet, that's just feeling you move? Yeah, it sounds like it is. It's not. Uh, it's picking up impulse, neural impulses.

1:00:59 - Mikah Sargent
Oh, I love this song.

1:01:11 - Leo Laporte
Is this 100 grams? Oh, benson Huang from NVIDIA oh there's the creator. Who's that? Somebody, somebody famous. Is that the Benson Wong, of course, ceo of Nvidia? I feel like that's the director guy did the way of water, of course. What's his name? I can't remember.

1:01:59 - Mikah Sargent
You're supposed to know, obviously, right oh yeah, yeah, they're playing table tennis.

1:02:26 - Leo Laporte
I mean, if Mark Zuckerberg is standing there, what are you going to go?

1:02:29 - Mikah Sargent
Oh yeah, oh terrible, it's not for me, but thanks, Mark.

1:02:32 - Leo Laporte
Anyway, what's for?

1:02:33 - Mikah Sargent
dinner. It looks cool but golly Okay. So it'll be dev kit first and foremost.

1:03:45 - Leo Laporte
Snap is doing this with their new spectacles and they're renting them at a great cost to developers. Yeah, not the way of water, Tommy. What was it? Oh well, I don't know if that's who it was. Anyway, he looked familiar. He looked like that director, you know. You know who I'm talking about.

1:04:20 - Mikah Sargent

1:04:29 - Leo Laporte
Hart heart. So basically, people aren't going to see them for a shape of water. It was, it. Was it? Guillermo del toro? I don't know, guillermo del toro yeah, did the shape of water, yeah, I don't know if it was, but you look like him a little bit. You'd bring in a film director to look at him for sure, right, because you want content. I like the translation thing. I think that's very interesting. It's very cool. Yeah, but everybody's promised that.

1:04:53 - Mikah Sargent
You know, it's google I gotta give them props for doing these live demos, though, even though some of them were a little clunky yeah you know, it's just nice to see there's a certainly a strong contingent that says oh no, you should do these live.

1:05:09 - Leo Laporte
Uh, I mean not live pre-recorded, because the content's rich and it always works. I, I like seeing, but you know, that's what we do here too, right, we?

1:05:17 - Mikah Sargent
we do everything live well, it just helps me see that it's human, yeah, and that I I don't have to, because when I watch a google thing I'm going that demo is probably faked right, that demo is not going to have the full exactly context. Yeah, there is courage to doing it live. You're kind of putting yourself behind your product and it's more genuine.

1:05:45 - Leo Laporte
It's more real. That's why we did the screensavers live. I didn't want to edit out. The computer crashes because that's a lie yeah more open, more accessible, more natural.

This is really important for Mark to establish values, because I think often thought the Meta has no values. And yeah, he's talking to developers, right, mm-hmm Mark Zuckerberg. Uh, at the connect conference he's waving goodbye, people are applauding and we have finished our coverage of Meta connect for 2024. We're very interested in what he had to say because, uh, we'd heard lots of rumors about what ai would be up to, what the those new ar goggles would be, and so forth, and he kind of lived up to, I think, the expectations and it's worth seeing. But the thing I think he did that was probably most important from his point of view is kind of he's kind of rehabilitated his own reputation and the reputation of Meta to some degree and he needed to do that. Remember him emerging, having everybody put on the MetaQuest and then him emerging from the back and it was just super creepy.

This was a MetaConnect about five years ago and I think that doing it the way he's done it now is it's much more human scale. He was very clear about this is our values. It's about connecting, it's about building and exciting things. It's not about moving fast and breaking things, which, of course, was their motto for many years, and I think this is part of Meta's rehabilitation. Um, and there's an opportunity. There's a gap here that, uh, google has opened up by not really stepping up and, uh, and living up to their promise. Uh, there is apple, but it's such a such a walled garden. Now the lack of trust really all comes to amazon. I think Meta has a chance. There's an opportunity, a place for Meta to be in this and, goodness knows, Mark is committing a huge amount of money, uh, to very speculative technologies and producing real products. A lot of credit to Mark for this.

1:08:22 - Mikah Sargent
What do you think? I agree, yeah, I agree. I was impressed by today's event in the sense that, as someone kind of pointed out in the chat, there's courage to showing off these products that you've been working on in a way where there will be little hiccups, little failures and saying you know, we're we. That might happen, but we're still going to show you something that works and, despite the awkwardness of the live translation, for example, it was still very cool to see that live translation working and you have that opportunity to go. How might I be able to use this? It's something that when I watch other live streams, I don't let myself get too excited about some of those features because I'm going it's going to fail this way. It's going to fail this way, it's going to fail this way. To see it played out live, I think was really important and I agree it's refreshing to see that from a company that I can remember just thinking as a source of true evil for a while.

1:09:17 - Leo Laporte
For so long it was the creepy company. Maybe it's just me, but I'm interested to hear you say that as well. I feel like they've somewhat rehabilitated themselves, and Mark has, of course. He's been trying to do this for some time. Remember, a few years ago we said, oh, he wants to run for president, he wants to run the world. I feel like this is a new, maybe somewhat chastened Mark, a more mature Mark, saying look, we have a lot of resources, we have a lot of customers who trust us and we want to make something of real value in the world.

1:09:50 - Mikah Sargent
Good for him, yeah, and do it at a price point that more people can get into as well, which I appreciate from this company. It's making VR more accessible. No-transcript. I mean, it takes a lot to decide to take a product that's selling okay, especially in the VR landscape, and say we're going to spend the next year instead of trying to make the next best thing. We're going to spend the next year. Instead of trying to make the next best thing, we're going to figure out how to make it cost less, and so to come out with that. What is it? Three S I'm already forgetting the numbers, but and say this one costs less than it did before and you're getting some improvements here, and you know they need to do that.

1:10:54 - Leo Laporte
They need to. Yeah, there's one other thing. Not one mention of facebook.

1:11:00 - Mikah Sargent
Yeah, uh, they mentioned instagram briefly uh-huh, they just said you know your social accounts. Yeah, they didn't really say facebook at all.

1:11:07 - Leo Laporte
Yeah this is not the facebook company anymore. This is Meta and I think Mark has really pivoted and that's very important because, frankly, facebook doesn't have the best reputation in the world. Uh, it is certainly not something young people are interested in at all. I think it's a smart pivot and maybe pivot complete.

1:11:27 - Mikah Sargent
Yeah, yeah, I think, I think so. I think there's a cool factor that's coming to Meta that I was not expecting to see and, as you said, it's kind of a rehabilitation that has been years uh in the making and I think is, I think, in a certain extent, is continuing on. Um, it certainly helps with what they're doing there with getting celebrities involved and uh making products with a company that I can say there's a lot of brand love for Ray-Ban among young millennials and, to a certain extent, even younger generations.

And so I think it's they've been making some smart moves.

1:12:08 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, sure, Mikah Sargent, thank you for spending some time this morning with me. We're going to get going with Windows Weekly only a few minutes late. I hope you enjoyed our coverage coverage of Meta's 2024 connect keynote. I apologize, uh, that we were not able to do it as we have always done it in the past, which is running the keynote and commenting on top of it. It makes you do some extra work. You have to play the keynote with our commentary in the background.

Uh, we're forced to do that, unfortunately, because YouTube and now Twitch both, by the way, incorrectly have deemed that it is not fair use and have allowed the copyright holders to take down channels that do that. So we don't want to take the chance anymore. We can't afford to be kicked off of Twitch or YouTube or any other platform. So, unfortunately, the copyright holders win and Fair Use loses in this case. I think it's a good compromise. Let us know what you think If it's too hard. I know it confuses some people and it's an issue certainly in the post playback, because if you want to watch our commentary and watch the Meta keynote after the fact, it's a little more complicated, but that's what we've got to do yeah commentary and watch the medic keynote.

After the fact it's a little more complicated, um, but that's what we've got to do. Yeah, thank you, Mikah sergeant. Thank you, Leo Laporte, and we'll see you uh soon. Uh, I miss working with you on uh. Ask the tech guys. Remember, though. Micah still does hands on tech every sunday, 11 am, pacific 2 pm, eastern, 1800 utc. He answers your tech questions often live. Yes, yes.

1:13:40 - Mikah Sargent
Almost always live. We occasionally do some reviews that will be pre-recorded, but I always tune. I'm going to be always joining live so that we can talk about the review afterwards, so we'll still have that hangout time.

1:13:53 - Leo Laporte
All right, hang out a little longer windows weekly coming up next on most of these same Twitch stations. Have a great day, bye-bye. 

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