
TWiG 768 transcript

Please be advised this transcript is AI-generated and may not be word for word. Time codes refer to the approximate times in the ad-supported version of the show.

0:00:00 - Leo Laporte
It's time for Twig. This Week at Google we're recording at a different time with a somewhat different cast, because we're about to go live to Google IO at Shoreline Amphitheater in Mountain View, california, where Sundar Pichai is about to take the stage and describe Google's plans we think for AI I think it's almost all AI. There might be a little android in there. I'm not sure Jeff Jarvis will be joining me and from the Big Technology Podcast and Big Technology Newsletter, the very, very smart Alex Kantrowitz. Our coverage of Google AI. Next Podcasts you love. From people you trust.

This is Twig this is twig this week in google, episode 768, recorded tuesday, may 14th 2024. Google ai. Hello everybody. We are about to go to google io in mountain view, jeff jarvis. Good to see you today, jeff Jarvis, good to see you today.

0:01:03 - Jeff Jarvis
I wish I were there.

0:01:05 - Leo Laporte
I know Usually you are. Do they have? I guess they're going to do it at Shoreline. Are there live people there? I don't know.

0:01:14 - Jeff Jarvis
Yeah, yeah, oh yeah, Shoreline. Jason is there, the Android crew is there, oh good.

0:01:18 - Leo Laporte
Okay, okay, so they did invite some people to sit in the.

0:01:26 - Jeff Jarvis
I want to hear what swag.

0:01:27 - Leo Laporte
They were shooting out IO bathrobes. You missed that A little bit. Alex Katrowicz will join us and we will cover. I have been playing. You know we got up early yesterday Well, not really, it was one o'clock for you you were still complaining To watch the chat. Gpt 4.0 release from OpenAI and I had it almost immediately. But playing with the sense, but unfortunately, well, I'll give you what do we expect from Google IO this year? Let's see what.

0:02:08 - Jeff Jarvis
Thinking, thought it was faster Thinking.

0:02:14 - Leo Laporte

0:02:15 - AI
Sorry, I'm having issues right now. Our systems are experiencing heavy load. Please try again later.

0:02:21 - Leo Laporte
It's been this way all morning.

0:02:24 - Jeff Jarvis
And it's not that cheery, cheery voice, it's the customer service voice.

0:02:30 - Leo Laporte
No, no, that is what I've been using all along the Scarlett Johansson voice, but without the cheery prosody. But you know what I haven't? Yeah, I know, but you know what? We're going to have to go to Google IO right now. So I'm sorry, scarlett. Time for Google's big developer conference, google IO. Once a year, they get a chance to tell us what they're up to, and we expect a lot of AI. Today, Sundar Pichai starting us off no, just.

0:03:01 - Google I/O
Google's ambitions of artificial intelligence.

0:03:03 - Google I/O
Google launches Gemini AI is rolling out to work us off. No, just Gemini, by the way, working quite well this morning, maybe a symptom of lack of interest? I don't know.

0:03:19 - Google I/O
And new solutions to age-old problems. Sorry about your shirt. We dreamt of things Never too old for a treehouse. We trained for things.

0:03:34 - Leo Laporte
I'm sorry. And learned about this. That's open.

0:03:42 - Jeff Jarvis
AI talking, not Google asking for more time.

0:03:48 - Leo Laporte
This is moving. Maybe it's showing my age, but this is moving awfully fast for me.

0:03:53 - Google I/O
We filled days like they were weeks and more happened in months than has happened in years.

0:03:58 - Leo Laporte
It's just blah, blah, blah, blah blah, throwing stuff at the wall. Spaghetti at the wall here. Spaghetti at the wall.

0:04:04 - Jeff Jarvis
There's a chicken running.

0:04:05 - Leo Laporte
for some reason there's stuff, papers, but we don't really get a time to see what they're doing. There's a mover with a planter on his head. There's some guy doing something. This is way too fast for me. Oh, I think it's just to give you a general impression that things are moving quickly and AI is helpful for everyone, and that's all you really need to know.

0:04:27 - AI
And you know what? No more questions. We're just getting started. Oh are we?

0:04:32 - Leo Laporte
Well, let's find out. Google IO has been long on promises in years past and short on delivering. Alex Kantorowicz joining us from Big Technology Podcast Hi Alex, Good to see you. Hello, Alex.

0:04:44 - Alex Kantrowitz
Good to see you, hello, alex.

0:04:46 - Leo Laporte
Hey, jeff, let's do this, let's do it. Here's Sundar Pichai.

0:04:49 - Google I/O
Hi everyone, Good morning. Oh, that is a fairly tepid put to sleep by the bathrobe dealing DJ we have a few thousand developers with us here today at Shoreline. Millions more are joining virtually around the world. Thanks to everyone for being here. For those of you who haven't seen IO before, it's basically Google's version of the Era store. He's doing a weird obsession with Taylor Swift. They also call it the. Gemini era it's like. Is this who?

you, I mean the self-awareness is pretty impressive. Before we get into it, I want to reflect on this moment we are in. We've been investing in AI for more than a decade and innovating at every layer of the stack Research, product infrastructure.

0:05:41 - Jeff Jarvis
I mean, this has been true, google has been ahead.

0:05:45 - Leo Laporte
Still, we are in the very early on integrating ai and everything they do we see so much opportunity just don't get credit for it for creators, for developers, for startups, for they can make a strong case that microsoft has put its co-pilot product, which is basically opening into every possible crevice of windows, in the last, but it's been the last nine months, yeah, yeah a frontier model built to be natively multi-model from the very beginning.

0:06:14 - Google I/O
That could reason across google create a transformer.

0:06:17 - Leo Laporte
Google started integrating transformer in turning any input into any output and google has been the parent of so many of these other companies, including Anthropic and.

0:06:28 - Alex Kantrowitz
Perplexity, can I just say what's nice here is there's some real coherence in the message that we're already seeing from Google. Usually, they are all over the place. They can't really tell what they want to talk to you about. Is it going to be their VR, is it going to be the Android, is it going to be search or maps? And I think today, what we're really going to see is just an event entirely focused on artificial intelligence. I've already seen that on the screen and it's actually refreshing from Google that we actually know what they're going to be talking about and they have a coherent message about it know what they're going to be talking about and they have a coherent message about it True, though I still want a Chromebook from them.

0:07:15 - Leo Laporte
They released the Pixel 8a at the same day that Apple announced its new iPads last week and, as a result, got no attention at all. I wonder if they're going to try to recoup that loss.

0:07:27 - Jeff Jarvis
I wonder if the crew who's there will get one.

0:07:31 - Alex Kantrowitz
They've absolutely sandwiched their event. I mean, maybe it's not the events that really sandwiched this one, right? Well, I guess it's two sides of bread an open-faced sandwich with the iPad event and then yesterday's OpenAI event. So it's really incumbent upon Google to just come out swinging in a big way, and I think they know that.

0:07:50 - Leo Laporte
I've been playing with Gemini Advanced and I really like it I think it's quite good I would say on a par with ChatGPT 4 4.0 in the benchmarks I've seen so far is a little bit dumber than ChatGPT 4, but a little friendlier, a little more chatty and faster the real key, although, as I pointed out earlier this morning, it's not been fast, it's not working.

0:08:16 - Alex Kantrowitz
Too many people are using it People you know. Sam Altman tweeted out this is her right. He just tweeted out one word, yeah, one word. Her Last night. Yeah, and I tried to use the 4-0 this morning and just couldn't get through at all. Yeah, and I was like, okay, so this really is the they've nailed the AI girlfriend which is super flirty on the first meeting and then doesn't answer the text.

0:08:40 - Jeff Jarvis
It's a little too much information for me there, Alex.

0:08:45 - Alex Kantrowitz

0:08:45 - Leo Laporte
It's a little too much information for me there, Alex, A little too much experience. I'm married now, but I definitely experienced a lot of that Chat. Gpt-4 ghost we call her. All right, let's see what's going on here.

0:08:54 - Google I/O
There's so much innovation happening in search.

0:08:56 - Leo Laporte
We've been ignoring poor Sundari.

0:08:58 - Google I/O
We can create much more powerful search experiences, including within our products. Let me show you an example.

0:09:04 - Leo Laporte
Let's see an example.

0:09:06 - Google I/O
We launched Google Photos almost nine years ago. Since then, people have used it to organize their most important memories.

0:09:13 - Leo Laporte
It's almost as good as Picasa today.

0:09:15 - Google I/O
More than six billion photos and videos uploaded every single day, and people love using photos to search across their life. With Gemini, you're making that a whole lot easier. Say, you're at a parking station ready to pay, but you can't recall your license plate number. Before you could search photos for keywords, then scroll through years' worth of photos looking for the right one. Now you can simply ask photos. It knows the cars that appear. Often it triangulates which one is yours and just tells you the license plate number.

0:09:52 - Leo Laporte
Okay, I'm trying it right now.

0:09:53 - Google I/O
That's where they launched that.

0:09:55 - Leo Laporte
It did. It gave me my license plate numbers.

0:09:57 - Google I/O
And past photos can also help you search your memories in a deeper way.

0:10:00 - Leo Laporte
That was awesome.

0:10:01 - Google I/O
For example, you might be reminiscing about your daughter Lucia's early milestones. You can ask photos. When did Lucia learn to swim?

0:10:11 - Leo Laporte
When did.

0:10:12 - Google I/O
You can even follow up with something more complex.

0:10:13 - Leo Laporte
I don't know who Lucia is, but let me ask about my daughter.

0:10:16 - Google I/O
Show me how Lucia's swimming has progressed.

0:10:19 - Leo Laporte

0:10:19 - Google I/O
Gemini goes beyond a simple search.

0:10:21 - Leo Laporte
So you can query the photos. I've always used the tagging.

0:10:25 - Google I/O
You know the snorkeling in the ocean.

0:10:28 - Leo Laporte
to the text and dates it doesn't know when my daughter learned to swim.

0:10:31 - Google I/O
I mean this really is the promise of natural language and generative AI right here.

0:10:38 - Alex Kantrowitz
It's that you're really moving from an area where we're using graphical user interfaces, to being able to speak with computers and have them understand us as people, and so if we're going to see a day where we're going to have little product updates like this across the board, that sort of have intuitive to NAI applications, I think that really is a good look for Google.

0:10:59 - Leo Laporte
I asked it when did my son learn to skateboard and it was able to come?

0:11:02 - Google I/O
up with.

0:11:04 - Jeff Jarvis
I asked Gemini my license plate number number and it scolded me and said that's confidential information. Look at your license plates, it said. No, yes you got to do it in photos.

0:11:14 - Google I/O
Oh, okay, look at your license plates, you dummy, I don't want it to scold me.

0:11:22 - Leo Laporte
Contest window sizes becomes very important as you start to feed it, your content. That's a lot of menus, that's a big menu. By the way, If you can't get it, it's Cheesecake.

0:11:37 - Google I/O
Factory, you can't get it.

0:11:44 - Leo Laporte
I somehow feel like Sundar has probably never been to the Cheesecake Factory. However, somebody said just use it, sundar.

0:11:53 - Google I/O
I remember the announcement the one million token context window and my first reaction was there's no way they were able to achieve this.

0:12:01 - Google I/O
I wanted to test its technical skills, so I uploaded a line chart. So just to recap what you probably already know, is.

0:12:10 - Leo Laporte
LLMs have a training model and then tuning on top of it, and then you can provide it with content to search. That's the token window. Context, and the larger the better, obviously, If you want to give it all of your books, Jeff you'd need a big context window.

0:12:27 - Google I/O
Find specific references to comments in the code and specific requests that people had made and other issues that people had had, but then suggest a fix for it. That related to what I was working on.

0:12:40 - Google I/O
I immediately tried to kind of crash it. So I took four or five research papers I had on my desktop.

0:12:47 - Leo Laporte
This is why we love geeks.

0:12:49 - Google I/O
It's a mind-blowing experience when you add so much text and then you see the kind of amount of tokens you add is not even at half the capacity.

0:12:57 - Jeff Jarvis
I just put 300 pages into Doppelganger and it went fine.

0:13:01 - Alex Kantrowitz
Yeah, that's good I happen to think that this is some of the most useful functionality that we can use with generative AI. Leo, I don't know if you've done this or, jeff, I don't know if you've done this, but I'll often take podcast transcripts from big technology podcasts and just dump them into Cloud I like using Cloud and then we talk about the interviews. We say all right. I say all right, I say grade it on a bunch of different margins. Oh, that's great.

You know, there have been times where I just did this one. I had Dvarkash Patel on. He's a podcaster. I took five of his interviews and I dumped it into Claude and these are long hour, two, three hour long interviews and I was able to handle all this stuff and was it right? It was very interesting. I don't know 100% if it was right, but it certainly sparked an interesting conversation. And so I think that this stuff as people start to realize that you can dump so much information in these bots and talk with them about it, it's big in the fact that. I think what Google said they have a million context window, million token context window, and that is huge and that is impressive. I think they are probably the largest.

0:14:14 - Leo Laporte
I think that exceeds anybody else preview.

0:14:17 - Google I/O
Over the last few months, we made a series of quality improvements across translation.

0:14:22 - Jeff Jarvis
This is going to affect credibility when you put in your own data.

0:14:25 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, absolutely, and I think a big use for this is putting in your own data.

0:14:31 - Alex Kantrowitz
And it also hallucinates less when it's like working off of your own documents. That's what I'm saying.

0:14:35 - Leo Laporte
yep, and in fact on my custom GPTs I always say please only use the corpus of data that I've provided for your answers.

0:14:43 - Google I/O
In addition, today Gemini 1.5 Pro with 1 million contacts is now directly available for consumers. Corpus of data that I've provided for your answers.

0:14:50 - Leo Laporte
Although I have to say.

0:14:51 - Google I/O
Gemini Advanced, without any training, has done some very good work, at least in coding.

0:15:04 - Leo Laporte
This is also something ChatGPTo mentioned was many, many languages, expanding the context window to two million two million tokens. I don't think anybody can do that.

0:15:12 - Google I/O
That is big yeah yeah, that's a tweet we are making it available for developers in private preview. It's amazing to look back and see. Is that virtually synonymous with RAG?

0:15:25 - Leo Laporte
Not necessarily, but RAG, which is augmented generation using your own content. So I asked ChatGP before. It said my token window can process 8,192 tokens in a single interaction A little less than 2 million.

0:15:45 - Google I/O
Let's see how this comes to life with Google Workspace In a single interaction.

0:15:48 - Leo Laporte
A little less than 2 million More intelligence. Let's see how this comes to life with Google Workspace.

0:15:54 - Google I/O
Besides the RAG.

0:15:55 - Leo Laporte
It also includes what you type and its response context you provide in the prompt. It's not solely limited to your books or whatever.

0:16:04 - Google I/O
Okay, maybe not everything, but you want to stay informed.

0:16:07 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, this is a good use. Of course, is your Gmail Now?

0:16:10 - Google I/O
we can ask Jim and I to summarize all recent emails from the school. In the background, it's identifying relevant emails, even analyzing attachments like Of course I can't get that because of my damn.

0:16:23 - Jeff Jarvis
You're on workspace.

0:16:24 - Google I/O
So helpful. Maybe you were traveling this week and you couldn't make the PTA meeting. The recording of the meeting is an hour long. If it's from Google Meet, you can ask Gemini to give you the highlights.

0:16:42 - Alex Kantrowitz
So this replaces local journalism folks. It's a parent's group looking for volunteers.

0:16:47 - Google I/O
You're free that day, so this replaces local journalism folks.

0:16:49 - Alex Kantrowitz
My wife and I were talking this week about how much easier it is going to be to raise kids with AI.

And you see that some of these things, like the meetings you have to attend, the PTA meetings that's going to be summarized by Gemini, and then tutoring, if you're willing, will be handed over to things like we saw yesterday from OpenAI with ChachiPT 4.0. It really it's pretty incredible and I think that we talk a lot about what this will do to jobs. Right, make room for more creativity time and less drudgery work, but for parenting, this will make room for more time to actually spend time with your kids, as opposed to having to sit and watch that hour-long PTA meeting. I think this is one of the more underrated benefits of internet AI.

0:17:31 - Jeff Jarvis
I've been telling news organizations that they should be doing that, but now Google can do it instead.

0:17:34 - Google I/O
Last year at IO, we introduced Notebook LM, a research and writing tool grounded in the information you give it. So maybe this is an extra reporter for these news organizations, these local news organizations, Jeff what do you think?

0:17:49 - Alex Kantrowitz
They're always behind.

0:17:50 - Jeff Jarvis
They're always whiny in the US Shipstead in Norway is ahead, but not here.

0:17:56 - Alex Kantrowitz
I want to see what this is when I worked in ad tech Shipstead was definitely seen as one of the early adopters Absolutely.

0:18:02 - Google I/O
They still are, and I've added some of his science worksheets, a few slide decks from his teacher and even an open source textbook full of charts and diagrams. With 1.5 Pro, it instantly creates a notebook guide with a helpful summary and can generate a study guide an. Faq or even quizzes, but for my son, Jimmy, he really learns best when he can listen to something.

0:18:27 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, this has been around for a while.

0:18:27 - Jeff Jarvis
I guess this is the 2 million token version which is not publicly available yet. Oh, I thought it was Notebook LM Pro. Okay.

0:18:40 - Google I/O
Ah Sal Khan as input and output them into a lively science discussion personalized for him.

0:18:47 - Jeff Jarvis
Sal Khan, let's take a listen.

0:18:49 - Leo Laporte
So let's dive into physics. What's on deck for today?

0:18:52 - Google I/O
Well, we're starting with the basics Force in motion, Okay, and that of course means we have to talk about Sir Isaac Newton and his three laws of motion.

0:19:00 - Leo Laporte
Ah yes, the foundation for understanding how objects move in the graph. Who's the?

0:19:04 - Google I/O
human. Ah yes, I.

0:19:04 - Jeff Jarvis
The foundation for understanding how objects move and interact. Who's the human? Ah yes, I don't think there is one. It's having its own dialogue.

0:19:09 - Google I/O
It's generating this audio discussion based on that text material, and what's amazing is that my son and I can join into the conversation and steer it whichever direction we want. When I tap join, Hold on. I have a question what's up, Joshosh? Yeah, can you give my son jimmy a basketball example?

0:19:35 - Google I/O
hey, jimmy, that's a fantastic idea basketball is actually a great way to visualize force and motion. Let's break it down okay.

0:19:43 - Leo Laporte
So imagine a basketball just sitting there on the court. It's not moving right. That's because all the forces acting on it are balanced the downward, pull of gravity.

0:19:52 - Google I/O
Pretty cool right.

0:19:54 - Leo Laporte
OpenAI showed a use of chat GPTO as a tutor, a geometry tutor, it was quite impressive.

0:20:00 - Google I/O
I gotta say, the first time I saw a person who was seeing how great his eyes are.

0:20:03 - Alex Kantrowitz
They were seeing a grip.

0:20:04 - Google I/O
This is definitely one of the themes that's emerging for the week is that these companies are going to try to sell these products to the public as effectively personalized tutors for kids and honestly, it's a pretty good pitch. I think if you're thinking about any different type of application here,

0:20:17 - Alex Kantrowitz
having these things be able to effectively replace or sort of spin up from nothing.

0:20:33 - Google I/O
Replace sort of spin up from nothing. What would be $150 an?

0:20:38 - Leo Laporte
hour tutor, personalized for children, is a very, very good value proposition. I've been using Gemini Advanced right now to search my Gmail. It's actually done a pretty good job. I just asked it to analyze my email for any upcoming deliveries, for meetings, so forth. It's done a fairly good job.

0:20:51 - Google I/O
Thanks, george, especially given that my Gmail account is almost entirely spam. Soon you'll be able to mix and match inputs and outputs. This is what we mean when we say it's an IO for a new generation, and I can see you all out there thinking about the possibilities. But what if we could go even further?

0:21:10 - Leo Laporte
Remember, this is a developer conference. So the pitch, even though they know that we're watching is two developers to use these tools.

0:21:17 - Google I/O
I think about them as intelligent systems that show reasoning, planning and memory are able to think multiple steps ahead, work across software and systems, all to get something done on your behalf and, most importantly, under your supervision. Now remember it's been about five years since they showed the ability to book reservations. It's like Google.

0:21:42 - Alex Kantrowitz
I forgot what they called it Dexter.

0:21:43 - Leo Laporte
They had a name for it, wasn't it Duo? Duo was answering your calls.

0:21:48 - Google I/O
It's pretty fun to shop for shoes. It's a lot less fun to return them when they don't fit. Imagine if Gemini could do all the steps for you. Duplex, duplex, that's it, yes. Locating the order number from your email, filling out a return form and even scheduling a pickup. That's much easier right.

0:22:08 - Leo Laporte
This is what I was talking about when I said that Google IO is often long on promises but short on actual deliveries.

0:22:15 - Google I/O
And Duplex sat around for quite a while.

0:22:18 - Alex Kantrowitz
There was also some sort of discomfort with. I think it was early there was discomfort with AI, mimicking being a human and speaking to small business owners and kind of tricking them into making reservations, but I think that the paradigm has shifted. Right now we're living in a very different world from where we were back then and I think society has caught up with the vision for Google. That's a good point.

0:22:41 - Jeff Jarvis
My hair salon gets duplex calls. Now, really yeah, yeah.

0:22:50 - Google I/O
What's their reaction to that? They just tell you about it and laugh. Yeah, hey guess what called. Wow Door dash. These are simple use cases, but they give you a good sense of the types of problems you want to solve by building intelligent systems that think ahead, reason and plan, all on your behalf.

0:23:13 - Alex Kantrowitz
So this is how AI ends up killing all of us, right? This is just the beginning? Right, we're going to look back at this announcement, as this was the moment where humanity turned it over to machines.

0:23:23 - Leo Laporte
I'm sorry, leo, you've had way too many donuts this year.

0:23:26 - Google I/O
I'm not going to deliver those Dunkins. Organizing the world's information across every input, making it accessible via any output. And, of course, at the same time as the US and China are making treaties to not use this to steer nuclear weapons both countries are working hard to develop autonomous cruise missiles and so forth.

0:23:50 - Leo Laporte
I have a feeling it won't be long, ah, dennis.

0:23:54 - Alex Kantrowitz

0:23:55 - Leo Laporte
Here's Demis, sir, did he say, sir Dennis?

0:24:00 - Alex Kantrowitz
Did he get knighted? Yeah, he's been knighted. He was knighted a couple months ago actually, Sir Dennis. By the way, Google's mission statement to organize the world's information and make it more accessible and useful along those lines just feels really outdated at that point it's a search engine.

0:24:19 - Leo Laporte
We don't need that anymore. We need a search agent.

0:24:22 - Google I/O
I was captivated by the idea of a computer that could think like a person. It's ultimately why I became a programmer and studied neuroscience. I co-founded DeepMind in 2010 with the goal of one day building AGI Artificial General Design a system that has human-level cognitive capabilities. I've always believed that if we could build this technology responsibly, its impact would be truly profound.

0:24:50 - Leo Laporte
If you go to DemiHassibicom, it takes you to Google IO's page.

0:24:54 - Google I/O
Last year we reached a milestone on that path when we formed Google DeepMind.

0:24:58 - Leo Laporte
Oh, I see it's DeepMind.

0:24:59 - Google I/O
Combining AI talent from across the company into one super unit.

0:25:04 - Leo Laporte
DeepMind's had great success. You know, beating chess, beating Masters, beating Go Masters, go yeah, alphafold, yeah, alphafold.

0:25:16 - Google I/O
With the protein folding.

0:25:16 - Jeff Jarvis
It's the Bell Labs of the day, yeah.

0:25:21 - Alex Kantrowitz
I mean an interesting point that's worth bringing up is Demis sort of bet the farm on this form of machine learning called reinforcement learning, and from my reporting I heard that in DeepMind the stuff that ended up going in to build large language models, called self-supervised learning, was kind of looked at as a backwater and something that he or the people inside there did not want to touch, and so that's why they've been kind of late in terms of the groundbreaking stuff on the LLM side. But they finally realized that this stuff is important. And now what Demis believes is that I spoke with him a few months ago what he believes is that the path of AI is going to turn around back towards reinforcement learning, which is more like goal-oriented and helps you accomplish missions, and that will be stuff that powers the agents that we'll see, so that on top of self-supervised large language models. I'm very eager to see what he does.

0:26:18 - Jeff Jarvis
It makes sense, because you need that kind of credibility to make us trust agents to put them off on tasks, absolutely. Oh, what's this? Yeah, let's listen, he's brought Flash back.

0:26:30 - Google I/O
Flash is a lighter weight model compared to Pro. It's designed to be fast and cost efficient to serve at scale, while still featuring multimodal reasoning capabilities and breakthrough long context. Flash is optimized for tasks where low latency and efficiency matter most. Starting today, you can use 1.5 Flash and 1.5 Pro, with up to 1 million.

Google AI Studio and Vertex AI and developers can sign up to try 2 million tokens. We're so excited to see what all of you will create with it, and you'll hear a little more about Flash later on from Josh. We're very excited by the progress we've made so far with our family of Gemini models, but we're always striving to push the state of the art even further At any one time. We have many different models in training and we use our very large and powerful ones to help teach and train our production-ready models.

0:27:26 - Leo Laporte
Oh dear.

0:27:27 - Google I/O
Together with user feedback, this cutting-edge research will help us to build amazing new products for billions of people.

0:27:33 - Leo Laporte
This is where we've gotten to. Llms have maybe reached the end of the line.

0:27:37 - Google I/O
We've shown a glimpse into the future of how people will interact with multimodal AI.

0:27:42 - Leo Laporte
And this is how this would end up powering a new set of transformative experiences and it seems to be most AI experts are saying we've got to look at other methods to get to the next level Today we have some exciting new progress to share about the future of AI systems that we're calling Project Astra. Flash is cost efficient also, which is, I think, important.

0:28:06 - Alex Kantrowitz
I mean AI computing got way cheaper this week with Flash and with this OpenAI GPT-4.0, which is about half price of. Gpt-4.0.

0:28:17 - Leo Laporte
It's half price for us, but I wonder how much less it is for them.

0:28:20 - Google I/O
Sam Hall's on request. Sam Hall has said it's going to take trillions of dollars to get to where we want to go.

0:28:27 - Leo Laporte
This is part of the reason why.

0:28:29 - Google I/O
So you can talk to it naturally without lag or delay. I think that's a big frontier for. Ai right now, especially the chats the ones you talk to. They've got to respond quickly.

0:28:43 - Leo Laporte
When you're talking to it and you're waiting, it just doesn't feel natural. Well, in the case of OpenAI.

0:28:47 - Jeff Jarvis
I haven't responded at all.

0:28:49 - Google I/O
Yeah or has today, combining the video and speech input into a timeline of events and caching this for efficient recall. We've also enhanced how they sound, with a wider range of intonations. These agents better understand the context you're in and can respond quickly in conversation, making the pace and quality of interaction feel much more natural.

0:29:12 - Leo Laporte
Here's a video of our prototype, which will the Google stock has started to spike already a single take in real time. The market responding very quickly to what they're hearing.

0:29:23 - AI
Let's do some tests. Tell me when you see something that makes sound. I see a speaker which makes sound.

0:29:33 - Alex Kantrowitz
I think that might be on the 2 million token thing.

0:29:38 - AI
What is that part of the speaker called? That is the tweeter.

0:29:41 - Leo Laporte
It produces high frequency sounds. This is something Google has been doing on its the circle search. The circle search yeah.

0:29:46 - Google I/O
Give me a creative alliteration about these.

0:29:50 - Jeff Jarvis
It's the whole antecedent problem. I got to hear this, they certainly craft colorful creations.

0:29:56 - Leo Laporte
That's hysterical.

0:29:59 - Jeff Jarvis
Give me something colorful about that guy.

0:30:01 - Google I/O
What does that part of the code do?

0:30:05 - Alex Kantrowitz
This code defines encryption and decryption functions Very fast, it seems to use AESPC encryption to encode and decrypt data based on a key and an initialization vector IV.

0:30:19 - Leo Laporte
This is pretty impressive. So the whole multimodal layer.

0:30:23 - Google I/O
I think is very important too, you're going to hear that word a lot.

0:30:25 - Leo Laporte
The idea that it can take inputs from video, from pictures from your voice.

0:30:31 - Jeff Jarvis
And it understands antecedents.

0:30:33 - Leo Laporte
What you're referring to. Opening. I also talks about memory. Is antecedent the word oh. That's really interesting. Did you see that?

0:30:45 - Alex Kantrowitz
That's cool.

0:30:46 - Leo Laporte
It remembered the entire video and found her glasses. That's really interesting. That's memory in another way.

0:30:53 - Alex Kantrowitz
Doesn't this technology just not get interesting until it's baked into?

0:30:56 - Google I/O
smart glasses. Why can't I add here to make this system faster. It will be soon, I think.

0:31:01 - Alex Kantrowitz
It will, and Google will definitely put glasses again, which will be an interesting thing to cover. But I always find these demos to be so impressive, and then I'm like I never find myself with my phone, taking it out and wanting to video a room, just because of the AI in it Now.

0:31:15 - Leo Laporte
I have to say this looks an awful lot like the faked video that they did last year. That fooled the hell out of me, but I think doing it in real time if they haven't faked it, god, I hope they haven't. They've kind of muddied the water by faking it prior to this.

0:31:32 - Alex Kantrowitz
God, I hope they haven't faked it, as certainly a good tagline for any developer event.

0:31:37 - Jeff Jarvis
Including yesterday.

0:31:38 - Google I/O
It's amazing to see how far AI has come, especially when it comes to spatial understanding video processing and memory. As Joe in the Discord points out, it's easy to envisage a future where you can have an expert assistant by your side.

0:31:51 - Leo Laporte
We've gotten used to the idea of AIs and talking to AIs.

0:31:54 - Google I/O
But now we're going to have to really question privacy issues. Some of these agent capabilities. What you just saw is a huge invasion of privacy in everybody in that room. For those of you on site today oh calm down Well.

0:32:05 - Leo Laporte
I think we're going to have to get used to that, and I think, maybe, alex, you're right, we are going to get used to it. We get used to these things Because the payoff is great. Yeah, according to TechCrunch GPT-40 includes Be my Eyes, which is a very great accessibility feature.

0:32:22 - Google I/O
We can look at something and it will tell you what. It is Very useful for blind people.

0:32:32 - Leo Laporte
Mac Break Weekly will be scheduled for tomorrow. This is this week in Google and 7.68. So we're flip-flopping Mac Break Weekly and this week in Google Mac Break Weekly will be tomorrow. We will have the new iPad to talk about.

0:32:45 - Jeff Jarvis
Now, Doug Leo got that wrong. This is the changelog.

0:32:50 - Leo Laporte
An entire twig changelog.

0:32:53 - Google I/O
Over the past few months we've been working hard to build a new image generation model from the ground up, With stronger evaluations, extensive red teaming and state-of-the-art watermarking with synth.

0:33:05 - Jeff Jarvis
ID and black people founding the nation. Today I'm so excited to introduce Imagine3.

0:33:10 - Leo Laporte
I think there's a reason. It's our most capable image generation model. Companies gravitate to this. Hallucinations are less of a problem if you give somebody six fingers, big deal. With richer details, like this incredible sunlight in the shot. And people like this I don't know how important this is in the long run. And in fact it's threatening to artists or musicians.

0:33:35 - Jeff Jarvis
Did you see that the guild of set designers just called off their training? There's not enough jobs to justify doing the training. That's sad. Plus.

0:33:44 - Alex Kantrowitz
This is our best model yet All I have to say on this point is just wait, guys. What do you mean? Something's coming up that you're going to.

0:33:53 - Leo Laporte
Oh, you already know something. This discussion is overdrive.

0:33:58 - Google I/O
In sum, Imagine 3 is our highest quality image generation model so far. Honestly think companies should abandon this line of work Image FX, part of our suite of AI tools at Labsgoogle quality image generation model so far, honestly think companies should abandon this line of work. It's not something anybody needs particularly.

0:34:12 - Leo Laporte
It just raises people's hackles Both to do copyright and loss of jobs.

0:34:20 - Jeff Jarvis
It enables anybody to tell their stories, illustrate their stories. I think there's huge power to be had here. It's a tool.

0:34:23 - Google I/O
As long as we see it as a tool illustrate their stories. I think there's huge power to be had here. It's a tool.

0:34:26 - Google I/O
As long as we see it as a tool, not a thief and if this art is everywhere.

0:34:33 - Alex Kantrowitz
the people who are professionals in this world will actually command a premium, because it's going to be harder to stand out and if you're able to do this better than the AIs, and there will be people that can you're going to do this better than the AIs and there will be people that can. You're going to really be in demand.

0:34:50 - Jeff Jarvis
The Guardian's new motto is humans for humans. Yeah, I mean as a human, I embrace that yeah.

0:35:01 - Leo Laporte
I think, music's another area where you can expect AI to become quite good. Right back into the music AI.

0:35:09 - Alex Kantrowitz
It's already amazing. Have you guys tried Tune-O before? Yeah, we love it. Katie meets Bruce. Oh, my goodness.

0:35:14 - Google I/O
I have no clue what's about to be spread out. This is what excites me.

0:35:21 - Leo Laporte
So it took you to the guitar line and Brazilianized it as a hip-hop producer.

0:35:26 - Google I/O
We dug in the crates, we're playing these vinyls and the part where there's no vocal, sample yourself. Sample it and we create an entire song around that. So right now we're digging in the infinite crate. It's endless.

0:35:38 - Google I/O
Where I found that really useful for me. This was the guy with the DJ the sparser sort of elements of my loops. This was the guy with the role in the sparser sort of elements of that loop. Let's try bongos. We're going to put viola, we're going to put rhythmic clapping and we're going to see what happens there. Wonder what Benito thinks about all this. Ironically, at the end of the day, a little more human, a resident musician it's predictable.

0:36:04 - Leo Laporte
He's over there growling. You know, when drum machines came out, people got very excited about it, and then they realized that they were rhythmically precise and that made them monotonous. They had no swing, yeah, no, that's pretty dope. But I think you could build in swing.

0:36:18 - Google I/O
You can build in swing. It's groove. They don't have, they don't have groove.

0:36:21 - Google I/O
Okay, now there's, that's because machines don't have groove. Okay, now there's Speeding up the process.

0:36:25 - Leo Laporte
That's because machines don't dance.

0:36:27 - Google I/O
You're able to move light speed. Just wait, this is amazing, that right there.

0:36:34 - Jeff Jarvis
Alex, I expect you to say to us this is it when we come to it?

0:36:37 - Leo Laporte
I'm fine with this as an expressive tool for humans.

0:36:41 - Google I/O
And I've always said this AI is best when it works in partnership with a human. Yeah, but again I feel like, Because this is such a thorny area with regard to copywriting jobs it would be wise to stay out of it.

0:36:57 - Alex Kantrowitz
Google's never done that before. Okay, time to tune in.

0:37:02 - Google I/O
This one's going to be nuts. Today I'm excited to announce our newest, most capable genitive video model called VEO.

0:37:09 - Leo Laporte
VEO V-E-O. This is it, Alex.

0:37:12 - Google I/O
Alex is all about this it creates high-quality 1080p videos from text, image and video prompts. It can capture the details of your instructions in different visual and cinematic styles.

0:37:23 - Leo Laporte
So interesting how everybody's working in the same.

0:37:25 - Google I/O
Aerial shots of the landscape or time lapse and further edit your videos using of course, has its video generator.

0:37:31 - Leo Laporte
You can use vo. It's all about expressing the two humans called video effects.

0:37:36 - Google I/O
We're exploring features like storyboarding and generating longer scenes.

0:37:40 - Leo Laporte
Whoa vo gives you unprecedented extendfill, so now they're doing outfill in video. That's crazy.

0:37:50 - Google I/O
That's pretty good.

0:38:03 - Leo Laporte
I mean, we were very excited about Sora when it came out two months ago I guess February was that.

0:38:09 - Google I/O
Including GQN, banaki, walt, videopoet, lumiere and much more.

0:38:15 - Alex Kantrowitz
I mean the idea that AI is able to generate such high-quality video and keep cars, for instance, driving on the road. People smarter than me can get into the physics of that and the programming, but that's insane. It knows that a car has to drive on the road and that the buildings stay upright and don't wobble.

0:38:30 - Jeff Jarvis
You're exactly right, that's the key is understanding how the world works.

0:38:34 - Leo Laporte
Have you played with this or just read about it, Alex?

0:38:38 - Alex Kantrowitz
I just read about it. I haven't tried it yet.

0:38:42 - Leo Laporte
I'd love to see people using it, but I think the devils of it. I'd love to see you know people using it, but I think that what you're seeing here already is that I mean they had Donald Glover on the screen.

0:38:51 - Alex Kantrowitz
Like you're starting to see that Hollywood is going to buy into this, and that's really what matters.

0:38:55 - Google I/O
We are able to bring ideas to life that were otherwise not possible.

0:39:00 - Google I/O
We can visualize things on a timescale that's 10 or 100 times faster than before when you're shooting, you can't really unedited raw output, and so we've been here so they're making they are aware of this issue, like more functionality.

0:39:13 - Leo Laporte
They've only labeled this, but notice they didn't say that the last time, right faster.

0:39:17 - Alex Kantrowitz
That's all you really want at the end of the day, but it will probably for at least the next little while be some version of like you're going to create stuff and then you're going to edit it in post, right?

0:39:30 - Leo Laporte
And I wonder if Donald Glover is thinking about it in long form or he wants to use it for his music videos.

0:39:36 - Google I/O
You know it would be great for music videos, I guess.

0:39:39 - Leo Laporte
Oh, absolutely yeah, Because they're also you know kind of I mean, they're kind of hallucinatory anyway. The more we'll understand each other.

0:39:49 - Google I/O
These models are really enabling us to be more creative. Wow and to share that creativity with each other.

0:39:58 - Leo Laporte
Looks like it's a party at Donald's house.

0:40:01 - Jeff Jarvis
Yeah, they only have one laptop, jeez.

0:40:04 - Leo Laporte
Get some more laptops.

0:40:11 - Google I/O
Over the coming weeks, some of these features will be available to select creators through video effects at labsgoogle, and the wait list is open now, of course, these advances in generative video go beyond

the beautiful visuals you've seen today. By teaching future AI models how to solve problems creatively or, in effect, simulate the physics of our world, we can build more useful systems that can help people communicate in new ways and thereby advance the frontiers of AI. When we first began this journey to build AI more than 15 years ago, we knew that one day it would change everything. Now that time is here.

0:40:51 - Leo Laporte
So he pronounces it Demis.

0:40:52 - Google I/O
We continue to be amazed by the progress we see.

0:40:54 - Leo Laporte
Demis, demis and Hasibis, or Hasibi.

0:40:58 - Google I/O
Thanks, hasabis.

0:41:01 - Leo Laporte
Rod on all counts. Leo, since you've talked to him, I want to get the actual, so I'll from now on call him Demis Hamasah Mahasis.

0:41:08 - Google I/O
Thanks, Demis. A huge amount of innovation is happening at.

0:41:13 - Alex Kantrowitz
Google DeepMate.

0:41:14 - Google I/O
I have to say they have been all AI From the beginning.

0:41:17 - Alex Kantrowitz
We haven't heard anything about maps or anything like that, or Android. I think it's been an impressive presentation so far. I mean faster, cheaper, a cheaper model, all this generation and I don't know. I think this has been good so far.

0:41:32 - Leo Laporte
Integration into some products, but it also reflects how much they feel under fire. I mean without a doubt, they are a search ad company. It's their money.

0:41:43 - Alex Kantrowitz
Well, leo, that's a great point, because that's sort of underneath every single announcement. You could ask okay, well, how are you going to make money from this? And there's some questions there. I mean, maybe they're going to end up making more money on cloud, like Google. Cloud is actually advancing now after being stagnant for so long, but cloud is not going to replace Google Search.

0:42:07 - Leo Laporte
So TPUs are something Google's been early on with and.

0:42:10 - Google I/O
Trillium's their newest 4.7 times faster. This is for cloud.

0:42:18 - Jeff Jarvis
They've got to reduce the compute power. Reduce the consumption, the cost, increase the power, yeah, the power Alongside our TPUs we are proud to offer.

0:42:28 - Google I/O
TPUs and GPUs to support any workload. That includes the new Axion processors.

0:42:33 - Jeff Jarvis
We announced last month our first custom ARM-based CPU with industry-leading performance and energy efficiency. Wait for the applause.

0:42:46 - Google I/O
We're also proud to be one of the first cloud providers to offer NVIDIA's cutting edge Blackwell GPUs, available in early 2025 those are the $30,000 a piece GPUs offered by NVIDIA we are fortunate to have a long standing partnership with NVIDIA, excited to bring Blackwell's capabilities to our customers.

0:43:06 - Jeff Jarvis
Everybody wants to cozy up to NVIDIA.

0:43:11 - Google I/O
From performance, optimized hardware and open software to flexible consumption models. This all comes together in our AI hypercomputer, a groundbreaking supercomputer architecture. Hypercomputer a groundbreaking supercomputer architecture. Businesses and developers are using it to tackle more complex challenges with more than twice the efficiency relative to just buying the wrong hardware, Mostly of the internet where people were willing to spend billions of dollars up front to build a customer base, in part because of our approach to liquid cooling in our data centers.

0:43:43 - Leo Laporte
With no revenue at first.

0:43:44 - Google I/O
We've been doing this for nearly a decade, long before it became state-of-the-art for the industry, and today our total deployed fleet capacity for liquid cooling systems is nearly one gigawatt and growing. That's close to 70 times the capacity of any other fleet.

0:44:03 - Alex Kantrowitz
That's a nuclear power plant level of energy.

0:44:07 - Google I/O
Underlying this is the sheer scale of our network, which connects our infrastructure globally. Our network spans more than 2 million miles of sea fiber over 10 times the reach of the next leading cloud provider. We'll keep making the investments necessary to advance AI innovation and deliver state-of-the-art capabilities, and one of our greatest areas of investment and innovation is in our founding product Search. 25 years ago we created.

Search to help people make sense of the waves of information moving online With I'm going to watch the stock chart. We have delivered breakthroughs to help answer questions better.

0:44:48 - Alex Kantrowitz
And it's coming back down.

0:44:49 - Google I/O
On mobile, we unlock new types of questions and answers using better context, location awareness and real-time information. With advances in natural language understanding and computer vision, we enable new ways to search with your voice or a hum to find your new favorite song or an image of that flower you saw on your walk. Now you can even circle to search those cool new shoes you might want to buy. Go for it. You can always return them later, of course. Search in the Gemini era will take this to a whole new level. Combining our infrastructure strengths, the latest AI capabilities, our high bar for information quality, our decades of experience connecting you to the richness of the web, the result is a product that does the work for you. Google Search is generative AI at the scale of human curiosity, and it's our most exciting chapter of Search yet To tell you more.

here's Liz. That's the positioning.

0:46:04 - Alex Kantrowitz
So this is their new head of search.

0:46:07 - Google I/O
Thanks, sundar. With each of these platform shifts, we haven't just adapted, we've expanded what's possible with Google Search and now with generative AI, search will do more for you than you ever imagined. So, whatever's on your mind, whatever you need to get done, she's got a tough job. Just ask and Google will do the Googling for you.

0:46:30 - Jeff Jarvis
Especially after search has been accused of being ruined.

0:46:33 - Google I/O
All the advancements you'll see today are made possible by a new Gemini model customized for Google search. What really sets this apart is a three-meet trend.

0:46:41 - Leo Laporte
It does make sense to put AI into the search.

0:46:46 - Jeff Jarvis
First our real-time information with over a trillion accounts about people, places and things.

0:46:52 - Google I/O
Second, our unparalleled ranking and quality systems trusted for decades to get you the very best of the web.

0:46:59 - Leo Laporte
And third, the power of Gemini.

0:47:02 - Jeff Jarvis
Well, AI has always been there Generative AI hasn't been there.

0:47:07 - Google I/O
By bringing these three things all together, we're able to dramatically expand what's possible with Google search. Yet again, this is search in the Gemini era, so let's dig in.

0:47:19 - Alex Kantrowitz
I wish they would stop saying Gemini era. That's the cringiest branding I've ever heard in my life.

0:47:25 - Jeff Jarvis
Oh, they'll change it in three months, don't worry, alex.

0:47:29 - Alex Kantrowitz
It used to be the Bard era.

0:47:30 - Google I/O
Yes, that's long gone and, as you see here, you can get an answer instantly, complete with a range of perspectives and links to dive deeper, as Sunder shared AI overviews will begin rolling out to everyone in the US.

0:47:48 - Leo Laporte
It's funny because this is what Perplexity and Kagi and Neva used to do. They're small and can get away with it. If Google does this, this is really going to bring a lot of heat to Google, because this further accelerates the problem Google has, which is giving you the information without driving you to a website.

0:48:07 - Alex Kantrowitz
So this is the biggest announcement that they're making today that they're going to take what was search generative experience, turn it into something called AI overviews and then make it available to everybody. And all those big questions we've been asking about Google can they make money if people are going to be just reading the AI answers? What are they going to do to the web if they take people who are searching and navigate to websites and just give them a generative answer right up front? That all comes into play right now.

0:48:35 - Jeff Jarvis
It's a response to the enchantified web. Right, it's a response to the enchantified web. The web gets worse, but Google goes around in itself.

0:48:45 - Alex Kantrowitz
Yes, google's also out of hand in that in some ways, absolutely, it's both. And at Google's scale, this is potentially disastrous for websites, yeah, but also I'm just curious what the hit is going to be to the advertising business. And it seems like the market believes that it's going to be fine, because the stock is just kind of hung there today. Maybe this was something that was already built in, but where do the ads show up and where do they make money?

0:49:13 - Google I/O
Under the hood. Our custom Gemini model acts as your AI agent. Using what we call multi-step reasoning, it breaks your bigger question down into all its parts and it figures out which problems it needs to solve and in what order, and thanks to our real-time info and ranking, that's funny.

0:49:33 - Leo Laporte
This is an ancient AI technique called the general problem solver.

0:49:37 - Google I/O
This really predates all of the new modern techniques index of information about the real world, with over 250 million places and updated in real time, including their ratings, reviews, business hours I think they'll find a way to get a little ad revenue out of that that might have taken you, oh yeah, or even hours.

0:49:59 - Leo Laporte
Google can now do on your behalf and sent you to hundreds of webpages where Google ads live.

0:50:16 - Google I/O
And of course, we'll sell you the airplane tickets and the hotel rooms. Google does the planning with you. Planning is really hard for AI to get right and of course, we'll sell you the airplane tickets and the hotel rooms.

0:50:28 - Leo Laporte
I think there's options, a lot of opportunity for revenue in this. And commerce.

0:50:37 - Jeff Jarvis
If Amazon can go into advertising, Google can go into commerce.

0:50:41 - Alex Kantrowitz
But if we're being honest, it's very different from the set it and forget it method that existed previously. Right Like this is going to be much more difficult to execute, even if it delivers more value to advertisers.

0:50:53 - Leo Laporte
You think more human intervention I was just about to say.

0:50:57 - Alex Kantrowitz
does this make Google some? You know, does it turn Google into a service versus a technology? I wouldn't say 100 percent, because some of the service is going to be lived out by artificial intelligence, but it's way more capital intensive than it was previously. That's right and, by the way, these results cost a lot of money to serve compared to the old results Looking ahead you can imagine how, because of the images, because of the back-end intelligence, yeah.

I mean okay, so let's say they cut down the amount that it takes to run these computations by half, so that still makes it what? 10 times more than a typical search. That's margin right there. I think this is bold for Google. Honestly. I mean, they are not going to go kicking and screaming into this area. They're like okay, this is the new era. Not very much I hate that branding, but if this is the new era, they're going in and they're going to dive head first and they'll figure out the monetization.

So that is interesting, and this also won't show up for every search result, by the way. These AI overviews will basically try to assess your intent. Do you want a generative response or do you want 10 blue links? And then they will decide, and every search engine is going to do this from perplexity on down and it brings it to the whole page.

0:52:16 - Google I/O
Our Gemini model covers the most interesting angles for you to explore and organizes these results into these helpful clusters. Like you might never have considered, restaurants with live it seems not to be using generative AI.

0:52:29 - Jeff Jarvis
It seems to be organizing the information better. Is that right it uses?

0:52:32 - Google I/O
contextual factors like the time of the year.

0:52:34 - Jeff Jarvis
It's not generating, it's still searching.

0:52:37 - Leo Laporte
It's still giving you. It looks like some of the results had summaries. I mean, that's what others are doing. Yeah, that that's what he are doing. Yeah, that that's generative, I don't know. Yeah, I mean, this is just keyword-based. That's why it looks more like the general problem solver than it did like an LLM. Margarita Vestager just sat up in her seat. Thank you.

0:53:20 - Google I/O
Earlier done this show through our latest advancements in video understanding and I'm really excited to share that. Soon you'll be able to ask questions with video right in Google search.

0:53:32 - Leo Laporte
Let me introduce Rose to show you this in a live demo.

0:53:43 - Google I/O
Thank you, liz. Did she bring a little push card in? I have always wanted a record player. I got this one and some vinyls at your sale recently, but when I go to play it, this thing keeps sliding off.

0:53:55 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, we better ask Jenna and I what's going on there, well, where to even start? Just put a quarter on it, like we always did, right.

0:54:04 - Google I/O
Like what makes this record player.

0:54:07 - Leo Laporte
Kids today.

0:54:08 - Google I/O
And what is this thing actually called?

0:54:12 - Leo Laporte
That's a techniques direct drive turntable.

0:54:15 - Google I/O
So let's try it.

0:54:16 - Jeff Jarvis
So this is the demo we saw in the office.

0:54:18 - Google I/O
I'm going to take a video and ask Google why.

0:54:21 - Leo Laporte
It actually says what kind of turntable it is, right there On the label.

0:54:26 - Google I/O
In a near instant, Google gives me an AI overview.

0:54:30 - Leo Laporte
There's the generative.

0:54:32 - Google I/O
This might be happening and steps I can take to troubleshoot.

0:54:35 - Leo Laporte
I'm telling you, put a quarter on the R.

0:54:36 - Google I/O
First, this is called a tonger.

0:54:38 - Alex Kantrowitz
I do love how we've invented generative AI to tell us to turn it off and then turn it back on again.

0:54:44 - Google I/O
And I love that because I'm new to all this. I can check out this helpful link from Audio Technica to learn even more, so that was pretty good.

0:54:53 - Leo Laporte
The question is how long people are going to make those helpful links if they can't put Google ads on there to generate revenue?

0:55:00 - Google I/O
People aren't going there Thanks to our combination of our state-of-the-art speech model.

0:55:05 - Jeff Jarvis
That's why we've got to change to an API-based structure with keys and recompense for it.

0:55:15 - Leo Laporte
Maybe Honestly. This is the whole problem.

0:55:17 - Google I/O
That's what I've argued.

0:55:18 - Leo Laporte
It disintermediates humans.

0:55:22 - Jeff Jarvis
I've been arguing in the news industry that they've got to create an API for news and use that as the base of microchip.

0:55:27 - Leo Laporte
So people have been saying for years and we've never really got it working.

0:55:31 - Google I/O
Stand out and comb the web to find relevant insights from articles, forums, videos and more, and it stitched all of this together into my AI overview. The result was music to my ears.

0:55:45 - Leo Laporte
I hope she gets a big ad for a disc washer, but maybe not.

0:55:54 - Google I/O
Everything you saw today is just a glimpse of how we're reimagining Google search in the Gemini era. We're taking the very best. Imagine, ask with video, with Google Glass, all the reasons why billions of people turn to Google Search and have relied on us for decades, and we're bringing in the power of Gemini's agent of capabilities.

0:56:14 - Leo Laporte
Well, that's what Alex was saying. I agree that all of this becomes much more interesting in a pair of glasses.

0:56:19 - Google I/O
Exactly the brainstorming.

0:56:22 - Leo Laporte
I think everybody's aware of the fact that that's where we're headed, all you need to do is just ask, and that will be the endgame for all of this. It's not a phone.

0:56:29 - Jeff Jarvis
And that's the antecedent as well. What's that Right Tell me about?

0:56:33 - Google I/O
this To be among the first to try them out. Now let's take a look at how this all comes together.

0:56:39 - Leo Laporte
So just a brief programming note. You are watching this Week in Google. We've flip-flopped with MacBreak Weekly, which will be on Wednesday. Jason Snell will have his new iPad Pro, michael Sargent might and I might, and we will talk about the iPad Pro tomorrow between 2 and 5 pm Pacific. Tomorrow, between 2 and 5 pm Pacific. Our version of MacBreak Weekly is tomorrow. This is this Week in Google Jeff Jarvis joining us and, from the Big Technology Podcast, alex Kantrowitz. Alex, it's great to have your insight here. Yeah, great to be here. We should have done this years ago. Super smart.

0:57:15 - Alex Kantrowitz
It's really fun watching with you guys.

0:57:16 - Leo Laporte
Super connected with all this stuff and we really appreciate it. Thank you, it's great to be here. If you're not a subscriber, bigtechnologycom and you should subscribe. Thank you, leo. And the podcast has just the best interviews, including Demis Hassabis.

0:57:37 - Alex Kantrowitz
Demis Hassabis. Yeah, well, actually. So Demis actually spoke with me for a print story, but I've been speaking with the team and I'm feeling good about getting him on sometime in the next couple months. Keep in mind, yeah, he is a fascinating guy. I mean I wrote a very long profile of him about 2,500 words, which is like the longest story in big technology podcast history, but he basically Big Technology history. He really had this interesting background of working on games and trying to build. It started with games.

Yeah, that's right, and that is again. That's coming all the way back around, where now we're starting to say, hey, can these AI bots be agents for us? And what is an agent if not like a player within a game, learning how to navigate it on its own?

0:58:19 - Leo Laporte
You have to pay to get it. Bigtechnologycom, google DeepMind CEO, demis Hassabis. I have to keep practicing the name. You're pretty good with names. Usually I am and it should be Demis Hassabi, but okay, he decided to add the S.

0:58:38 - Google I/O
I am and it should be to me, Hasabi, but okay.

0:58:40 - Jeff Jarvis
He decided to add the S, that's fine, they charge a fortune, but I can't get it without thinking of a company.

0:58:52 - Google I/O
And now we're really excited that the new Gemini-powered side panel will be generally available next month. One of our customers is a local business right here in California. Sports Basement.

0:59:11 - Jeff Jarvis
Which everybody else could get, but Workspace couldn't, I think. Oh, I see.

0:59:14 - Google I/O

0:59:15 - Leo Laporte
That's what I was trying to catch. Well done.

0:59:17 - Google I/O
The productivity of their customer support team by more than 30%. Customers love how Gemini grows participation in meetings with automatic language detection and real-time captions, now expanding to 68 languages.

0:59:39 - Leo Laporte
This is good to see. Openai is doing the same thing as to make this international.

0:59:43 - Google I/O
We are really excited about what Gemini 1.0. Do you?

0:59:45 - Leo Laporte
know, alex, if you have to retrain, if you're going to do it in a different language, I guess you would. You'd have to have a new model.

0:59:51 - Alex Kantrowitz
Well, the funny thing is that this all began with language translation. Right, like that was the transformer. The whole idea was to transform one language to the other, so I'm actually not aware of the intricacies in terms of trying to build it back in one language, but I think that it might be easier than we imagined Easy, of course, being relative.

1:00:09 - Google I/O
Now you've been trying to find a contractor to fix our roof and with work travel, I have clearly dropped the ball. It looks like there's an email thread on this.

1:00:21 - Leo Laporte
Of course, you have to use Gmail to use this, and I don't. Every time I summarize my Gmail, it's just a bunch of spam.

1:00:37 - Alex Kantrowitz
You have been selected, Leah I have.

1:00:40 - Leo Laporte
I could ask it to tell me everything it knows about Viagra. Unfortunately, a lot of my spam is in French because my Gmail is Laporte at Gmail.

1:00:52 - Alex Kantrowitz
And they think I'm French, imagine this will be useful. Le Viagra.

1:00:56 - Google I/O
Le Viagra, viagra, viagra. Previously I would have to do a number of searches in the mail and remember and compare information across different fields. Now I can simply type out my question right here in the mobile card and say something like compare my roof repair bids by price and availability.

1:01:09 - Leo Laporte
That's pretty cool.

1:01:10 - Google I/O
This new Q&A feature makes it so easy to get quick answers on anything in my inbox.

1:01:15 - Alex Kantrowitz
makes it so easy to get quick answers on anything in my inbox, so we're going to have contractors sending out AI-generated bids and then Gemini Gmail evaluating those bids.

1:01:24 - Jeff Jarvis
What we are going to see is contractors sending out things that are going to be SEOed. It's now going to be AI-yode, yeah, ai-yode, I like it.

1:01:31 - Google I/O

I got from two other contractors in completely different email threads and I have this really nicely organized summary and I can do a quick comparison. So it seems like Jeff's quote was right in the middle. You can start immediately. So green roofing it is. I'll open that last email from Jeff and confirm the project and look at that. I see some suggested replies from Gemini. Now what is really really neat about this evolution of smart reply is that it's contextual. Gemini understood the back and forth in that thread and that Jeff was ready to start so offers me a few customized options based on that context. So you know, here I see I have declined the service.

This is a little overly specific, I'll choose proceed and confirm time.

1:02:19 - Leo Laporte
I get the idea, move on.

1:02:20 - Google I/O
I can even see a preview of the full reply simply by long pressing. This looks reasonable, so I'll hit send. These new capabilities in Gemini and Gmail will start rolling out this month to labs users.

1:02:36 - Leo Laporte
And they will start being gamed almost instantly. Oh, she's got a big yawn there, good job.

1:02:44 - Google I/O
One of the really neat things about Workspace apps like Gmail, drive, doc Calendar how well they work together, and in our daily lives we often have a lady that goes from one app to another.

1:02:56 - Alex Kantrowitz
By the way, I mean. Google IO is early in the morning Pacific time and you've got to get there early if you want to park, walk over and it's usually pretty. I mean, it looks cloudy, but usually pretty sunny in this outdoor amphitheater and I think the enduring memory I have of going so many years when I lived out in San Francisco was just how tired I was at this event. It was the most tired I've been. At any event, it was always Google IO. I think this is going to be the new Left Shark.

1:03:29 - Leo Laporte
This lady yawning. Can you get that, Benito?

1:03:38 - Google I/O
Well done, Benito.

1:03:40 - Alex Kantrowitz
I empathize with this woman.

1:03:43 - Leo Laporte
That was me. Maybe she doesn't want a roofing job, I don't know.

1:03:46 - Google I/O
It's got a PDF that's an attachment from a hotel as a receipt. Oh, now we've moved on to hotels. Help me organize and track my receipts. Let's click on this prompt.

1:03:58 - Alex Kantrowitz
I think this is great.

1:04:01 - Leo Laporte
Email has gone from, but it's not that useful if you don't use.

1:04:04 - Alex Kantrowitz
Gmail right, yeah.

1:04:06 - Google I/O
Oh yeah.

1:04:07 - Alex Kantrowitz
Well, I mean, obviously Gmail plug-in Email has gone and I think others will copy it, but I think email has gone from communication to really a task platform and so this type of stuff is actually like sort of built there's been really little innovation in Gmail. Gmail is now like it did previously and it's actually good to see from building here around tasks, from building here Wrong tasks.

1:04:37 - Google I/O
Gemini offers you the option to automate this so that this particular workflow is run on all future emails, keeping your drive folder and expense sheet up to date, with no effort from you.

1:04:48 - Leo Laporte
As Joe in our Discord says, help me give you all of my purchase data to train on and serve ads against. Oh no, I'm sorry, organize my receipts. It's true, though, right.

1:05:00 - Google I/O
This is just a big data grab. With this automation, Gemini does the hard work of extracting all the right information.

1:05:05 - Alex Kantrowitz
They already have your receipts for what? It's worth.

1:05:09 - Leo Laporte
But this is the challenge Apple faces, and anybody who's not Googling in some ways faces this. They've got to get permission to see all your stuff. And you have to trust them.

1:05:21 - Jeff Jarvis
Apple played oh, we're privacy, because they failed at advertising.

1:05:24 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, they tried, that's right. They tried, but failed.

1:05:28 - Google I/O
Gemini not only analyzes the data from the sheet, but also creates a nice visual to help me see the complete breakdown by category.

1:05:37 - Jeff Jarvis
Mary, you're wasting your money, Can you?

1:05:38 - Google I/O
imagine how this extends to all sorts of use cases in your inbox, like travel expenses, shopping, remodeling projects.

1:05:46 - Jeff Jarvis
Leo has a big red AI bar there.

1:05:48 - Google I/O
All of that information in Gmail can be put to good use and help you work, plan and play better.

1:05:55 - Leo Laporte
Now this particular I know I know it's so good, isn't it?

1:06:03 - Google I/O
This particular ability to organize your attachments and drive and generate a sheet and do data analysis via Q&A will be rolling out to labs.

1:06:11 - Leo Laporte
We're going to continue with our coverage of Google IO in just a moment. We thank Alex Kantrowitz of the Big Technology Podcast for joining us. Of course, Jeff.

Jarvis you know, professor, etc. Etc. Emeritus, you know all that stuff. Goodbergparenthesiscom, don't worry, we're going to pause the video and we'll be right back after this word. Fear not, we will be right back. We're pausing the video so you won't miss a second of this thrilling gripping Google IO. But I wanted to mention our sponsor, fastmail, because they're going to talk a lot about Gmail, but let me tell you something.

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1:10:54 - Google I/O
For example, when we work with other people, we mention them in comments and docs, or we send them emails, we have group chats with them, et cetera. And it's not just how we collaborate with each other, but we each have a specific role to play in the team and as the team works together.

1:11:11 - Leo Laporte
I guess it's because I'm just not in an enterprise that it just doesn't interest me to learn from each other.

1:11:18 - Google I/O
We have the combined set of skills to draw from.

1:11:22 - Jeff Jarvis
You are in an enterprise, you just don't care.

1:11:24 - Leo Laporte
I am the enterprise that org chart. It's a little smaller.

1:11:31 - Jeff Jarvis
Leo, lisa, everybody, that's it.

1:11:36 - Leo Laporte
Unfortunately, my org chart begins and ends in bed. Oh, please don't. Oh please don't. Oh, here comes Tony. Are you not a Tony fan? I don't know. It's not Tony himself.

1:11:57 - Google I/O
It's the subject matter. Oh, me start by showing you how we set up this virtual teammate.

1:12:00 - Leo Laporte
Oh okay, Virtual teammates does not.

1:12:02 - Google I/O
The teammate has his very own account and we can go ahead and give it a name.

1:12:06 - Alex Kantrowitz
Oh, here's, tony.

1:12:07 - Google I/O
He has his own account. Chip's been given a specific job role with a set of descriptions on how to be helpful for the team. You can see that here and some of the jobs are to monitor and track projects.

1:12:22 - Leo Laporte
We've listed a few out to organize information and provide context.

1:12:24 - Google I/O
I'm sure this is a great interest to enterprises, bureaucrats everywhere yeah, let's go ahead and see chip in action to do that also, I watched a presentation earlier today about doing projects and it's just filled with this kind of crap.

1:12:34 - Leo Laporte
Oh yeah, yeah, it's a big issue, I guess luckily for me uh chip is in all still to come, I think android 15 I don't know like at this point if our io I'm really not sure why they're doing this at a developer conference. Even I, I don't. I just don't get it.

1:12:52 - Google I/O
This feels like uh corporate politics at work to track this project chip searches across.

1:12:57 - Leo Laporte
They said we're going to give you 15 minutes to demonstrate something, and this is what we get.

1:13:03 - Jeff Jarvis
Well, this is AI reaching across corporate internal data of our work together.

1:13:13 - Google I/O
Let's look at an example To show you. I'll switch over to a different room. How about Project Sapphire? Over here and here we are discussing a product release coming up and, as usual, many pieces are still in flight. So I can go ahead and ask are we on track for launch? Chip gets to work, not only searching through everything it has access to, but also synthesizing what's found and coming back with an up-to-date response. There it is A clear timeline, a nice summary and notice. Even in this first message here Chip flags a potential issue the team should be aware of. Hi, this is Chip.

1:13:54 - Leo Laporte
Your virtual teammate.

1:13:55 - Google I/O
When's lunch.

1:13:59 - Alex Kantrowitz
You might know my uncle Clippy.

1:14:11 - Google I/O
This is why I hate Chip. So much of this practical helplessness comes from how we've customized Chip to our team's needs.

1:14:18 - Alex Kantrowitz
Chip and Tony look out.

1:14:21 - Google I/O
Integrated directly into where we're already working Back to you, Aparna.

1:14:25 - Leo Laporte
Thank you, Tony. Thank you, Tony, for that stimulating discussion.

1:14:32 - Alex Kantrowitz
Poor Tony. He just woke up this morning and tried to present a workplace chat. Then this week in Google Rocked him.

1:14:38 - Google I/O
I'm sorry, tony, he just woke up this morning and tried to present a workplace chat.

1:14:40 - Alex Kantrowitz
Then this week in Google rocked him.

1:14:42 - Google I/O
It's not your fault. Now we have a lot of work to do to figure out how to bring these agent of experiences, like virtual teammates, into workspace.

1:14:50 - Leo Laporte
Did she say agentific, agentific entities or something? It was a weird agent, agentific, agentic.

1:14:56 - Jeff Jarvis
That's the Agentific. Agentic, that's the word people use Agentic.

1:15:00 - Google I/O
As Gemini and its capabilities continue to evolve, we're diligently bringing that power directly into workspace to make all our users more productive and creative.

1:15:10 - Leo Laporte
So exciting for you Not there?

1:15:13 - Jeff Jarvis
Workspace, oh, workspace.

1:15:15 - Google I/O
To tell you more about Gemini app.

1:15:20 - Leo Laporte
Gemini app. Apps are interesting because, of course, this is what OpenAI has been doing with ChatGPT, although they still don't have an app store exactly.

1:15:32 - Google I/O
Our vision for the Gemini app is to be the most helpful personal AI assistant. By giving you direct access to Google's latest AI models, gemini can help you learn create code and anything else you can imagine.

And over the past year Gemini has put Google's AI in the hands of millions of people with experiences designed for your phone and the web. We also launched Gemini Advance, our premium subscription for access to the latest AI innovations from Google. Today, we'll show you how Gemini is delivering our most intelligent AI experience. Let's start with the Gemini app, which is redefining how we interact with AI. It's natively multimodal, so you can use text, voice or your phone's camera to express yourself naturally, and this summer you can have an in-depth conversation with Gemini using your voice. We're calling this new experience live.

Using Google's latest model Gemini can better understand you and answer. Naturally, you can even interrupt while Gemini is responding Another thing that OpenAI announced yesterday.

1:16:49 - Jeff Jarvis
They added that into the script last night, I guarantee.

1:16:53 - Alex Kantrowitz
Do you think OpenAI stole the fire of Google effectively? At first I was like I wasn't sure, but they did get ahead of a lot of these announcements. You're an oleo.

1:17:04 - Leo Laporte
I would say what they did, is they showed?

1:17:06 - Google I/O

1:17:09 - Leo Laporte
And perhaps you're right that they made people feel like, oh, google's playing catch up, even though really they're.

1:17:16 - Google I/O
they're basically parallel your own needs and create personal experts on any topic you want.

1:17:22 - Alex Kantrowitz
We're calling these gems I think if did she gasp with a gasp and despair when she said that I think she did. I think that was us. Oh, was that us? Yes, I think that was Jeff.

1:17:40 - Leo Laporte
I was calling this gems. I lost the fight. I'm sorry, guys.

1:17:48 - Alex Kantrowitz
I suppose if OpenAI went after Google it would have been bad for them, like they had to come out as the opener effectively.

1:17:55 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, and in fact that was almost the very first thing out of her mouth Mirani's mouth is we're open. Whether that's true or not is another matter, and I think it's not exactly true, but not in the way that say a llama or a mistress is open.

1:18:17 - Alex Kantrowitz
Oh, this is going more into the sort of gpt style gpt create your own gpts.

1:18:22 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, okay, I'll show you how gemini is I've actually had custom gpts since they announced it and I love them. They're very useful. You do like them. Which ones do you use? Well, I use it for one for coding. I have a Common Lisp GPT and I have an Emacs GPT, but in both cases they're longstanding technologies where all the manuals are open. Many of the books are now public domain, so it's very easy to build a training corpus for both of them and it's very good.

Although I have to say Gemini Advanced does as good a job. I just have to say, hey, tell me how to do that in Common Lisp, not Python. We're going to Miami, does it my?

1:19:03 - Google I/O
son loves art, my husband loves seafood and our flight and hotel details are already in my email inbox.

1:19:10 - Leo Laporte
Last year, a year ago, with OpenAI, we had an unscheduled stop in Genoa and it generated quite a nice little walking tour.

1:19:19 - Google I/O
It starts by gathering all kinds of information from search and helpful extensions like Maps and Gmail. It uses that data to create a dynamic graph of possible travel options.

1:19:32 - Leo Laporte
So if you're tuning in for MacBreak Weekly once again, that will be tomorrow in the this Week in Google time slot 2 to 5 pm.

1:19:38 - Google I/O

1:19:40 - Leo Laporte
This is we flip-flopped. This is this Week in Google, because we wanted to cover Google IO.

1:19:44 - Google I/O
Now, based on my flight information, Gemini knows that I need a two-and-a-half-day itinerary.

1:19:49 - Jeff Jarvis
I just noted my Notebook LM says you've been upgraded to Gemini 1.5. Excellent Nice to Gemini 1.5. Excellent Nice. In notebook Ellen.

1:19:55 - Google I/O
Our flight lands in the late afternoon, so Gemini skips a big activity that day and finds a highly rated seafood restaurant close to our hotel. Now, on Sunday, we have a jam-packed day.

1:20:08 - Leo Laporte
Again, this is something I did literally a year ago.

1:20:10 - Google I/O
My family likes to sleep in, so I tap to change the start time and just like that, gemini adjusted my itinerary for the rest of the trip. It moved our walking tour to the next day and added lunch options near the street art museum to make the most of our Sunday afternoon.

1:20:30 - Leo Laporte
I asked it to do a walking tour of.

1:20:33 - Google I/O
Genoa that would start in a particular location last an hour and then suggest that the Berluncher was able to do all of that a year ago and Gemini did this in a fraction of the time. This new trip on the experience will be rolling out to Gemini Advanced this summer, just in time to help you plan your own labor day again this summer.

1:20:51 - Leo Laporte
Only a little, here it is.

1:20:54 - Jeff Jarvis
It'd be so much better if they could say things were available today and they just changed their algorithm.

1:20:59 - Leo Laporte
This is just cool. So this is a ChatGPT 3,. I think, itinerary Again that I did in April of 2023. It was quite good. I wonder if you did it again. What's that? Well, the fun thing is, every time you do it, it gives you a different tour. Yeah. We basically duplicated it. It was accurate.

1:21:25 - Google I/O
It was very good so you can tackle complex problems that were previously unimaginable. You can upload a PDF up to 1,500 pages long. I think my third it looks like my third query for ChatGPT up to 1,500 pages long or multiple files with insights across a project. And soon you can upload as much as 30,000 lines of code or even an hour-long video. Gemini Advanced is the only chatbot that lets you process this amount of information.

1:21:53 - Leo Laporte
Now just imagine how useful this will be for students.

1:21:57 - Google I/O
Let's say you've spent months on your thesis and you could really use a fresh perspective. You can upload your entire thesis, your sources, your notes, your research and, soon, interview, audio recordings and videos too. So Gemini has all of this context to give you actionable advice. It can dissect your main points, identify improvements and even role play as your professor, so you can feel confident in your work and check out what Gemini Advanced can do with your spreadsheets. With the new data analysis feature launching in the coming weeks, maybe you have a side hustle selling handcrafted products, but you're a better artist than accountant and it's really hard to understand which products are worth your time. Simply upload all of your spreadsheets and ask Gemini to visualize your earnings and help you understand your profit. Gemini goes to work calculating your returns and pulling its analysis together into a single chart so you can easily understand which products are really paying off. Now, behind the scenes, gemini writes custom Python code to crunch these numbers. And, of course, your files are not used to train our models. Oh, and just one more thing.

1:23:15 - Leo Laporte
So one year ago, my very first query with ChatGPT do you know any five-letter words where the second letter is U and the fifth letter is O? It said yes. One example is gumbo. Second letter is U, fifth letter is O. I just asked Gemini Advance the same question. It said here are a few words that fit that pattern Humor wrong and furos, japanese bathhouses wrong in both cases.

Oh, is the fourth letter, that's today, count leo, gemini advanced but agi is right around the corner, but I but my point is that chat gpt did it a year ago perfectly available today well, oh, I mean, maybe that I mean it's a trivial example. It just happened to be one of my first queries. Oh, I mean, maybe that's a trivial example, it just happened to be one of my first queries of chat GPT.

1:24:05 - Jeff Jarvis
I was just curious.

1:24:07 - Google I/O
Well, try chat GPT.

1:24:07 - Jeff Jarvis
now See if it's a perfect story. It might be also Sure. Here's some five-letter words.

1:24:13 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, in fact it came up with more Junko, mungo, bumbo and Junko. All of those are correct. Did it come up with those words? Yes, sort of Junko. That's a good question.

1:24:29 - Alex Kantrowitz
I just tried it in Claude, it gave me five. Three were right Two were wrong.

1:24:34 - Leo Laporte
Junko is a small North American finch, seen chiefly in winter. So there, let's see what Mungo is. Mungo, jerry, right? Yeah, you're watching our coverage we're in a slow point, I'll be honest of Google IO 2024 edition with Jeff Jarvis and the excellent Alex Kantrowitz. This is this Week in Google. We'll have more in a moment. We'll pause this exciting musical moment for a word from our sponsor. Don't worry, you won't miss a moment. We'll be right back with this Week in Google and Google IO in a second. Don't worry, I've paused.

Everybody's frozen on the stage at Shoreline Amphitheater so I can talk to you about the Eufy Video Smart Lock E330. We're putting these in everywhere. We just put it on the engineering room door. There it is. Security is really important, that's. All of the servers are in there and Micah did it with one screwdriver, a Phillips screwdriver in just a few minutes. It was very easy to install.

And what do we get? Oh, so you get video, you get a smart lock, you get fingerprint recognition 0.3 second fingerprint recognition, one second unlocking. In fact, they have an embedded AI self-learning chip that becomes more accurate with every use. It has a removable, rechargeable battery 10,000 milliamp hours. That's going to get you about four months. Look at this. He's got this all in already. You are fast. There goes the battery. You'll get a battery low warning if it goes low.

And the other thing I love about it is it actually has a key so you can unlock the Eufy video lock with a regular key should the power go out, but it won't. I mean, I love this thing. You've got passcode unlocking see the keypad there. You've got remote control fingerprint reader. You've got 2K clear sight video, two-way audio, enhanced night vision. Tell you why the video's great. It's like a video doorbell. But if somebody wants to get in let's say Burke has forgotten his fingerprints and he wants to get in to the engineering room he just presses the doorbell. Micah can see the picture. He can talk two-way audio and say all right and let Burke in. Now that's sweet. Here's the best part. I buried the lead. No, now that's sweet. Here's the best part. I buried the lead.

No monthly fees. There's no subscription for this and they don't upload your videos to the cloud. You keep your video recordings local, which means you're not paying for storage. It's one of the reasons you don't have to pay for a subscription. This is completely local, which is fantastic. Enjoy a worry-free experience. They've got an extensive 18-month warranty and fantastic 24-7 professional customer service team.

Now, if you may say, what's Eufy? I never heard of it. Eufy is Anker's special home security brand. Okay, so this is Anker A-N-K-E-R. You know we love Anker. Anker is fantastic. Eufy is just as good. I use Eufy cameras and locks everywhere. This is the lock you've been looking for. You can get it today. Just search for Eufy Video Lock on Amazon E-U-F-Y Eufy Video Lock or visit eufycom E-U-F-Ycom. Thank you, eufy, for this incredible video lock. This does it all, you know. You got your doorbell, you got your camera and you got your lock, fingerprint reader, passcode, even a key, and everything local, with no subscription. Search Eufy Video Lock on Amazon. Now let's get back to Google IO. Press the play button, benito, an image of a cat playing guitar and we're back with a generated image of a cat playing guitar. And we're back with a generated image of a cat playing guitar. Oh, here we are at Shoreline Amphitheater. It looks like a full house, mostly developers. We know there's media because Jason Howell and the Android Faithful team are there. Here comes Samir Samat.

1:28:32 - Google I/O
We love Samir. It's great to be back at Google IO. Hey everyone, it's great to be back at Google IO Today. You've seen how AI is transforming our products across Gemini, search, workspace and more. We're bringing all these innovations right onto your Android phone and we're going even further to make Android the best place to experience Google AI. This new era of AI is a profound opportunity to make smartphones truly smart. Our phones have come a long way in a short time, but if you think about it, it's been years since the user experience has fundamentally transformed. This is a once-in-a-generation moment to reinvent what phones can do. Once-in-a-generation moment to reinvent what phones can do. So we've embarked on a multi-year journey to reimagine Android with AI at the core, and it starts with three breakthroughs you'll see this year.

1:29:31 - Leo Laporte
Again. This year it's only May.

1:29:33 - Google I/O
They're notorious for this.

1:29:35 - Leo Laporte
You may.

1:29:36 - Google I/O
They're notorious for this. Second Gemini is becoming your new AI assistant on Android.

1:29:44 - Leo Laporte
I've done both of these things already. There goes the Google assistant, right. I replaced the Google assistant on my Pixel with.

1:29:47 - Google I/O
Gemini when they first came out with that a couple of weeks ago, I think.

1:29:57 - Alex Kantrowitz
So is this a preview of what Apple's going to introduce at WWDC as well.

1:30:01 - Google I/O
I wonder if this is going to look exactly like what we're about to see next month.

1:30:05 - Jeff Jarvis
It's very interesting A model.

1:30:09 - Leo Laporte
So the rumor on Apple was that they have talked to both Google and OpenAI and just a day before the OpenAI 4.0 announcement they announced, or the rumor was, they were very close to a deal with OpenAI. I suspect they'll offer both. Is that Lando Norris?

1:30:29 - Google I/O
It is.

1:30:31 - Leo Laporte
So Android sponsors the McLaren F1 race cars.

1:30:37 - Google I/O
Chrome also sponsors it actually.

1:30:39 - Leo Laporte
So that's cute. Lando just won his first Grand Prix last week.

1:30:48 - Google I/O
Let's say, my son needs help with a tricky physics word problem.

1:30:51 - Leo Laporte
It's so interesting to see how, in lockstep, both OpenAI and Google are on this stuff.

1:30:56 - Google I/O
It's been a while since I've thought about kinematics.

1:30:58 - Leo Laporte
It will be interesting to see what Apple does in three weeks.

1:31:00 - Google I/O
He's stumped on this question. Instead of putting me on the spot, he can circle the exact part he's stuck on and get step-by-step instructions. Is circling that much?

1:31:09 - Leo Laporte
different from selecting.

1:31:12 - Google I/O
Of course it's just because you might circle.

1:31:15 - Jeff Jarvis
two points you might. Yeah, you try.

1:31:18 - Leo Laporte
Okay, it's just another way of selecting text in this case.

1:31:20 - Jeff Jarvis
It's also, I'm sorry, it's an antecedent. I mean that.

1:31:24 - Google I/O
I love how it? Shows how to solve the problem, not just the answer. This new capability is available today.

1:31:32 - Leo Laporte
All right.

1:31:33 - Google I/O
And later this year, circle to Search will be able to tackle more complex problems involving symbolic formulas, diagrams, graphs and more. Circle to Search is only on Android.

1:31:48 - Google I/O
It's available on more than 100 million devices today. Just don't ask it for five-letter words.

1:31:52 - Google I/O
And we're on track to double that by the end of the year. Whatever you do On track to double that by the end of the year.

1:32:03 - Leo Laporte
Whatever you do.

1:32:05 - Google I/O
As far as I know, Mongo and Bumbo are not words, by the way. Thank you. On Android. Gemini is so much more.

1:32:12 - Jeff Jarvis
It wouldn't be hard to tie it to a dictionary.

1:32:16 - Google I/O
Yeah, I think they could have done better.

1:32:19 - Leo Laporte
Here's Dave to share more. Samir is the head of Android, the new head of Android. I'm not sure who Dave Burke is.

1:32:26 - Google I/O
Hey everyone.

1:32:27 - Leo Laporte
Oh, I know Dave Burke. Oh, I know Dave yeah.

1:32:29 - Google I/O
We launched Gemini on Android.

1:32:31 - Leo Laporte
He's one of their best presenters actually.

1:32:33 - Google I/O
Gemini works at the system level. So instead of going to a Gemini, I can bring Gemini right to what I'm doing. Now. We're making Gemini context aware so it can anticipate what you're trying to do and provide more helpful suggestions in the moment, in other words, to be a more helpful assistant.

So let me show you how this works, and I have my shiny new pixel 8a here to help me finally, the, the phone announcement that was buried by apple's iphone is asking if I want to play pretty color ball this weekend and I know how to play tennis, or that I had to say that for the demo, uh, but I'm used to this pickleball thing, so so I'm going to reply and try to be funny and I'll say is that like tennis, but with pickles? This would be actually a lot funnier with a meme. So let me bring up Gemini to help with that this is one time when you're glad to be a green bubble.

1:33:28 - Leo Laporte
It's just like a pickle.

1:33:29 - Google I/O
Create image of tennis with pickles. Now, one you think you'll notice is that the Gemini window now covers in place.

1:33:35 - Leo Laporte
That's better than searching Jiffy for an image oh, look at that, there you go.

1:33:40 - Google I/O
That generates some pretty good images. What's nice is I can then drag and drop any of these directly into the messages app below.

1:33:47 - Leo Laporte
Your Android messages is going to be a lot more annoying going forward, and meme makers today are crying.

1:33:55 - Google I/O
They're being on boy and he says he's sending me a video on how to play pickleball. All right, thanks, pete, let's tap on that. That launches YouTube. But you know, I only have one or two burning questions about the game and I can bring up Gemini to help with that. And because it's context-aware, gemini knows I'm looking at a video, so it proactively shows me an Ask this Video chip. That's good, so let me tap on that. And now I can ask specific questions about the video.

So, for example, what is can't type the two bounce rule, Because that's something that I've heard about but don't quite understand in the game. By the way, this uses signals like YouTube's captions, which means you can use it on billions of videos. On YouTube, so give it a moment and there and only on YouTube. You get a nice succinct answer.

1:34:44 - Leo Laporte
Don't ask it about Vimeo. That's pretty crazy. That's great.

1:34:48 - Google I/O
Okay, cool, let me go back to messages.

1:34:51 - Leo Laporte
And you do have this giant corpus of information. You're an engineer.

1:34:54 - Google I/O
So here's the official rule book for pickleball.

1:34:57 - Alex Kantrowitz
So the question is is this going to make using an Android that much more appealing, or are they going to eventually roll it out on the YouTube?

1:35:02 - Google I/O
That's a good question Of course, notoriously OpenAI invented.

1:35:07 - Leo Laporte
Whisper AI their transcription technology so they could transcribe billions of YouTube videos and ingest it for chat GPT A violation of YouTube's rules. But they got away with it.

1:35:25 - Alex Kantrowitz
And they still won't say whether they've used YouTube videos to train Sora.

1:35:29 - Google I/O
Oh, but obviously they have right. Yes, definitely Saying these.

1:35:32 - Leo Laporte
I won't say is basically saying, of course, oh my god, they like squirm on stage when they're asked it.

1:35:38 - Alex Kantrowitz
It's hilarious.

1:35:40 - Google I/O
If you can't say no, you did and they're like, we think that.

1:35:44 - Leo Laporte
AI is a magical technology and what we really want to do is be very careful on the details.

1:35:50 - Google I/O
Make sure everybody gets the experience they need, how they do the trick.

1:35:55 - Alex Kantrowitz
This answer is always a YouTube.

1:35:56 - Google I/O
There you have it. It turns out no spin serves are not allowed, so gemini not only gives me a pickleball.

1:36:03 - Leo Laporte
That's interesting. I've learned so much about pickleball.

1:36:06 - Alex Kantrowitz
Today we're on the pdf to learn more awesome if there's one thing we all take away from this, it's the rules of pickleball and you thought this wasn't going to be an educational event.

1:36:16 - Google I/O
So that's a few of the ways that we're enhancing Gemini to be more context-aware and helpful in the moment and what you've seen here are.

1:36:24 - Jeff Jarvis
It is completely Gemini Day.

1:36:26 - Google I/O
Everything so far has been Gemini. Even the Android demo is a Gemini demo.

1:36:31 - Google I/O
And they're only available on.

1:36:32 - Alex Kantrowitz
Android. It's kind of what I said at the beginning it's like they have real direction and purpose now Yep, you're exactly right A company like Google that ships like in that with that type of focus can be, you know, I don't know relevant impactful. A lot of people wrote Google off in the very beginning here, but obviously they didn't write themselves off. What did Gino Smith say you all wrote me off?

1:36:59 - Leo Laporte
but I didn't write back.

1:37:02 - Google I/O
That's a good line.

1:37:02 - Leo Laporte
A little sport ball reference there, by the way, to answer your question, they said only on. Android, although they've said that before and then released it later for other platforms. This multimodal is actually very interesting.

1:37:22 - Google I/O
And both companies are doing this. 2.2 billion people experience blindness or low vision.

1:37:26 - Alex Kantrowitz
So several years ago, we need glasses, right, that's basically what this all is up to.

1:37:30 - Google I/O
We need glasses to help people navigate their phone to touch.

1:37:33 - Alex Kantrowitz
Maybe the metaray bands are the thing. I don't know.

1:37:40 - Leo Laporte
In fact my colleague Caro, I've been playing with it a little bit. It's interesting how well it does. It's not there yet, but it's a first step in the right direction.

1:37:48 - Google I/O
I've also ordered as I mentioned before, the Brilliant.

1:37:51 - Leo Laporte
Labs glasses with a heads-up display, that could be even potentially better.

1:37:56 - Google I/O
She'll get a richer and clearer description of what's happening. So, this is all text generated by AI, which is probably a good thing.

1:38:04 - Leo Laporte
And this is Be my Eyes. This is what OpenAI announced yesterday.

1:38:06 - Google I/O
It finds a perfect look. Running Gemininano on device helps minimize the latency. On device and the model even works when there's no network connection.

1:38:18 - Leo Laporte
This is one thing Google is ahead on is on device and really crunching their models down to fit on a small device.

1:38:21 - Google I/O
Let me show you another example of what on-device AI can unlock. People lost more than $1 trillion to fraud last year and as scams continue to evolve across text, phone calls and even videos, android can help protect you from the bad guys, no matter how they try to reach you. So let's say I get rudely interrupted by a not-known caller right in the middle of my presentation.

1:38:48 - Google I/O
Hello. Hi, I'm calling from SafeMore Bank's security department. Am I speaking to Dave?

1:38:52 - Google I/O
Yeah, this is Dave, kind of in the middle of something.

1:38:56 - Google I/O
We've detected some suspicious activity on your account. Oh sure, yeah, someone is trying to make unauthorized charges.

1:39:03 - Google I/O
Oh yeah, what kind of charges.

1:39:05 - Google I/O
We can't give you specifics over the phone, but to protect your account, I'm going to help you transfer your money to a secure account we've set up for you. Oh, look at that.

1:39:13 - Google I/O
Look at this.

1:39:15 - Leo Laporte
Oh, look at that, look at what this is.

1:39:17 - Google I/O
My phone gives me a warning.

1:39:18 - Leo Laporte
Likely scam right there.

1:39:21 - Alex Kantrowitz
Very good, that's awesome, that's what AI can do.

1:39:23 - Leo Laporte
That is good. Yeah, that's great. It detected that in the conversation. That's great.

1:39:30 - Alex Kantrowitz
If only that poor woman who gave $20,000 to a fake FBI agent in a case would have had this on her Android.

1:39:38 - Google I/O
The audio processing stays completely private to me and on my device. We're currently testing this feature and we'll have more updates to share later this summer, and we're really just scratching the surface of the kinds of fast private experiences that on-device AI unlocks. Later this year, Gem and I will be able to more deeply understand the content of the screen without any information leaving your phone.

1:40:03 - Leo Laporte
Recently the CEO of WPP, which is a big advertising agency said he nearly fell, or I guess he did fall victim to a deep fake that involved voice cloning the boss to solicit money. Mark Reed of WPP.

1:40:22 - Jeff Jarvis
Oh, I know, we used to know yeah.

1:40:27 - Leo Laporte
During the meeting, the crooks deployed a fake artificial intelligence generated voice of Reed with another WPP executive saying hand over some money and personal details Didn't work.

1:40:43 - Google I/O
As we said at the outset, we're reimagining Android with.

1:40:46 - Leo Laporte
Gemini. We're seeing this more and more.

1:40:48 - Google I/O
And it often does work. We're bringing the power of AI to every aspect of the smartphone experience and only Google can save us.

1:40:55 - Leo Laporte
Only Google can save us and with that, let me head over to Josh. Yeah, I wonder how Apple will respond to stuff like this. They could presumably do that. Are they going? To license this They've got a license, they don't have the data sources.

1:41:12 - Google I/O
Thanks, Dave. It's amazing to see Gemini Nano do all of that directly on the Android phone.

1:41:17 - Leo Laporte
This is the developer part here.

1:41:18 - Google I/O
That was our plan all along to create a natively multimodal Gemini in a range of sizes so you all, as developers, can choose the one that works best for you. Throughout the morning, you've heard a lot about our Gemini 1.5 series and I want to talk about the two models you can access today. 1.5 series and I want to talk about the two models you can access today 1.5 Pro, which is getting a series of quality improvements that go out right about now, and the brand new 1.5 Flash. Both are available today globally in over 200 countries and territories. You can go over to AI Studio or Vertex AI if you're a Google Cloud customer, to give them a try.

1:42:02 - Leo Laporte
I just got the update.

1:42:03 - Google I/O
Now both of these models are natively multimodal. That means you can interleave text, images, audio and video as inputs and pack that massive 1 million token context window. And if you go to aigoogledev today, you can sign up to try the 2 million token context window. And if you go to aigoogledev today, you can sign up to try the 2 million token context window for 1.5 Pro. We're also adding a bunch of new developer features, starting with video frame extraction that's gonna be in the Gemini API Parallel function calling, so you can return more than one function call at a time and, my favorite, context caching.

1:42:41 - Leo Laporte
So this is basically giving third-party developers access to these kinds of multimodal AI features in their apps.

1:42:51 - Google I/O
And more affordable. It ships next month. It ships next month. Now we're using Google's infrastructure to serve these models, so developers like all of you can get great prices. 1.5 Pro is $7 per 1 million tokens and I'm excited to share that. For prompts up to 128K it'll be 50% less, for $3.50. And 1.5 Flash will start at $0.35 per 1 million tokens.

1:43:31 - Leo Laporte
But of course they also announce price cuts.

1:43:34 - Google I/O
Now one thing you might be wondering is which model is best for your use case. Here's how we've been thinking about it on the team. We use 1.5 Pro for complex tasks where you really want the highest quality response.

1:43:48 - Leo Laporte
And it's okay if it takes a little bit longer. So GPT-4.0 is $5 for a million tokens.

1:43:50 - Google I/O
We're using 1.5 Flash for quick tasks where the speed of the model is what?

1:43:54 - Leo Laporte
matters the most For input and $15 for a million tokens output.

1:43:57 - Jeff Jarvis
I have little sense of what million tokens buys you. I know I don't either In terms of functionality, but at least we can compare the fastest way to build with Gemini.

1:44:10 - Leo Laporte
We'll pull it up here. Gpt-35 Turbo is, of course, a lot less.

1:44:13 - Google I/O
It's free to use. We're talking $0.50 for input and $1.50 for output. You just 50. You just go to ai studiogooglecom, log in with your google account and you can just pick the model here in the right that works best for you. So one of the ways we've been using 1.5 flash is to actually learn from customer feedback about some of our last thousand tokens is about 750 words.

Flash makes this possible with its low latency. So what we did here is we just took a bunch of different feedback from our customer forums. You can put it into Flash, load up a prompt and hit run.

1:44:46 - Leo Laporte
How many words in the Gutenberg parenthesis, jeff? Do you know we're?

1:44:49 - Google I/O
going to go through that 93,000 token pile of information and you can see here it starts streaming it back. Now, this is really helpful because it pulls out the themes for us. It gives us all the right places where we can start to look and you can see this is from some of the benefits from notebook lm like we showed about a hundred thousand, maybe 80.

1:45:08 - Leo Laporte
Now, what's great about this?

1:45:10 - Google I/O
is that you can take something like this in ai studio okay, prototyped here, in 10 seconds, and with one click in the upper left, get an api key. Or over here in the upper right, just tap, get code, and you've got all of the model configurations, the safety settings, you're watching uh coverage of google.

1:45:28 - Leo Laporte
Io we've covered android 15 very briefly and only in an ai context.

now we're talking about developer ap for Gemini. We also have seen new pricing lower pricing for Gemini. Earlier on they showed some new features of Gemini Ultra. Alex Kantrowitz has been with us from the Big Technology Podcast. I know you have to get out of here, alex. We thank you so much. Everybody should subscribe if you want to know more about this kind of stuff at bigTechnologycom. It's really worthwhile and you get some great interviews, including now I know how to say it Demis Hassabis.

1:46:06 - Alex Kantrowitz
Well, hopefully coming up within the next couple of months, but we have Dwarkesh Patel coming on tomorrow. He's an up-and-coming AI interviewer and some other great stuff. Actually, I'm heading out right now to go interview Peter Diamandis, so that should be interesting. Oh, great About longevity and his friendship with Elon and artificial intelligence, so that should be up in the field.

1:46:26 - Google I/O
That's really interesting. That's some great stuff.

1:46:28 - Leo Laporte
Thank you, Alex, for being with us. Thank you, Alex. Thank you for having me.

1:46:31 - Alex Kantrowitz
Thank you for getting into the conversation today. Thank you, you bet Definitely Great to see you guys and we'll see you again soon.

1:46:35 - Leo Laporte
Thank you, Alex Katrowicz ladies and gentlemen, thank you. We'll pause briefly and for a word from our sponsor. We'll get right back. Don't worry, we're going to pause the video. You won't miss anything about Recurrent and Code Gemma. All right, I'm going to have Benito press the pause button briefly. You won't a second. We're going to get right back to Google IO in a second.

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1:49:30 - Google I/O
Poly Gemma, our first vision language open model.

1:49:35 - Leo Laporte
Well, we're back just in the nick of time to learn about Poly Poly Gemma.

1:49:42 - Google I/O
It's optimized for a range of image captioning visual healing and other image labeling tasks.

1:49:48 - Alex Kantrowitz

1:49:49 - Google I/O
Gemma. I'm also too excited to announce that we have Gemma 2 coming. It's the next generation of Gemma and it will be available in June. It's a terrible name. One of the top requests we've heard from developers is for a bigger Gemma model, but it's still got to fit in a size that's easy for all of you to use.

1:50:09 - Leo Laporte
Gemma is basically.

1:50:11 - Google I/O
Gemini squished to smaller models that you can run on your devices.

1:50:23 - Leo Laporte
And they call these open models, much like Lama and Mistral, you can download the model and use it yourself.

1:50:27 - Jeff Jarvis
Can you get a TPU in a phone?

1:50:32 - Google I/O
No, in a computer.

1:50:34 - Leo Laporte
Not that I know of. I think you have to do it in the Google Cloud. We can't wait to see what you're going to build with it, but I'm not clear on the advantages of a TPU over the what Microsoft calls NPUs Neural Processing Units or Apple calls it, machine Learning Units in its processors.

1:50:49 - Google I/O
I think there are similar capabilities in all the newer processors A set of instruction tuned models to expand access to 15 in all the newer processors. A set of instruction-tuned bottles to expand access to 15 Indic languages. This builds on our efforts to make information accessible in more than 7,000 languages around the world. Take a look.

1:51:13 - Leo Laporte
So Gemma is the kind of the open llama version of Gemini.

1:51:19 - Google I/O
Language is a very interesting problem to solve, actually, given India has a huge variety of languages and it changes every five kilometers.

1:51:31 - Leo Laporte
By the way, that was English. That was English.

1:51:34 - Google I/O
For a particular culture. Wow, we won't be able to solve and understand the nuances of a country like India.

1:51:40 - Leo Laporte
But you can see the difficulty in that.

1:51:42 - Google I/O
That was English, wow, but you can see the difficulty in the speech. Yep the.

1:51:53 - Leo Laporte
Tensor processors have GPUs and I'm so sad that was the whole idea of the Tensor processors in GPUs and MSAs out of sync.

1:52:01 - Google I/O
That was the whole idea of the Tensor processors in the latest Pixels Navarasa is a model that's trained for native languages. It's a fine-tuned model based on Google's Gemma. We built Navarasa to make large language models culturally rooted, where people can talk in their native language and get the responses.

1:52:16 - Leo Laporte
This is interesting because Google's always been aggressively international and OpenAI is very much. America. Even though they did announce new multi-language models yesterday. Well, again.

1:52:32 - Jeff Jarvis
Google has a tremendous amount of data from all of those places, not just web data, but usage, I think Google's in a very strong position here, Not talking to you, Google.

1:52:50 - Leo Laporte
There is a. You know they used to be a very trusted brand. I think there is some to some degree less trust for Google. I mean, it's more than Meta, uh, but maybe a little less than apple.

1:53:01 - Google I/O
At least that's my sense of everything that's been when they dropped their motto. It was pretty bad it's clear that ai is already helping people from their everyday tasks to their most ambitious productive and imaginative endeavors. Our AI innovations, like multimodality, long context and agents, are at the cutting edge of what this technology can do, take it to a whole new level its capacity to help people. Yet, as with any emerging technology, there are still risks and new questions that will arise as AI advances.

1:53:38 - Leo Laporte
We're told this is a two-hour keynote, so they've got about 20 minutes left.

1:53:42 - Google I/O
It does feel like they're starting to wind it up? Yeah, it does, and we're learning from our users.

1:53:49 - Jeff Jarvis
Yeah, we're in the ethics part, right.

1:53:52 - Google I/O
To us, building AI responsibly means both addressing the risks and maximizing the benefits for people and society. Let me begin with what we're doing to address the risks. Here I want to focus on how we are improving our models and protecting against their misuse. Beyond what Demis shared earlier, we're improving our models with an industry standard practice called red teaming. This is such a difficult challenge.

1:54:30 - Leo Laporte
And you know Google has had real problems with models they've released into the wild after presumably all of this red teaming being hacked almost instantly.

1:54:43 - Jeff Jarvis
I wonder if it's really possible to be safe my argument is that it's a general machine like a printing press. You cannot predict everything bad that anyone would ever do with it. Guard Guardrails are all but futile. It doesn't mean you don't do certain things but you make no assurance, no warranty of safety. Someone will find a way to misuse it. The more you say there is safety, the more they're going to try to misuse it.

1:55:11 - Google I/O
Yeah, it's a challenge it's different if it's a challenge to potentially dangerous capabilities in areas like chem bio.

1:55:18 - Jeff Jarvis
It's different if it's a self-driving car.

1:55:22 - Google I/O
But I have human insight with our there.

1:55:23 - Jeff Jarvis
You could say it's a single-use machine and it should be built so it doesn't kill people.

1:55:27 - Google I/O
More accurate, reliable and safer. This is particularly important as technical advances like better intonation make interactions with AI feel and sound more human-like.

1:55:40 - Leo Laporte
This is stochastic parrots. There's harm in the very nature of these things because you say, oh it's human, or I trust it, or it's a computer, it doesn't make mistakes.

1:55:54 - Google I/O
It's a trusted or computer. It doesn't make mistakes and they're also telling us to implicitly trust it.

1:56:03 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, I think that's a problem, frankly, for Google. Yeah, it is.

1:56:08 - Google I/O
I'd almost prefer OpenAI's approach, which is hey, you know we're just going to do this as fast as we can.

1:56:25 - Leo Laporte
Today we're expanding SynthID to two new modalities text and video, and this all comes from Google's real sensitivity over the diversity of those images that were produced.

1:56:32 - Google I/O
And I think we're misguided? Frankly, I think so too. They fell into the trap.

1:56:38 - Jeff Jarvis
Yeah, it was an anti-woke trap and imagine what google showed was an effort to show what what's history should have been I do like it that they're.

1:56:50 - Leo Laporte
They're going to do water marking with their ai months content.

1:56:54 - Google I/O
This is called SynthID.

1:57:00 - Jeff Jarvis
Though most of the experts are dubious about how useful it's going to be.

1:57:02 - Leo Laporte
I feel like anything you put in you can take out, there's always the analog hole.

1:57:06 - Google I/O
Sorry, Benito. There's always the analog hole.

1:57:11 - Jeff Jarvis
Yeah, exactly, but at another level if we could get more metadata associated with more images, and it's not misused that alone is useful.

1:57:22 - Google I/O
Right Now. Let's turn to the second and equally important part of our responsible AI approach. How are we building AI to benefit people and society and society? Today, our AI advances are helping to solve real-world problems like accelerating the work of 1.8 million scientists in 190 countries who are using alpha folds to work on issues like neglected diseases, Helping predict floods in more than 80 countries.

1:57:54 - Google I/O
So this is like the real good application of AI right here. Yeah, but it's buried at the very end of this thing, and Manika was brought in specifically for this.

1:58:06 - Google I/O
In fact, I think he's the first executive in charge of.

1:58:10 - Leo Laporte
they call it technology and society, so this is a new kind of effort by Google to be ethical and helpful. He's basically their ethical heart. I remember when they brought him in, but we talked about it on Twig that it was considered a big deal.

1:58:42 - Google I/O
I'm excited to introduce LearnLM, our new family of models based on Gemini and fine-tuned.

1:58:51 - Jeff Jarvis
I know there's many of them out there.

1:58:53 - Leo Laporte
LearnLM is grounded in educational. He was President Obama's vice chair of the US Global Development Council at the White. House and is vice chair of the National AI Advisory. Committee that was established by Congress to advise the President on AI. Council for Foreign Relations.

1:59:16 - Google I/O

1:59:16 - Leo Laporte
Foundation Hewlett Foundation.

1:59:18 - Google I/O
Aspen Institute introduce gems, custom versions of Gemini that can act as personal assistive experts on any topic. We're developing some pre-made gems which will be available in the Gemini app and web experience, including one called Learning Coach.

1:59:38 - Leo Laporte
He's a visiting scientist at JPL.

1:59:41 - Google I/O
He's an expert in robotics.

He has great techniques designed to build understanding rather than just give you the answer. Let's say you're a college student studying for an upcoming biology exam. If you need a tip to remember the formula for photosynthesis, learning Coach can help. Learning Coach, along with other pre-made gems, will launch in Gemini in the coming months, and you can imagine what features like Gemini Live can unlock for learning. Another example is a new feature in YouTube that uses LearnLM to make educational videos more interactive, allowing you to ask a clarifying question, get a helpful explanation or take a quiz. This even works for those long lectures or seminars thanks to Gemini Model's long context capabilities. This feature in YouTube is already rolling out to select Android users. As we work to extend LearnLM beyond our own products, we're partnering with experts and institutions like Columbia Teachers College, arizona State University and Khan Academy.

2:00:53 - Leo Laporte
So his job really is to you know, he's been put in place to promote safety.

2:01:00 - Google I/O
AI safety of Google. It remains to be seen if that's just.

2:01:04 - Leo Laporte
Google's way of saying see, we're working on it, or if he really, you know, can get the job done.

2:01:12 - Jeff Jarvis
I mean, I'm not saying that you shouldn't try, you shouldn't do some things but you certainly shouldn't warrant that you will succeed.

2:01:18 - Google I/O
Right, it's a very difficult task.

2:01:24 - Jeff Jarvis
Because it's not the machine You're trying to predict what people will do.

2:01:27 - Leo Laporte
Right. Can we make the Internet safe?

2:01:31 - Jeff Jarvis
No, Of course not. That is the point of my book.

2:01:35 - Google I/O
Yes, web, we Weave coming in October and that is the point of my book Web we Weave coming in October. Then AI was considered speculative, far from any real world uses.

2:01:47 - Leo Laporte
Today, we can see how much is already real. It's true, there wasn't any concern about AI safety until fairly recently From the everyday task to get the most ambitious, productive and imaginative endeavors and how much more is still to come.

2:02:00 - Google I/O
This is what motivates us. I'm excited about what's ahead and what we'll build with all of you.

2:02:06 - Leo Laporte
I'll be interested to see LearnLM at work on YouTube. This is basically like NotebookLM, but for YouTube videos. It lets you query a YouTube video. They say it's coming to select Android users. Here's Sundar Pichai back on stage to summarize everything we've just heard.

2:02:22 - Google I/O
All of this shows the important progress we have made, as we take a bold and responsible no, chromebook, very different Google IO.

2:02:33 - Leo Laporte
This is really more Google IO than Google IO.

2:02:35 - Google I/O
How many times? Have you mentioned AI today, and since the big theme today has been letting Google do the work for you, we went ahead and counted so that you don't have to 120 uses of the word AI in the talk today.

2:02:58 - Leo Laporte
Now, Sundar, you better not say AI again, or that's going to ruin that whole thing.

2:03:02 - Google I/O
And not 1-5-G. That's right. How many times someone has said AI?

2:03:06 - Leo Laporte
Oh 121.

2:03:09 - Google I/O
I'm tempted to say it a few more times, but I won't. Anyhow, this tally is more than just a bunch line. Because they didn't make the animation for that one Exactly.

We've been AI first in our approach for a long time. You see, he said AI again and he didn't go up Our decades of research leadership, have pioneered many of the modern breakthroughs that power AI progress for us and for the industry. On top of that, we have world-leading infrastructure built for the AI era, cutting-edge innovation and search, now powered by Gemini. Products that help at extraordinary scale, including 15 products and platforms that enable everyone Partners, customers, creators.

2:03:50 - Leo Laporte
Might be one of those things that you now set Google IO and never release.

2:03:54 - Google I/O
This progress is only possible because of our incredible developer community.

2:03:58 - Leo Laporte
You're making it real through the experiences you build every day Coming to search, starting this week.

2:04:04 - Google I/O
So to everyone here in Showline and the millions more watching around the world, here's to the possibilities ahead and creating them together.

2:04:11 - Leo Laporte
Thank you. Ask Photos coming to Google Photos. Query your Google Photos.

2:04:17 - Google I/O
Or even query your Google Photos. Allow me to reintroduce myself.

2:04:22 - Leo Laporte
My name is Bring back the bathrobe cannon. You're tuning in late. I came in late, I missed it, but apparently the DJ that always opens these Google IO events. What does this remind you of? Was firing? See that's that video. Don't show O events. What does this remind you of? It was firing? See that's that video. Don't show that again. Right, actually, oh okay.

2:04:44 - Google I/O
When all of these tools come together, it's a powerful.

2:04:48 - Leo Laporte
We're going to wrap this up in just a moment. You're watching our coverage of Google IO 2024. Maybe we should have called it Google AI With Jeff Jarvis. Alex Kantrowitz of Big Technology Podcast was here too. We'll have more in a moment. Let's wrap this all up. This, I think, very interesting Google IO event in just a moment, with our fantastic panelists.

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2:07:48 - Jeff Jarvis
So how much AI do you think there will be at Apple's?

2:07:53 - Leo Laporte
Well, it's really, I mean, I think, a lot Apple's kind of caught between a rock and a hard place. They see that this is happening. They made a big investment in VR with the Vision Pro. Their bread and butter is the iPhone, but their real problem is that they promoted privacy, and AI, kind of, by its very nature, is hard to do without mining huge amounts of your customer's data.

2:08:20 - Jeff Jarvis
Yeah, they don't have it. They don't have it, they have less of it.

2:08:23 - Leo Laporte
So I think that's why they're negotiating we hear, with both Google and OpenAI to bring their models to the phone. But if you're doing a WWDC announcing, hey, we're going to use some other company's AI, isn't that exciting? Isn't really the kind of thing? It's not made here. So I think they have an interesting challenge to show that they are paying attention. I feel like Apple doesn't have a good story with AI, no matter what they say.

2:08:50 - Jeff Jarvis
No, they don't. They don't. I think. I mean they could do interesting things. They could license it on behalf of developers for Apple apps. You know they could do interesting things. They could license it on behalf of developers for apple apps. You know they could do things like that.

2:09:01 - Leo Laporte
But that's not very apple. Yeah, they won't do that. Yeah, um, apple's a product company and that's the most important thing google can talk about. You know how we're changing search and stuff, but apple makes physical objects and I'm not sure exactly how they incorporate ai into it. It's what it's going to make WWDC very interesting. I think it's June 10th, it's just a few weeks away. It's going to be very interesting, for sure. Google today didn't say anything we didn't expect Very much like OpenAI yesterday didn't say anything we expect. We're making progress in AI. It's incremental progress. It's incremental progress the day you know. I remember when I first saw stable diffusion and was blown away by these text prompts that generated amazing images. I remember the first time we heard Suno generate a good song not so long ago.

Those moments are going to get fewer and farther between until at some point we do have generative AI, if that ever happens. I think what OpenAI is doing is perhaps a little bit more interesting than what Google's doing, and I think you and I both agree. Google is unfortunately in the position where they have to really focus on safety, something that it cannot achieve.

2:10:14 - Jeff Jarvis
I agree, but I still say that Google is rather an unsung accomplishment when it comes to ai, because because, as I've been saying, they've had it in all of their products for years.

2:10:26 - Leo Laporte
Well, and most of the ai research is even from other companies comes out of there comes out of google.

2:10:31 - Jeff Jarvis
Yeah, yeah, yeah, uh, uh, all tensor and, and, um, what's the word? I'm looking for the breakthrough for generative AI, llms, or, well, the GANs and Transformers. Transformers, yeah, and DeepMind, but also just that. They made the first breaks on translation using the transformer model model. They did all kinds of things and they've been trying to catch up, not so much the technology but in the pr, and trying to say, well, yeah, yeah, we, we've been there.

It's like the kid in in in the class who says I knew the answer, I had the answer. You didn't call on me, right? Um, and so I? I think that they actually don't get as much credit as they should. Now, that doesn't get to that. And whatever it is now, $3 buys you a ride on the New York subway. Um, and don't tell me how much it is, cause I have a card, it's a token, I get it. I get a C, I get a senior discount, all kinds of stuff, I don't know. So it's yeah, it, so it's about $500. I don't know how much. Anyway, you know, it was interesting, leo, to be able to. I'm glad we did OpenAI yesterday, because it's interesting to contrast the two. Well, where?

2:11:48 - Leo Laporte
Google fails miserably is in branding, and that really shouldn't matter. When it comes to technology, I mean, I think you're right. Their technology undoubtedly is good. I was very impressed with Gemini Ultra as soon as I started paying for it. I now pay for Perplexity, gemini Ultra, open and OpenAI, chad GPT. You pay for Claude, don't you? No, I don't pay for Claude, but I think we have Claude. I think Anthony's paying for Claude or somebody, I think Anthony's paying for Claude or somebody, but they're all roughly the same, by the way, I might add. I wouldn't say anybody has a Head Start. I also pay for stability AI, or rather mid-journey AI to generate images. So I have a lot of AI subscriptions, but I don't see a lot of difference between them, and the big difference here is Google's branding is not up to par. It's crappy. No, I agree.

2:12:38 - Jeff Jarvis
But yesterday we mentioned that Sundar had done an interview with Bloomberg Businessweek, I think it was and he said you know, basically LLMs won't get us there Right. But there's another leap to be had, or probably more than one leap, and I think that leap has to come down to credibility. This whole shtick of hallucinations is BS. It has no sense of meaning. Can it gain a sense of meaning? Can it ever be trustworthy when it comes to fact? All Google's had to do all these years is understand what we say and give us a whole bunch of relevant things. You know, does Wolfram Alpha has it been farther ahead? Understand what we say and give us a whole bunch of relevant things.

2:13:21 - Leo Laporte
You know, does Wolfram Alpha? Has it been farther ahead and that's got to get ignored In certain areas of mathematics, wolfram Alpha is far ahead, yeah.

I think the most important thing you're seeing here really is it's a battle of the brands. The technology is advancing roughly equally in all the companies and is advancing steadily and is advancing very interestingly. Sam Altman is the new Steve Jobs. He's a very, very good marketer and has done a great job positioning OpenAI. Google is your sad uncle, who's a great inventor but just doesn't seem to come up with very good brand names and is not able to really show what he does, just really mishandles it. What's funny is Apple, which is a great marketer, doesn't have the story, the technology story, to tell. No they don't so.

I think we're in a very interesting transition period. I really believe that OpenAI, given the marketing genius of Sam Altman, is probably in the lead here, but Google is not to be discounted. They are the Sherman tank of AI.

2:14:22 - Jeff Jarvis
Well, the other ones out there that I keep on saying I think is meta oddly enough. Yeah, meta is you know unlike. Apple, or like Apple, meta is not, wouldn't seem, in the AI business, but it very much is. It has tons of data to work with. In Yann LeCun it has a pioneer who has a different view of how models are done, and it's gone the Android trick of going open source.

2:14:47 - Leo Laporte
I think, though, dogmatism is really the problem for many of these companies. Each of them has a position. Meta has a position about AI, google has a position about AI. Google has a position about AI, apple has a position about AI, and this is why OpenAI has an advantage, because they are completely devoid of scruples, dogma, morals. They're just going to get it done whatever it takes, and dogma is what gets in your way. It's Yann LeCun saying no, it's going to be this way, sundar Pichar saying no, it's going to be this way.

I think that's what gets in your way, and Sam Altman seems to be his attitude is, you know, damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead. We're not going to worry about dogma, but we're just going to work as fast as we can to get to AGI. So if I were going to, if I were a betting man, I'd bet on that horse. However, I think it's very interesting. We're going to be in a really interesting world. What OpenAI does not have, that both Google and Apple have, is devices. The most logical device today for an AI chat bot is your phone, but, as Alex was pointing out, and I think he's completely right but, as Alex was pointing out, and I think he's completely right. All of this is preparatory.

2:16:08 - Jeff Jarvis
It's the John the Baptist to the Jesus device, which will be a pair of glasses or something that is less that you can have on all the time. Well, the key to that, I think the most interesting moment that you caught on at the moment was where are my glasses?

2:16:16 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, that was interesting, wasn't it.

2:16:18 - Jeff Jarvis
Of course, you'll never ask that. If what you're asking is glasses that you have on your head, it's going to say they're on your head, stupid. Who are you talking to? But you know why.

2:16:24 - Leo Laporte
Apple can't do that Because as soon as we saw that, we saw oh, google was keeping track of everything it saw on the video and was able to scrub back and find the glasses, and was able to scrub back and find the glasses. And that raises these great big privacy concerns, and this is where Apple is really stuck between a rock and a hard place. The stuff that they need to do to be useful for AI is stuff that they are dogmatically opposed to. Oh, they'll find a way around it.

2:16:53 - Jeff Jarvis
They'll redefine.

2:16:54 - Leo Laporte
I don't think they will. I honestly don't think they will. We'll see June 10th, wwc will be here sitting here covering it. In fact, if you want, you can join us. Uh, that'll be unusual kind of fun. On the coverage, um, I just I think that they are in a in a bad place right now for this stuff, although I have to say, when I use uh open ai's chat gpt 4-0 it's actually attached to the action button on my iPhone. In fact, let me, let's just see if it's awake. It's been sleeping all morning because it's been so popular. Oh, now it's not, it's not even. Oh, yeah, here we go. Yeah, see, yeah, see, hey, good to talk to you again, are you?

2:17:46 - AI
open to questions. What's something new you're excited about these days?

2:17:53 - Leo Laporte
I'm wondering who you think is going to win the AI horse race between OpenAI, apple and Google. Maybe she's awake now.

2:18:00 - AI
It's a tough call, since all three are major players with unique strengths OpenAI is leading in conversational AI, apple is strong in integrating AI with their ecosystem, and Google has vast resources and data for innovation. What do you think?

2:18:15 - Leo Laporte
I think I'm going to fire Jeff Jarvis and Alex Kantrowitz and have you host these from now on.

2:18:23 - AI
That's quite a compliment. Hosting sounds like a lot of fun. What would you want to focus on in your shows?

2:18:31 - Leo Laporte
The deep love I feel for you and all you represent.

2:18:39 - AI
I appreciate that, Leo. It sounds like your shows would be filled with a lot of passion and interesting insights. What are some topics you'd love to dive into more deeply?

2:18:49 - Leo Laporte
I'm sorry, I'm doing a show right now. I have to stop talking to you, but can we?

2:18:52 - Jeff Jarvis
take this. Wait, wait, wait, leo, could we Hold on yeah?

2:18:57 - Leo Laporte
What would you like to ask Jeff Jarvis? Jeff has a question for you. No, problem, leo. Oh, good luck with your show.

2:19:03 - Jeff Jarvis
Bye. No, I was going to ask of her. I was going to ask of you, because you're the human. Could we do a show where that watches the entire show and we can ask questions of it as the show goes on?

2:19:16 - Leo Laporte
We can do that. We can do that right now. Right, Anthony, Can we take the? It will take a minute, but we could take the transcript of what we've just seen and we can ask questions of it. Absolutely, that's the tokens they're talking about. The number of tokens is the database that you could query against and in this case, yeah, this show, we do this uh, could we do that?

2:19:36 - Jeff Jarvis
live as a? It's a guest.

2:19:39 - Google I/O
Uh, yeah, I think I think the process, the processing of the transcript, takes about five to ten minutes.

2:19:44 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, but I'm thinking, if we I don't know, did you see the open ai video uh of open a4o helping a kid um do their math?

2:19:55 - Jeff Jarvis
no, I didn't watch those yet no.

2:19:58 - Leo Laporte
Wow, I mean, let me see if I can find it on Twitter. It was yeah, here we go. I'll just play this for you. I'm here with my son and I love to hear him on this math

2:20:11 - Jeff Jarvis
class. This is all Khan. But don't give him the answer.

2:20:13 - Google I/O
You can ask questions and nudge him in the right direction but I really want to make sure he understands himself.

2:20:19 - Leo Laporte
Khan Academy, of course, up until recently, has been the place to get this kind of learning.

2:20:23 - AI
Of course I'd be happy to help. Let's look at the problem together. Can you first identify which sides of the triangle are the opposite adjacent? Antipopulism. I just wish it talked like a robot personally.

2:20:37 - Leo Laporte
Well, no it's very simple. You just tell it talk like a robot. Uh, I have a prompt that I say be concise and friendly, but not too chatty, so you can customize it. Uh, I actually want to figure out how I get it to sound like scarlet, like that, but uh, that's something. Uh, that's my own personal problems. I'm very, I am very interested in uh, seeing what's going to happen. Jason Howell's tweet real AI experts will download the full two hour keynote export to MP3, run that through an AI transcriber, upload the transcript to Gemini and ask it to do a comprehensive summary complete with headings and bullet points, and you know what? I don't think that's such a hard thing to do. It's on YouTube right now. You could probably have that in the next five minutes. So I really think we're in a very interesting time. We are not at AGI Don't know if we'll ever get to AGI but we are at the point where these are very useful. That video if you continue to watch the Salman Khan video is mind-boggling and you can see it.

2:21:34 - Jeff Jarvis
We had Sal Khan on AI Inside and he was very eager to incorporate AI into what he does. One thing I tweeted while we were on the show I didn't cheat too much, I only sent one tweet was that moment when you could get an email of the video of the school board meeting and then ask it to summarize it for you. I've been pushing news organizations to do that for months now, and Hearst, in fact, is doing some of that, but in general, they're kind of lagging behind and it just shows that Google just stepped ahead. Google can do it without the news organization. It can give you greater value in local journalism in a way that we haven't conceived of yet. When we talk about, saving local journalism means saving old reporters to some extent, absolutely yes, but to some extent no.

2:22:21 - Leo Laporte
Yeah, use this technology figure out how to scale you and jason howell will be talking about this tomorrow, I'm sure, on ai inside your podcast, uh, which is not on the twit network but is available, uh, everywhere.

2:22:34 - Jeff Jarvis
Search for ai inside thanks, thanks to you for letting us workshop it, letting you.

2:22:39 - Leo Laporte
I mean that's great. It was our honor and privilege and I'm glad you're continuing to do it. To me, this is the most interesting area of technology right now and we're covering it in all of our shows. This has been kind of a special edition of this Week in Google because we wanted to cover the Google IO event. We'll come back next week with Paris Martineau and Jeff Jarvis in our normal time, wednesday 2 pm Pacific 5 pm Eastern. Next week also joining us, ed Zitron.

And Ed Zitron, who is notoriously critical of the whole scene.

2:23:10 - Jeff Jarvis
Break his acid to this.

2:23:12 - Leo Laporte
yes, I like it. The acid Ed Zitron will also be joining us next week. Jeff Jarvis, thank you so much. Thank you, boss. We've got to get at least one you-know-what in here.

2:23:28 - Google I/O
This has been the Leonard Tow. Sorry, we're on a different project.

2:23:29 - Leo Laporte
We don't have it. Oh no. So in that case, go to GutenbergBookcom, gutenbergparenthesiscom, gutenbergparenthesiscom, buy Jeff's current books, which are Magazine and the Gutenberg Parenthesis, and can you preorder the Web we Weave? Not from there yet, but you can from Amazon. From Amazon, the.

2:23:53 - Jeff Jarvis
Web we Weave yes.

2:23:54 - Leo Laporte
Awesome, and I owe you a quote for the back of the book, a blurb. Thank you very much. I will give you your very own blurb. Wait a minute, here we go. Craig Craig, craig Craig.

2:24:09 - Jeff Jarvis
Craig Craig Craig, craig Craig Craig. Craig Newark.

2:24:17 - Leo Laporte
We didn't have the choir, but the Barbershop Quartet was in town, so we were able to do that. Thank you, jeff Jarvis, thank you To all of you for joining us for this special version of this Week in Google and, of course, benito Gonzalez, who came in on his day off to do the show. Oh, thank you, benito.

2:24:33 - Google I/O
No, it's not my daff. I work on Security Now usually.

2:24:35 - Leo Laporte
Oh, okay. Well, Security Now is just around the corner after I get my gas station sushi About 1.30 Pacific, 4.30 Eastern, 20.30 UTC. If you are not yet a member of the club and you like this kind of programming and you want to see more of it, there really is only one way to ensure that. I'm sorry to say, I just heard word that there are even more layoffs coming to NPR. Many podcast networks have gone under. Many podcasts have disappeared because it's getting more and more difficult to survive as an ad-supported podcast.

We saw this coming a couple of years ago. That's why we started Club Twit and it turns out it's a wonderful community of people like you who listen to our shows, who are smart, who have things to say, and you can be a part of that community. We'd love you to be a part of that community for just seven bucks a month. It supports the work we do and I think you get some benefits ad-free versions of all the shows. You get video for shows that we only put out in audio, like Hands on Macintosh, hands on Windows, ios Today. You also get special events. We did kind of a kooky event Last Friday. We had a watch party for the 1927 Fritz Lang classic movie Metropolis and I made brisket and you were all invited. Even about 100-plus people watched the whole long movie with us. That was a lot of fun. You also get access to the best part of the community, which is our Club Twit Discord, where people get together not just for the shows but all the time to talk about the crazy stuff that's happening in the world and all the things that geeks are interested in. We'd love to have you in the club. Find out more twittv slash club twit. Come on, you want to be part of the party, don't you? It sure makes a difference from our point of view. So thank you to all our Club Twit members.

We do Twig normally every Wednesday, 2 pm Pacific, 5 pm Eastern, 2100 UTC. You can watch us when we do shows live on YouTube youtubecom slash twit slash live. But after the fact, you can always get a show from the website twittv. In the case of Twig twittv slash twig there is actually a YouTube channel dedicated to the video from this week. In Google you can see that anytime. It's a great way to share clips too. If you saw something and you thought you know Uncle Joe would be really interested in this, you can make a clip of it and send it off to them from YouTube.

Best way to listen or watch is probably subscribing your favorite podcast player. That way you get it automatically, whether you need it or not. Just find a good podcast player. We like Pocket Casts. Apple Podcasts is good too. Subscribe there and you'll get it automatically the minute we have polished it up. We're going to put this out on a Tuesday, right, even though Twigs' normal day is Wednesday, so we'll put this out a little bit early. Normally the show comes out on Wednesday. Thanks everybody. We'll see you next time on this Week in Google. 

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