
The Tech Guy Episode 1933 Transcript

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Leo Laporte (00:00:11):
Hi, this is Leo Laporte and this is my Tech Guy podcast featuring Mikah Sargent today because it's Saturday October 8th, 2022. This is episode 1933. Enjoy. This episode of The Tech Guy is brought to you by Shopify. Shopify makes it simple to sell to anyone from anywhere. This is Possibility powered by Shopify. Sign up for a free trial at, all lowercase. And by New Relic. Use the data platform Made for the curious. Right now you can get access to the whole New Relic platform and 100 gigabytes of data per month. Free forever. No credit card required. Sign up at What do we say at the beginning? Oh, well, hey, hey, hey. How are you today? Leo Laporte here. The tech guy with Mr. Mikah Sargent Tech guy too. Hello. Hello. Today we will talk computers, the internet, home theater, digital photography, smartphone, Smart watches. In other words, nothing different.

Mikah Sargent (00:01:18):
The usual. All the same. The

Leo Laporte (00:01:20):
Huge Although we do have a new Google phone to talk about. That's right. The Pixel seven and

Mikah Sargent (00:01:26):
Seven Pro

Leo Laporte (00:01:28):
And the Pixel watch. It was the first time Google's done a watch. By the way, none of this was a surprise because almost all of it was leaked. There was only one thing that I was surprised by, and apparently even that the leakers had rumored of Google is gonna do a tablet, not this year, man. Later next year sometime. They didn't even say when. Next year could be December, 2023. We don't know. I'm gonna guess it's gonna be sooner than that in the spring. But what they showed I thought was pretty cool. Do you know what I'm talking about? Yeah.

Mikah Sargent (00:02:00):
The fact that it can be sort of a hub and

Leo Laporte (00:02:02):
He's gesturing. You probably can't see that on the radio podcast.

Mikah Sargent (00:02:05):
Lovely <laugh>.

Leo Laporte (00:02:09):
It has a magnet on the back, which everything does these days. Is that bad for your credit cards? I put my credit cards in this magnetic thing. Apparently

Mikah Sargent (00:02:17):
Those magnets are not strong enough to

Leo Laporte (00:02:19):
Really, I feel pretty strong, like watch <laugh>.

Mikah Sargent (00:02:23):
But your cards still work, right? Or do you?

Leo Laporte (00:02:25):
Yeah, I guess I don't use the Stripe anymore, right? I use the chip and the chip's. Okay. Yeah. But I think maybe the mag stripe might be, I don't know. Who knows? Who knows?

Mikah Sargent (00:02:34):
Somebody knows.

Leo Laporte (00:02:34):
Anyway, there's magnets in the new Google tablet, which they didn't even give a name for or price or anything. They did show how pretty it is. Yeah,

Mikah Sargent (00:02:42):
Just, Hey, look at this. Yeah, look what it can do. Look what I can

Leo Laporte (00:02:44):
Do. Doing some sort of What was the material? Scrunchy de deposition or something? No, it's not Scrunchy. <laugh>. That's radioactive. <laugh>. <laugh>. Some metallic deposition. Not titanium Gallium, Gallium, I don't know. Anyway,

Mikah Sargent (00:03:04):
Just go down the periodic chair.

Leo Laporte (00:03:06):
<laugh> just, yeah. And then it has a magnet in the back, just like every phone. Now my iPhone has a really strong, and it will onto what looks like just a speaker base. Kind of like if you had a Google Nest Max. It looks

Mikah Sargent (00:03:27):
Exactly like that. Oh yeah. Basically they had a surgeon. They hired a surgeon who came in and sort of cut the arteries between With acap. With acap between the display and that speaker base. Very

Leo Laporte (00:03:40):
Sharp shoulders.

Mikah Sargent (00:03:40):
And they put some magnets in there

Leo Laporte (00:03:42):
And then they put Now, so, well, I mean this is clever. They said, and this is a little shot at Apple. Everything in there is a shot at Apple these days, which is kind of silly. But they Yes, baby, they, because really, I think Google's competition not at Apple. It's Samsung. Can I be frank?

Mikah Sargent (00:03:57):
I think he has Frank. I think you're right.

Leo Laporte (00:04:00):
But they said we realized nobody wants a tablet. They don't want to carry it around. They use it occasionally to go to the John is about it, <laugh>. And so they didn't say that, but that's the implication. Hey, use it once in a while and the rest of the time you just want it to be doing sitting there. So you put it on the magnet thing and now it's a speaker. Now it's basically like a Google

Mikah Sargent (00:04:25):
And an ambient display that has your information on it so you can see your calendar and all that. Yeah,

Leo Laporte (00:04:29):
I think it's clever actually.

Mikah Sargent (00:04:30):
I would love for the iPad to get an always on display for that very reason. Yeah,

Leo Laporte (00:04:33):
Wouldn't that be cool? And you could put it on a, I think Apple. You think Apple will copy it?

Mikah Sargent (00:04:38):
I think they may be working on it. Yeah. We've heard a long time that they were working on something like this. Yeah, Wouldn't be surprised.

Leo Laporte (00:04:45):
Wouldn't be surprised. One cut pick and bit <laugh>. Oh really? They've been working on it. That's interesting. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Mikah Sargent (00:04:51):
Home pod plus iPad.

Leo Laporte (00:04:53):
Yeah. So anyway, there's that. They had asked their first watch, which I mean honestly it's the same price as the Apple Watch. It's hard to say. It's really this, It's really, So if you're in the Google ecosystem, I think Samsung's is pretty good at very good. So what you really see now is this kind of fork in the row where you're either in the Samsung ecosystem and you get the Samsung tablet, the Samsung computer, the Samsung phone, and the Samsung watch. You're in the Google ecosystem. Google computer, while it's a Chromebook. But same idea. Google computer, Google. One of the nice things about Samsung works really well with Windows, with the MyPhone, things that so much Google phone, Google Watch, Google Tablet. And then Apple, which really pioneered this cuz their ecosystem man is so locked in. So if you're not a green bubble, is green bubble good or bad? Green

Mikah Sargent (00:05:48):
Bubble's. The

Leo Laporte (00:05:49):
Bad one. The bad. If you're a green bubble, the heck with you get outta my life. I only talk to blue bubbles. That kind of thing. I mean really it is like that, right?

Mikah Sargent (00:05:57):
Yeah. I mean because it changes the experience whenever you're trying to talk to someone. And

Leo Laporte (00:06:02):
I hate to say it's a pretty good experience. <laugh> not tempted to buy the Pixel watch. Even though I did buy the Pixel seven phone. I just don't like my Apple. I'm not taking off. I have a Samsung the new Samsung, and I never wear it because I really like my Apple watch and it does everything I want and it's all set up. And it works with the iPhone and works with the Mac. And I unlock my Mac when I sit down and watch goes, Hello Mac, Hello. Watch. And it opens up. I just love all of that. I know, I love how that's called ecosystem and that's how they get ya. It's a good thing for them. I don't know if it's a good thing for consumers, but it does seem to work nicely and seamlessly. So we go like lambs to the slaughter. Yeah, sure. Well I'll take that.

Mikah Sargent (00:06:42):
But I mean, hey, now that Google Pixel watch is out there, if you want to go all in on the Google Eco,

Leo Laporte (00:06:47):
Now you got the choice <affirmative>. That's pretty much the story. <laugh>.

Mikah Sargent (00:06:51):
I mean it's interesting that they went with a circular design

Leo Laporte (00:06:54):

Mikah Sargent (00:06:55):
Like that from us.

Leo Laporte (00:06:56):
Samsung circular too.

Mikah Sargent (00:06:57):
Yeah. That of the Android side is more on board with that circular model.

Leo Laporte (00:07:04):
Apple's position on this is, well, okay, fine, but that's kind of slavishly devoted to the old thing called a wrist watch <affirmative>. If you cut the corners off like that, your display gets cut off. And in fact, on the new Pixel watch, there's really quite a large bele all the way around it. You can see it. And the Apple Watch uses those corners. It sticks stuff all the way out to the edges. It

Mikah Sargent (00:07:28):

Leo Laporte (00:07:28):
Expands it all. And I think they make a good point. It took me a while to get used to Square watch, but now everybody's wearing 'em, right?

Mikah Sargent (00:07:34):
Everybody's doing it.

Leo Laporte (00:07:35):
Everybody's doing it. All the kids are doing it. You know what else the kids are doing? They're watching you when you go to their website, Papa John's, You ever go to Papa John's Pizza?

Mikah Sargent (00:07:42):
No. Why? What's going

Leo Laporte (00:07:44):
On? This is a bit of a change. Rapid change of subject

Mikah Sargent (00:07:47):
Keeping up. Woo.

Leo Laporte (00:07:48):
Okay, pizza. That was fast. Pizza mode, pizza mode. They're getting sued. I'm curious what people think about this. So when you go to the PJ's site, I think this is probably true of a lot of sites the software records, they use something called session replay software that records everything you're doing. Your mass movements, everything, all the clicks, everything. And what's typed into the page. Everything. Even if you say I'm gonna order a pizza and then you change your mind is get a real pizza <laugh> from some other person. The Papa Johns knows exactly what you typed in before you canceled out or went away. Oh, interesting. They got the whole thing. Isn't

Mikah Sargent (00:08:32):
That common? I thought that. I

Leo Laporte (00:08:33):
Think that's

Mikah Sargent (00:08:34):
Common are pretty common.

Leo Laporte (00:08:35):
But is it a privacy infringement?

Mikah Sargent (00:08:39):
Is it written in the,

Leo Laporte (00:08:40):
They are now being sued for breaking the United States Wire Tap Act. Whoa, whoa. Filed in federal district court in Southern California. The, It's a proposed class action. The lawyers, they love these cuz they make all the money, lot of money accuses Papa John's of violating both the Wire Top App Act. And they may have some more ammunition with this one. And the California Invasion of Privacy Act C.

Mikah Sargent (00:09:09):
Yeah, I was gonna say that second one. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (00:09:10):
<affirmative> by going too far with the session replay software. The reason people put that on their websites is to see how you use it. See if there's anything wrong. See if people don't find stuff like, I'm looking for pepperoni. In fact, I wish more sites where you use this because how many sites do you go to where you go, I don't, how do I

Mikah Sargent (00:09:32):
Get to where I'm trying to go? And then you end up going to Google and searching for that specific page to where you want to go.

Leo Laporte (00:09:40):
So the bringer of the lawsuit, a guy from San Diego, San David Kaufman probably a lawyer, maybe not, maybe the lawyers found him and then said, Can you be the front man on this said the purported use of session replay technologies to monitor and discover broken website features. However, the extent in detail collected by users as a technology far exceeds the stated purpose. They're looking for the greater of $10,000 or a hundred dollars a day for each violation. How many users on that website, I was gonna say do some multiplication as well as $2,500 in statutory damages for each violation of C I P A.

Mikah Sargent (00:10:18):
How many companies are now going to their websites and removing this session software? You know what

Leo Laporte (00:10:23):
I mean? Well, yeah. And the lawyers say, we think millions of people were affected by this. Millions times a hundred <laugh> per day. Whew. There's a lot of money. So I don't know, I just

Mikah Sargent (00:10:37):
Feel like this is common. Those heat map things that you can get from analytics.

Leo Laporte (00:10:43):
Yeah. That's called a heat map. Yeah. Yeah. I think the next thing is you're gonna see over the cookie banner a site rep gonna, And pretty soon you won't even see the webpage. You just have to click Yes, yes, yes. Tallest stuff before you can use it. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but anyway, I thought I'd tell you the other story. That's huge and really I think little bit of a mea culpa from me. Oh, well I So Zelle.

Mikah Sargent (00:11:11):

Leo Laporte (00:11:11):
Which is Venmo or PayPal or, which is on by Venmo's, owned by PayPal or Apple Pay or Google Pay. Anything where you can pay an individual square pay has this risk that you might send an individual some money by being conned. Right. The guy says, in fact, I, Lisa, just, somebody tweeted her that pretended to be somebody else saying, I'm having some trouble. Can you send me some money? And of course it's using these,

Mikah Sargent (00:11:38):
I think that's I got that same

Leo Laporte (00:11:39):
One. Yeah. Yeah. A lot of people <laugh>

Mikah Sargent (00:11:41):
A direct

Leo Laporte (00:11:41):
Message. Yeah, direct message. A lot of people got this. Yeah, you got it too, huh? Yeah. And they say, Send me money via one of these services. Zelle, which was created by the banks, Bank of America, Capital One, JP Morgan Chase, PNC Trust Sorry, Truest US Bank in Wells Fargo. I think that's all of them, isn't it? Yeah.

Mikah Sargent (00:12:01):
<laugh>, I, we named, I

Leo Laporte (00:12:02):
Think so unfortunately at a thousand different financial institutions is turned on by default. Your bank may have already turned this on. Yeah,

Mikah Sargent (00:12:09):
It's on for my bank

Leo Laporte (00:12:10):
Now. You still have to sign somebody up to it. You can't just send people money. You have to add them to it. So folks be very, very careful about who you give money to <affirmative>. And here's the reason a lot of banks will not make you whole. If you use one of these services like Zes particularly, and get scammed three banks, Capital One, JP Morgan and Wells Fargo went asked by Senator Warren Hey, tell me about the scams. Wouldn't say anything. But she did get information from PNC truest in US Bank. Those three banks reported 35,848 cases of scams, 25.9 million payments last year and the first half of this year. And in the most, it, and the report says in the vast majority of these cases, the banks did not repay the customers that reported being scammed. Of the 35,000, only 3000, 400 cases. 10%. And about 10% of the value got refunded. So I don't know. I always assume you probably do when you send somebody money, if you send a stranger money via Apple Pay, do you expect Apple to make you whole? If that guy was a scammer,

Mikah Sargent (00:13:31):
I don't ever get far with it. I guess because I

Leo Laporte (00:13:35):
Don't. Maybe do we know better?

Mikah Sargent (00:13:35):
Yeah. Yeah. I, I've never sent money that I wasn't sure was going to. The person who

Leo Laporte (00:13:40):
Was good friend of mine Venmo thousands of dollars to a scammer. Oh no. Who posed his Amazon? So don't do this.

Mikah Sargent (00:13:48):
Yeah. Really have to confirm. Confirm. I

Leo Laporte (00:13:51):
Do. I don't know. Should the bank make you whole? If you

Mikah Sargent (00:13:53):
Got, I can frazee yes. If you think so. If the bank is one of the creators, Especially of

Leo Laporte (00:13:59):
Well, especially if they opt you in without your knowledge.

Mikah Sargent (00:14:01):
Yes. I feel like that's where the bank should make you whole. I understand the other options. Oh, independently. I used square cash and sent money then. Yeah, I agree.

Leo Laporte (00:14:11):
This. If somebody came up to me and said, Can you help me? I need a ride home and I'm broke and I can your ATM's over there, could you just get some money out and give it to me? <affirmative> and I gave it to them. I don't think the bank's liable for that. Right. I think this is just like that <affirmative>. However, I have been saying, Oh, there's no problem with Z I think there's no more problem with Z really than there was is with any of that. The

Mikah Sargent (00:14:32):
Other ones,

Leo Laporte (00:14:33):
Yeah. Buyer beware. I guess the banks maybe are a little bit more culpable if they set it up automatically still.

Mikah Sargent (00:14:42):
But still you're going through the process.

Leo Laporte (00:14:44):
Yeah. You have to add the person. You have to send them the money. Stop it, Stop it. Anyway. Senator Warren's fraud report. It's out there. I think there's a, makes good points. It's certainly, if nothing else, pay attention and be very careful because those people are not your friends. Maybe

Mikah Sargent (00:15:07):
What it is, is we wish that the banks would do this, but we know they're not going to. So

Leo Laporte (00:15:11):
I don't think they're

Mikah Sargent (00:15:12):
Of that. You just have to. Yeah, exactly. You just have to be aware. And

Leo Laporte (00:15:17):
88. 88. Ask Leo the phone number. (888) 827-5536. You can, if you wish to dial 88. 88, ask Leo and Mikah, that will also work. Either way. You're getting us both Double your money. Double your fun tech guy Time right after this. Yeah. Dr. Mom says, My bank makes it very clear you're not getting that money back. We're not responsible if you, It's just, to me, it's just like going to the ATM machine, taking out money, giving it to a scammer, <affirmative>. I don't see the bank being liable for your mistake. And neither this bank apparently. But yes, a lot of people mentioning kgo. Very sad. Kim and I both worked there. Oh, okay. In fact, you may not know this, but our show is carried by, was <laugh> carried by KGO on Sunday evenings? Where

Mikah Sargent (00:16:22):

Leo Laporte (00:16:23):
Eight 10 in San Francisco. Oh no. Owned by a large conglomerate called Cumulus. Which <laugh>, tell us how you really feel Kim. not happy this year. Not iHeart. iHeart, which owns this show. <laugh> iHeart. iHeart iHeart. Most of the radio stations were on, including the great kfi in Los Angeles are owned by iHeart. But we were on kgo, Cumulus station and I on, I started working on KGO in the mid nineties. Stopped in 98 when I started doing tv. But went back after tv. No, I guess I went to KFI after tv. But anyway, I worked at KGO for years and it was the great, one of the greatest honors of my life to be asked to work for kgo. They were one time was to work for not only the number one station in the Bay area, but one of the great radio stations in the country. News talk. The great Ron Owens. Who else? Kim? What are some other names? Ray Talia Farrow. People say Owens Span and Ira. Boy <laugh> Before your time. But I remember Owen very well. Yeah. Ray Tall Farro. Gene Burns. Gene Burns. That's right. The late Gene Burns more recently. Pat Thurston. Yeah. Brian Copeland. Coby was there. Yep.

Leo Laporte (00:17:45):
Gil Gross. Dr. Moms saying, Wasn't kgo the station that Patty Hurst sent messages to during that Probably wouldn't be surpri. I mean, that'd be the station you'd pick if you wanted to get out. It would be, Oh, we still have a news talk station in the Bay Area. K, cbs.

Kim Schaffer (00:17:57):
But it's news. News. Not news.

Leo Laporte (00:17:58):
Talk news. News, news. There are other talk stations. The sister station, Ksfo is conservative talk but Kgo was always kind of I wouldn't say left. It was middle of the road. Right? Was that

Kim Schaffer (00:18:12):
Left and middle? Yeah. <laugh>, the other one is the extreme opposite. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (00:18:17):
80 years.

Kim Schaffer (00:18:19):
80 plus

Leo Laporte (00:18:20):
Years. Great radio stations and ABC own and owned and operated for a long time. And apparently

Mikah Sargent (00:18:25):
The folks did not know until morning of

Leo Laporte (00:18:27):
Well, yeah, we were talking about this before the show. Kim.

Kim Schaffer (00:18:30):
The guy went on the air at 10:00 AM and the first commercial break, they basically

Leo Laporte (00:18:35):
On a Thursday.

Kim Schaffer (00:18:36):
On a Thursday,

Leo Laporte (00:18:37):
Usually when they pull a plug, they pull it on a Friday probably. Right?

Kim Schaffer (00:18:40):
Yeah. A lot of all of my experiences have been Thursdays. Really?

Leo Laporte (00:18:45):
Thursday. Why Thursday? Huh?

Kim Schaffer (00:18:46):
I don't know.

Leo Laporte (00:18:47):
Do you know D Dell started on kgo.

Kim Schaffer (00:18:49):
D Del just saw him the other day. Well I was just at the KGO reunion two weeks ago. You're today kidding? Yeah, at the Presidio Club. Concordia Club. Oh

Leo Laporte (00:18:59):
They, Yeah. I've been to one of those

Kim Schaffer (00:19:00):
The night after we went to

Leo Laporte (00:19:01):
Broadway. I didn't get invited. I wish they had gotten, had gotten invited. I would love to have seen all those folks, but they wouldn't know who I am. Cuz I stopped being there in 98.

Kim Schaffer (00:19:10):
Mickey, did you know Mickey? Yeah,

Leo Laporte (00:19:11):
I knew Mickey very well. He read it. He was the general, the great general manager.

Kim Schaffer (00:19:15):
It was up until 2010. Mickey. So it was up until Mickey. Mickey left. Left. And

Leo Laporte (00:19:24):
That's what it all went downhill. But I should have gone cuz I was there. Mickey loff you in. Yeah.

Kim Schaffer (00:19:29):
Mentioned that to you. I'm sorry about that. I totally forgot.

Leo Laporte (00:19:32):
Oh, it's not your No, no, that's

Kim Schaffer (00:19:34):
Fine. It was kind of posted on a Facebook. That's

Leo Laporte (00:19:37):
My pro. I miss all this stuff. Yeah. Because I don't do Facebook and that's where all of this stuff is for some reason. Yeah,

Kim Schaffer (00:19:42):
But have there.

Leo Laporte (00:19:44):
Yeah. Oh makes me sad. What a great station. And yeah, they just ended his said you're done.

Kim Schaffer (00:19:50):
Took him off. Took him off during a commercial break and took everybody into a room and good

Leo Laporte (00:19:55):
Stop. Bye. I've actually worked at, oh let's wait a minute. Phone operator time. Kim Schaffer, the unbreakable phone operator. Hello Kim. Hello

Kim Schaffer (00:20:07):

Leo Laporte (00:20:08):
We were talking about the demise of one of the Great Bay area, San Francisco Bay area radio stations. Kgo, this who carried the tech guy show? I don't. Sunday night. I don't, I guess. Sorry if you listened on KGO there, there will be an announcement playing saying starting Monday, KGO is gonna do something really

Kim Schaffer (00:20:27):
Exciting You. Exciting and innovative sports betting. Woo.

Leo Laporte (00:20:30):
Is that what they're gonna do? No. Yes.

Kim Schaffer (00:20:31):
What? Yeah, Sports

Leo Laporte (00:20:33):

Kim Schaffer (00:20:33):
Sports betting. What does that even mean in there? Exactly. In terms of radio.

Leo Laporte (00:20:37):
The whole station all the time. 24 7 sports betting.

Kim Schaffer (00:20:41):
That's what I've been told <laugh>. And it's gonna be called the spread. Ah,

Leo Laporte (00:20:46):
That's disgusting.

Mikah Sargent (00:20:48):
I hate it.

Kim Schaffer (00:20:50):
So this better come to fruition Monday morning. Otherwise I'm, That's disgusting. But this that's, that is what is scrolling

Leo Laporte (00:20:56):
Around. I think that's it. That's the onion <laugh>,

Mikah Sargent (00:20:58):
Right? Was like

Leo Laporte (00:21:00):
That would be pretty funny. Anyway, we'll find out. I've been on both sides of radio transitions like that. And it's

Kim Schaffer (00:21:09):

Leo Laporte (00:21:10):
It's horrific. It's horrible for everybody involved. So our best wishes go out to all of the kids.

Kim Schaffer (00:21:15):
A lot of talented people

Leo Laporte (00:21:16):
Out there. Every time this happens, I get calls sent. Can you tell me more about podcasting?

Kim Schaffer (00:21:20):
I immediately got a call saying, Hey, you would be the one that knows you work with the kids in the podcasting.

Leo Laporte (00:21:27):
This is a podcast thing. What's what that are the kids doing? What

Kim Schaffer (00:21:31):
Is the trick to monetization? I'm like, I don't know. Having a nationally syndicated radio show and already an income that could support building a studio <laugh>. That's probably gonna be a little bit harder for somebody who's just trying to do it on unemployment. I

Leo Laporte (00:21:45):
Feel. I love radio but I do think that radio is gonna continue on because it's really audio programming. And if you think of it as audio programming, even iHeart, which was iHeartRadio, changed its name to iHeart Media because they realized it's not radio per se. People wanna hear audio content

Kim Schaffer (00:22:04):
And on demand.

Leo Laporte (00:22:06):
On demand is I live

Kim Schaffer (00:22:08):
Me too. But we're old

Mikah Sargent (00:22:10):
<laugh> <laugh>. But you are alive.

Kim Schaffer (00:22:15):

Leo Laporte (00:22:15):
Old. You're not that old.

Kim Schaffer (00:22:16):
We're older. I'm

Leo Laporte (00:22:17):
Old. You're not at all old. But

Kim Schaffer (00:22:19):
I liked appointment. I liked watching a certain show on a certain day or tuning into my favorite radio show.

Leo Laporte (00:22:26):
I don't mind watching the House of the Dragon whenever I feel, Well I really don't mind that. I don't want to have to tune in nine o'clock Sunday night to see it like we did with the Sopranos <laugh>. But I do. Radio will continue as podcasting. Thank goodness. And I hope that the many of those KGO people find a home so we can continue

Kim Schaffer (00:22:46):
Listening to, I think they wanna start a big old podcast and I wish him luck and I'll help him anyway I can. Yeah. <laugh>.

Leo Laporte (00:22:52):
So speaking of radio, I should take some calls but I don't have time show.

Mikah Sargent (00:22:56):
There's no time for that.

Leo Laporte (00:22:57):
So no, I think we should mention it cuz it is a station, one of the stations that carries us. We are I'm sure gonna find it. Another

Kim Schaffer (00:23:05):
Station on TV.

Leo Laporte (00:23:05):
And you can listen to the podcast. Twi do TV or tech guy Thank you Kim Scott Wilkinson. Home Theater coming on. Radio's not a very good business these days. Yeah,

Mikah Sargent (00:23:21):
I guess not

Kim Schaffer (00:23:23):
Soundly. Roger Waters. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (00:23:24):
Get out of radio. Go into the Ukraine. Russia take takeover radio. Yeah. I can't believe this spread. That's just absurd.

Kim Schaffer (00:23:36):
And Heather already created a meme of a guy man spreading on a Subway. <laugh>

Leo Laporte (00:23:43):
Kg. This is from Inside Radio. The most trusted news in radio.

Kim Schaffer (00:23:47):
Yeah. Isn't that guy, whatever his name is.

Leo Laporte (00:23:49):
They're playing songs about money. They're all money related Betting. Yep. Poker, face, <affirmative> opportunities. Everyone is a winner. Santana winning. Kenny Rogers the gambler. I think we get the idea. A money. I

Kim Schaffer (00:24:02):
Got it right away. I thought, oh it's what is it gonna be? Financial programming all the time.

Leo Laporte (00:24:06):
That would make sense to be honest.

Kim Schaffer (00:24:08):
Yeah. I mean

Leo Laporte (00:24:09):
I think you get a better audience for that. It's a

Kim Schaffer (00:24:10):
Safe bet. Book it.

Leo Laporte (00:24:13):
So you know what they're betting on is coming Monday, they're betting on the election. Yeah. In November. Yeah.

Kim Schaffer (00:24:18):
What happens if that doesn't pass?

Leo Laporte (00:24:20):
They must be looking at, must have looked at the polls and said, Oh it's gonna pass. Cuz we, sports betting is illegal in California. I

Kim Schaffer (00:24:31):
Give this one out last six months. This is

Leo Laporte (00:24:33):
Ridiculous. So they're counting on Prop 27 to legalize. This is not even

Kim Schaffer (00:24:37):
Legal yet. Why are you putting,

Leo Laporte (00:24:39):

Kim Schaffer (00:24:39):
This is a big bet of that because these are the people that own Cumulus, I'm sorry, I worked there from 2009, 2009 to 2016.

Leo Laporte (00:24:48):
They flipped their Providence station W PRV to seven 90. The score. And it's the score. The thing is, we have two sports talk stations. Yeah.

Kim Schaffer (00:25:00):
We already Bay area 45 7 and KBR we don't need

Leo Laporte (00:25:02):
Anymore. So I'm wondering, but that's an interesting angle. If you make it a sports betting, what are the odds? Yeah, I could see that. I could see that. And you know what, if the doesn't pass, they make it be about fantasy. Oh yeah. Fantasy, football fantasy. Ho should your tape draft be? That's huge.

Kim Schaffer (00:25:26):
I don't know. But do you think they're gonna have an audience especially on am

Leo Laporte (00:25:29):
I don't. Well that's the problem, right? Isn't it?

Kim Schaffer (00:25:31):
Kids don't wanna listen to am.

Leo Laporte (00:25:33):
Kids don't wanna listen to the radio. Nobody listens the radio anymore. I hate to say it, that's why this is a podcast as well as a radio show. And I mean, given how much a little, I'm getting paid to do this by the radio company. We still make money on the podcast, but I'm losing money doing it on a radio show. So I guess that's the writing on the wall, right? I mean I don't know. I'm sure this is the same. Lisa, when I told Lisa, she said, Yeah, that's sad. But they were probably losing a lot of money.

Kim Schaffer (00:26:07):
They were losing a lot of money. But it's sad for people like me that work there. It's sad for just for the Bay Area history cuz it's a legacy station. It's

Leo Laporte (00:26:14):
History. But you can't keep doing it at a loss. I understand that. I mean, we kill podcasts that don't make money. Scott Wilkinson knows that very well. <laugh> and sad sadly. Sadly. I do.

Kim Schaffer (00:26:28):
Yeah. But they're probably gonna get rid of the call. But I understand. Crazy. Do

Leo Laporte (00:26:31):
You think they're gonna get rid of the call letters in might? Yeah, I think so. Oh God. I wonder if I could get them.

Kim Schaffer (00:26:35):
Yeah. Cuz those are some pretty valuable call letter.

Leo Laporte (00:26:38):
Could I tell the fcc, look I'm a podcast, but I wanna be Kgo.

Kim Schaffer (00:26:43):
Somebody may have already got them. I don't know. I'm not

Leo Laporte (00:26:46):
Sure. Oh God. Somebody's gonna jump on letters.

Kim Schaffer (00:26:48):
They might already be gone for

Leo Laporte (00:26:50):
All. I don't want a 10. Who cares about a call

Mikah Sargent (00:26:52):
Ladders? And I thought it

Leo Laporte (00:26:54):
Was some service. No, I

Kim Schaffer (00:26:55):

Leo Laporte (00:26:56):
No, I think that's really interesting. I didn't, Yeah, I didn't even think of that.

Kim Schaffer (00:27:00):
K frc. At least they do keep it on for their HDC

Leo Laporte (00:27:04):
Flash. Your Kfr KRC sheet Belt

Kim Schaffer (00:27:06):
K frc FM is 1 0 6 9. Yeah, but nobody cbs.

Leo Laporte (00:27:11):
Yeah. Wow.

Mikah Sargent (00:27:12):
We could do a pop quiz with you. Or

Leo Laporte (00:27:15):
She's a radio person. I worked through and through there. She's probably in bar h

Kim Schaffer (00:27:20):
I, I've gone to several of those. I'm not in it. I'll never be in it. I'm not, I'm a nobody. I'll never

Leo Laporte (00:27:26):
Join me in the, we're not in, I'll

Kim Schaffer (00:27:28):
Never get the award. But I've been to many of the luncheons, <laugh>,

Leo Laporte (00:27:31):
The Baha luncheon. Welcome to kgo Pod Talk Radio. <laugh>. I like it. I actually really, one of my kind of fantasies about, and I was telling you this the other day, Mikah <affirmative> to turn this into a 24 7 live stream like radio. But that's probably foolish as well. We

Mikah Sargent (00:27:53):
Need to hire an Australian so that we can sleep.

Leo Laporte (00:27:56):
That's what I thought Tech Guy Podcast brought to you today by a great company, One of my favorites. It's Shopify. We all love Shopify. One thing I love about open mic nights <laugh>. Okay. Actually, my daughter performs at a lot of open mic nights. It gives everyone an equal opportunity in the spotlight. How she's got her comedy career started. There's one thing I love about Shopify. Now, are you wondering where am I going with this? I am Shopify is the all in one commerce platform that makes it simple for anyone to start, run and grow a successful business. You hear that? It's, That's money baby. It's equal opportunity stores. Right? Every minute new sellers around the globe are making their first sale. With Shopify, you can showcase your unique vibe with Shopify. You can discover new customers and grow your own following. That keeps coming back.

Leo Laporte (00:28:55):
So it's kinda like an open mic night. Whether your thing is vintage tea or recipes for ge <laugh> start selling. Really? Is there a Shopify store with recipes for, Gee, I bet there is. Start selling with Shopify and join the platform. Simplifying commerce for millions of your favorite businesses worldwide. Actually, my daughter, who's the stand standout comic, also has a Shopify store selling her t-shirts. Nice. So it all, what goes around comes around with Shopify. You connect with your customers. You could sell in multiple places. I mean web, mobile, social media, online marketplaces, brick and mortar. Yeah. Brick and mortar popup shops drive sales with marketing made simple cuz Shopify is the king on this. They have all the sales channels sorted to give you what you need to keep your business growing from in person point of sale systems to an all in one e-commerce platform.

Leo Laporte (00:29:45):
You've been across social media platforms. Abby does this. TikTok, Facebook, Instagram. That's where you sell 'em. Manage your day with Shopify single dashboard. You'll manage orders, shipping and payments from anywhere. And Shopify instantly lets you accept all major payment methods. That's where this comes in. Yeah. Another sale. Shopify has an endless list of integrations at third party apps. Everything you can think of on demand printing to accounting. Yeah. To chat bots. Everything you need to customize your business to your needs already in your hands with Shopify. And of course 24 7 support free libraries full of educational content. Shopify's got you every step of the way. When you're ready to launch your business into the spotlight, do it with Shopify, the commerce platform backing millions of businesses down the street and around the globe more than a store Shopify grows with your business. Go on. You gotta try it for free, Shopify for free. Start selling anywhere. Sign up for a free trial., All lowercase Shopify. S H O P i to start selling online today. with egg. So much for supporting the Tech Guy podcast. Now back to the show. There's much more to the trip being hip. You have to know about big screen TVs surround sound. That's why this guy Scott Wilkinson. And you have to play the tuba. There we go. King of hip.

Scott Wilkinson (00:31:13):
There you go.

Leo Laporte (00:31:14):
Our home theater Geek Scott Wilkinson. His podcast forum. That's the really great forum for people who are into av. Hey Scotty.

Scott Wilkinson (00:31:25):
Hey Leo. Hey Mikah. Hello.

Leo Laporte (00:31:27):
Hello. What's new in the Wilkinson world?

Scott Wilkinson (00:31:30):
Oh, well we just had cia.

Leo Laporte (00:31:35):
Oh. Oh,

Scott Wilkinson (00:31:35):
That's right. Last weekend. I didn't go. This was the first CIA that actually was live and in person that I didn't go to, but a lot of my friends did. And so I got a lot and I was reading all the reports being filed from the show floor.

Leo Laporte (00:31:53):
Did Mike heis in our chat room, did he go? He

Scott Wilkinson (00:31:56):
Sure did. He sure. And he is going to be on my podcast next Tuesday to talk to go into depth about what was at cia.

Leo Laporte (00:32:06):
Oh good. Mike. He will be our C reporter. He said there were 15,000 people in person. That's amazing. Right?

Scott Wilkinson (00:32:12):
Yeah. It's nothing like in the heyday when there was 40, 50,000, but we're coming out of a pandemic. So this was certainly a lot better than last year apparently.

Leo Laporte (00:32:25):

Mikah Sargent (00:32:25):
The uninitiated, what is the purview of cia?

Scott Wilkinson (00:32:30):
Ah cia. It stands for the Custom Electronics Design and Installation Association. Ooh. So it's all about custom installations. And in our case, in my field, it's home theaters. It's people who hire somebody to come in and install a home theater from nuts, just bolts. So got it to. Got it. And there's a lot of other stuff at CIA too. There are companies that do central vacuum cleaning systems and HVAC systems and all that kind of stuff. But we focus obviously on home theater stuff. Audio and video. Unlike C ces, this show is where most of the projector companies really come out and show their stuff because in a custom home theater you're probably gonna have a projector <affirmative>. And so there's a lot of projector companies there. However, Mike Heis notes he told me after he got back that flat panel TVs also made a big showing here. In fact, he said one of his in notes 98 inches for a flat panel TV is the new 75

Leo Laporte (00:33:45):

Scott Wilkinson (00:33:46):

Leo Laporte (00:33:47):
That's pretty, I mean direct few that big. Yep. Are they all LCDs? It must be or there are there

Scott Wilkinson (00:33:54):
No, LG showed a 97 inch ole. How

Leo Laporte (00:33:59):
Much was this? Just

Scott Wilkinson (00:34:02):
Ridiculously? Yes. The 97 inch O led from LG is $25,000 <laugh>.

Leo Laporte (00:34:09):
Well I know that sounds like a lot, but it's a lot less. It's lot less than I when I showed, I will say maybe how many long? Maybe almost 20 years ago. No, it wasn't 15 years ago. That 108 inch sharp L C D on Regis and Kelly.

Scott Wilkinson (00:34:25):

Leo Laporte (00:34:26):
That was $110,000. Wow. And part of the problem with the screen that big is you can't get it in the door. <affirmative>. Oh, what do they do? Take off your roof. Usually you build it it into the house as you're

Scott Wilkinson (00:34:37):
Going. We build it into the house very often. That's true. Yeah. Now very interesting. The other flat panel, there was a Samsung had a 98 inch mini l e d backlight, L C D. So it's more standard technology and they didn't announce a price, but it's probably gonna be somewhere around or maybe a little more than $15,000. So a real bargain <laugh>. But what's interesting about that one is they specify the peak light output at 5,000 knits. Which is really bright. It's so bright. The peak brightness that in most cases when you have a high dynamic range image, you have to, as it gets brighter and brighter and brighter, you have to kind of roll it off. Cuz the TV can't get as bright as the image was created. With this one you, that's called tone mapping. You don't have to do any tone mapping. You can show that the content exactly as the content creator created it. So that's pretty impressive. I thought another big thing is micro l e d, we've talked about micro l e d or what's now being called direct view L e D or DV L e d, yet more alphabet soup to ingest. But that became kind of big too. Sony, lg, Samsung, Planar, digital projection, Quantum media systems all showed direct view L led D or these micro LEDs. And Leo, you and I have seen these at

Leo Laporte (00:36:07):
Ces. Was it Samsung that had the wall?

Scott Wilkinson (00:36:10):
Yes, correct.

Leo Laporte (00:36:11):
Unbelievable. That was huge. That was movie theater screen size.

Scott Wilkinson (00:36:16):
Exactly. Now Samsung at CIA introduced a slightly smaller one called the MS one a 110 inch micro l e d. But

Leo Laporte (00:36:25):
Can't these be any size you want? Cuz they're just snap together

Scott Wilkinson (00:36:28):
Screens. Correct. They're They're tiled. So they have little one foot square tiles roughly. And you put 'em together in whatever size you want. Now the Samsung one is different in that they preassemble it. Oh, okay. So you don't have to do that. It's 110 inches. So it's e a little bit bigger than these giant. They probably

Leo Laporte (00:36:49):
Figure nobody wants bigger than that. That's big enough. But this, you could get in the door though.

Scott Wilkinson (00:36:53):
You could if

Leo Laporte (00:36:55):

Scott Wilkinson (00:36:55):
Could fully preassembled. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (00:36:57):
Well no you couldn't. Then you need to take it. Can you cut it in half?

Scott Wilkinson (00:37:00):
Well, <laugh>, I don't know. I don't know how they, So

Leo Laporte (00:37:04):

Scott Wilkinson (00:37:05):
Would make sense. They outed it as being pre put preassembled. Yeah, but

Leo Laporte (00:37:09):
That's not good if you can't get it through the door.

Scott Wilkinson (00:37:10):
That's right. That's right. That's

Leo Laporte (00:37:12):
Why I figured our next giant screen will be that micro L e d. Right. But we'll buy one foot squares and assembly. Right. One of the things assemble it, I've heard about Mike LD is they were having trouble solving the issue on the borders of the little one foot square displays. Correct. You can sign to see him. Right?

Scott Wilkinson (00:37:31):
You can if you're close enough.

Leo Laporte (00:37:33):
That's not good.

Scott Wilkinson (00:37:34):
Well, no it's not. Now Mark Heninger, who's now the new editor of Sound and Vision magazine, he was my protege at AVS Forum, I have to say with some pride. Did a great job also at CIA and wrote a bunch of stuff and he said of this Samsung micro l e d that you could see the borders between the tiles if you were up close enough. But at a normal seating distance you couldn't see 'em at

Leo Laporte (00:38:01):
All. Yeah. And if it's a hundred plus inches, you're gonna sit. How far inches, how far back do you sit back for that?

Scott Wilkinson (00:38:07):
Well I would say you're pro, you probably want to be 12 to 14 feet back.

Leo Laporte (00:38:14):
It depends. Are you the kind of person that sits in the front row? A movie theater? No,

Scott Wilkinson (00:38:17):
Exactly. It's something of a personal preference. I sure that gives me a headache. Well

Leo Laporte (00:38:22):
Partly cuz you're tilted back. If you could get it so that also, Yeah, I'm only six feet away and it's right straight ahead in the eyeline. Good point. That might be, I mean cuz then it's gonna fill your peripheral vision. You're gonna be

Scott Wilkinson (00:38:34):
More that more that.

Leo Laporte (00:38:35):
Yeah. That's what you really want. Right? You want it to be at a distance where Well

Scott Wilkinson (00:38:39):
No I think you No, you don't want it at a distance where if you, something's happening off to the side, you have to tilt your head. Oh you don't want to be that close. You want to be able to apprehend or see the entire screen in one view.

Leo Laporte (00:38:53):
It is weird to kinda, I have sat in the front row and you have to look around. In fact, I went to, what was it, IMAX Giant. Those are like you

Mikah Sargent (00:39:01):
Sat in the front row at

Leo Laporte (00:39:02):
Imax. Very, very close. Oh man. It was one of the Batman movies I think. And yet when dialogue's happening, you're like, in real life you're going with your head. Yeah,

Scott Wilkinson (00:39:11):
Yeah. Then you have to see your well said. Exactly right. That's exactly right. So anyway, those were some really big things. One thing I wanted to make sure I get in here is, do you remember the name Victrola?

Leo Laporte (00:39:24):
Yeah. RCA Victrola.

Scott Wilkinson (00:39:26):
RCA Victrola. Victrola came to Cedia with a turntable. That is so nore. It can be a sono.

Leo Laporte (00:39:37):
I like that.

Scott Wilkinson (00:39:39):
That's pretty cool.

Leo Laporte (00:39:39):
I like that. So you could put your vinyl on a turntable and play it through your sono

Scott Wilkinson (00:39:44):
It, play it throughout the house. That's right.

Leo Laporte (00:39:46):
The stream Carbon. That's

Scott Wilkinson (00:39:48):

Mikah Sargent (00:39:49):
Airplane in the past.

Leo Laporte (00:39:49):
It's kind a good name. It's not the Victrola by the way. They just license.

Scott Wilkinson (00:39:53):
Well they bought, they yeah, they licensed today. Whoever it is.

Leo Laporte (00:39:56):
But I think it's a good idea. I

Scott Wilkinson (00:39:59):
Thought it was kind of cool.

Leo Laporte (00:40:00):
It's fun playing vinyl. And you can get vinyl cheap now. Time

Mikah Sargent (00:40:03):

Leo Laporte (00:40:04):
Oh, we're at a time soon. Scott Wilkinson, Home theater geek. Thank you sir.

Scott Wilkinson (00:40:09):
You bet.

Leo Laporte (00:40:11):
That's his hysterical. Oh,

Leo Laporte (00:40:14):
The Victrola Stream Carbon. It's the best of the modern world. With the name from the Old world

Leo Laporte (00:40:22):
<laugh>. I'm going to Victrola for mine. It's

Mikah Sargent (00:40:26):

Scott Wilkinson (00:40:26):
It's 800 bucks. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (00:40:28):
Well if you, you know what they figure

Scott Wilkinson (00:40:30):
For a turntable that's cheap.

Leo Laporte (00:40:32):
I think honestly they figure if you're stupid enough to spend all that money on the Tono skier

Scott Wilkinson (00:40:37):

Leo Laporte (00:40:38):
You should be willing to spend a little on a turn to

Mikah Sargent (00:40:41):
I am. I am very much anti, I hate to say it but, Well no, I don't hate to say it. I don't, I'm not. I'm whatever the opposite of pro is in this case. I'm negative Sonos because of the runaround they've given people in the past.

Leo Laporte (00:40:54):
I bought, I've bought tens of thousand, Well that can't be that much, but

Mikah Sargent (00:40:58):

Leo Laporte (00:40:58):
Of thousands dollars of Sonos. In fact, I'm about to bring in to the Leo Garage sale. <laugh>. Yeah. John, you may wanna snag these. The originals. It's all Sonos one gear that doesn't play with the current Sonos.

Scott Wilkinson (00:41:14):
Yep, that is.

Leo Laporte (00:41:15):
But we're all Sonos one in the studio. So I will, Yeah. I have a sound bar. John, I have a couple of the I have a sub. No, no I don't have a, I have a soundbar and some surrounds, which are really just, I

Scott Wilkinson (00:41:28):
Got Sonos. I've got a box of some Sonos one stuff too.

Leo Laporte (00:41:31):

Scott Wilkinson (00:41:32):
Yeah. You should come up to your garage sale and add it to the top.

Leo Laporte (00:41:35):
<laugh> we, you'd be welcome to actually just bring it to John cuz I mean we have two sono speakers right in here. John, what he does when no, when we're not streaming is he rocks out. He plays music through the whole studio <laugh>.

Scott Wilkinson (00:41:51):
All the Sonos one gear.

Leo Laporte (00:41:53):
Yeah. We're all SOS one. Let

Mikah Sargent (00:41:54):
Me know if Did you ever buy a stereo pod? Standard size home pod? Did you ever buy any of those?

Leo Laporte (00:41:59):
Yeah, we have two of them. Okay. Why?

Mikah Sargent (00:42:01):
If those ever make it. I have one and I

Leo Laporte (00:42:04):
Oh, you want a stereo pair? I keep

Mikah Sargent (00:42:05):
Looking for,

Leo Laporte (00:42:06):
Lisa has one in her office here and I think she has one in her office at home. She likes

Mikah Sargent (00:42:12):
'em. She does use 'em. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (00:42:14):
We got a lot of the minis. I got something like five or six minis and so the rooms have minis. I have a stereo pair in our bedroom. Nice. Cause we just listen to books on it. And sometimes music she puts on ocean sounds. I like

Mikah Sargent (00:42:24):
To, I use them with the Apple tv but I've just got the one so it's not, I try my

Leo Laporte (00:42:29):
Air, I try my AirPods Pro with the Apple TV cuz it's spatial <affirmative>. All the spatial is, if you turn your head, the sound continues to come from where the tv, So it's like the sound's coming out. That's the TV I, It's kind of cool. You

Mikah Sargent (00:42:44):

Leo Laporte (00:42:45):
If I'm watching tv, I mean, Well

Mikah Sargent (00:42:47):
There's a setting now for that where you can change it from fixed and directional so that it doesn't do that weird. It just comes from the TV thing.

Leo Laporte (00:42:56):
So it'll do at most then kind of in your ears. Yeah, exactly. Oh, I should try that with you. Yeah. Yeah. I should try that. It was actually pretty good. And then I turned on transparent mode so I could hear if somebody's breaking into the house. Yeah. Cause I don't like to seal my You're

Mikah Sargent (00:43:10):
Super closed

Leo Laporte (00:43:10):
Off self in. Yeah. Somebody could sneak up behind me. <affirmative> conquer me on the head. Boy, that's paranoid, isn't it?

Mikah Sargent (00:43:17):
<laugh>, you sound like

Leo Laporte (00:43:18):
That's really, really paranoid. Yeah, that's why. And one of the reasons I don't like vr. Scott, will you stick around for the top of the hour?

Scott Wilkinson (00:43:25):
I would be happy to.

Mikah Sargent (00:43:26):
Thank you so

Leo Laporte (00:43:27):
Much. But that, Did you see you got a minute? Is that

Mikah Sargent (00:43:30):
He's very kind. Yes.

Scott Wilkinson (00:43:33):
Well, let's see. I didn't see anything but

Mikah Sargent (00:43:37):
<laugh>. Oh, that's right. Yeah. You didn't go

Leo Laporte (00:43:39):
<laugh>. Well I can't wait to hear Mike's interview. That'll be good.

Scott Wilkinson (00:43:41):
Oh yeah. See he, yeah, him and Eric Wesley, who's the new editor of AVS Forum actually will be on the show.

Leo Laporte (00:43:47):
How fun.

Scott Wilkinson (00:43:49):
Chris Mata, who is my technical director, also went to the show. So he'll actually come on. He's usually behind the scenes, but he'll come on the show and talk about stuff. High Sensee had some UST projectors were another big thing at the show. Of course they have been for a while. Epson introduced a new one. High Sensee introduced a new one. JVC JVC introduced some new speakers that we actually saw a couple weeks ago at their campus in walls for like 150 to 250 bucks each. Nice. Very nice. Very nice.

Leo Laporte (00:44:24):
Stick around Mr. Scott.

Mikah Sargent (00:44:33):
Nicki Really? Or is this not

Leo Laporte (00:44:34):
Video? Killed the Bugs?

Mikah Sargent (00:44:35):
This is the original. Okay.

Leo Laporte (00:44:37):
Oh, you mean somebody else did this song?

Mikah Sargent (00:44:39):
Nicki sampled this song and her in the Song

Leo Laporte (00:44:41):
Of birth. Nick Minaj. Yeah. Your close friend. Yes. First name basis. I

Mikah Sargent (00:44:45):
You go. We do have a first name basis. Yes. We are both born on the same day. Really? Yeah.

Leo Laporte (00:44:51):
These are the bubbles. This was it. The first song played on MTV when they Yeah. Video killed a radio star. That was a little optimistic. Radio. Not dead. Not dead yet.

Mikah Sargent (00:45:04):

Leo Laporte (00:45:06):
In fact, that's kind of a common thought. You hear this a lot, that the new technologies that come along are gonna kill the prior technologies. People thought radio would kill newspapers. They thought TV would be killed by radio. I mean TV would kill radio. They thought the internet would kill all of the above. Yeah. And it's like what happens is, Yeah, there's more. There's just more. Yeah. Mean we have podcasts, we still have radio. We newspapers aren't doing all that. Well. Yeah,

Mikah Sargent (00:45:38):
I guess that is one.

Leo Laporte (00:45:40):
Internet might have killed newspapers.

Mikah Sargent (00:45:41):
But do you see how long it's taken though for that

Leo Laporte (00:45:42):
To happen? Yeah. Yeah. Lot longer than we thought. All right. Finally, we gotta get to some calls. 88. 88. Ask Leo the phone number. We have some very, very patient people starting with Kevin in Las Vegas. Hello Kevin. Thanks for holding on.

Caller 1 (00:45:57):
Hi Leo. Actually, I have a little question for Scott.

Leo Laporte (00:46:01):
Okay. He's still

Caller 1 (00:46:02):
Here. He's a big tuba guy and my roommate in college played the tuba and still does. And he had a chance, I'm sure Scott knows this name drop, he had a chance to do a masterclass with Roger Bobo.

Scott Wilkinson (00:46:16):
Oh, Roger Bobo one of the best in the world. Oh man.

Caller 1 (00:46:20):
Yes, definitely. So yeah, I still keep in touch with my roommate. But yeah, he was a big Roger Bobo fan and got a chance to attend a masterclass that he did. Wow.

Scott Wilkinson (00:46:30):
Lucky him

Caller 1 (00:46:33):
To fame on that. But my question is on Universal remote, I have a Harmony one and of course Logitech is discontinuing them and the software's a little buggy with Monterey right now. And I was wondering if there's one that you would recommend for a replacement of that. I've looked at the sofa baton I think is the one that seems to be getting traction, but I don't know if that's really gonna work well with Apple TV or all the other components. So

Scott Wilkinson (00:47:09):
I have to say I have not kept up with Universal remote since Logitech stopped making harmony. Still support it. But I don't think you're right. As the operating system continues to be upgraded, it's gonna get more and more problematic.

Leo Laporte (00:47:28):
Couple, I have a couple things to say about that. One the chat room recommended that I replace, I have complained bitterly about the Apple TV remote for a long time and it's Apple got it a little bit better but it's still terrible. Somebody told me Get the Channel Master makes an Apple TV remote that's also universal remote. Not impressed. <affirmative>, unfortunately I bought three of them <laugh>. Oh no. Thinking I was gonna, cuz I'm so desperate to replace the Apple TV remote. Okay. It's not great <laugh> Harmony still for sale. I know they're discontinuing them but the Logitech stopped making 'em. But I guess they still had quite a bit of stock. Maybe that's why they stopped making them. And then another way to look, in fact they showed this as CIA is the fire TV cube. Have you do pay any attention to that Scott?

Scott Wilkinson (00:48:19):
I haven't. No. And I know what fire TV

Leo Laporte (00:48:21):
Is. Well so the cube is voice activated fire TV streaming device that is also a universal remote. In fact it comes with IR blasters. In fact the new one has an H D M I port. So you can control things like an AV receiver and you can say to it is programmable completely. So you can say to the fire TV is run by Echo so you can say Echo put turn on the Niners game and it will know exactly what to do because you've set this up as a universal remote. And when it first came out I was blown away. It was very affordable and it worked really well with everything cuz you put it in the cabinet with the IR blasters <affirmative> and it will then talk to everything. So this is an exactly a universal remote. I mean it has a remote but it's really a voice, universal voice remote that I think works quite well. And yeah, it worked with the Apple TV

Mikah Sargent (00:49:12):
And if you have Amazon Prime it's half off right now. Yeah,

Leo Laporte (00:49:16):
It's cheap. Although that's cuz they've got a new one which they showed at cia. Yeah, I don't know if they're selling the new one yet.

Scott Wilkinson (00:49:22):
I'm looking at Tom's guide. They have the best universal remotes in 2022 and they have one here that I don't under that I've never heard of called KaVo. C A A

Leo Laporte (00:49:32):
U. Oh we reviewed the KaVo. This is Yeah. Oh yeah. This is a premium product with Wood <laugh>.

Scott Wilkinson (00:49:39):

Leo Laporte (00:49:40):
Got a wooden case and it's very complicated. We reviewed it when it was, I think a Kickstarter. We reviewed it when it came out. Not totally impressed with the KaVo. Okay. They like that though. They thought that was the best. Yeah.

Mikah Sargent (00:49:56):
Wire cutter says the sofa Baton is the best.

Leo Laporte (00:49:58):
The sofa baton has the best name.

Mikah Sargent (00:50:00):
Yeah, I love the name

Scott Wilkinson (00:50:02):
<laugh>. Yeah, right. That's number two in Tom's guide. And number three is Amazon Fire TV Cube.

Mikah Sargent (00:50:07):
Yeah, I'm seeing fire TV Cube on a lot of lists.

Leo Laporte (00:50:10):
I love it. Just cuz it's voice. Right. And I think that's a very natural, you don't even have to see it. You put it in your cabinet, your AV cabinet. And as I would come in the room and I'd say Yeah, turn on the Niners game and it would know that, well I gotta tune to whatever. By the way, that's always a hard thing to do. Where the heck is a football game? Amazon Prime, cbs, abc, you know, where is it? So it would find the right place <affirmative>. It would turn on the right devices and put it right up on the screen and you can even as you're leaving room say turn off the TV and the whole thing shuts down. So I kinda like that.

Scott Wilkinson (00:50:43):
They say the best Apple TV remote is from a company called Function 1 0 1.

Leo Laporte (00:50:48):
Ah, I should have bought that one. Don't get the Channel Master

Scott Wilkinson (00:50:51):
Function 1 0 1 button remote for Apple tv.

Leo Laporte (00:50:55):
Yeah, the Apple tv. It's so touchy that when I'm watching a show I put it in a drawer because otherwise I will accidentally tap it. We were watching a show last night in the big scene and I'm, I'm putting my arms in air, putting my arm down and it skips ahead 30 seconds. It's like

Scott Wilkinson (00:51:14):
Stop. Stop. One of my

Mikah Sargent (00:51:17):
Two dogs is always changing the channel or changing away from what we're watching. Yeah. This function remote's very pretty.

Leo Laporte (00:51:22):
It is sad that Logitech decided not to keep the harmony going because the thing that would made the harmony so great is they had a database, an online database of every That's right. Imaginable device. And it was user contributed. So if you got a funky weird device, you could add it to the database and it would just know how to do all this stuff. Cuz it would go to on the web and say, you'd say, What do I, you say what do I have? And then it would go in your account and set it all up. So it was easiest. That's the problem with these universal remotes I think. And the thing you should probably review is how hard is it to get it working in the first place.

Scott Wilkinson (00:51:55):
Yeah. How hard is it to set up? Yeah,

Leo Laporte (00:51:57):
Exactly. Do you have to know how to play the tuba to use sofa baton <laugh>?

Scott Wilkinson (00:52:03):
No. No. However I'm amazed I'm looking at all these best universal remotes of 2022 lists from a bunch of different places and a lot of them still have lodge tech. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (00:52:14):
Cuz they're still selling it. Yeah. But the question problem in my mind is well how long before that database goes offline? Cause that's key to the operation of it. That's what I'm

Scott Wilkinson (00:52:24):
Worried about. I mean yeah it could happen but why would they do that? I'm more concerned with the caller's problem of well the software doesn't work so well with Monterey or the next, The

Leo Laporte (00:52:38):
Next Yeah because it's 32 bit probably. Right.

Scott Wilkinson (00:52:40):
Exactly. Yeah, exactly. That's

Leo Laporte (00:52:43):
It's never a good idea. We were talking about Sonos. It's never a good idea to buy something that is at the end of life. Things are gonna start to fall apart over time. Yeah. Why would they turn off that database? Cuz it costs some money and you can't even, I mean the right thing for them to do would be give it to somebody to run an open source thing and maybe they would do that. But you just can't look at Google and Stadia <affirmative>. You just can't count on these big companies to care once they have your money. Right.

Scott Wilkinson (00:53:11):

Leo Laporte (00:53:13):
There was no annual revenue with the harmony. That was their mistake. They should have made it a subscription. So sofa baton, less than 50 bucks <affirmative>

Caller 1 (00:53:23):

Leo Laporte (00:53:23):
Price. It works with the Bluetooth, which is nice.

Caller 1 (00:53:27):
The X one with the Bay station is supposed to be a little bit better but I don't know if it's $130 more better.

Leo Laporte (00:53:36):
It's so funny cuz I to tried to solve my problems with the universal remote for years and years and years and finally just gave up and I have 18 remotes on the sofa arm and <laugh> just gonna live with that <laugh> and has the added advantage of, my wife has no idea how to change, how to turn it. Yeah, right. Oh my, Can I have the remote? Yeah, go ahead. Enjoy. Have fun. Good luck. Leo LaPorte, Mikah, Sergeant Scott Wilkinson, your tech guys more calls right after this.

Caller 1 (00:54:06):
Well one of the other problems, Leo, is that my then remote for my receiver is diet.

Leo Laporte (00:54:13):

Caller 1 (00:54:13):
I'm trying to pair that. Sometimes when you have to do it manually,

Leo Laporte (00:54:16):
Right? If yeah, you wanna get the universal remote. If you have to teach it, you wanna get it before the old remote ties.

Caller 1 (00:54:25):
The problem is this, if you go to Google Denon RC Dash, what is it?

Leo Laporte (00:54:33):
Oh you can buy. I did buy, I'm pretty sure Denin replacement buy. Yeah, yeah, you can. Yeah. Mine died as well. And I would do that because even if you program your universal remote with the basic functions, you're not gonna have all the functions of the devices native remote. And you might need 'em sometimes. Yeah. I always keep the native remotes in a drawer because sometimes you need to access the menu and go kind of deep and do weird things and it's better to have the actual remote on hand for that.

Caller 1 (00:55:06):
Yeah. It's a mess though. In fact, I called customer support Forden once because of this. If you Google RC 10 43, that's the remote. And if you look at that, you, it's like a NASA column of on a space, unbelievable complex. And it's got a flip thing on the back that has more buttons that duplicate some of the functions on the front. It's just a cluster. You know what? It's just unbelievably bad. The opposite of the Apple remote for sure. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (00:55:41):
Yeah. I'm looking at it now at Remotes Express. You can buy one for 90 bucks.

Caller 1 (00:55:48):
Yeah, I know. Just what I wanna do is spend another 90 bucks on an old remote.

Leo Laporte (00:55:53):
Yeah, yeah. I hear you. I hear

Caller 1 (00:55:55):
You. I mean the Denon is great. I've had it for 20 years now. This receiver

Leo Laporte (00:56:01):
And the Denon receiver. Oh yeah. Oh yeah.

Caller 1 (00:56:04):
They last forever. But it's just, and even though the technology is a little older, it still supports my five one surround and my turntable, which I still have vinyl, so that's a plus <affirmative>, so I hate Oh,

Leo Laporte (00:56:19):
So it has a pH Oh, input.

Caller 1 (00:56:22):
And I hate to get rid of it and get something new just cuz it's working well and it's fine.

Scott Wilkinson (00:56:27):
Sure, sure. So I don't know. Well, one thing I'll tell you in at cia, Mike Heis mentioned that more and more receivers are now putting pH Oh. Inputs back in. So it's more likely that you'd be able to find a new one with a pH. Oh, input.

Caller 1 (00:56:43):
Okay. So when this dies, or if I decide, I just want go ahead and

Scott Wilkinson (00:56:47):
It should be okay

Caller 1 (00:56:49):
<affirmative>, I should find this. Yeah. Okay. Well that sounds good. I guess I was gonna try that sofa baton. I figured I've seen it on sale even for 40 bucks on Amazon, so I may Oh,

Scott Wilkinson (00:57:00):
That's worth the risk I think.

Caller 1 (00:57:02):
Yeah, for 40 bucks it might be worth giving it a shot and just seeing what happens. Cuz it's just so frustrating with the Apple remote and the HDMI switcher and my Cox cable and my <laugh>.

Scott Wilkinson (00:57:15):
Yeah. Oh yeah.

Caller 1 (00:57:18):
Like four remotes. It nuts. So we'll see.

Scott Wilkinson (00:57:24):
I know,

Caller 1 (00:57:27):
Maybe I can pop a note into the chat or sometime and let you guys know.

Scott Wilkinson (00:57:32):
I'd love to hear what you think. I, I'm looking at sofa baton right now and I'm going, You know what? I may need to try this out.

Caller 1 (00:57:40):
Okay, well, sounds like it a worthwhile thing. If I can find it for sale, it might pull the trigger and give it a shot.

Scott Wilkinson (00:57:47):
Sure. Give it a shot, man.

Caller 1 (00:57:50):
All right. And you have to give me a laugh cause you know what? I found that your laugh sounds a lot like the agent from the Matrix.

Scott Wilkinson (00:58:04):
Oh yeah. Yeah. When? When he

Caller 1 (00:58:09):
Told that <laugh>.

Scott Wilkinson (00:58:10):
Yeah. I had never thought of that before. But I do respond to his laugh when he goes to the Oracle and changes her into another Smith, his laugh at that moment. I really respond to that. So thank you <laugh>. I think <laugh> being compared to Agent Smith, I guess. Okay. <laugh>.

Caller 1 (00:58:35):
Well you have voice over work if you ever need it. Just do another matrix movie.

Scott Wilkinson (00:58:39):
There you go. Okay, I'll take that.

Caller 1 (00:58:44):
Thank you, you so much. And Leo, you too.

Scott Wilkinson (00:58:49):
I think they went to get a cup of coffee, but glad to help anyway I can.

Caller 1 (00:58:54):
Thanks so much.

Scott Wilkinson (00:58:56):
All right, see ya.

Caller 1 (00:58:58):
All right. Bye-bye.

Scott Wilkinson (00:58:59):
Okay. Hey everybody, I think I'm on the stream now while Leo and Mikah go get a cup of coffee. Hey Loquacious, always good to see you. Let's see. Mike heis is gonna check something before Tuesday. Yes, we have the great podcast coming up on Tuesday talking all about cia. so that should be fun. I hope you guys tune in one o'clock Pacific. Four o'clock eastern, three o'clock central on Tuesday the 11th. Let's see. Cal Sage is asking recommendation for short throw acoustically transparent screen. That's a very good question. I'm not sure there is such a thing. And the reason is that the optics of a short throw screen, ultra short throw U s D screen are that the lights coming up at a steep angle and it has to be reflected back horizontally. And so that requires some special structures, micro structures on the surface of the screen. I don't think I've ever heard of an acoustically transparent UST screen. Mike Heis have you?

Scott Wilkinson (01:00:31):
I'm not sure. I'll have to look into that. I'll have to look into that, but I don't think so. Let's see. Tech Dino. No more house buying stress. No. Now it's Remo stress. <laugh> just about to enter into remodeling the house. So that's gonna be stressful. Hey, life is stressful. You take it as you can and you do what you can about it. Phoenix Warp one. Yay. Glad you're gonna be listening to the show. Might not be able to make it live, but hey, it's there to listen to. Cal Sage says Aon acoustic Pro U H D series. Well I've gotta look at that then. U H D means ultra high definition. I'm not sure it works with ultra short throw, which are kind of two different things, but let me look it up and see what it says.

Scott Wilkinson (01:01:34):
It's a, Okay, so it's from Elite Screens. looks like it. Acoustic Pro is a acoustically transparent, ultra high def fixed frame projection screen in wall. Yeah, exactly. Doesn't say anything about being ultra short throw. That's the kicker right there. U D and S T are two different things, so I don't think that's what it is. Maverick 56. What was the reason you moved up north? I remembered correctly you used to live in Burbank. That is correct. I lived in Burbank. I was born and raised in Burbank and I lived there with my wife for 30 years. When we semi-retired or when she retired from her hospital job we said to each other, Do we wanna live in LA the rest of our lives? And the answer was no. As much as we have great friends in LA, it takes forever to get anywhere. It's air pollution's bad. We never saw on any of our friends cuz it took forever to get anywhere. So we have good friends in Santa Cruz and that's where we decided to move and we're super happy about it. The standard greeting up here, <laugh>, I believe it or not, with no sense of irony, is another day in Paradise. Which is true. I mean, I'm looking out

Leo Laporte (01:03:05):
So keep Santa Cruz weird.

Scott Wilkinson (01:03:08):
Yeah, which is another reason I moved here

Leo Laporte (01:03:10):
To keep it weird.

Scott Wilkinson (01:03:12):
Damn straight.

Leo Laporte (01:03:14):
I don't remember another day in Paradise, obviously whoever came up with that, never spent it summertime in the Santa Cruz, but

Scott Wilkinson (01:03:21):
Oh man, we just had a great summer in Santa Cruz.

Leo Laporte (01:03:23):
Really? It wasn't foggy every morning for to noon. No,

Scott Wilkinson (01:03:27):
Well no, no <laugh> maybe.

Leo Laporte (01:03:31):
I guess the weather's changed since I lived there. <laugh>. Hey, thanks Scott. We'll talk to you. Talk to you next week. Next

Scott Wilkinson (01:03:37):
Week. You bet.

Leo Laporte (01:03:42):
Well, hey, hey, hey. How are you today? Leo Laport here, Mic Sergeant as well. We're Tech guy two, taking your calls, answering your questions, helping you out with your technology at 88 88. Ask Leo 8 88, 8 2 7 5 5 3 6 as tollfree from anywhere in the US or Canada outside that area. You can call using Skype out or something like that. Should still work for you. 88. 88 Asley should be told free website. I never mentioned this enough, you gotta remember Tech guy But that's all you have to remember. If you hear something on the show and you wanna know more, we put it all there. That's where our show notes live as the podcasters call them. The show notes This is episode 1933. Woo woo. The year my mom and dad were born. It was very good. Year 19 worries. Very good year. We should not attempt to harmonize. Let's go back to the phones at 88. 88. Ask Leo Pats on the line from Rancho Palaces Fair Days. Hello Pat.

Caller 2 (01:04:50):
Hey Leo. Help me. Help me.

Leo Laporte (01:04:52):
Help me. Help me.

Caller 2 (01:04:54):
Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Ron.

Leo Laporte (01:04:56):
Help me

Caller 2 (01:04:58):
To find out, Yes, how to actually disabled conversation that are known Asing mode in, I have already toggle switch to its does not work.

Leo Laporte (01:05:11):
Oh yeah, that's all I was gonna say as well. There's a setting for that and it stilled, huh?

Caller 2 (01:05:18):
It sure is.

Leo Laporte (01:05:19):
So threading as Gmail means it is. If you send a message to somebody and they reply that a reply appears under the original message you sent to them and on and on and on. You reply to the reply. The reply to the reply. And it so becomes a thread. Yeah. Which I know what you mean. Sometimes I like that if it's a real conversation. But half the time I lose, if I'm Jane and my travel agent and I are going back and forth, I miss her answer to me cuz it's buried at the bottom of that thread and I wanna actually see the answer. So I'm kind of with you

Caller 2 (01:06:01):
Email that has a link to it and then, because you need to all access the link, but gone back and forth, you gotta scroll all the way down to someone front.

Leo Laporte (01:06:11):
How annoying is that?

Caller 2 (01:06:13):
I know, right?

Leo Laporte (01:06:15):
Michael, what do you think? I see Michael.

Mikah Sargent (01:06:17):
Yeah, I'm scratching shit through everything and unfortunately forced to work, right? Yeah. It's all about this conversation view that you should be able to turn off. But you said you've turned that off and I'm

Leo Laporte (01:06:28):
What they call it convers. That's probably a good thing to know. And

Mikah Sargent (01:06:31):
So I'm looking to see about people complaining saying, Hey, I turned it off and it's still staying on it's conversating and I'm not seeing anything that's saying that.

Leo Laporte (01:06:40):
Huh? Here's one thing you might, I mean it's cookie, but you could try it. There's a hard force to refresh on a page. All the browsers have a little refresh button, a circular arrow or something to redo the page. But often it, it's reload the current page. Control R does it in Firefox for instance. But often that reloads the cash of the page. So if you hold down the shift key, when you hit that button that says that's what they call a force reload and it redraws, it downloads it. And it may be, that's all it is, is that the form, the old formatting is

Mikah Sargent (01:07:20):
Sticky, Not a bad guess.

Leo Laporte (01:07:22):
And you don't want it to be sticky <laugh>, nothing should be sticky in your email. That's just terrible <laugh>.

Caller 2 (01:07:29):
Okay, so tell me how I would do

Leo Laporte (01:07:31):
That again, Just hold down the shift key and refresh the page. Even closing the browser and reopening, it won't necessarily refresh the page. It'll keep the, because the browser to save time cas stuff, right? So to save time it doesn't redraw the page. And Gmail is a very elaborate program. It's actually the first web app any of us used back 10, 11, 12 years ago. So I mean, that's all I could think of. That's

Mikah Sargent (01:08:01):
A really good idea.

Leo Laporte (01:08:02):
You've changed the setting, You've told it what you want.

Caller 2 (01:08:05):
I did,

Leo Laporte (01:08:06):
Yeah. Yeah, try that. So you hold down the shift key. What browser do you use?

Caller 2 (01:08:10):

Leo Laporte (01:08:11):
Chrome. I think there's a button in Chrome. I I've taken Chrome off my computer, believe it or not. Oh, you

Mikah Sargent (01:08:19):
Have? What do you

Leo Laporte (01:08:19):
Use? I use Firefox. Google's doing stuff with Chrome. I'm a little unhappy about most. By the way, Chrome has 80% of the market share. I mean it's completely dominant. So there is a good argument for using Chrome because every website's gonna work right in Chrome, right? It's guaranteed to, cuz it's such a dominant part of the web. I think on a Mac safari is a good choice on a pc. Firefox or even Google. Microsoft's Edge is a good choice. One of the things Chrome is doing that I don't like, Google is an ad company. We can never forget that. Ev for all the other things Google does Gmail. Ultimately the way they make money, 90% of their revenue comes from showing you ads, selling ads showing you ads, both in search and in products. And one of the things they're doing with Chrome is making it harder and harder for you to block ads next year.

Leo Laporte (01:09:15):
They're gonna actually make it so that ad blockers just don't work at all. Apple's already kind of done that with Safari because there's a good argument in terms of performance and security not to allow third party extensions to see what's going on in that page. I understand that the argument Google's making, but that's how AdBlockers work. They see what's on the page and they block it. So I don't know. I'm an ad blocker user and so for that reason I also think Firefox, it's good to have a competitor and I just wanna support to having a competitor.

Mikah Sargent (01:09:44):
So yeah, I go between Safari and Firefox on everything that I have. Well

Leo Laporte (01:09:49):
That's not to answer your question, can't. I'm just saying I can't remember what Chrome. Do you have Chrome there running? I have it somewhere. I've

Mikah Sargent (01:09:55):
Got So the way that you clear the cash on Chrome, Oh

Leo Laporte (01:09:59):
You could just clear the cash. Yeah, that's, that's the next step after this. The shift key is just temporarily reload that page completely. If that doesn't work, that's the next thing. It is clear the cash. Go ahead Mikah.

Mikah Sargent (01:10:11):
So to clear the cash, you click on that more button. That's those three dots that are stacked on top of each other in the top right of the screen. Then you'll see an option that says more tools. And so you hover over more tools and then there's a button that says clear browsing data. When you click on that, there'll be a window that pops up and it asks you how much of that data do you wanna clear. And you can choose all time or just shorter periods of time. And then you just simply click to clear the data and that way your cookies and your cash will be cleared. Wow, that's a lot. Cookies and cash will be cleared. At which point you will probably need to go back into Gmail and click on that setting again. Just well to check to make sure that that setting is saved. Because whenever you delete cookies, sometimes it will forget what settings you've set. But because it's brand new, it's fresh, then you should have that actually working this time with the threading.

Leo Laporte (01:11:06):
So first step is, and on Chrome to the left of the address bar, there's a little recycle thing. An arrow going around in a circle. That's the reload button. Hold the shift key down and hit that. If that doesn't fix it, do what Mikah suggested. Clearing the cookies and the cash. Just beware that when you do that, you are starting over on every website. So every website's gonna ask you for a password as if you, it's got a fresh browser on there. So it's a little more draconian of a solution. So you only want to do that if the other one doesn't work.

Speaker 8 (01:11:37):
Okay, well I will give that a try and I

Leo Laporte (01:11:39):
Appreciate your help. Yeah, that's a weird problem, don't it? That's not how a site should behave. You change the setting, it should change the setting unless it's possible. I suppose we're misunderstanding what the conversations mean, but yeah, message threadings very common. A lot of male clients do it. I always turn it off too. I don't like it cuz I don't see your response. Mikah, in the thread where we're going back and forth about how much money you're gonna give me, right? I don't see that final, The final agreement bottom. Yeah. Yeah. You use Zelle, right? It's okay. Yeah, Yeah. Just checking. Just 88. 88. Ask Leo the phone number. Website tech guy Johnny Jet travel guy coming up. Dick p Bartolo, our GI whiz. Next hour we got a jampacked show for you. Stay right here.

Leo Laporte (01:12:40):
I put in the in ear so I could wear any hat I want. I like it. I decided I wanna wear a hat. What's that link say about this? Who? Oh, the guy in the chat group. Emails into conversations. Yeah, I think that's one I've already got. Yeah, know that's the same. That's what we were talking about <laugh> and it says just uncheck that and it should go away. She's not working for some. Yeah. Said you'll email her. Hey, conversation. Is there any other, I have to launch Gmail. There's another product I don't use. I'm kind of moving away from Google. I guess <affirmative>, except I just bought the Pixel seven <laugh>. But other than that, outside of that right side chat is going away soon. They just added right side chat. Try the new Gmail mute view to get more room for your mail.

Leo Laporte (01:13:32):
Chat and space is okay. Okay. Reload. Yeah. Oh wow. It's completely different. Looks like Outlook now. Looks just like Outlook now. How annoying is that? Thank you. Google the Tech Guy podcast brought to you today by New Relic. I know a lot of devs, I kind of, I'm an amateur dev, but I love developers. I love 'em because they're the most curious people. They're the first to explore the newest tech. Always learning a new framework, digging into documentation, reading the Wiki. Not only wanting to know how things work, but why they work that way. That's why I love engineers and that's why so many engineers love New Relic because that's where you get the information on what's really happening with your software. New Relic gives you data about what you build, show you what's really happening in your software and life cycle. New Relic is a single place paint of glass, if you will, to see the data from your entire stack.

Leo Laporte (01:14:41):
So you don't have to look into a bunch of different tools and kind of correlate things manually. New Relic pinpoints issues down to the line of code. So not only do you know why the problems are happening, you can fix 'em quick. That's why dev and ops teams from Dash and GitHub, Epic games in more than 14,000 other companies use New Relic to debug and improve their software. When teams come together around data, it allows you to triage problems, be confident in the decisions, and reduce the time needed to implement resolutions using not opinions, not guesses, but facts, data, actually hard data that engineers love that too. Use the data platform made for the curious. Right now you can get access to the whole New Relic platform and 100 gigabytes of data per month. Free forever. No credit card required. Let me say that again cause that's a good deal.

Leo Laporte (01:15:33):
The whole platform. A hundred gigabytes of data per month free forever. Sign up at W R E L Thank you. New Relic for supporting the tech guy and you support us of course, when you go to that address, New Now back to the program. <affirmative>. Ah, here we are on the radio. Hello everybody, I'm Leo Laporte and I'm mic sergeant. So when I go down at the end like that, that means it's your turn to speak. That's the code. Yeah. I'm Leo Laporte. And I'm Mica Sargent. See it doesn't sound when I say I'm Leo, it sounds like somebody else is gonna say something and then yeah, they're coming next. Just little the tricks of the trade. Just teaching you bit by bit. He's my apprentice tech guy and this is the part where we'll sip our coffees. Yep, yep, yep. Gotta do that. That shows you're not in a hurry. Yeah, it's very, it's relaxed. We're not in a hurry here. Giving you all my secrets. Jeff on the line from Wadsworth. O I o. Hello Jeff.

Caller 3 (01:16:36):
Leo? Yes, yes. Good to talk to you. I go back to the tech TV

Leo Laporte (01:16:40):
Days. Oh my goodness that those were the days 20 years ago. 19 98, 90 to 2004 I did a little show called the Screen Savers and call for help. And in order to confuse people about who I am on the screensavers, I'd wear floral shirts, Hawaiian shirts, bowling shirts on call for help. I'd wear sweater vests. So it's like a whole different person. Whoa. They didn't want anybody to know that they had so little programming. They had to give me two shows. So what's up?

Caller 3 (01:17:14):
Well first of all I don't know what's in the air today, but I played SAF phone and tuba in junior high and high school.

Leo Laporte (01:17:21):
It's Wind Instrument Day on the tech guy Show. Nice.

Caller 3 (01:17:25):
Well actually it'd be brass.

Leo Laporte (01:17:26):
Brass. Well you still have wind don't you?

Caller 3 (01:17:29):
Yeah. You need a lot of wind

Leo Laporte (01:17:32):
<laugh>. Those are So wind instruments are usually have a read. Is that it?

Caller 3 (01:17:37):
That's correct.

Leo Laporte (01:17:37):
Okay. Okay. Scott is I'm poorly, poorly. Go ahead, go ahead. I was just say Scott didn't teach me. Well I thought they were all Oh okay. I thought they were all wind instruments. You have a very good emra.

Caller 3 (01:17:52):
There you go.

Leo Laporte (01:17:54):
I think something like that. So

Caller 3 (01:17:56):
To best ask my question, I'm gonna tell you what I did. I've been doing a test run of Utu 22.0 4.1 point lts a dual boot set up with Grub on my Windows 10 ssd.

Leo Laporte (01:18:11):
This is the call that every radio station that takes this show all 500 of them. Most fears. What did he just say? <laugh>, they, This is why for many of these stations they say, well we don't do foreign language programming. You're saying instead of using Windows or Mac o s, you are quite wisely. I think using a Linux operating system, the most popular of them all Tu, the L E t s is the long term service, which means it's the one that's going to be the most reliable for the longest period of time. They're gonna support it for the longest period of time. And then what was the rest of that sentence? Oh, using Grub. That's your boot manager that allows you to dual boot to have one machine, one hard drive. But when you start it up, you get the choice Windows today, Where do you want to go today? Windows or Linux. Okay, so far so good. Continue on. I have to translate. Simultaneous translation pretty good. I should. Very good.

Caller 3 (01:19:09):
Actually I'm enjoying you too most of the time in that menu. My problem is I only allocated 25 gigs. Oh

Leo Laporte (01:19:19):
Yeah. And you want more long?

Caller 3 (01:19:22):
Yeah, I can't make any updates or anything. I've run out of space. Yeah,

Leo Laporte (01:19:25):
This is the problem. And it doesn't just happen with dual boot. A lot of times we'll have people partition their drives so that windows is in one part and their data is on another part and that kind of thing. And it's always hard to know, well how much do I need? So it is possible to not, And this is the phrase you're looking for, non-destructively, resize partitions. If you do it destructively of course, as you might imagine, you're the whole hard drive. You have to start over. You don't wanna do that. Although I'd always make a backup before you do any partitioning. The partitioning programs available in Linux for the most part are non-destructive. But Windows even has a non-destructive partitioner. So you could go into Windows and you hit the window key X and you go to the storage manager, I think that's what they call it Disc management.

Leo Laporte (01:20:23):
Sorry, they've changed the name. Disc management. And there you'll see your partitions and if there's room, and this is the key, you can't actually resize those partitions. So you wanna extend the volume, expand the volume. But in order to do that, you have to have room to do it. Which may mean shrinking the TU partition. You can also do that. And this is all in theory nondestructive again back before you do it. And then increase 25 isn't really enough for Windows. Yeah, I mean Windows in theory could live in 25, but there's not a whole lot of extra space. The other thing you could do is just,

Caller 3 (01:21:05):
Sorry, you buntu is the 25. Oh

Leo Laporte (01:21:08):
You said I'm gonna use Windows all the time. And you were. Yeah. So you should be able to shrink the Windows partition and expand the OTU partition without any harm in a non-destructive way using the Windows Partition manager. Okay.

Caller 3 (01:21:23):
Okay. Here's my problem. I have a two, it's 150 gig and I'm pretty full up with Windows. That's why I probably only allocated the 25 gig. There you go. I probably have another 25 gig or so. How can I get an, I wanna get another SSD and just move that You bunch you to its own ssd.

Leo Laporte (01:21:43):
Yeah, you can do that. And Grub will have to be configured to look at the external disc. Not too hard. You could Google how to do that. You would use, generally I use a command line program in Linux. It's kind of a black diamond tip here called D D D will move sector by sector. Every bit of that Linux partition over onto the ssd. As long as it can see the S SSD should be able to DD onto it once you've done and then you, you'll have to look up the DD command and there may be a gooey to do this, but hey, you are the one who wanted to use Linnux, my friend. You gotta learn the command line if you're gonna lose Lennox.

Caller 3 (01:22:26):
Oh, I'm pseudo and in I'm Oh

Leo Laporte (01:22:28):
Yeah, pseudo in man. You're gonna have to pseudo in, that's for sure. Oh, he's a pseudo man there. Every time I say pseudo cuz it's clearly that's S U D O should be pronounced pseudo. Everybody says no, no, that's s u do. No, sorry, I'm not gonna say that it's pseudo. You're right. It means I'm gonna act in the next command. The command following. I'm gonna act as if I am the root. The system administrators, The SU stands super user. That's right. So you're gonna S U D O D D that you have to do that. And you can dd, if you wanna see which partition your Linux is on or see the whole partition map, the Linux command for that is L S B L K or list blocks. You'll see all the devices, you'll see all the partitions, you'll know which partition you'll have to move and it'll be something <laugh>.

Leo Laporte (01:23:15):
This is so is exactly what every radio station program director across the country is going. Why is he talking to this man? <laugh>, What language is this? <laugh>? You get the idea, you just gotta take a little Googling. But you can do that. You can move it off of there and the boot manager will have to know the difference. I actually replaced Grub with Refined, which works with efi drives. R E F I get it. And the boot manager. And that is my favorite. And it will absolutely see external drives. It'll give you a nice graphical boot manager interface. It's a little more capable, A little more modern than Grub. So as long as you're doing this. And again, back up cuz you're <laugh> almost guaranteed to screw this up. <laugh>, why you got into Linux, Right, <laugh>.

Caller 3 (01:24:05):
Exactly. Cause I love playing around. Yeah,

Leo Laporte (01:24:08):
It's what it's for really is tinkering. Exactly.

Caller 3 (01:24:12):
Yeah. And if I do let's say even if I just go from scratch on a brand new ssd, whether it be Utu or Mint, I don't know what you would suggest.

Leo Laporte (01:24:23):
Like if you like the ATU family, the best of the ATU family is Pop Os from System 76. I like the Arch family cuz it's rolling. And for that I use Manjaro, M A N J A R O. Those are my two favorites. But use whatever you want. That's the beauty. And it's actually pretty fast and easy to install the next, So reinstalling probably the best thing to do. Lea and Mikah coming up. Johnny Jet. Holy cow. I don't even know what I was saying there. I hope that helped.

Caller 3 (01:24:59):
Are you still?

Leo Laporte (01:25:00):
Yeah. Yeah, we're still here. Yeah. Yeah. Hear me?

Caller 3 (01:25:02):
Yeah. Okay. If I do this, how do I reclaim my space on the Windows Drive? In other words, delete that Grub option.

Leo Laporte (01:25:09):
Yeah well don't delete the Grub option. You still need Grub cuz you'll still need a boot manager to choose which drive to boot to. But you can delete the Otu partition once you've got a successfully up and running and expand the Windows partition into it. The same kind of thing I was talking about earlier with the partition manager.

Caller 3 (01:25:28):
Honestly, I'm recording this because <laugh>,

Leo Laporte (01:25:31):
Honestly, most of the time when I'm faced with this kind of thing, I start over.

Caller 3 (01:25:36):
Yes, I want to.

Leo Laporte (01:25:37):
Yes. Yeah. Yeah. That's the easiest thing is just install windows in your internal disc. Install a Buntu on ssd, external ssd. And then the nice thing about Refined is you can then run it and it will say, Oh I see you have two operating systems. You want me to take care of it? And it will then put itself into the master boot record and all that stuff.

Caller 3 (01:26:02):
Awesome. Yeah. Cool. I'm so glad I got to talk to you. It's been a lot of years watching you and I really, really appreciate your

Leo Laporte (01:26:10):
Help. Oh, you're very kind. Yeah. It's been a long time, hasn't it? What a long, strange trip it's been. Jeff <laugh>.

Caller 3 (01:26:17):
I was so mad when they canceled Tech tv. I was the only show I loved. Oh,

Leo Laporte (01:26:23):
<laugh>. Well thank goodness I had started cuz I knew Tech TV was on the Rocks in 2004 and I'd started doing this show then. It's been that long on kfi and then used the money that I was making on Kfi to kind of bootstrap a podcast network. And Twitter has become, in many respects the second generation of tech tv. Especially in the early days. We had all the old guys on and stuff like that. Yeah. Well I'm glad you found me and stuck

Caller 3 (01:26:52):
With it. Yes. And thank you. Go ahead

Leo Laporte (01:26:54):
And keep, Stick with Linux cuz it's eventually you're gonna just get rid of Windows and say, Why am I doing this to myself?

Caller 3 (01:27:01):
That's why I'm already doing that. That's why I'm talking to you. And you're the man. So I appreciate your help

Leo Laporte (01:27:06):
Today. Oh Jeff, great to talk to you. Thank you.

Caller 3 (01:27:10):
All right, have a

Leo Laporte (01:27:10):
Good one. That's where we got the youngsters here, like Mikah. Cuz somebody's got take over pretty soon in 20 years. Mikah. They'll say, Oh, I remember used to listen to you. Yeah, <laugh>,

Johnny Jet (01:27:20):
Tech guy,

Leo Laporte (01:27:20):
Radio tech guy, radio. Whatever happened to that guy. Kgo? Yeah. He just fell off the face of the earth. I think he's living in Bolivia. <laugh>. I don't know. Hey Johnny

Johnny Jet (01:27:29):
Jet. Hey, how are you guys?

Leo Laporte (01:27:31):
We are great. Wait a minute. I gotta change my hat. Yeah, I gotta have switch hat for every show.

Johnny Jet (01:27:35):
It's not gonna be a giant hat. What

Leo Laporte (01:27:37):
Hat? Stop it. Yankees fan.

Johnny Jet (01:27:41):
Do you have a Giants hat?

Leo Laporte (01:27:42):
I do, but of course he's good. It's at home where it belongs.

Johnny Jet (01:27:47):
I first met you on the set of call for help.

Leo Laporte (01:27:50):
Is that, Oh, Amber brought you in or something or?

Johnny Jet (01:27:53):
No, actually I've met Amber after that.

Leo Laporte (01:27:56):
So I

Johnny Jet (01:27:56):
Had a book, a call for help. No, it was us. I went to San Francisco. I went to San Francisco cuz I had a published, well I wasn't a publicist, my co-author of a book I wrote. Oh, that got me on your show. Nice. And I went up and we hit it off. So he kept inviting me back. And then I went to Vancouver to do your show. And then you invited me to go to Toronto to do your show. Wow. So I've known you since 2003. Then we kinda lost contact for five years or so. Then you emailed me about a question about Seaborne.

Leo Laporte (01:28:26):
Oh wow.

Johnny Jet (01:28:27):
And then you said, you wanna come onto my podcast. And it was only supposed to be, it was only supposed to be one time. And the next thing I know, you invited me back and they said people liked me in the chat room. And I was like, What an honor. It

Leo Laporte (01:28:39):
Was outta control.

Johnny Jet (01:28:40):
I, I've only missed a few shows. Not even a dozen.

Leo Laporte (01:28:46):
I'm wearing my travel hat

Johnny Jet (01:28:50):
That you're <laugh>. Yes, it is.

Leo Laporte (01:28:52):

Johnny Jet (01:28:53):
Coming back. Mexico. How's a Mel? There it is.

Leo Laporte (01:28:57):
<laugh>. Oh yes, he's been everywhere. Kids. It's Johnny Jet Travel Guru helps us travel better with technology every week. Johnny is the website. Hello John. Why are you wearing that evil baseball cap? <laugh> Evil. What

Johnny Jet (01:29:16):
Are you talking about?

Leo Laporte (01:29:17):
Are you a judge fan?

Johnny Jet (01:29:19):
Of course. Who isn't a judge fan? Even people who aren't Yankees fans. Well have to love and respect that

Leo Laporte (01:29:24):
Guy. My son and I saw the 74th home run Barry Bonds hit to establish the 73rd. 73rd to establish the record for Major League Baseball Home runs in a season. But I guess, yes,

Johnny Jet (01:29:39):
It's with an asterisks.

Leo Laporte (01:29:40):
It's tarnished now. Yes. And so Aaron Judge gets all the credit, right?

Johnny Jet (01:29:46):
Well he didn't give as much credit as I thought he would, but yeah, Roger Mari's family said that he is the He's the home run camp. Yeah,

Leo Laporte (01:29:56):
He's the, Although the Bash brothers even had more than 61, didn't they? I can't remember Sam. He said McGuire.

Johnny Jet (01:30:01):
Yeah. McGuire had 66 I think. And so

Leo Laporte (01:30:03):
There are a lot of asterisks in baseball these days.

Johnny Jet (01:30:06):

Leo Laporte (01:30:07):
Are, But as somebody pointed out, even you could probably say Roger Ramirez cheated a little bit. He didn't use performance enhancing drugs, but he did have a very, the Yankees had an excellent sign. Steeler <laugh>, who was given him the pitches. Oh yeah.

Johnny Jet (01:30:21):
<laugh>. Oh I didn't know that. Oh

Leo Laporte (01:30:22):
Yeah. But that everybody did it in the day.

Johnny Jet (01:30:25):
Well, I mean that's part of the game. If you're on Second Basin, you can tell the, Well now using, there

Leo Laporte (01:30:32):
Was a

Johnny Jet (01:30:32):
Yankees, now they're using

Leo Laporte (01:30:34):
Pitcher who was on the dl, but they didn't let him, They kept him in the bullpen <laugh> cuz he was interesting. Really good at reading the signs.

Johnny Jet (01:30:41):
Interesting. I did not

Leo Laporte (01:30:42):
Know that he would relay it in. Well that's the problem with asterisks. I guess you shouldn't reward. You shouldn't reward. I dunno, You know, hormones, that problem with asterisks. Yeah. He's in performance. It

Johnny Jet (01:30:52):

Leo Laporte (01:30:54):
But I saw, I was there when Barry hit the two in a row and my son and I, we saw it. In fact, he hit seven. He hit, he broke, he McGuire's record and I ran down and bought a penant that said 71 or maybe it was 72. And then he hit another one. <laugh>

Johnny Jet (01:31:11):
Amazing. And I go down and get another

Leo Laporte (01:31:13):
Thrill. Yeah. It was very exciting to see it. But

Johnny Jet (01:31:16):
This seems like, and

Leo Laporte (01:31:17):
This is the thing, you could also put an asterisk, because the Giants built a ballpark for Barry Bonds to hit home runs in

Johnny Jet (01:31:24):
<laugh>, right? Yeah, yeah. It's Splash shit. Redfield short, right? Yep.

Leo Laporte (01:31:29):
Short right field. But,

Johnny Jet (01:31:31):
Well, I mean, same thing in Yankee Stadium. They have the shortest porch. But anyway, let's talk travel. And I saw that you actually were watching, were you watching The Blue Angels yesterday? We,

Leo Laporte (01:31:38):

Johnny Jet (01:31:38):
You know that? Or today I saw it on your Facebook or Lisa Burns. It's

Leo Laporte (01:31:42):
Fleet Week in San Francisco. So I always love it because the radio stations during Fleet Week in San Francisco have a program called Bring a Sailor Home. And I always think <laugh>. Huh? That must have, That must be

Johnny Jet (01:31:55):
Interesting you say that.

Leo Laporte (01:31:57):
But yeah, the fly, the Blue Angels fly over. So we were watching them practice yesterday. Oh, Sam's we

Johnny Jet (01:32:05):
What? My college girlfriend for four years. It was from Tipperon. It's

Leo Laporte (01:32:10):
A beautiful island in the San Francisco Bay that has a clear view of the city. It's a little distance. So the Blue Angels were little specs. But it was wonderful. We had a love, lovely lunch on the deck. I had some lobster to roll and it's no providence to roll, but it was okay. And then we watched the Blue Angels practice. It was a lot of fun. Awesome. Yeah. That's awesome. Lisa posted some intas picture.

Johnny Jet (01:32:33):
So I'm gonna send you in the chat row right now. I just put a link to a video that someone just sent me a couple weeks ago, which I've been meaning to post about. But I am on this airplane that's buzzing the bridge.

Leo Laporte (01:32:45):
Oh my goodness. No way. Which is, When did you do that? I can

Johnny Jet (01:32:49):
See you there in the window. Yeah. This is United's last 7 47 flight. Oh,

Leo Laporte (01:32:54):
That's a little different than flying.

Johnny Jet (01:32:55):
Remember I showed you that window in the blue? Ancient? No, no, no. This is a 7 47. But we came close and actually I did the Qantas one their very first, A three 80 and we buzzed the bridge. It was amazing.

Leo Laporte (01:33:05):
They can't do that anymore, right? I,

Johnny Jet (01:33:07):
Well I think they did it the other day. I think its all for blue week. What does it mean to buzz the

Leo Laporte (01:33:12):

Johnny Jet (01:33:13):
You come pretty close to the bridge.

Leo Laporte (01:33:14):
I thought that that's a no fly zone after a nine 11. But maybe not. Well

Johnny Jet (01:33:18):
Yeah, you, they freak people out.

Leo Laporte (01:33:21):
So Yeah.

Johnny Jet (01:33:22):

Leo Laporte (01:33:23):

Johnny Jet (01:33:24):

Leo Laporte (01:33:24):
Gotta tell you that. Is that on your website johnny

Johnny Jet (01:33:26):
No, that's on Twitter. I will post it. I mean, my story about flying to Hawaii on that flight is, But I haven't added this video yet. But I need to,

Leo Laporte (01:33:33):
It's hysterical. Johnny, you're You're a hoot. Johnny. You're really a hoot.

Johnny Jet (01:33:38):
<laugh>. I try to be. But listen, one of the big stories this week, actually, I just wrote about it, I don't know if it's published as published yet. My wife is editing it as we speak. But a flight attendant got busted stealing an $8,000 bracelet going through security checkpoints. Oh no. A security checkpoint. So

Leo Laporte (01:33:55):
Wait, so somebody took off the bracelet? Yes. As you know what Lisa always says, Can I leave my jewelry on? And they usually say, yes, you don't have to take it off. Yes,

Johnny Jet (01:34:05):
Leave it on. But if you're gonna take it off, don't ever put it on the Convey belt or in one bins.

Leo Laporte (01:34:11):
Oh my gosh. No. Put

Johnny Jet (01:34:13):
It in your carryon suitcase or your jacket. That's why, One reason why I have a Scotty vest, cause it has so many secret pockets. I was just gonna say,

Leo Laporte (01:34:22):
I always wear my Scotty vest vest with 21 pockets and I stick my watch my ring, everything. Everything. Even though you don't have to take those off. I don't think they set off the metal.

Johnny Jet (01:34:33):
Some set it off One time I actually, I wrote my story. There was a guy in front of me who put his stuff on the bin, went through and his watch, he had a Rolex on and it went off. But my bag was already in there. So he had to put his Rolex behind my bag and he took off and forgot about it. And I had to yell. I had to yell to him, say, Hey,

Leo Laporte (01:34:50):
Hey buddy, this, you left your chronometer

Johnny Jet (01:34:54):
$15,000 Rolex.

Leo Laporte (01:34:55):
Holy cow.

Johnny Jet (01:34:56):
So it's so easy to steal from these places.

Leo Laporte (01:34:59):
No, I honestly, I feel bad for the flight attendant cuz you're sitting there, you see this thing come through the conveyor belts, this beautiful $8,000 bracelet. Yeah. You say, Oh it must be lost. I'll take it. Well done.

Johnny Jet (01:35:11):
Desperate people.

Leo Laporte (01:35:12):
She got caught. Cuz there's videos of everything there. Right? Totally.

Johnny Jet (01:35:16):
Yeah. It's difficult. But I mean, if you're desperate, these are the places that hang out. The secure, the security points, the baggage claim. That's why when you get off that plane and you checking a bag, you wanna make you right down a baggage claim because Yes. And that's one of my tips. By the way, one time I got randomly selected for the security, when I went through it, went off the metal detector and the agent's given me a hard time cuz I will not take my eyes off of my bags. He's like, Look at me. I'm like, I'm not looking at you. I'm looking at my bags. That's weird

Leo Laporte (01:35:44):
That they were making Oh no, they're cuz they're trying to figure out if you're nervous, you're sweating. Yeah. Yeah. So me in the eyes buddy. Tell me you're okay. Oh that feels, tell me you're honest.

Johnny Jet (01:35:53):
Always keep your eyes on your bags. And I always see travelers just put their bags on the conveyor belt and don't push it through. Agents are usually yelling at you to push them through. Always wait for

Leo Laporte (01:36:04):
Your bag. I always, I don't go through the x-ray until Yes, I see my bag enter the machine. Okay. Exactly. Yeah. And then I keep my eye, I eagle eye peeled on the bag as it emerges from the machine. Cause I like you put all the expensive stuff in on the conveyor belt. Either in my Scotty Vester in my luggage. That's all my camera gears in the luggage. I'm not exactly. I keep an eye on it. And

Johnny Jet (01:36:28):
When going through airports he throw, you gotta take all the electronics out, put it in a separate bin. But again, it's a mad house. People are on a rush. That's why you show up early and just watch it. You really need to watch it. Cause sometimes it's three bins. Three or four bins you're using. Yep. And I'm traveling with a family. So sometimes it's 12 bins. Cuz we're like a circus

Leo Laporte (01:36:45):
<laugh>. I've heard of a three ring circus the first time I've heard a 12 bin circus. 12. That's a, that's gonna be, Ringling Brothers will be calling any day now. <laugh>. Yeah.

Johnny Jet (01:36:54):
So yeah, that's my big tip today. First of all, they don't even bring the expensive stuff. Leave your jewelry at home. You're just become a target these days. You can't have any fancy bags, things like that. It's just, Lisa

Leo Laporte (01:37:05):
Has, So her wedding rings, you know, I'm an A good husband is pretty nice. And she has a faux wedding ring that she travels with. Nice. Yeah, that's a good idea. It looks like a fancy wedding ring, but it's whatever.

Johnny Jet (01:37:18):
But again, they don't know if it's fan, it's real or not. So turn that ring around. If you're on the subway, you're walking down the street. She

Leo Laporte (01:37:25):
Turn it around. Yeah. Then it looks like a plain gold band. Yeah. They don't see the massive fake diamond inside. Yeah, yeah,

Johnny Jet (01:37:31):
Exactly. You really don't even want to bring any attention to yourself. And don't travel with expensive looking bags like Louis Vuittons. I mean people Are you insane? You shouldn't usually, Johnny,

Leo Laporte (01:37:41):
You know what? Don't even but tall don't ever don't get,

Johnny Jet (01:37:43):
I can't even pronounce it. That's even

Leo Laporte (01:37:45):
Get, Don't Stu get a Briggs and Riley get do it. Right. Get a good bag and don't get those silly luxury bags. Johnny jet Johnny And on the Twitter sign up. It's free. That's my big thing. Sign up for my new That's some great stuff on the newsletter. Please help Johnny. Help him fly again. This man may never fly again if you don't buy his newsletter. <laugh>. Well you don't have to buy it. Not buy. Subscribe free. Subscribe Leo and Mikah, your tech guy. More calls coming up after this. Bye Johnny. Bob. Bye. There he goes. I gotta get a jet sound on here for Johnny. Fly outta here. Yeah. Yes. Shake. Where's this picture of fence? You going over the golden, I don't see it

Mikah Sargent (01:38:31):
Rattling the fence, which I'm

Leo Laporte (01:38:33):
Looking at. It was a tweet. No, no, no. I put it in the chat room. Oh. Oh, in the chat room. I was looking on the Twitter. Okay. I can Oh, I can tweet it out. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Okay. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I have to scroll back in the chat room though to see this. There it is.

Mikah Sargent (01:38:52):
Think it's video.

Leo Laporte (01:38:52):
Yeah, it's a Wait a minute. What's going? Oh, it's the wrong

Mikah Sargent (01:38:56):

Leo Laporte (01:38:57):
Gate. I gotta push a button Here. Wait a minute. You can actually see him in the window. Holy. That is like see him in the window. No, that was a joke. <laugh>. This is not allowed. How are you? When was this? This is a 27, 17, I think. I thought after nine 11 that this was a NoFL. You have to have special clearance. They got special clearance. They just, Yeah, you definitely just can't just, That's

Mikah Sargent (01:39:21):
Terrifying to me. I would be

Leo Laporte (01:39:23):
So no, they shouldn't allow this. These poor people driving on the bridge and this plane goes.

Mikah Sargent (01:39:27):
Yeah. If they don't know

Leo Laporte (01:39:29):
That, that's, that's what the Blue Angels do by the way. Definitely best place 2017. Cause I wrote about it. I'll put this in the, That's a cool video. And somebody just posted this, not you obviously. They tweeted me the other day, said, Weren't you on this flight? I was like, Yes. Awesome. I never been 7, 7 47. Yep. That's, That's

Mikah Sargent (01:39:47):
Rumbling. The pathway.

Leo Laporte (01:39:48):
What's rumbling? The path.

Mikah Sargent (01:39:49):
Rocking the gate.

Leo Laporte (01:39:50):
Rocking the gate. What is that? Wait a minute. I gotta get a jet sound here somewhere. I don't have a jet sound. I need a

Mikah Sargent (01:40:04):
I. Yeah, if I didn't know and I looked up, I'd think something's going

Leo Laporte (01:40:08):
Wrong. But the Blue Angels right down below where he is. Right now's called Baker Beach. No, they don't go on.

Mikah Sargent (01:40:14):
Oh thank God

Leo Laporte (01:40:16):
Is Baker Beach. And

Leo Laporte (01:40:20):
Baker Beach. If you sit on the dunes, the blue Angels come screaming overhead. Really? At 200 feet up or something. They come cuz they're coming in low. Wow. And it was a terrifying experience. I mean I even knew that they were gonna do that. And we still like, Oh my heart was in my throat. Yeah. So Sam's packed, by the way, is it still packed on weekends? Well we were there Friday afternoon and it was packed for lunch but, And we go there and they say, well it'll be 20, but it should, All right, well text me when you get a table and <laugh> they text us, we walk out the door, they text us immediately. Cuz I saw this. People were getting up. That lunch was over. We got there, two or two 30 people were leaving. So we sat down. The Blue Angels rehearsed from two 30 to four.

Leo Laporte (01:41:07):
That's sat down. We're eating and Yeah, you saw the pictures. I should show them. I mean they, they're distant. They're not. But still to experience that is, Well I've would love to see that. I've turned down the Blue Angels. Not once but twice for a ride to go in them. Yeah. Wow. Why? I don't think I would do it either. Oh. Cause I don't wanna throw up. I would so do that. Lisas call me. Lisa's so mad at me. In fact, I should have said this on the air. If I can get my wife a ride, I will do anything for you. I might do it for a story, but I have really no desire to do it. So Patrick Norton did it in my stead. He did it and they made him pass out and this is why I didn't wanna do it. Oh that sounds So there's video of him, which we showed over and over again.

Leo Laporte (01:41:53):
And you can see it on YouTube. It lives forever passing out. Oh, that's so cool. And because these guys are macho and they kind of wanna make you pass out. And they'll make me pass out. Especially when they find out my Yankees fan. <laugh>. Get him at Go Judge baby. Wow. All right. Here's a Blue Angels flying over your head. Wow. That is awesome. And they're loud. You can hear 'em. But it's, it's funny cuz the speed of sound, you don't hear 'em while they're over you. You only hear them after they go over you. It was fun. It was really fun. Yeah. It was like a little mini air show. Thank you Johnny. Thank you so much. Leo LaPorte. Mike is sergeant, your tech guys. Is this somebody who died or anything? I mean I always, who knows, nobody in this band is dead.

Leo Laporte (01:42:43):
Okay. Just wanna check. Cause that happens. It does. And I expect at some point we're gonna get a song in Memorium. It's what we call 'em an E in Memorium songs. Yeah. Not somebody's dead songs. That would be a bad, That'd be a terrible, Another name for it. 80, 80. We like Bonjovi. But they're all are. No. Are they all still around still? Yeah. Okay. Just checking. You never know. I don't know. I'm at that age now. We're all my heroes for my yute are starting to show up in the obituaries. Shuffle off the Mor Coil. Yeah, I heard this. I've heard older people say this. Well, you get up every morning and check the obituaries. If you're not in it, it's gonna be a good day. <laugh>. 88. 88. Ask Leo the phone number to ask Leah. Mikah, Randy's on the line from Seattle, Washington. Hi Randy.

Caller 4 (01:43:31):
Hi Leo. Hi Mikah. Hi Randy.

Leo Laporte (01:43:35):
Good guess Randy not calling

Caller 4 (01:43:37):
For <laugh>. I'm sorry.

Leo Laporte (01:43:39):
No, just teas. Go ahead. <laugh>.

Caller 4 (01:43:41):
I don't, Don't have a question. I have a suggestion.

Leo Laporte (01:43:44):
Oh good. I like that.

Caller 4 (01:43:47):
Not the first time. I've heard you and others talk about how awful the Apple TV remote is and yeah, they've gone out and tried to find one that doesn't work before you go out and buy one, see if it'll work. There really is a readily available solution already in the Apple TV remote in the Apple TV itself.

Leo Laporte (01:44:06):
Tell us

Caller 4 (01:44:09):
We all have devices through the years that we've gathered and collected dust that have remote controls. Yeah. All you need to do is go through your collection of all remotes. Find one that seems to have a good layout for Apple tv. Preferably some of the ones have a circle up circle is for up.

Leo Laporte (01:44:27):
Yeah, that's what you need is directional arrows. Cuz that's what that stupid thumb scroller on the apple TV's for. So if you have one that has scrolling arrows, everything else probably works. Okay.

Caller 4 (01:44:40):
Volume 'em up. Power, Yeah. Select. You just need menu. You need select, and like you said, the directional arrows. Then all you do is go to your Apple tv, go to settings, scroll down to you get too remote and devices and you'll find an option that says learn remote.

Leo Laporte (01:44:57):
So that's cool. Apple will do that. So they will, instead of the remote learning how the Apple TV works, it's simply vice versa. The Apple TV will learn how the remote works.

Caller 4 (01:45:05):
Yes. What? When you do that choice, the onscreen directions will tell you, okay, press what button you want. It'll welcome through all the steps. Love that. When it's time to lift your finger, it'll tell you to lift your finger. And then you go on to, and it'll tell you, well now what do you want for volume up? So on through all of the controls you need to control your Apple tv.

Leo Laporte (01:45:25):
That's beautiful. Now also something in the chat room said you can turn off the track pad which I probably should do. That's the big, that's for me. I don't know about you Mikah, but that's the thing that's always responding to the Chihuahua, right, Is they put their little pause on the track pad. Yeah. And then she move it around, swipe it around. So that's another, I have to try this cuz I tell you I bought that channel master and it was not a good solution. Thank you. I appreciate that, Randy. Yeah. How's the weather in Seattle right now?

Caller 4 (01:45:53):
Will work for

Leo Laporte (01:45:54):
Them. How's the weather in Seattle right now? Cuz my wife and I are thinking of retiring up there.

Caller 4 (01:45:59):
Believe it or not, it's sunny. Yeah,

Leo Laporte (01:46:02):
I see there's this thing going on.

Caller 4 (01:46:03):
We start getting, there's a T-shirt you can buy down to that Pike Street market that says through August. Let's see, is it, It's July, August 1st through July 31st is the Seattle Rain Festival.

Leo Laporte (01:46:20):
<laugh>. Every time I've been in Seattle, it's sunny. It's beautiful. And I think there's a propaganda campaign by Seattle residents to keep us Californians out. Oh, you don't wanna live here. It's so foggy and gloomy all the time. It's raining all the time and it's not.

Caller 4 (01:46:35):

Leo Laporte (01:46:35):
Hey, it's a pleasure. Thank you, Randy. I appreciate it. Yeah, great tip. I'll see you. I'll see in a few years we'll be arriving <laugh> up North. Joe next from Marlborough, New Jersey. Hi Joe.

Caller 5 (01:46:49):
Hi Leo. I have a question for you about travel routers. My wife and I are finally getting out of the house and we're going to France at the end of the month. And then we have plans for places in the spring and the summer. And I've heard you say something about if you have a router and you connect to the wifi in a coffee shop or a restaurant or someplace that is more secure.

Leo Laporte (01:47:19):
Yeah. Yeah. This is an interesting alternative to, And you hear people always talking about VPNs, another way to go would be a travel router. In fact, there are even travel routers that have VPNs built in <affirmative>. The risk, when you're in the way, the risks these days in a coffee shop are much less because almost everywhere you go these days, you're gonna be on an encrypted website. So if you go to, it's encrypted. All the bad guy could ever see. Or the coffee shop for that matter is that you're going to Amazon. And if you use a feature that most browsers now have called DNS over HTTPS or D h though, that will even hide that. So nowadays with that, even without a vpn, most of the time you're encrypted anyway because most websites now support this https, this secure http. But you're still visible.

Leo Laporte (01:48:19):
You're still visible as a presence on the network and bad guys using various hardware devices like the wifi pineapple can attempt to trick you. For instance one of the tricks is to create a, what looks like a legit wifi access point that's even stronger than the coffee shops. You join it and all of a sudden all of your traffic's going through the bad guy's laptop. The router avoids that because your router, just like your router at home is a firewall. All routers are basically firewalls. So yeah, TP Link makes a $40 travel router. Net gear makes them. In fact there are quite a few companies that make 'em, The one I kind of like has it both a h a VPN built in and a tour built in for if you wanted real anonymity. So I'm trying to remember the name of, It's been a while since I've been on this website. I think it's, Is it hotspot? Oh, I have one in my hands here from this company. GL hyphen i Yeah, they make this one. That's the GL inet, but I bought it from a Washington DC VPN company. I think it's hotspot Hotspot And they sell a bunch of, Is that it? No. Is

Mikah Sargent (01:49:49):
It hotspot shield?

Leo Laporte (01:49:50):
No, I've got the wrong address. I don't have to have to remember it. Well, yeah, it is. It's a tiny hardware firewall from hotspot VPN tiny hardware And for about 99 bucks, you can buy a hardware router that has a VPN built in. So what happens is you connect that to the wifi in your hotel, your cruise ship, your coffee shop. You'll connect the router via ethernet or wifi. You could do either way, but I would suggest ethernet. Turn off the wifi in your laptop and use the ethernet. And then everything goes through this. You can turn on the VPN if you want. You could turn on the tour. But it is in effect the shield against anything out there cuz it hits the router first. They make one that's a USB key. You just plug in the one I'm holding here. It looks like a small travel router.

Leo Laporte (01:50:41):
This is even better, even better than just wifi a travel router. This is something even a little bit more. But either one, it's gonna help you a huge amount. Routers or firewalls, they are essentially a barrier against what's going on in the outside world from coming into your computer. So I think, yeah, very. I always take this when I travel. In fact, I have the USB key one in my briefcase, my backpack and it. So I just plug it in and it's great. And most of these you can hook up to. For instance, on a cruise ship, I'd hooked it up to the cruise ship wifi and then had it broadcast a wifi and you could have five devices. So everybody in the family was connecting to that. Nice. They were all secure. Yeah. Highly recommended. It's a very good idea. And I'm so jealous. <laugh>. Yeah.

Caller 5 (01:51:30):
Do you have an advertiser Express vpn?

Leo Laporte (01:51:34):
They're very good too. I don't know if they make a travel router, but you can go through them. That's right.

Caller 5 (01:51:40):
But I get them a subscription to express.

Leo Laporte (01:51:45):
Hold on, we gotta take a break. We'll come back with more and I'll talk. Take your call off the air. Leo and Mikah, your tech guys. The tiny hardware firewall comes with its own vpn. It's hotspot vpn, not express vpn, but if you have an express VPN account, you can log into it. Then you really don't need the wifi router. That's the, that's kind of instead of a travel router.

Caller 5 (01:52:13):
Oh, okay.

Leo Laporte (01:52:15):
That's why this is the tiny hybrid firewall. It's kind interesting cuz it has both. Maybe it's overkill, I don't know. Might be overkill.

Mikah Sargent (01:52:22):
I think the downside to just using a VPN on its own is depends on what devices you're connecting. If you are just connecting your computer and your phone, very easy to turn on the VPN that way. But if you want to connect to a smart TV or a set top box, that's a little bit more complicated if you're just subscribing to a vpn. Whereas if you got

Leo Laporte (01:52:43):
Handles those does they call captive portals that you get at a hotel or on a TV set or whatever. So yeah, it's kind of an interesting idea. I've been using these tiny hardware firewalls for a long time. I think they're quite good.

Caller 5 (01:52:59):
Express VPN could be used at home.

Leo Laporte (01:53:03):
So if you go to their page, they have a list of routers you can put 'em on, you can do the same thing. None of them are travel routers. <laugh>, unfortunately not unless they've added some since they have a routers. But yeah, not a travel routers. No. It's like it's all linked thing. Yeah. Yeah.

Caller 5 (01:53:18):
Okay. Do you have time for a small beer story that

Leo Laporte (01:53:23):
You Sure always have Time for beer.

Caller 5 (01:53:26):
<laugh>. All right. In 2010, my wife and I went to England and first night in London we stopped into a pub fun. And we asked the waiter some questions about the meal. Cause we hadn't been in England in 30 years. And he suggested something and then he said, What would you like to drink? And I absentmindedly said, How about a Heinekens? And he looked at very disdainfully. So I noticed that. And I said This is England. You have many fine beers here. He nodded, Great

Leo Laporte (01:54:01):
Move <laugh>.

Caller 5 (01:54:02):
Yeah. Then sure, I don't want to spend time in the Tower of London <laugh>. But I said, Well your beer, don't you? And he again, Noded. And I said, Okay fine. You bring me a beer that you think will go with this meal. And he brought me a sort of Amber reddish L, which I tried. And I said, That's very good. And I made a friend forever.

Leo Laporte (01:54:32):
And Was it a Samuel Adams? No, it wasn't <laugh>. No, no. That would've been funny though. No. That's the way to go. Absolutely. You're a seasoned traveler. You realize that's the absolutely the way to go. What do you recommend? What do you drink?

Caller 5 (01:54:48):
Well, I drink about four or five beers a year, and usually when I'm overseas, so I like to sample that. And

Leo Laporte (01:54:55):
I agree. A

Caller 5 (01:54:56):
Couple of years later, we were in Paris and we were going to a Parisian steakhouse, steak veal chops, old French. And as we're walking in, I noticed some people with a beer bottle on the table and drinking beer. So I said, Well, I'll get something. I'll try a French beer. And the waiter, after taking the orders said, What would you like to drink? And when he taped me and I said, How about an nice French beer? And he looked at me with total corn and he said, This is poor French accent. And he goes, Miss year, we are French. We do not do beer, we do wine <laugh>, no such thing as a good French of beer. I would bring you something. And he stormed off.

Leo Laporte (01:55:46):
Oh my. That's a very French waiter. That's a Parisian waiter in a nutshell right there.

Caller 5 (01:55:51):
So my daughter accused me of trying to start a war with <laugh>. He comes back a little while later and puts down a beer and it felt it's Bella aoi, which is made in Belgium.

Leo Laporte (01:56:05):
Belgium, yeah,

Caller 5 (01:56:06):
Right. 10 days later we're in 10. And I try the same thing and I ask the waiter for a nice French beer and he looks at me, basically he's rubbing his chin. Then he put his index finger up in the air and aha moment comes back later. And when he came back he put a beard down and I look, it was made in Corsica.

Leo Laporte (01:56:28):
Ah, there you go.

Caller 5 (01:56:31):
The moral of the story is there is no such thing as a good Oh,

Leo Laporte (01:56:36):
<laugh>. I'm sure there must be, but yeah, when you're in France, drink wine. Yeah, the wine is so good.

Caller 5 (01:56:43):
Definitely. Thank you

Leo Laporte (01:56:44):
Very much. Smoke gal was Hey, a pleasure talking to you. When are you going to Paris?

Caller 5 (01:56:53):
October 1st.

Leo Laporte (01:56:53):
Perfect. Wait a minute. October 1st of next year.

Caller 5 (01:56:57):

Leo Laporte (01:56:58):
You're there now.

Caller 5 (01:57:00):
Not October 1st. November 1st.

Leo Laporte (01:57:02):
Oh, much better. <laugh>. You're time traveling. Oh, I'm so jealous. I'm so jealous. Oh, have a wonderful time.

Caller 5 (01:57:11):
Thank you very much. And thank you for your help, sir.

Leo Laporte (01:57:14):
Always a pleasure. Take care. Oh, have you ever been to Paris? No. You are not a will traveler. Oh, they will threaten. No, wait a minute, I've got to fix this.

Leo Laporte (01:57:29):
Got to get my world traveler outfit on.

Leo Laporte (01:57:44):
I have so many advertisements to do. I dunno what I'm going to do now. For me. I had a S I'd be very happy. Miss your, We do not have beer <laugh>. Well, you're talking beer dead. There is no beer in France. We have a word for beer. It's crap. <laugh>

Leo Laporte (01:58:17):

Leo Laporte (01:58:22):
It is not a girl hat. If it were a girl, girl, it would be green <laugh>. This is a very fa behave. Very Basque made in France. Especially for what? Mere they hat or New Orleans. That's where I got it. Que Yeah. We had so much fun. We went to see the Niners playing the Super Bowl some years ago in New Orleans. <affirmative>, we found a New Orleans hat shop. God, we had so much fun. Meyer the Hatter. I, he's probably gone by now, but what a great, I'll show you a picture of Lisa, who's what I found out in New Orleans not to fall for that <laugh> walking along in the French Quarter. And some guy says, Give you, get <laugh>. what did he say, John? I, I'll will you gimme five bucks if I could tell you where you got those shoes? I said, What? Really? Lisa says, Move. Keep moving <laugh>. No. No. Okay. He says, You got 'em on your feet. Oh my God. Did you give him five? I started to give him five and he took 20. So <laugh>, I figured I got out of there alive, but probably Okay. Oh Lord have mercy.

Leo Laporte (01:59:58):
I, you know what? I figure it was well worth it. It was a good lesson. There you go. Here is Lisa with Meyer the Hatter. Why it's so blurry. I don't know. It's some sort of this And back in the day, this was portrait mode. Oh, back in the day. Good golly. Yeah. I don't know why it is. Why is it blurry like that? That's odd. That's what he old. Well hey, hey, hey. How are you today? Leo Laporte here, the tech guy. My friend Mike Sergeant is backing me up. Hello. Doing the tech guy two thing or is it the tech guy thing too? <laugh> the tech guy. Thing two tech guy thing as well. 88. 88. Ask Leo is the phone number (888) 827-5536. Toll free from anywhere in the US or Canada outside that area. Skype or something like that. Skype out should be free. 88 88 Lio website. Tech guy has all the info links and everything. Mike is typing those in as we speak. He's very good about that. Collecting them and ready for you. Tech guy Let's go to the phones. Jeff is on the line from Poway, California. Hello Jeff.

Caller 6 (02:01:03):
Hi Leo. A longtime listener. Thank you. I got Quest. I got a question for you about that last call. We're going on a cruise here. Nice. In about a month, month and a half. Nice. I'm gonna have to buy wifi services in order to get connectivity. But you were talking about something very interesting that was a travel router. Do you have a suggestion for a good travel router?

Leo Laporte (02:01:31):
That's the same question we had last time. And the answer is pretty much the same. I refer you, we we'll put the transcript up on the website audio and video even of the show on the website. We talked about two different things. And by the way, there's some really good reviews on the wire cutter for travel routers. The TP link is the cheapest if you want state of the art net gear makes an a travel router that's used. It's quite good idea of a travel route basically is just a regular router, but it's smaller but smaller you could pack. And a good travel router might have additional features. And I think this is pretty important. Most of the time you don't have an ethernet jack in the hotel room so you have to join the wifi and often it's got a captive portal and all of that.

Leo Laporte (02:02:14):
So a travel router should be able to handle that and then let you connect. So that means they have to have two wifi radios. And this is a little unusual one to receive, one to connect to the hotel and then one to connect to your devices. So that's a good travel router will have that capability. Furthermore, can handle the captive portal. That's that thing. That's the technical term for when you go somewhere and it says, before you use our wifi, you have to agree to this, blah, blah, blah. Hotels do what? Coffee shops do it. That's a kind of thing that honestly breaks the internet <affirmative>, it's not part of the internet standard, but I understand why people do that. They wanna make sure, you know, agree to their terms of service and they can get your email address so they can spam you, that kind of thing. So almost, I think all operating systems have ways to handle those and ideally your router would understand it and be able to handle it as well. It's a complicated thing for it to do. And it's not a standard thing. They call 'em captive portals, but that's why you need that. Let's move on to Lou in San Diego. Hello Lou. Leo and Mikah, your tech guys.

Caller 7 (02:03:25):
Yes. Hello Leo. I'm having a trouble on a website. I am able to log into the site, but when I click the login button or just about anything on there, I can't get in anything. It doesn't work.

Leo Laporte (02:03:41):
You're on some other site. We don't have a login button in our site. So go to Is that where you're going?

Caller 7 (02:03:51):
Actually no. I'm going to a different

Leo Laporte (02:03:54):
Go to. So our site <laugh> is tech i that, Yeah, we don't have a login because as I've said many times, we don't want your email address, we don't need your information. We just put it up like websites used to be, remember in the good old days you'd go to a website and it would just be there <laugh>. Maybe you're going to a club TWI that might, well that doesn't even have a log in. I don't know what you're getting. But when you go to tech eye, you'll see a picture of me looking dumb. You'll see the Tech Guy album art, which is what we put on the podcast. And then you'll see a series of tiles for each show. Today's not there yet, obviously it'll be episode 1933 and it'll take a few hours after the show to get up there. There's also buttons to subscribe cuz we do do podcasts of it. And when you go to an episode you'll see a video after the fact of the episode or audio, you can listen to either stream either. And then there's also a list of links kind of a description and other stuff will be there as well. Including I think a transcript. Yeah, there it is. This is from the last show. So those are generated, Are those human or computer General? Those

Mikah Sargent (02:05:12):
Are computer generated with human editing.

Leo Laporte (02:05:14):
Okay. Yeah, we put a human on the job to at least fix it up cuz otherwise I sound like a moron. So Tech guy If you get a log in, I don't know where you are, but it isn't our site. And you know what I'll put, use this opportunity and do a little plug. Cause what you're really going to is the podcast site, which is Tech guy redirects to And we have, if you're a geek, a whole bunch of shows for geeks about security, about Windows and Mac and you, Mikah does iOS today, which is great show. He does Tech News Weekly. We have a all Android show, a Google show. There's a lot of stuff on there. An enterprise show and floss free Libra, an open source software. We're pretty proud of this podcast network. This podcast thing. Going somewhere. I feel <laugh> like there's a future. Something about podcasts, something about podcasting. I just gotta get a famous person to be on it. You think Will Ferrell is available perhaps? Yeah.

Mikah Sargent (02:06:19):
Not doing much these days.

Leo Laporte (02:06:20):
<laugh> just decent. Yeah, very is a very good Anchorman podcast, which you must listen to if you don't already. So tech guy while you're has all every show it takes us a while. We gotta edit it and all that stuff. But every show will be there. Put up the links and the show notes, the transcript, audio and video from the show. 1,932 shows are up there by the end of the day tomorrow there'll be 1,933 shows up there, including this show. And that's free. There's no sign up, there's no login. If you're gonna log in, I don't know where you're going, but it ain't my site. And as I said, if you wanna hang out there a little bit, please be our guest. There's other stuff that might be of interest to you as well. Tim and Niagara Falls. Niagara Falls. Hi Tim.

Caller 8 (02:07:09):
Hey Leo and Mikah, Great to talk to you. Welcome Mikah, you were on last 10. I called about a month ago. I just wanna tell you a big fan of you on the network and I really enjoy I iOS Weekly with you and Roseburg. Nice.

Mikah Sargent (02:07:21):
Thank you. That's very kind.

Caller 8 (02:07:23):
You bet. Leo, if you remember I talked to you a few weeks ago and I asked you your advice about transferring from an old Mac to New Mac and you recommended using the migration assistant and was good advice. I decided since I have a small drive to begin with the 2 56, that I probably wanna keep the new computer clean and just move the old stuff over to a different hard drive. And I know there's a couple programs like Super Duper or Carbon Copy to do that. And I wondered if you had a recommendation.

Leo Laporte (02:07:55):
I use SuperDuper. The truth is you can just drag them. You don't have to do what SuperDuper and Carby copy CL do is clone the drive. And that's useful if you wanna boot from it. And actually I think that's not a bad idea. I think one of the nice things about the Mac, when you're turning it on, if you hold down the option key, you can boot from any drive that's visible at that time. Even an external USB drive. So the reason SuperDuper and Carbon Copper Clone Air are so cool is you can have them running all the time. You can periodically update it and make a complete clone of your internal drive so that if something happens to the internal drive and on a laptop or an iMac, that can be devastating. You have an external drive you can boot to and you can continue to run.

Leo Laporte (02:08:42):
And if you've been running SuperDuper in the background, it will be I identical. It'll be a clone of it. But you don't need to do that if all you wanna do is make a backup. But I do SuperDuper, you can do it for free and do most of that if you pay a small amount. And I bought it maybe 10 years ago and I'm still using it. So I probably should buy another copy cuz it really is a great program. It's the one I recommend from a shirt, pocket software. Super duper. Get that Make your clone, you'll now have a Bootable clone. That's one of the features of Super Duper. And it's really handy. SuperDuper also works well with Apple's time. What's it called? Time machine. Time Machine. <affirmative>. I'll have to go back and talk and remember that. I use Carbon and copy Cloner works well.

Leo Laporte (02:09:27):
It's the older of the two and it's been around even longer than the SuperDuper. Yeah, they're both fine. Yeah. Yeah. I think they pretty much do the same thing. In fact it was a little challenging when Catalina came out, or maybe it was Monterey to make a boot, Bootable drive and it took 'em a while. Carbon copy CL figured it out first and then SuperDuper figured it out. So both of them will do that Now that that was a problem with newer versions of Mac os probably a great idea to have that before Ventura comes out. We are getting very close, I think. Mm-hmm. To the release of the next version of Mac os. Mac Os Ventura. They've shipped out, I think the final developer beta, which means we're right again. I think we're right around the corner. The real question people are asking, is Apple gonna do an event this month? They've got Macintosh's to announce, they've got new iPads to talk about. We're waiting for a Mac Pro. They've promised if they're gonna do it. I don't think it's gonna be next week. Microsoft has an event on the 12th. I don't think they want to conflict with that. My guess is it'll be the 18th. If they're gonna do an event. You will hear this week. Invitations will go to the press watch Twitter on the 11th. That's one week before. If they're gonna do an 18th, people will you Mikah will start tweeting. Right. I got an invitation. I will start crying looking for some French beer because <laugh>, I know I won't

Mikah Sargent (02:10:53):
Sacred French beer,

Leo Laporte (02:10:54):
But there is a Mark Gorman, who's the Apple rumor guy, says maybe Apple won't do an event this month. Maybe they'll

Mikah Sargent (02:10:59):
Just, he's doubling down.

Leo Laporte (02:11:00):
Do press releases. I

Mikah Sargent (02:11:02):
Don't know. I don't know. I

Leo Laporte (02:11:03):
Don't know. I think they'll do an event and if they do it, they'll probably announce it on Tuesday. That's my prediction. 88. 88. Ask Leo. That's the phone number. De bartolo the GI Wiz coming up more of your calls too. Just a little bit. Last chance. 45 minutes left to talk to Mica and Leo for the week. Get your calls in right now. Go in please. Oh, that's interesting. You could see the exact wrist temperature. How do you do

Mikah Sargent (02:11:37):
That? Oh yeah, there is a way. I think in the health app, it will show you if you go deep into, deep into this, the actual data within the health app if you choose.

Leo Laporte (02:11:51):
Oh, but this is for the beta, not for the current. I don't know. Let me check. Okay, health. Cause I'm on health. I'm on Iowa 16.

Mikah Sargent (02:11:58):
Tap on brows.

Leo Laporte (02:12:00):
Oh boy, the look at that. I was at the illegal show and it's a good thing at my ear. Plugs in

Mikah Sargent (02:12:08):

Leo Laporte (02:12:08):
Sound levels at 103 DB

Mikah Sargent (02:12:11):
And then choose cause.

Leo Laporte (02:12:13):
Just choose.

Mikah Sargent (02:12:14):
So go to browse down at the bottom,

Leo Laporte (02:12:16):

Mikah Sargent (02:12:17):
And then choose body measurements.

Leo Laporte (02:12:20):
I don't wanna choose body measurements. You should see, Oh look, my wrist temperature needs more data. Oh, you have

Mikah Sargent (02:12:26):
To wear it. You do not

Leo Laporte (02:12:27):
Worry. Wait a minute. I wore it five nights in a row. What the hell? Don't look at my body fat percentage. Geez Louise. What's your body fat percentage?

Mikah Sargent (02:12:39):
I don't know.

Leo Laporte (02:12:41):
You don't have it in your health data, huh?

Mikah Sargent (02:12:43):
Yeah. Yeah, I don't. Here's here you can show them.

Leo Laporte (02:12:46):
I wore it. I wore it says you have to wear it for five nights.

Mikah Sargent (02:12:52):
96.4 is what it's showing it for me. Oh,

Leo Laporte (02:12:55):
96. So it's low you, you're probably 98.6 since you're a normal human.

Mikah Sargent (02:13:00):
And then the bottom one shows the surface temperature in comparison to what's what's

Leo Laporte (02:13:04):

Mikah Sargent (02:13:05):
That's the name of the Apple watch.

Leo Laporte (02:13:06):
Oh, you call it aac?

Mikah Sargent (02:13:07):
That was the name. Yeah. I sent my series eight back, but while I had it, I wore it long enough to calibrate it and so it was called aac. So I

Leo Laporte (02:13:14):
Would to not very much fun. More my massive wrist watch to bed for five days. But I guess

Mikah Sargent (02:13:21):
I didn't do it for some reason.

Leo Laporte (02:13:23):
Is there something you have to turn on for it to happen?

Mikah Sargent (02:13:25):
It might be that you need to use the sleep mode.

Leo Laporte (02:13:29):
Do you have to tell it?

Mikah Sargent (02:13:30):
Sleep watch. Yeah. So it says each wrist temperature value is an average of several measurements taken during sleep of time when your sleep focus is turned on. Oh,

Leo Laporte (02:13:37):
Sleep focused. How you taught me about sleep focus. So now I use sleep focus. Okay, so that's all I have to do. Okay.

Mikah Sargent (02:13:42):
Yeah, once the sleep focus is on,

Leo Laporte (02:13:43):
Then it will be, Sorry Lisa, I'll be wearing my watch to bed again. <laugh> again and again. Watch out again and again and again. Leo LaPorte, Mikah Sargent, your tech guys. 88. 88. Ask Leo the phone number. You're answering your questions, taking your calls. Bartolo coming up. Boy, this is so new. It still has a label on it. <laugh>, it says the turn me on the

Mikah Sargent (02:14:10):
Tag is still on it too. Turn multiple tags.

Leo Laporte (02:14:14):
What's this <laugh>?

Mikah Sargent (02:14:15):
These wires that are just sticking

Leo Laporte (02:14:17):
Out. There's a wires coming out of it. I think this must be a electric, so maybe I should be careful about turning.

Mikah Sargent (02:14:24):
Yeah, that's concerning.

Leo Laporte (02:14:25):
Barbara is next on the line from Glendale, California. Hello Barbara.

Caller 9 (02:14:31):
Oh, oh, oh. Hello. Oh,

Leo Laporte (02:14:33):
Hello. Hello.

Caller 9 (02:14:35):
Hello. Hello. What a surprise I got through.

Leo Laporte (02:14:39):
Oh, it's a miracle. It's a miracle. We do everything we can to keep people from calling and they still do anyway. Somehow. I don't know how it happens. Welcome. What can we do for you, Barbara?

Caller 9 (02:14:52):
Well, I am so disappointed that I lost to Casa because I can't work with my photos anymore.

Leo Laporte (02:15:00):
I so know what you mean. To add this to the list of so many things that Google has destroyed. <affirmative> in scorched or I used to be a big Google fan. I really liked what Google was doing. I had high hopes for them. And all it's really happened over the years is Google has, And by the way, there's a theory about this that Google in senses its team to invent new stuff but then neglects to hire people to maintain it <affirmative>. So it's this vast factory of new things that are just left by the wayside. And one of them was acquired was Picasso, which was a wonderful, not free, but what affordable, wonderful photo organizing app for Windows. A lot of us used Picasso because not only it would show you all your pictures, you could tag them, you could name them, would organize them. I mean it was really a nice piece of software. Google bought it. I guess the theory was they were gonna incorporate it into Google photos and some bits and pieces. Have you tried Google photos, Barbara?

Caller 9 (02:16:10):
Yes, but like I have a garden and everything is in the garden, but I wash my keys over here and my carrots over here and when I put them over there it stays in the main garden. And then I don't know which ones I've moved and which ones. I haven't

Leo Laporte (02:16:28):
Know what beautiful metaphor it is. That's a little confusing <laugh> cuz I'm not,

Caller 9 (02:16:32):
I knows Wear your piece can come back to it in two weeks and you don't remember what you've done. Yeah,

Leo Laporte (02:16:38):
I mean I think it's time to abandon Picasa. Are you still using it?

Caller 9 (02:16:42):
No, I can't. Oh good. Thank goodness. I don't think I can. No you can't. Not there.

Leo Laporte (02:16:47):
And you know what really hurt was that they had Picasso web, which was basically what Google Photos is. I think it's just time to forget Picasa and move everything into Google Photos. What did you like about Picas?

Caller 9 (02:17:00):
I can't work in it. I can't work in the Google photos. Okay, so can't move stuff around easily. You liked

Mikah Sargent (02:17:07):
Being able to organize your photos into albums or

Leo Laporte (02:17:11):
Folders. So this is very goy.

Caller 9 (02:17:13):
Yeah, I can do that difficultly, but I can do it.

Leo Laporte (02:17:18):
So Google, and this is true in Gmail as well it's really the Google way. Don't think folders. Google's remember a search company. So there's their underlying philosophy is, oh, you don't have to organize stuff into folders, just search for it and you'll find it. And what they do to support that search, they do this in Gmail and they do this and everything else is allow you to tag things. So let's say in the old days you took 20, you went and you scanned the photo album from Amp Mod and you created a folder called Aunt MOD's photo album and you put it in there. The way Google Photos would want you to do that is take that block of photos and add a tag called Aunt MOD's photo album. It's not in the folder, it's in the batch. The one advantage this is you can tag photos with malt and this is the same thing in Gmail with multiple tags because the problem when you moved it into Aunt MOD's photo album in Picasa is that's the only place those photos could be.

Leo Laporte (02:18:21):
But what if you wanted to have a set of photos of Cousin Fred from Aunt Mods photo album and other places where you couldn't really do that in Picasso. You couldn't have a cousin Fred album and an Aunt Mod album and have the same picture in both. With Google Photos, you just have two tags. So it's kind of requires a new frame of mind. Google's position is, well, oh, see how much better that is. But if you're used to folders, which is a very normal kind of way of thinking about organizing in the real world, you can't have a photo in two places either. It's either in this folder or that folder. I think Google's kind of saying, Well look, welcome to the digital world where you can, and let go of those old metaphors, those old physical world metaphors of folders and file drawers cuz that's not really what's going on.

Leo Laporte (02:19:10):
And we can tag them. So I mean there are other programs that will do much of what Picasa did. There are other photo organizing programs that'll do that. But I think honestly the best thing would, because Google also has this auto categorization. So yeah, you could go through all your photos and look for cousin Fred or you could tell Google, this is what cousin Fred looks like. Tag everything with Fred. Fred. Now you don't even have to make a folder, you could just search for Fred. In fact, I was just doing that and I wanted to find a photo from 2013 and it was very quick for me to go into Google photos and find that because you can search by date, you can search by subject and you can search by people. So I think if you get used to Google photos, you will like it better. Mike, am I outta line saying that? I just think that for this person they don't want <laugh>. Barbara doesn't want that.

Caller 9 (02:20:10):
No, no, no, no. It actually sounds good. I just Oh good know I could do that.

Leo Laporte (02:20:14):
Yeah. Hold on a second. We have to take a break, but we'll keep talking off the air. Leah and Mikah. Leo and Mikah, your tech guy. Hi Leah. I call myself Leah twice now. I'm very You that on purpose. Well it goes with Mikah, Leah and Mikah. Yeah, it's Leo and Mikah. It's confusing. Anyway yeah, sorry. Sorry that we had to end that Barbara. We're still talking

Caller 9 (02:20:37):
Organized that by date cuz I can't remember dates.

Leo Laporte (02:20:39):
But you don't have to. So here's what, Okay, so I didn't know when I went to New Orleans with my wife to see the Super Bowl. So I typed in New Orleans, found the photo from that visit, looked at the date on that photo, then typed in that date. So the, It's very powerful.

Caller 9 (02:20:55):
I tried that and I couldn't find this subject. I couldn't find what I was looking for. Yeah,

Leo Laporte (02:21:02):
So it's not perfect. It lets you search for dogs or pets or Paris.

Caller 9 (02:21:07):
I can tag every picture that I want to be. Yes.

Leo Laporte (02:21:11):

Leo Laporte (02:21:12):
Yes. And the other thing you should know is that you can group select by holding down the shift key or the control key. It's up to you. Control will let you indi say like you're looking at a hundred pictures and there's four of a mod. You press the control button, click the four of aunt mod. Now you've selected those four tag a mod. The shift key is for selecting ranges. So you can click the top left, hold the shift key down, click the top bottom. And now you've selected that whole group of pictures. So there's a few

Caller 9 (02:21:40):
Things. Oh good. We were trying to figure out how to do that. Yeah,

Leo Laporte (02:21:44):
There's a few. This is the way unfortunately <affirmative>, all of them are going, everything is going because there's a bunch of young people who grew up in this world and they know in their head that shift, select and control select. They kind of, it's in their muscle memory. Yeah,

Caller 9 (02:22:06):
Dna. It's in their

Leo Laporte (02:22:07):
Dna. So those of us who didn't grow up with that, I like you, I grew up with a shoebox full of photos, <laugh>

Caller 9 (02:22:15):
And off and on button. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (02:22:18):
So we are a little baffled. I guess there's two ways to go. One is to find apps that are four old folks like us and make sense, stole folks like us. Another one I would suggest is learn the new Way. Yeah. We're gonna put a link in the show notes to a beginner's guide to Google photos the chat room came up with which is a little video probably worth spending the 15 minutes watching it just to get it.

Caller 9 (02:22:45):
How do I get to that?

Leo Laporte (02:22:47):
Tech or? Well, you know what, I bet you if you Googled <laugh>, Let me see if it works. Beginners. See what we have to do now. God, you want to said, how do I get to that? Well, you go down to Triple A <laugh> and you get a map. Yes. Trip tick. And it'll tell you how to get there. So we also have a cheat sheet. That's great. There's a cheat sheet. In fact there's a lot of people who've made these, how to use Google Photos on YouTube. San Francisco Public Library has a tutorial Google Photos and I found that just by searching for Google Photos tutorial. So there's quite a few. Probably the best one would be to use the one that's from Google. Remember that there are, there's Google photos for the phone as well as Google photos for the computer and they're slightly different. So get one for Google photos for the computer. That's where you're using it.

Caller 9 (02:23:45):
Then I can just download everything onto the computer. The

Leo Laporte (02:23:49):
Other reason the kids like this, they don't have computers. They have phones and Google photos on your phone automatically copies every picture you take up to the Google photos and categorizes it. So you're used to this more manual process that Picasa did. I look, I'm with you. I'm not disagreeing with you. I completely agree with you. But

Caller 9 (02:24:11):
All of the pictures are on the phone and they're not categorizing them except by date.

Leo Laporte (02:24:16):
Well you have to don't know. You have to turn on the people feature and give them, feed them a few pictures of cousin friends so that they know what he looks like. It will start to takes a while for it. And then make sure you turn on the upload to Google Photos cuz that's free and they'll store it for you on the cloud. If you lose the phone, you've still got all your pictures, which is a lifesaver.

Caller 9 (02:24:37):
I'm already over storage on that. Yeah,

Leo Laporte (02:24:43):
Well then that's one of the reasons they do this. So they get you to pay for it. Leo LaPorte, the tech guy, Mic sergeants here too. Helping you. We were talking, I think this is a worth kind of reiterating. We were talking about Google Photos versus Picasa. The world has, it is what this happens. Every generation where my generation, it's not for us anymore. And this is the problem. Barbara and I both were baby boomers and the world for us <laugh> for the last 50 years has been all about us. Cuz we're the baby boomers, right? Well, okay, Boomers <laugh>, the time has come and especially visible in digital technology. Computer technology because we didn't grow up with it. You did. And so I'm talking about Mikah. Younger people did. And so it is time for a long time at for instance in the Apple iPhone, they did something called skew morphism, which is they made stuff look like it was physical. There was a picture of a folder <affirmative>, and on your phone there's a picture of a phone. <laugh>

Mikah Sargent (02:25:53):
Was comfortable.

Leo Laporte (02:25:54):
And it helps us, baby boomers get comfortable with it. And in fact in some of the early programs, they would have green felt as a background and they'd have wooden shelves and stuff. And so we'd go, Oh yeah, I know what this is my

Mikah Sargent (02:26:08):

Leo Laporte (02:26:09):
The whole idea was, so this is a metaphor for the real world and it would help us understand how to use it. But we've honestly, time has come and everybody kind of agrees except for us baby boomers. Cuz wait a minute to move on to a digital first world <affirmative>. In fact, it's really silly. Your phone still has a phone handset on it for the calling thing. I don't know why, because when's the last time you saw a phone handset <laugh>, Right? Old time radio shows or something. I old time movies. But more and more we're getting rid of the skew Morphic <affirmative> design that makes us feel better about it. Or even understand the metaphors and moving towards these digital first concepts. And Google Photos A perfect example. Pica really came from an earlier era where you had a shoebox full of photos and you would organize them. Or

Mikah Sargent (02:27:03):
Even the photo album that you would pull back that kinda sticky and you'd put photos,

Leo Laporte (02:27:07):
Those corners, you'd remember those little sticky corners. You, I dunno what talking

Mikah Sargent (02:27:11):
About. I have to say though too, I was just watching someone talk the other day about how millennials are also aging out of the internet in many ways. Yeah,

Leo Laporte (02:27:18):
Welcome. Because you're gonna be baby the next baby boomers. So get ready

Mikah Sargent (02:27:22):
Already it happens. Don't like this whole new way of where files can just go anywhere and you're just supposed to search for them all instead of my

Leo Laporte (02:27:30):
Grandma said, where are the horses? I mean it's changed <laugh>. Where are the horses? They're the what's with all these new fangled cars on the road? Where are the horses? And if you like horses, you miss horses. But if you grew up with cars, we don't want a lot of horse poop on the street. You just get used to the new way. So the new way is, and this is the Google way, we don't organize into folders. We don't do that. That's old school. And you know what, this is how people, if you ever see people try to use a computer and they put all their files on the desktop, if you ever must, people must so have some of you are listening or this way, you just put everything on the desktop. Yeah,

Mikah Sargent (02:28:13):
It's just all there. It's

Leo Laporte (02:28:14):
All there. It's just a bunch of stuff on the desktop. <laugh>. Right. That's normal. You don't wanna organize it, you just wanna find it. And because searching now is so powerful, whether it's on the internet or in your computer, it kinda works as long as you know what you're searching for. So what Google has done with Google Photos is they've replaced this old file folder, folder organization metaphor with just a pile of photo. We've gone back to the shoebox, but magically Google will tag this stuff. Now may not do it right away, but if you load stuff to Google photos, try it right now. Go to If you've put a lot of photos in there and it's kind

Mikah Sargent (02:28:50):
Of fun. Search

Leo Laporte (02:28:51):
For dogs or buses or search for some things and you'll kind of remarkable

Mikah Sargent (02:28:57):
Amazon photos goes as far as to let you tag specific dogs. So I can, on my echo devices in my home, I can say, Oh, have this one show Missy, have this one show Henry. And so it'll be photos of wallpapers of the two dogs specifically that are mine. And that is magical. I love that. But I, I'm in that middle space where I learned from people who used things the old way where you hope you put everything in folders and in

Leo Laporte (02:29:27):
Structure it might be the next

Mikah Sargent (02:29:28):
Generation. Yeah, I really do. My youngest brother

Leo Laporte (02:29:31):
This is all comes

Mikah Sargent (02:29:32):
Naturally. Yeah, yeah. It's just like, oh, you just search for

Leo Laporte (02:29:34):
It. Well, and there's some hysterical things because I'm looking at my pictures of dogs and some of them are goats, <laugh>, and some of them, there's no dogs. Whatever. That's

Mikah Sargent (02:29:44):
Not a dog.

Leo Laporte (02:29:44):
That's not a dog. That's a duck. But on the other hand, if I were looking for pictures of my old dog, Ozzie, I would find most of them there. And it's the same thing with people. You have to turn on the people search feature because they want for privacy reasons, they don't wanna recognize all the people. But if you tell it, Look, I wanna recognize a cousin Fred and Aunt Mod, it will do that and it'll go through all the pictures and it'll organize them. Then you can also, if you come back, for instance, I just have a bunch of photos of my wife climbing in and out of a tractor and adoption. Adoption. What adoption? Who's that adoption? Somebody's talking. I think it's the Dell, the dog. It's my, it's my, It's this dog <laugh>. Yeah, it was Okay. That was weird. So that's another thing that happens that baby boomers go, Why is the computer talking to me <laugh> And you as a younger millennial, you knew it was that, but I did a photo shoot of my wife and a tractor. Don't ask. Now I can select all of those. Now it's gonna recognize Lisa, cuz it already is looking for Lisa Pictures <affirmative>. But I could also say tag it with hashtag tractor and now that'll be part of my searches for tractors going forward. So you can add to it. And

Mikah Sargent (02:31:03):
I'm like, yeah, how you can sort of double down so you can say in this specific date range, show me photos of dogs based on your own memories or cats or whatever it is you're looking for.

Leo Laporte (02:31:12):
So getting used to this I know it's hard and we still, by the way, on our desktops, have folders. Not so much on phones. Yeah, not so much.

Mikah Sargent (02:31:22):
They added that later for the people who are complaining about not having it, rather than it be part of the system from the get go.

Leo Laporte (02:31:27):
Yeah. So actually we'll figure out <inaudible> on a charm saying, well it'll figure out Tractor on its own. I know. Well I know. Well it's pretty amazing what Google does. Amazon does it, Apple does it too. <affirmative>, if you're a Mac person, Apple with their iCloud photos and the photos app on your Macintosh and iPhone will do that. <affirmative>, they're certain, this is what happens in the tech world. They all kind of achieve a certain amount of parody. But the thing to understand is that for you baby boomers, we baby boomers it's a new world and it's kind of kind of in the middle still. Cuz we still have a handset on the call icon <laugh>. We're still talking about dialing a

Mikah Sargent (02:32:11):
Phone. That is when we will really have

Leo Laporte (02:32:13):
Moved on. And you'll know Skew morphism is gone, is dead. I have a handset on my phone. <laugh>. Oh yeah, I do. You're right. I do have. So there are some, but really how many people at your age, Mikah, have a thing? Yeah, that looks like this. Not at all a handset.

Mikah Sargent (02:32:32):
In fact, I just remember that there is a whole thing where you ask your kids how do you talk on the phone? And what if I asked you or you asked me, We would do this.

Leo Laporte (02:32:41):
You do the Thumb and Pinky. But a lot of

Mikah Sargent (02:32:44):
Kids the head,

Leo Laporte (02:32:44):
They do this then and now they just do a flat palm. Thank I'm gonna try that with

Mikah Sargent (02:32:48):
Some young people. Podcast there.

Leo Laporte (02:32:49):
No, it's a radio show. Please. You really Millennials just don't have any idea what the world used to be like. Do you? Yeah, I have to try that. Really. That's true. You go to a young person and say, hey what's, what's the signal? But you know also see people going with the finger, the pinky and the thumb going call

Mikah Sargent (02:33:06):
Me. Yeah. That's the

Leo Laporte (02:33:08):
Universal. Is that a universal gesture?

Mikah Sargent (02:33:10):
Well you supposed to say, how do you talk on the phone and then you

Leo Laporte (02:33:13):

Mikah Sargent (02:33:13):
Show. A lot of kids will hold their poem up to their face.

Leo Laporte (02:33:15):
How do you talk on the phone like that? That's very interesting. How do you slap the same

Mikah Sargent (02:33:20):
Way? Same

Leo Laporte (02:33:20):
Way. Ow

Mikah Sargent (02:33:23):
Good Foley

Leo Laporte (02:33:25):
<laugh>. 88. 88. Ask Lou. Actually don't call because

Mikah Sargent (02:33:29):
It's too late.

Leo Laporte (02:33:30):
Oh no, I hate it when the show's over. Well we do it one more segment and it's a great Dick DeBartolo, our Gizmo wizard. He's a longtime mad contributor and brings us some silly gizmo or gadget. Although we both bought the monkey tail game. We did. Yep. So we'll see what we have to buy today with Dick right after this. I know. I'm sorry Kim. Sorry

Mikah Sargent (02:33:54):

Leo Laporte (02:33:55):
Please apologize to Linda. Linda LG Graham is great. I love it. It's nice and thin. LG makes a nice computer highly recommended. Don't have one. But I've very good reviews of the LG Graham. That's a good choice. And I'm sorry. And if you wanna call tomorrow, we can we'll get John tomorrow. PGE Wonderland. Ladies and gentlemen, you know what that means. It's time for Dick de Bartolo to dance into our studio. Gosh, I love the entrances you make Dick <laugh>, you did this. You made an entrance like that on the Tonight Show. Oh, I can't hear Dick. That is a problem. Hello Dick Ed, press your button. Oh no. Can you so read

Dick DeBartolo (02:34:43):
His lip? Yes. That was no, that was me. That

Leo Laporte (02:34:45):
Was me. Almost had Mikah voicing your Let's gonna do your voice. Yes.

Dick DeBartolo (02:34:49):
Oh, oh, Mikah do lip read and then, Yeah,

Leo Laporte (02:34:52):
That's what I thought. It'd be kind of cool. It's a little different. That

Dick DeBartolo (02:34:54):
Was be, We'll do that one

Leo Laporte (02:34:55):
Time. There's a video somewhere on the internet on YouTube probably of you making a big entrance on the Tonight Show.

Dick DeBartolo (02:35:02):
Oh yeah. Yes. Jean Rayburn hosted it for a week and he called me and said, you know, like to do weird things, you wanna be on a Tonight Show, come up with something. So I come on as the director of the National Safety Council and as I enter, I hit a step. And it's quite amazing because I fall forward, but then I end up with my head facing the other way. And I'm thinking, <laugh>, how did I It's it's on YouTube. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (02:35:31):
And it's old time TV I might add. Yeah.

Dick DeBartolo (02:35:34):
It's just 90 seconds. And Rayburn does a wonderful thing. It's a I love it. No, we have a,

Leo Laporte (02:35:40):
So Gene Rayburn was the host of the Match Game. That's how he knew you cuz you wrote for the Match game. Right,

Dick DeBartolo (02:35:45):
E, Exactly. Yeah. And then during the summer they would have weekly host filling in for Johnny Carson. Yes. And they asked Rayburn to do it for a week. And he said, Come on o be on the show

Leo Laporte (02:35:56):
As a safety expert. <laugh>

Dick DeBartolo (02:35:58):
<affirmative> the safety.

Leo Laporte (02:35:59):
Yeah. The only problem with that is where do you go after you fall into his arms? Did you sit down and do a bit?

Dick DeBartolo (02:36:05):
Well no. You fall into his arms and then you get employed for another two years. <laugh>.

Leo Laporte (02:36:09):
No you go to commercial I guess.

Dick DeBartolo (02:36:12):
Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, they faded out. Well they carried me off. Ed McMann and Jean carried me off.

Leo Laporte (02:36:21):
It's actually still funny. When was this? It looks like it was 1942. I did very old getting

Dick DeBartolo (02:36:28):
Dragged off. No, it's not quite not that good. And as they dragged me off, I said, read the books. They're on safety

Leo Laporte (02:36:34):
<laugh>. Very funny. Very funny. Yeah, it

Dick DeBartolo (02:36:38):
Was great.

Leo Laporte (02:36:39):
Dick joins us every week, not just to take a trip down memory lane cuz he is MAD's mad writer and has been for five decades. But also to give us a modern gizmo or gadget. What do you have for

Dick DeBartolo (02:36:51):
Us today? Yeah, you know what this is? You probably know the company. Snap Circuits.

Leo Laporte (02:36:57):
Oh you know Snap. I had them when they first came out. They, Yes, yes,

Dick DeBartolo (02:37:01):
Yes. So at a recent toy event they, it's their 20th anniversary. Wow. I could not believe it. And at this event, they won Specialty Toy of the Year. Oh

Leo Laporte (02:37:16):
For the old, Do you remember the old popular Science Electronics Radio Shack? At the old electronics kit? Yes. Where you build projects. Except this was so much simpler cuz you could just snap 'em together.

Dick DeBartolo (02:37:29):
Exactly. Exactly. So what one, They have more than a dozen kits, but they won for the Green Energy kit and it's really great. I think she's the vice president that come. It gave me a little demo. Comes a little solar panel, little vault meter comes with a fan, a burglar alarm. You can set all these things up. Then you can see the effect it has on the little vote meter when you turn the fan on or turn the lights on and then can build a little electric car. There are pieces in there for that. Oh, that's so cool. Yeah. Yeah. So you get a vault meter electrodes, LEDs, switches, battery, the little solar cell. It's 60 bucks.

Leo Laporte (02:38:14):
And no soldering required.

Dick DeBartolo (02:38:16):
No soldering required. That's why Yeah, that Snap Circuit you and the little instructional videos are great. It's for kids eight. And probably younger kids who were smart will love this. You

Leo Laporte (02:38:29):
Can't hurt yourself, you can't. It's electrocute yourself or anything like that. No, it's very safe.

Dick DeBartolo (02:38:34):
And they also had another thing I thought was great. It's called Snap Circuits Junior. And it's a way just to see if you like these kind of kits. It's a hundred things you can build and it's $21. Oh

Leo Laporte (02:38:45):
That's cute. Yeah, I'm a big fan of these guys. I think it was a Kickstarter. I remember ages.

Dick DeBartolo (02:38:50):
It might have been 20

Leo Laporte (02:38:52):
Years ago.

Dick DeBartolo (02:38:53):
Wow. Yes. Wow. That's great. I

Leo Laporte (02:38:56):
Know. So it's been a long time, but they're still around And they are the toy of the year, which is

Dick DeBartolo (02:39:02):
Especially Toy of the Year for the Green Energy kit.

Leo Laporte (02:39:05):
That's really cool. So

Dick DeBartolo (02:39:06):
Good for them. That's a fun thing to do.

Leo Laporte (02:39:09):
Now here's how you find out more. Dick has a link on his website, which is gi g iz w iz dot b Iz. When you're there, you might want to click the link. Well first of all, click the link that says the Giw was is the tech guy, cuz that's where you'll find this. But there's also links to stuff that you show on World News now on abc. Every month there's Mad Magazine memorabilia Match Game memorabilia. But my favorite part is the what the heck is it Contest? Click that link and you'll see a close up of her gizmo or gadget and a chance to win. An Autograph to Autograph by Dick Mag Magazine. The 70 years, This is the one you want. Special 70th anniversary. Awesome.

Dick DeBartolo (02:39:54):
Yeah, it's great fun. It's out now. And also I'll just plug First time Ever Bonds and Noble is selling that particular copy

Leo Laporte (02:40:03):
So I can show the insides. Now it's

Dick DeBartolo (02:40:05):
Not Yes, you can show anything no longer. Least on Monday. Yeah. <laugh>

Leo Laporte (02:40:10):
Awesome. And to get this autograph by Dick de Bartolo, that's, that's pretty special. Very cool. No cost to entry, it's just a contest. Just fun. There will be six copies of Mad Magazine for the right answer. Now if there's more than six right answers, of course there'll be a drawing. We can still a lottery, right? Yeah. And then there'll be 12 autograph copies of Mad Magazine for the most clever, wrong answer. And do you judge that? Is that a judging thing? The clever answers? Yeah. That's what I run down. And then the ones

Mikah Sargent (02:40:41):
That break us up

Leo Laporte (02:40:42):
Really move to the top of the list. <laugh>, you watch for Dennis, you go, Okay, let me read one. And you watch and see if he gives us Yes, exactly. Exactly. That's good. Yeah. That's how I do pretty much everything. If my wife Oh, okay, good. Yeah. That's how I dress in the morning. If my wife laughs at me, I say, Ah, in. I'm going all the way. The website G I Z w I z dot b i z. Dickie D. Always a pleasure. Thank you so much. Thank you sir. Yeah. And I do love these snap kits. They're really a cool way to do what we grew up with. You know, can't sell the old chemistry sets and the old electronics kits cuz parents, everybody was worried about safety. Right. You don't want a kid. Yeah, yeah. Get shock or something. But I think this is such a great thing for kids to do.

Mikah Sargent (02:41:30):
A hundred percent. Yeah. Tinker's

Leo Laporte (02:41:32):
How you learn stuff. I'm glad that there's something along these lines. Thank you Dickie D. Okay buddy. Next week Biz. Well I can't believe it Mr. Sergeant,

Mikah Sargent (02:41:43):
We're at the

Leo Laporte (02:41:44):
End of this show. No, I can't believe we have another three minutes. Oh, <laugh>.

Mikah Sargent (02:41:50):
Well, let me tell you all a story.

Leo Laporte (02:41:52):
<laugh>. This is, I'm passing along my radio, Lord, my sergeant, the young learning, the new way of being on the radio. And one of the things that happens from time to time is you hang up on all the callers cuz you think Dick's gonna talk for a lot longer. <laugh>. And he doesn't. You have, you're sitting here stuck with two minutes and 25 seconds and

Mikah Sargent (02:42:16):
You go, What do

Leo Laporte (02:42:17):
You do? And what will you do? You

Mikah Sargent (02:42:19):
Will fill the air. Yeah. You just don't care. Yeah. As you

Leo Laporte (02:42:24):
Can do rhymes. That's okay. That's good. People like rhymes. Yeah. <laugh>.

Mikah Sargent (02:42:28):

Leo Laporte (02:42:29):
Jump and shout

Mikah Sargent (02:42:30):
In two weeks time. Yeah. I will be hosting the show. You will be out.

Leo Laporte (02:42:34):
Oh yeah, we're going down to a Vegas. Lisa and I, going down to see Katie Perry. Mm-hmm <affirmative> in Las Vegas.

Mikah Sargent (02:42:41):
That kinda, yeah. Yeah. I'll be out next weekend. So you'll be doing something.

Leo Laporte (02:42:45):
No, no, no no. Oh,

Mikah Sargent (02:42:46):
I wish taking some time off. Okay, now.

Leo Laporte (02:42:48):
Well I will have Lisa dress me that day cuz that's important. Well, are you gonna go somewhere? You go home?

Mikah Sargent (02:42:55):
No. Just needed to take some time off.

Leo Laporte (02:42:58):
You just burn out. You

Mikah Sargent (02:43:00):
Just need to need a rest. That's

Leo Laporte (02:43:02):
All I know. That feature.

Mikah Sargent (02:43:03):

Leo Laporte (02:43:04):
Thank you everybody for joining us. We thank especially the fabulous auspices of Professor Laura, our musical director. Always fun, fun stuff. We put a link to all the songs. She plays a Spotify playlist for, or our YouTube playlist of all those songs at our website, Tech on Sunday. So tomorrow that'll go up there. Thanks to Kim Schaffer. Her laugh is contagious, especially when she's laughing at me. <laugh> we thank her for answering all your calls. Thanks most of all to you for joining us. Mic a Sergeant, Leo Laport, your tech guys. What do we say, Mike, at the end of the show? I don't remember <laugh>. That's exactly right. Goodbye.

Leo Laporte (02:43:47):
Well, that's it for the Tech Guys Show for today. Thank you so much for being here. And don't forget twit, T W I T. It stands for this week at Tech and you find, including the podcasts for this show. We talk about Windows and Windows Weekly, Macintosh, a Mac Break, Weekly iPads, iPhones, Apple Watches on iOS today, Security and Security now. I mean, I can go on and on. And of course, the big show every Sunday afternoon this week in tech. You'll find it all at twit tv and I'll be back next week with another great tech guys show. Thanks for joining me. We'll see you next time.

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