
MacBreak Weekly Episode 810 Transcript

Please be advised this transcript is AI-generated and may not be word for word. Time codes refer to the approximate times in the ad-supported version of the show. 

Leo Laporte (00:00:00):
It's time for MacBreak Weekly. Alex Lindsay's here, Andy Ihnatko. And it's the return of Rene Ritchie. And he comes bearing gifts. He's got all the new Apple stuff. We'll talk about the Mac studio, the Apple display. It's got an iPhone inside. What? A surprise. And yes, Apple pays another 5 million euros to the Dutch dating apps authority. It's all coming up next. I'm MacBreak Weekly

... (00:00:29):
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Leo Laporte (00:00:36):
This is MacBreak Weekly episode, 810 recorded Tuesday in March 22nd, 2022. Doing the Dori MacBreak Weekly is brought to you by buck Mason, buck Mason's clothes are second to none. Once you try buck Mason, they'll become your go-tos too. Head over to buck break and get a free t-shirt with your first order and buy ultimate ears fits ultimate ears fits are the world's most comfortable earbuds with premium sound and all day comfort use promo code Mac break at to get your pair. And by Melissa, the us postal service processes more than 98,000 address changes every single day. Make sure your customer contact data is up to date. Try Melissa's APIs in the developer portal. It's easy to log on, sign up and start playing in the API sandbox. 24 7. Get started today with 1000 records cleaned free at at Siack break weekly. The show we cover the latest new who's from Apple and he's back from his two week visit with Apple Rene Ritchieie,, I can already tell you're on the, the studio display. Your skin has never looked. Your plus has fat flattened me. Your skin has never looked better. It's smooth. It's it's useful. It white camera and a wide camera world. Leo. Yeah. Plus as he moves around, the camera is attempting to follow him.

Alex Lindsay (00:02:08):
You can always tell, you can always tell it's an Apple, Apple this little motion thing, because there's too much headroom.

Leo Laporte (00:02:14):
They don't like the head. They don't like the headroom.

Alex Lindsay (00:02:16):
Yes. They're like,

Leo Laporte (00:02:17):
Oh my God. I don't like it's, it's go. That's Alex Lindsay. I need my headroom from oh nine. Oh.Media and office hours dot I watched your rocket launch this weekend.

Alex Lindsay (00:02:26):
It's kind of fun. Really

Leo Laporte (00:02:27):

Alex Lindsay (00:02:28):
It was, I mean, it was like

Leo Laporte (00:02:29):
Walter Cronkite. It was great. You even had actually, Walter never had this, the trajectory, the speed, all of that stuff. That was very cool. Yeah.

Alex Lindsay (00:02:38):
It's it was amazing. I mean, just amazing. Remember everybody just did that for fun. Like that was like, that was just like, there was no, you know, there was just, someone said I'm, I'm doing a rocket. And then two people said I want to come. And next thing you know, there's 40 people working on it. And we had a, we had a co-host from Australia and you know, it was our, the main host was from Australia and she's, she was breaking down the, the launch for us. She's an expert in

Leo Laporte (00:03:00):
Space stuff and she has a nice Australian accent.

Alex Lindsay (00:03:02):
That's the best.

Leo Laporte (00:03:03):
Yeah. Even better

Alex Lindsay (00:03:05):
Smart with, on Australian accent, the best,

Leo Laporte (00:03:07):
No welcome furries. And now Andy Ihnatko from the library.

Andy Ihnatko (00:03:13):
Yes. This, this it definitely, definitely our town taxes very much, much funded this, my parents that's awesome. First, first the public works department that decided to jackhammer the sidewalk outside my house, starting like 10 minutes before the show. And then the public library, which gave me a place to run to when I realized that yeah, they, they, weren't just testing the equipment real quick. They're here for a while.

Leo Laporte (00:03:36):
So we are all now catching up with Renee. Yes, because I got my ultra my Mac studio ultra on Friday. It's really Lisa's and she's got it all set up. I had canceled after reading. We've already talked about this Renee. We talked about it on TWI Jason stones on TWI, but I canceled my Mac studio display after reading the, of reviews from Eli Patel, from John Gruber, both of whom said the camera was terrible. The center stage was imperfect. But what's interesting. Jason Snell says his, his camera looks great. So it may be some sort of weird build thing. You're on the studio display camera. It does not look great. It doesn't look as good as whatever you before. Anyway,

Rene Ritchie (00:04:21):
The studios display has literally an iPad nine or an iPhone S se two inside which

Leo Laporte (00:04:26):
64 gigs storage.

Rene Ritchie (00:04:29):
Well, but no, but like that's economies of scale. Like they, they just have all these SOCs that they're like, Apple's not immune to chip shortages. They just bought an awful lot of stuff in advance and that's what they have in stock. And it makes all the sense in the world to economize that as much as they can. So you have an, you literally have an iPad, nine camera system, an ultra wide iPad, nine camera with center stage, the a 13 SOC the Ram, the store. All of it. It is literally,

Leo Laporte (00:04:52):
It's really Frankenstein, display, Frankenstein display,

Rene Ritchie (00:04:57):
I who wanted to mem one in this, right? Like I just, you take out the M one that he wanted, you put it in a 13 and then

Leo Laporte (00:05:02):
You got a display, right? In fact about Garman who was on for you last week, that's basically what he had concluded. Thank you, mark. He had basically concluded that this was designed two years ago. Same as the iPhone 11. They had all these parts, you know, there's no reason to take out the 64 GA of storage. Yep. You'd have to this. You have to make a new SOC. So just throw it all in there.

Rene Ritchie (00:05:25):
It's just the board. Yeah. You just the

Leo Laporte (00:05:27):
Board and you're

Rene Ritchie (00:05:27):
Good. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (00:05:29):
But the real question is, is it a good monitor for $1,500?

Rene Ritchie (00:05:33):
So I mean like, this is a hard thing to answer only because you have two very different types of customers. You have people who just wanna monitor who should away from this. And then you have people who for six years have been begging Apple to just take the LG ultra fine 5k panel or the 5k iMac panel. Just take that, put it in an Apple enclosure and give it to them because the LG one has been problematic for years. Wifi issues, display issues, it's cheap and plastic feeling. So they're, they're like, just give us that because what you can't get on the market, like there are a lot of 4k displays, but 4k at 27 inches, isn't precisely two X, which is what anyone who like cares about aply Apple stuff, especially UI designers and people who care about pixel perfect things. They want that because it means it's exactly on the, on the pixel grid. It's not being scaled up or down. So all these designers are just, yes, yes. Thankfully, finally, we've got it. They were the intended customer for this cuz there's no other reason for Apple to make a display. There are tons of other displays on the market. They didn't wanna make it LG just failed to make it. So they got back into it. And now a bunch of people who could care less about this monitor are angry about it, but the people who've been asking for it for six years are beyond the moon. Happy

Leo Laporte (00:06:44):
I got Lisa instead. I, I already bought it because I didn't know that Apple was gonna come out with the studio display. So I got her actually it's a U H D 4k LG ultra fine, but or not, I guess it's not ultra fine if it's not it's not 5k, but it's fine. And she's not running it at a 4k anyway, because the monitor next to it is 1440. So it scaled to 1440 actually scales pretty nicely to 1440. Maybe that's is that because that's half 28 80. I don't, I don't way at

Rene Ritchie (00:07:18):
24 inches, you want 4k, sorry. 21.5 inches. You want 4k 24. You want four and

Leo Laporte (00:07:23):
A half. It's a 31 inch monitor 31 and a half inch monitor.

Rene Ritchie (00:07:27):
Then you want close to six. K

Leo Laporte (00:07:28):
No, you don't like, again,

Rene Ritchie (00:07:29):
If you care about those things,

Leo Laporte (00:07:30):
She's not doing, if

Rene Ritchie (00:07:31):
You're you're spread, you care about the grid.

Leo Laporte (00:07:34):
Yeah. Okay. Her

Rene Ritchie (00:07:35):
Pivot tables need to be on grid.

Leo Laporte (00:07:37):
You know? No, they are on grid. But what I'm saying is I had to lower the resolution anyway, because it had to match the 49 inch monitor. That's on the other side of it, you don't wanna be moving back and forth and have the, the no. Yeah. All point sizes had to match anyway, it was working great. It's a, I have to say the studio is beautiful. We all watched max techs tear it apart, but did a, he was a brave man. I cuz he, he was apparently tearing apart his video editor's Mac studio and, and I'm watching him take these screws out and I, and I could feel his pain knowing he's gonna have to put those back, but thank goodness he did it. Because we saw the size of me. Yeah. But we saw the size of, of the ultra chip was really a great I thought he did a good job with the, with the tear down. He, he took the thermal paste off and, and all of that. It was a, it was a, a good job. And now we know how Beau, I think, I know you tell me beautifully made that studio. Is it looked like it was and oh yeah. Just marvelous.

Rene Ritchie (00:08:39):
Thermal made a good, actually a really funny joke where he said like how much bigger the M one ultra is than an average AMD CPU. But it's just important to remember that this, this isn't just a CPU. This is an entire entire package. So you've got CPU. Yeah. You've got CPU. Like, so yeah, like an Intel horizon or AMD CPU is gonna be way smaller cuz it, the GPU and everything is separate. So like that's one of the reasons it's so

Leo Laporte (00:09:00):
Big. Yeah. Vadi did make one mistake where he kind of said, oh it's upgradeable. And Jason, Jason was able to correct that by saying there, by the way, there is. So that's the Al the ultra chip is where this thermal paste is. But in fact, if if I go a little farther, he takes the thermal paste off and you can, you can even see the Apple logo on it, which is kind of cool. You get Silicon and compare it to a horizon, but this is Ram above it and Ram below it. And the, the ML cores and the, all the other stuff. Yeah.

Rene Ritchie (00:09:32):
GPU cores.

Leo Laporte (00:09:33):
Yeah. So this is, this is not that huge. It's just two chips side by side, basically.

Alex Lindsay (00:09:39):
And all those chips around it that are surrounding it, all those chips around it are the things they haven't gotten to yet.

Leo Laporte (00:09:44):
Yeah. Cuz eventually when you just like a one chip solution. Yeah. I think that's, I think that's what I can,

Rene Ritchie (00:09:49):
They do that straining TSMC packaging technology already. Yeah. Like, we'll see how big this gets.

Leo Laporte (00:09:54):
Yeah. Well it's gonna right. Is gonna be twice as big, probably with a pro four.

Rene Ritchie (00:10:00):
Yeah. But it'll bell two separate packages. I, I think at that point, just

Leo Laporte (00:10:03):
Put a least side by side, but you wanna use that interconnect

Rene Ritchie (00:10:05):
Bonded, dies. Don't you wanna use it? Yeah. That's only for one set though. You can only have one interconnect set on this generation. One interconnect set per

Leo Laporte (00:10:10):
Per oh, you know that. Cuz some people have been saying, oh, they'll do a plus. No you

Rene Ritchie (00:10:15):
Can't. Yeah. You can go of three dimensionally, but I don't think you're gonna get the same interconnect speed. You might get good

Leo Laporte (00:10:19):
Interconnect speed. There's not interconnect all the way around the chip.

Rene Ritchie (00:10:23):
It's 2.5 D elastic. It's not 3d yet, but it's getting there. Okay. Switch up. Just wait in a minute.

Leo Laporte (00:10:28):
Anyway. beautifully made Alex sent me 

Rene Ritchie (00:10:33):
You said they clarified that the memory is not like it's not, it's usable by like if you had there's an empty slot because a lot of people got the lowest memory. If

Leo Laporte (00:10:41):
You got terabytes, they would fill those

Rene Ritchie (00:10:44):
For terabytes.

Leo Laporte (00:10:45):
They would fill those Apple can fill them. They're a non-standard chip for one thing. Non-Standard pinning and non well

Rene Ritchie (00:10:51):
They're naked. There's just nothing naked. They're they're literally a raw chips.

Leo Laporte (00:10:54):
And, and I think Jason pointed this out. You have to certify it in the software, say it's there. So you can't just stick something in there. You can't even

Rene Ritchie (00:11:03):
Move colors on the chip. The controllers aren't on. It's not like an SD slot on a normal computer. Right. Everything is on the SOC. Right.

Leo Laporte (00:11:10):
And you couldn't just, even if you could get something that was like, if you know other world computing made something identical factor, it still wouldn't work. Cuz it has to be. But Apple,

Rene Ritchie (00:11:20):
We're not saying a 12 year, this couldn't figure it out Leo. Cause they can figure out everything.

Leo Laporte (00:11:23):
This is the question. Could Apple, if I brought my studio in and I said, I would like two more terabytes, could Apple do a presumably they could, if they decided to offer that,

Rene Ritchie (00:11:30):
Maybe they haven't announced it yet. And they did announce that they could switch the visa amount in the back of your, I

Leo Laporte (00:11:34):
Did see that. So they did. Yeah. You're bringing, if you get, if you decided I want, want the pivot or I don't want the pivot, I want a visa. You can bring it in and they can do that in the, a, in

Rene Ritchie (00:11:42):
The, and they can, they can take out the power cord. We've had the silliest,

Leo Laporte (00:11:45):
Oh, don't pull the power cord. Yeah. When, when we did the thing, I looked at it and I said, that looks just like the one on the iMac. You probably just pull it out. Don't well you,

Rene Ritchie (00:11:54):
You can, it's just, it is just it's it's proprietary because

Leo Laporte (00:11:56):
It's so thin let a professional do it. I'm just saying yes. So yeah. Alex sent me the photogrammetry. We call

Alex Lindsay (00:12:05):
It, we call it the widow maker, the widow

Leo Laporte (00:12:07):
Maker, the photogrammetry project. I think

Alex Lindsay (00:12:09):
I shot it like five years ago when I was in India. You

Leo Laporte (00:12:11):
Sent it to IJ Stein when she got the Mac pro that's why all her cores were pegged when she did her video. Right. You now you said on the, that when you run this on your laptop, what, which laptop?

Alex Lindsay (00:12:21):
No, on my, on my iMac, it runs for three days. And then the iMac crashes. Like it never, it never, if, if decimation turned on, it's fine without it. But if you turn decimation on it is when that's really the, the thing that takes a while.

Leo Laporte (00:12:34):
So I, I did not. I, your video did not say turn on. Well, maybe it did, but it's, it was like optional. So I decided not to turn on destination. I'm gonna go home and redo these benchmarks. But a couple of things came up, which I thought was kind of surprising. And now more and more people are saying this, I benchmarked it on the ultra, the studio ultra only 64 gigs of Ram. And by the way, the program we use meta shape is very Ram intensive. So it would've worked probably faster, better 28 gigs. It

Alex Lindsay (00:13:04):
Will use everything like it, just grab it generally will go out and grab onto everything I can possibly get ahold of and start using it. So

Leo Laporte (00:13:10):
It wasn't really a fair comparison cuz I also did it on my alien Aurora, which is running an AMD rise in 7 50, 800 X and a GForce RTX 30, 80, so pretty high end hardware with 128 gigs of Ram. So it aims that Ram

Alex Lindsay (00:13:26):
And they've had more time to optimize for it than, than they have. I

Leo Laporte (00:13:29):
Think some of this is meta shape is AGI soft, which is by the way you said that, you know, there a 30 day trial, you can download this and run it, which is good. Cause I wasn't gonna buy it. I'm sure it's expensive, but I couldn't get to it at first. In fact I was started writing you an email saying, well the site's in Russia, it's down. Then I realized, oh I block Russian sites. So I had to

Alex Lindsay (00:13:46):
Go. And what was funny was is that I, I have to, I have to find some other stuff too. Cause I, I forgot that it was Russian. Like I just didn't, I haven't had to deal with them right for years. And I just there's

Leo Laporte (00:13:55):

Alex Lindsay (00:13:56):
Until you said it until you said it before the show, I was like, oh right.

Leo Laporte (00:13:59):
The Russian they're from St. Petersburg. But which is by the way, doesn't mean they're bad people. We just don't wanna send them, send them any money. We probably can't send them any money. Anyway, I ran it on them next to, without decimation, which is what, what is decimation?

Alex Lindsay (00:14:12):
A decimation says, I've got a whole bunch of polygons. I wanna reduce it. So, so that, that specific thing when left UND decimated will be about 350 million polygons. Oh wow. And you can't open that on your phone. So, so if you wanna get it on the 2 million. Okay. And then what it does is it looks at, it looks at the, each, each surface is broken into it. What we call a polygon and it looks at the break angle between every surface. So it goes, oh, well these are close together. So I'm just gonna make them one, you know? And then if it's curving, they'll say I'll leave those polygons there. So it kind of flattens things out puts, puts better detail where it needs to be. And so it's a kind of a intelligent process to kind of reduce number polygons,

Leo Laporte (00:14:50):
CPU bound.

Alex Lindsay (00:14:52):

Leo Laporte (00:14:52):
So there, the four steps I did on both the PC and the Mac the Mac studio ultra was align the photos. There were 228 raw cannon CR two raw photos of this Indian, is it a temple? This historic it's

Alex Lindsay (00:15:09):
Actually just a square. No, it's it. It's a, it's a square it's spice square. Like they, they have it's like the spice central of old, old DE's cool. It's a, it's a, got a square inside of a building. It's kind of cool. You

Leo Laporte (00:15:19):
Took a lot of pictures. So the first thing it does is align the photos and that took three and a half hours in the Mac studio. You could see, by the way, this is the last stage. First aligns the photos. Then it builds a dense cloud. Then it builds a mesh. Then it builds a texture it's almost done here. And you could see, look at the, so this is the CPU course. I'm running the activity monitor, or you could see it's redlining on the efficiency course. It's really, this is something you probably, I told Lisa, you're never gonna see this again on your Mac studio, but all 20 cores are 100%, but notice the G you not really, you know, not really being 

Alex Lindsay (00:15:55):
Challenged. I really think that they just, they just don't know how to

Leo Laporte (00:15:58):
Didn't do it.

Alex Lindsay (00:15:59):
Yeah. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (00:16:00):
They only, they were a little late getting to the M one, even this is M one native, but they, they didn't get to that till late last year. So I think that maybe they haven't optimized it yet, but I'll give you the, I'll give you the run time. Anyway, it took on the, on the PC, it took three and a half hours to align the photos on the, on the Mac, it took three and a half hours. So that was C I noticed those were CPU intensive. This was CPU intensive on the Mac and GPU intensive on the PC. So I think that confirms a, what you're saying, the 30, 80 really chewed through that. And, but it wasn't much faster building the dense cloud is what took a long time on the Mac that was 13 and a half hours compared to two under two hours on the on the PC under two hours. So that's a big difference

Alex Lindsay (00:16:49):
And that's something that's more easily paralyzed. So it's, you know, that, that thing so that if it was optimized for that graphics card, we would expect it to be a lot faster. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (00:16:58):
Yeah. And also again, more Ram, twice a much Ram the, the rest of the times are pretty comparable. The, the Mac took half an hour to build the mesh. It was only 20 minutes on the PC to build the texture on the Mac three hours, 14 minutes to build the texture on the PC and hour and for 14 minutes. So the real difference was that second step, which took a long time on the Mac studio. What's the moral there. Well, if you're using meta shape to do photogrammetry, you'd probably do it better on a PC with a enough hardware. And,

Alex Lindsay (00:17:27):
And again, and we wanna say if you're using that app on that, on that software hardware specifically.

Leo Laporte (00:17:32):

Alex Lindsay (00:17:32):
Because one of the things that I'm gonna be testing when my, when my studio arrives is the photo, you know, the, the, the object capture that Apple does, which is optimized for it, you know? And so it's going, which I think could be really fast.

Leo Laporte (00:17:46):
So you're gonna send me a cinema 3d project.

Alex Lindsay (00:17:50):
Yeah, that's right. For, for the next test, I'm gonna, we're gonna build something and cinema 4d, that, that pushes it pretty hard. You know, it won't maybe not take 30 hours to render, but it might take six on my computer. Yeah. Like six or seven hours to render. Something's got a bunch of global illumination, a bunch of geometry, a bunch of things. And then, and then you can open the, but I'll use just primitive shapes so that you don't need any models. You just it'll be a really light little project that will, but will be complicated. So, so we'll so then you can just open it up

Leo Laporte (00:18:16):
And go. We've seen some other stories like this from hardware times, appals, Emron alter gets murdered by AMD's thread rips slower than the RTX 30, 50, and content creation. And I think what you're really seeing is not as, as much a hardware comparison as software comparisons here whether they're optimized properly and things like

Alex Lindsay (00:18:36):
That, and also what, what you're doing with them. So there's, there's certain things that are so in the, in the creation process, there's certain things that are gonna do better on a, on a raw GPU than a CPU, et cetera. But there's also things that we haven't really talked about. Well, it's so grabbing a big model and rotating it like a giant model of 300 million bogon with eight K textures needs a ton of Ram and possibly more than what a video card can actually handle. So that's where an M one might, might end up being better is I'll tell you what rotating those things around.

Leo Laporte (00:19:06):
I never decimated that model, but when it's finished, I was able to rotate it in real time, very easily move around with it. No problem. So that confirms what you're saying.

Rene Ritchie (00:19:17):
So the model that Apple uses, I think Alex is familiar with it. The model that the pro workflows team made is it's a spaceship. That's got the sun behind it. And it's polygon count is absurd. And it does, it's too big to fit in the Ram of any existing video card. But because of the unified memory they can, when it move it, move the sun all in real time, it RET textures. It does all of those things by the way, look how much better our

Leo Laporte (00:19:36):
ILM people look, how much better a ACE picture looks now? Yeah.

Rene Ritchie (00:19:40):
Can I add one thing Leo too? Like, yeah. One of the biggest issues we're seeing, we've seen this for a long time now, but it's sort of coming to a head with this is that it is not easy to benchmark, right? It looks easy now because so many companies make these prepackaged download, run and done in one benchmarking apps. Like they're on the app store, you literally download 'em, you press a button, but like, you're not an Antech. And like, you don't have to be, but in Antech spent years learning what they're doing. And it takes them several days and a lot of work to get like the quality of benchmarkings they do. And a lot of people, and I made all these mistakes, like I would run them and I would say, why aren't they different? I realize, oh, I'm running 1440 on display, and that's not even pushing the max. So of course I'm not seeing a difference. I have to go 4k off screen, oh, I need a commercial license for that. That's not the free version. So I gotta go and get the commercial license for that. Or you've gotta run in unlimited mode because otherwise you're not taxing. So it's like, it is really easy and fast to do it wrong. And a lot of the early tests we saw was like, it was just people running these apps, but not having any context for what they were running,

Leo Laporte (00:20:39):
The geek band or the cinema mark, or, you know, all of those. And by the way, I know this, I worked with Patrick Norton who did all the benchmarking for PC ziti PC labs. And so I, it, wasn't so easy. It's not easy. And Patrick was a master of it. You really have to know what you're doing. Non-Tech has not yet come out with their benchmarks, which is kind of telling 

Rene Ritchie (00:21:01):
Well, they're not fast. So they're, they're never fast. Like one of the jokes was like, I think it took Ryan a year to do a Mac one. And I don't think it's gonna take that long, but like the level of work, and also they've lost, like future has destroyed that company. They've lost almost everybody, almost everybody left to go work at the companies now. So it's really only Ryan and a couple people left Andre just left. Who

Leo Laporte (00:21:19):
Did the last album saw that you said, yeah, yeah. It's be hard. Yeah. which means it's very hard for a consumer to decide, because, you know, on the one hand you have Apples, stellar marketing, which makes you feel like this is the fastest thing ever made in the whole wide world. And so the reason I bring up the photogrammetry example is not to dis the Mac studio, but just to say, it's complicated. And it really does depend on what you're doing. The software you're using, how well tuned it is and the ultra as cool as the ultra is, and how as fast, much faster as it is than the old Mac pro it's still not necessarily the fastest beast in the woods. You know, and it

Rene Ritchie (00:22:02):
Depends at what too, like a lot of the stuff we were talking about this before this show, if you have an Invidia card, if you have a third to 90, you can beat it with an M one ultra in some tests. And, and those tests are well optimized for both. So there are a few tests that'll win it there. If few tests, it will lose that, right? If you need PCOS, you need retracing, you need gaming. It does not matter how fast the one ultra is. Cause it will not help you in the lease.

Leo Laporte (00:22:24):
Yes. Well, and I will say this, the alien wear AUR fans were on max and loud the whole time they didn't overheat, but they were, you know, they were audible and at no point did this, in fact, the studio, when you turn it on, the fans come on and they just run. They never ramped up. They never ramped down. They're completely silent at the, when, when I was showing that picture of all the cores peaked, put my hand behind it, the ears, maybe slight warm, nothing's hot to the touch. So the cooling system on that is excellent. As, as Em's video demonstrates, they've really done a good job with cooling it. And if I

Rene Ritchie (00:22:59):
Can give you just a couple numbers, like for, for, if you have an optimized GPU load, you'll get 1.9 times a performance of the max, because it really does treated as one metal object. The neural engines are not treated as one object just because neural engines are like, like their own little self-contained kingdoms, but it will dispatch between them. So you'll get like 1.5% and that's like 1.7% in mixed GPU neural engine workloads. And for ProRes, it's almost twice as fast again. So like, if your, if your boundary, like if, if literally time is more important than money to you, you can get almost twice as fast ProRes renderings off of this, which you can't get on a lot of other

Leo Laporte (00:23:33):
Videos. Yeah. But those, again, those are cherry picked numbers from Apple. And

Rene Ritchie (00:23:38):
Well, it depends on your work, not cherry pick those

Leo Laporte (00:23:40):
Cherry picked in the sense that it's going to reflect best on the ultra. You have to know what you wanna do and you have to be, you have to do some figuring to figure out if the Ultra's gonna benefit. Yeah.

Rene Ritchie (00:23:50):
You need to know your

Leo Laporte (00:23:51):
Workflow. You need to know your

Alex Lindsay (00:23:52):
Load. Yeah. And, and I think that you, you need to know it well. And, and again, the people who really are gonna get the most out of a PC are gonna do, be doing some pretty esoteric things with it, with it, if you're doing, you know, when it comes, you know, and, and that's great. And, and there are, I still have PCs that do PC things for me because I need four Nvidia cards or I need, you know, a bunch of other things that, that need to be addressed. So I, I, I don't, I'm not saying this is, I definitely don't think it's the fastest as the thing that I wanna put on my desk that is going to be, you know, really fast for the stuff I do day to day. It's a pretty exciting, you know, platform and it, and if you're a video editor you know, it's very much optimized for what

Leo Laporte (00:24:29):
You're doing. Yeah. I, especially, if you're using final cut, I got one for Henry. I got an ultimate or resolve

Alex Lindsay (00:24:34):

Leo Laporte (00:24:34):
Yeah. Or resolve, how about premier? Well, is

Alex Lindsay (00:24:37):
It they're definitely, I think Adobe's definitely optimizing it and I think it's gonna get better. I don't know if it's native yet. There's hard part with after all of the Adobe. Yeah. All the, all the Adobe products just have a lot of technical debt. And so they, you know, so it just takes them a little longer to, to, to take full advantage of the hardware. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (00:24:56):
So and the other point really important point maybe more important to real people is probably don't need the ultra. Very few people will need ultra

Rene Ritchie (00:25:06):
Probably need a Mac mini. Almost

Leo Laporte (00:25:08):
Everybody needs to, well, you know what I, I bought for my office after all this I Mac mini

Alex Lindsay (00:25:13):
And I bought it's great. Yeah. I bought the, I bought the max. I didn't get the ultra because I'm planning to get the Mac pro. So I'm starting to save for that. And I was like, I'm not gonna buy one. That's really, really good. And then another one that's even better. I'm gonna buy one that I can set this one, be my desk unit that I'm doing doing my desk work, you know, fast desk work with.

Leo Laporte (00:25:31):
Let me ask a challenging question though, of all of you as high as I am on Apple Silicon, it do the a M two based on the, a 15, right. Is not gonna necessarily be, we're not gonna see doubling every year, right?

Rene Ritchie (00:25:53):
No. The only way you'll doubling is if the inter yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean the big story with M two is increased deficiency. So you'll be able to put it in smaller enclosures, like the MacBook air it's slightly faster on single core. It's got, it can support extra cores. So you'll get some E core scaling because you'll have one or two or four extra cores in the setup. But also it, it might have a ultra fusion in more than just a two die configuration, which would allow it to, again, double up the scale. And I think the more exciting thing is that when you get to the Mac pro, it's not gonna be just about extra speed, that that's gonna be the one that's that has a P C E card slot. So if that's something you need, this does not help you. This is trash. Can the second generation, if you want the cheese GRA next generation, then that's what the Mac pro's gonna be for you.

Leo Laporte (00:26:39):
Yeah. And I know, I know people love max and I don't wanna rain on your parade by any means. And I'm very happy. Lisa's got a max I'm gonna have an ultra on Friday. That'll be for my home system. No, she has an ultra. I'm gonna have a max on Friday. I don't, I know I don't need an ultra. I know she doesn't put

Rene Ritchie (00:26:54):
On the home theater.

Leo Laporte (00:26:54):
Aren't you Leo. Yeah. I'm not gonna, yeah. It's actually gonna be a great home theater machine by the way. Cause it's very quiet. 

Andy Ihnatko (00:27:01):
Great for great, for super an intend ambulation. That's, that's really what you want, but,

Leo Laporte (00:27:05):

Rene Ritchie (00:27:06):
I'll take down your video.

Leo Laporte (00:27:07):
It's very easy. And I fell for it. It's very easy to think that this is revolutionary technology compared to everything else out in the universe, including Intel and AMD and others. And it is revolutionary for Apple. And it's very exciting

Rene Ritchie (00:27:24):
To view it is too,

Leo Laporte (00:27:25):
But you're, I don't think, I think the expectation is Apple to the moon. And I don't know, these are really iPhone chips. That's, Apple's just capitalizing on the development done

Rene Ritchie (00:27:37):

Leo Laporte (00:27:37):
Iphone. The one's

Rene Ritchie (00:27:38):
Been able to do the GPU stuff. Everyone's tried it and haven't been able

Leo Laporte (00:27:42):
Motherboard, you know, it's essentially built in GPU. It's not discreet GPU.

Alex Lindsay (00:27:47):
Right. But the thing is, well, does

Rene Ritchie (00:27:48):
It matter if implementation matter

Alex Lindsay (00:27:51):
If, if Apple starts to build games that take full advantage of the Ram available to the GPU, it will be. There's a lot of

Leo Laporte (00:27:58):
If there,

Alex Lindsay (00:27:59):
If they do no, you're absolutely. If they do, but I'm saying that right now, no one's ever have that much, that much Ram available to the GPU. Yeah. So there's when, when we look at it, like there are so many things that I do when I first started doing games. My whole level, the whole level that you were in was limited to 3000 polygons. You know, the iPhone right now is limited to 2 million polygons. And, but if I could bring in, let's say, you know, 400 million polygons with eight K texture maps and motion blur and a bunch of other things, those are all things that take a lot of, it takes a lot of Ram that I couldn't do right now. And so that's the thing that, that, that can be done.

Leo Laporte (00:28:34):
Withers are very reluctant to write to that hardware because it's a much smaller market, not on the, but, but on the, on the desktop, just buy valve,

Rene Ritchie (00:28:43):
Apple, Apple, just buy valve. They have money.

Alex Lindsay (00:28:45):
Apple has a thing called arcade. They in arcade, they just pay people to develop.

Leo Laporte (00:28:50):
Yeah. But arcade doesn't need to look like that does it. It's

Alex Lindsay (00:28:52):
Casual. But I'm saying if they, if, if, but Apple already has relationships with a lot of developers, if they just said, Hey, the developer may not commit to the hardware, but Apple could just say, how about we just give you $20 million to do this and then they'll go, okay. I'm,

Leo Laporte (00:29:06):
I'm kind of the opinion that if you wanna be mobile, if you want battery life, there's no question the one superior. If you're on the desktop, then it's a much more complicated equation.

Rene Ritchie (00:29:14):
If you want a thin and closure, then like, if you want a really small device, then it

Leo Laporte (00:29:17):
Still behooves you, or you don't want loud fans and heat, but if powers not an issue then you really have to look at what your jobs are and what your does. And what if you hip hipster,

Rene Ritchie (00:29:28):
Bougie like me, Leo, then you

Leo Laporte (00:29:29):
It's great for the BOE. And I'm Booy, if

Rene Ritchie (00:29:31):
You're not hipster,

Leo Laporte (00:29:32):
Bougie, I'm all bougie about it. I mean, you compare that Aurora, it's the ugliest uglier sin, PC tower, ugly, ugly case, loud, obnoxious, rude. 

Rene Ritchie (00:29:44):
And you gotta work on a little bit. Like we don't have time for that. Us hips or bogies don't have time for that. Leah buy a box, we put it down and we work.

Leo Laporte (00:29:50):
But, but there are people who say, I don't have time to sit watching these stuff renders. So I'm gonna buy a, a, the fastest PC I can. So I guess, you know, you know who you are, but it, but

Alex Lindsay (00:30:01):
Small sliver, small sliver of the

Leo Laporte (00:30:03):
Market, the other tiny sliver of the market. The other thing that people we've said several times, but I'll say it again, all the M one S every one of them single core performance is virtually identical. Right? Cuz they're all running the same clock speed.

Rene Ritchie (00:30:17):
Yeah. They're all the same generation. So

Leo Laporte (00:30:18):
When I got the Mac mini that little Mac mini dinky Mac mini for $699 running the same clock speed as the max, as the ultra. Yep.

Rene Ritchie (00:30:28):
As the ultra yep. Core

Leo Laporte (00:30:30):
For single core stuff. Now, when my browser becomes multicore, my email becomes multicore my opera. I mean, there's not much right. Well,

Rene Ritchie (00:30:38):
Leo, you're not running every Chrome tab on a separate GPU core, all ready. There's nothing

Leo Laporte (00:30:42):
About no help for me. Absolutely. So it's too bad cuz it's very, very complicated.

Alex Lindsay (00:30:48):
It is. But I, but I will

Leo Laporte (00:30:49):
Say the people who

Alex Lindsay (00:30:50):
Are going to have the computers, they, they are still a very small, the people who have the computers that aren't going to benefit from the M one and, and you know, again, you know, that's a very, very small market. Like I know that when I'm doing the stuff doing, like when I need four GPS, the kind of stuff that I'm doing, you know, there's like a hundred people in the world. Yeah. I know. You know, and so, so the thing is, is that, and cause I get, I get, I'm told that constantly when I'm talking to the developers, they're like, no, one's doing that except for you. And so, so the, so the so I think that we have to be careful of also the big meat of the market for a studio or something like that is going to be video driven.

Alex Lindsay (00:31:25):
It's going to be, you know, a different kind of, you know, 3d, meta shape is still a very like, you know, sub 1000000th of the market kind of kind of size. And so, so those are, those are the kind of things that you know, what's more interesting is to see, for instance, the object capture stuff. The reason I wanna test that because that potentially is a middle market coming, you know? And, and I think that that's gonna be more interesting. And also when we look at the reason that the GPU having all that Ram is really important is that if I wanna render 3d objects out of motion or final cut or whatever, that means that that's, those are gonna render really beautifully and they can be very, very high detail and they can be inside of my video editor. And that's something that is you know, not easy to do right now. So if you're

Leo Laporte (00:32:10):
Gonna get the max, I'm sorry, the ultra, you should get 128 gigs of Ram. You should get the max Ram.

Alex Lindsay (00:32:15):
If you're going for an ultra, I would keep going. Yeah. All the way up max. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (00:32:18):
Storage, maybe not, but you know, get enough storage

Rene Ritchie (00:32:22):
Money off the machine or you have so much money to that. You can just get the machine. Well,

Leo Laporte (00:32:25):
That's not even quite right, because if you're making money off the machine and times of the essence, it may not be the best machine for you. Again, it comes down to your, what you're doing

Rene Ritchie (00:32:33):
Well for these workloads. Like

Leo Laporte (00:32:34):
Not all of these,

Rene Ritchie (00:32:35):
The No, but I mean, you gotta figure out like it's a it's studio. So like if you're Mary's bender, you're laughing. Like it's, it's, it's clearly defined in a very specific market. You don't want expandability, but you want something that's more than the Mac mini. Like there it's, it's a very narrow swath of a very narrow S

Leo Laporte (00:32:52):
I'm only bringing up because Apple's marketing would imply that is somehow better than anything else ever written. And, and it really depends on what you're doing and you should, and you need to be somewhat savvy at this point when you're buying Apple Silicon, because,

Alex Lindsay (00:33:07):
But I'd be what I, what I would like to do is take a is to test the like rendering, rendering video, like, you know, out of final cut or that should

Leo Laporte (00:33:15):
Be really fast cuz it has a separate engine. But I

Alex Lindsay (00:33:18):
Think that's when we talk about it again, we have to remember that, you know, if

Leo Laporte (00:33:22):
You're using

Alex Lindsay (00:33:22):
Pro photogrammetry. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (00:33:24):
But you're using ProRes, get it because, but PROEs is an Apple technology and

Alex Lindsay (00:33:30):
That's using the PC. And if I'm talking to pretty much anybody in the Hollywood, I go, what would you like me to deliver? And they go, it's all

Leo Laporte (00:33:37):
Pro so it's so for if you're doing ProRes because of those playback images,

Alex Lindsay (00:33:43):
Right. I, you get DNX, you get no, no, they just, it's just, just what everybody kind of has, has, you know, there's DNX for avid and some people will still ask for that, but it's pretty rare. Like at this point, you know, usually when we're companies

Leo Laporte (00:33:55):
Pro, if you're getting, if you're gonna use pro re the ultra is the way to go because of the, it played no, the max,

Alex Lindsay (00:34:01):
The max, the max has the, has the same progress I believe. Yeah. So I think that's, that's their it's playback.

Leo Laporte (00:34:07):
It doesn't have twice. It doesn't have two

Alex Lindsay (00:34:09):
Of them. Right. Doesn't

Leo Laporte (00:34:09):
Have twice only has one of them.

Alex Lindsay (00:34:10):
So yeah. So if you're gonna do a lot of rendering out a video absolutely. And, and the, and the thing, well,

Leo Laporte (00:34:14):
Wait a minute though, does it split the task because, or is that just good? If you're playing two

Alex Lindsay (00:34:19):

Rene Ritchie (00:34:20):
It's about 1.5 X. It's not, it's not perfectly linear because it's got a dispatch between the different engines.

Leo Laporte (00:34:25):
So there is dis, but it is able to dispatch between the two engines.

Alex Lindsay (00:34:28):
Oh yeah. Compressor. If you're handing it to compressor, compressor will just look at all the, I don't know how other ones do it, but compressor will look at everything you have and separate that out into, into separate pieces.

Leo Laporte (00:34:37):
Henry abandoned premier, cuz he is gonna get the ultra. We haven't,

Alex Lindsay (00:34:42):
We haven't tested it yet. So I don't know. I mean, but, but, but the but I will say that

Rene Ritchie (00:34:46):
The GP aware like last year though, like they, they're still running to catch up on,

Leo Laporte (00:34:49):
Well, the orders are three months out, so there's plenty time we'll find

Alex Lindsay (00:34:53):
Out. And, and the main thing is, is that, is that, that is a big deal. Like the rendering of ProRes or DNX or whatever you're doing is a big yield because it takes a long it's playback is fine. Like I, I don't know. I can do X number of eight. K I don't know when I'm gonna do that. But what I will say is that I have projects that take me an hour to render out a final cut or, or an hour and a half to render out of resolve. So having something that is optimized to write that out is pretty exciting. I'm and the drive speed by the away is really important. The internal drive speed means,

Leo Laporte (00:35:24):
And it's very

Alex Lindsay (00:35:24):
Fast, incredibly fast. Cause that's the, that's the, that's usually the number one limit to the render time is actually that render out. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (00:35:31):
I'm guessing a lot of people will buy a Mac studio just because it's elegant. It's a great, beautiful solution with all the ports you want. It's quiet fans never go up. They never go through

Alex Lindsay (00:35:42):
And they're Mac users. I mean, the thing is like you have to have Mac users not feel like they're falling too far behind is really only the only key because they don't really want to use the PCs. Right. You know, like I, when I have to do PC stuff, I mean, I, I have somebody else in the company do it, most of them. Yeah.

Andy Ihnatko (00:35:56):
And I think there's a very specific reason why Apple decided to call this the studio the first time they've used a name like that. I really think that they're trying to appeal to the creators. The people have YouTube channels, the people who do lots and lots of streaming who probably acknowledge to themselves, they're not quite so fancy enough to justify a Mac pro, but they're telling themselves that their needs far exceed that of a, a Mac mini. I mean, I, myself, during the, at the, by the end of the presentation, I was tweeting, oh my God, this is exactly what I've been looking for. In a desktop Mac, forgetting that the Mac mini still exists. That probably there is, they're not terminating the entire product line. And it's very, very likely that by the time they introduce one, they will introduce a Mac mini that addresses my one problem with the M one Mac mini, which is the lack of output. Right. So,

Alex Lindsay (00:36:39):
And, and we have to remember that in the social world. I mean, I don't know how all of the social world, but I do a lot of consulting that deals with social folks that creators and the vast majority that we run into are using final cut. You know, now the only ones that use premiere are the one, no one that uses anything else. It's final cut of premiere. And some of 'em are playing with resolve, but it's generally final cut in premier and it's like 90% final cut because the only people that are using premier are like, oh, someday I'll work in Hollywood as an editor.

Leo Laporte (00:37:04):
I'm trying to figure

Alex Lindsay (00:37:04):
Out why get a job somewhere. Why

Leo Laporte (00:37:06):
Hank chose premiere, to be honest with you, I don't know why he's not using final. We even have final.

Alex Lindsay (00:37:11):
You could use, I mean, if you're using after effects To use premier. Yeah,

Leo Laporte (00:37:15):

Rene Ritchie (00:37:15):
After effects is still amazing. Yeah.

Alex Lindsay (00:37:16):
Yeah. After effects is amazing and, and it ties into premier really nicely. And you know, there's the ecosystem that, that Adobe provides for you. Right. I will admit that I'm not a, not a huge fan. I haven't used premier for a long time,

Leo Laporte (00:37:28):
Worked with us and we use premier, you know, all of our editors use premier on PCs.

Rene Ritchie (00:37:32):
One thing that's nice about it though. Like in general video workloads, a lot of like, we'll make a video and people go, oh my God, you're testing video again. You have a YouTube channel. Well, can't you just build webcat for me once. But the nice thing about video is that it really is one of the few workloads that hits as many transistors as possible. Yeah. Because you have the CPU managing everything and also doing any gnarly codex, like you're pulling off your Sony camera, you have the ProRes, the H 2 64, all those engines, the GPU is doing all the effects, plugins and layers. The now the neural networks are doing like a final cut pro is in beta. It's got all these new features for audio suppression and tracking, and just a lot of stuff that really leverages neural networks. And you can light up the entire chip and really see how it handles that. So it's, it's not, if you target creative pros who are doing video work, you sort of bring in audio pros and a bunch of other special effects people at the

Leo Laporte (00:38:17):
Same time. Well, and, and it's a much broader base than photogrammetry. There are a hell of a lot more people doing video.

Rene Ritchie (00:38:23):
There's no photogrammetry TikTok yet than it's

Leo Laporte (00:38:25):
Getting there. Leo. It is, it is telling that Apple seated review units of this, in fact, Jason now was he got a max and a lot of, much smaller, much less known YouTube channels got ultras for review. And it's that's exactly because that's the audience. I mean, I think he completely confirms that's exactly why the audience Apple, and they're gonna see the biggest difference in their tests. Right.

Alex Lindsay (00:38:53):
And Apple spent a, spends a lot of time paying attention to social creators because a lot of them are using it. And, you know, I think that it's, you know, they, that's what, you know, when we had Justine's, you know, vlog university, there was a lot of, you know, Apple was there, of

Leo Laporte (00:39:07):
Course was, it was that's

Alex Lindsay (00:39:10):
Else. That's a much bigger market than broadcast. I mean, there's that, there's a, you know, people get enamored by the idea that broadcast is what they should be paying attention to, but that's a tiny market and they're finicky and difficult to deal with. I'm one of them, you know, like we're, we're difficult, you know, and we have weird things that we wanna do with your hardware. And so that's, that's, we're not the market probably that

Leo Laporte (00:39:27):
You should build celebrating the fact that YouTube and TikTok and Instagram stories exist because that's created a massive market yeah. For Mac and what they're making. Oh yeah.

Andy Ihnatko (00:39:36):
It's, it's sort of half, half of one, half of the other. On the one hand, when a when a professional, like Alex looks at a product, he really gets down. He, he will not, he will not be fooled by anything, you know, cuz he, he knows exactly what's going on. He knows, well, this is interesting, but it's not really significant. This is, they haven't really changed the workflow. This is really IST. Anything, very, very different the other. But, and so on that, on that way, the professionals are actually giving the best reviews. But on the flip side, the creators are probably the people who are more likely to be doing typical things. So I'm, I'm very much a fan of the, wow. Yes. This is a terrible, terrible problem. If you're one of very, very few people who actually are doing this kind of, if you're one, few people have to do photogram atory on this kind of a time crunch for somebody like me, who's just doing a 4k video three times a week. Oh my God, this is, this is freed up so much of my time.

Leo Laporte (00:40:25):
Yeah. Yeah. Hey, I wanna take a little break. We'll come back. There's lots more to talk about. I gotta find out what Renee has learned from Apple by the way. But first back, I wanna show you my new wardrobe. Oh my buck base is here. I'm so excited. Buck Mason. We all have our favorite go-tos right. Shirts, sweater, jeans, especially now, since we can work from home, the stuff you wear all the time. My go-tos they're all from buck Mason. And I just got my new ship. Meta buck, Mason, beautiful gear. Here's a, a curved ham. Heley Buck's famous for the curved. He, by the way, the curved het, GQ calls it the best t-shirt in the game. Gorgeous, gorgeous stuff. They're timeless. They never go out of style. And the most important thing to me is their very well made. I love the tailored look and fit of their T shirts.

Leo Laporte (00:41:18):
Even if you wash 'em again and again and again, they're gonna look and fit just as good as they, the first day they came. I've got my sweatsuit here. Here's my buck. Mason jeans comfortable. Should I take, should I take 'em out of the, I I've been saving these. I've been kind of waiting for these ad to open the box. So, cause I, I wanted my new stuff. I want my new buck, Mason stuff here are, these are comfy. This is what I really like to wear soft expandable waistline for certain of us. That's an important feature. These are sweats that don't look like sweats. They look nice. They even have a even have a fly, a pseudo fly. So people won't know you're not wearing dress pants. I love the hoodies. Got a beautiful buck. Mason hoodie. Let me show you this curve tat cuz I think that's a, that's an important feature of buck Mason, break.

Leo Laporte (00:42:17):
I want you to try 'em they're gonna become your go-tos cuz they're soft. They're comfortable. They're well made. They last and last and last you will never find a better t-shirt than this. Look at this with a curved him. It's so great. My son to me, when I tuck in anything, he says, dad, you look like a dad. I am a dad. So I don't. When I'm around him, I wear my buck masons and he says, dad, you're looking sharp. You're looking good. Look at that. That's the curved him best t-shirt in the game. Oh I wish you could. I wish you could feel this too. So soft. They make jeans that make shirts to make jackets all your go-tos. They look great. Actually. That's the next thing I'm getting by the way. I'm that canyon S Sue bomber. Can't wait. That is a gorgeous jacket.

Leo Laporte (00:43:03):
Once you try buck Mason, you'll be like me. It'll be your go-to. Yes. They have clothes for women, too. Men and women, boys and girls go to buck break. You will get a free t-shirt with your first order cuz they know you will be hooked. B U C K M a S O N. Buck break. Get a free t-shirt with your first order. Oh buck. And if you can work from home, man, you're gonna live in these. You're gonna live in these. I might stop wearing blazers and just start wearing my canyon. Bomber. Love it. Buck Mason. Thank you. Buck, buck, break. Let's see here. Should we, what did you, did you, were you gone for briefings? Renee? Can you even talk about it? Is it secret? 

Rene Ritchie (00:44:03):
Usually like it, it is a mix of things usually after the event, they like, if you, if you get review units from Apple, they, they wanna talk to you before they send them

Leo Laporte (00:44:10):
To you. Yeah. So did you learn anything in, for instance, did they tell you that there iPhone in your monitor?

Rene Ritchie (00:44:19):
No. No. They just talked about a 13 you know, and, and the features that they don't, they don't get into the plumbing very often running. They don't do it on mass briefing.

Leo Laporte (00:44:29):
It's actually running iOS 15 four. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Rene Ritchie (00:44:34):
It's it basically all it's doing is the the yo yo Jimbo, the, the yo series stuff. It's doing the audio processing for the microphone,

Leo Laporte (00:44:43):
The center stage to

Rene Ritchie (00:44:44):
The speakers and it's in the center stage. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (00:44:46):
So do you see that

Andy Ihnatko (00:44:46):
People have

Leo Laporte (00:44:47):
Looked at output, say it's only using two gigs of that storage, but you know, again, you got the system on the chip. The other reason it's good have 64 gigs is it could update itself. Although apparently it doesn't, you have to use the the Mac to do the update. So

Rene Ritchie (00:45:01):

Andy Ihnatko (00:45:03):
Yeah, I was gonna, I was just gonna say, do you see that someone on TWiTer dumped the the mg of the system image for that? And so they found the recovery mode screen for the monitor?

Leo Laporte (00:45:12):
No, I have to find that

Andy Ihnatko (00:45:14):
It's a it's I put in the show notes.

Leo Laporte (00:45:17):
I love it. I love it. But it's so easy to think, Dennis, see doesn't that look good? That's a sharp. There you go. It's a sharp hoodie. I like that. I'm

Andy Ihnatko (00:45:27):
Damn like you, you Renee are, are both like the cool kids with hoodies and I I'm doing the work shirt,

Leo Laporte (00:45:33):
Like, like a I'll Mason. I'll get you some books.

Rene Ritchie (00:45:36):
Oh, come on. You're adorable,

Leo Laporte (00:45:37):
Andy. This is the one I'm not gonna thank you. I'm not gonna wear to work. I, I, I, I'm a sucker for white shirts, but man,

Rene Ritchie (00:45:45):
Leah, that looks so good. You could clean a nano texture, just play.

Leo Laporte (00:45:46):
That's the problem. I'm also a sucker for spaghetti and white and tomato sauce. Oh man, though this I'm gonna wear this, I don't know. Next time I'm at a wedding. I don't know. Isn't it gorgeous?

Andy Ihnatko (00:46:01):
Just get a Sharpie and draw a bow tie on. It'll be

Leo Laporte (00:46:04):

Andy Ihnatko (00:46:05):
I've done that.

Leo Laporte (00:46:06):
So is it where, what line number is the tweet? Cause I would like to

Andy Ihnatko (00:46:10):
That would be,

Leo Laporte (00:46:12):
Oh, it, as I see it, Martin noble the recovery, this is the thing you do not wanna see. And I, I'm gonna be honest, Renee. It's one of the reasons I cancel this. I don't want an operating system in my monitor. Yeah.

Andy Ihnatko (00:46:29):
Well it depend, it depends if it meets that. If it means like on my, on my Dell display, I have had half hour instruments of frustration because look where you you're you everyth thing where you don't get the screen. Yes. You are plugged into a display for

Leo Laporte (00:46:44):
Look constantly I'll.

Andy Ihnatko (00:46:45):
So if so, if they use that to say, hi, here's explicit. If here, if you're seeing the screen and you're not expecting to see the screen, here's some information that I can give you because cause I'm a working operating system and I can do a self diagnostic.

Rene Ritchie (00:46:57):
I'll also gently point out that I have a display here that runs Macs and I have a display here that runs web OS. So I'm just OS all over my displays.

Leo Laporte (00:47:04):
Yeah. Well I know, I mean, if I could buy a TV, I love my LG TVs. If I could buy a TV that didn't have web OS, that was just a monitor. I at least

Rene Ritchie (00:47:12):
The little web OS birds are so cute. Well, I

Leo Laporte (00:47:14):
Think that at least I can buy a monitor that doesn't have an operating system. Yeah.

Rene Ritchie (00:47:19):
They have embedded limits or stuff. They gotta be running something in there. It's gotta be like,

Leo Laporte (00:47:22):
What do you

Alex Lindsay (00:47:23):
Mean? But I, I think that, I think that the ability to, to, to also do things like just share to the monitor without having to deal with the computer and how to integrate it or whatever

Leo Laporte (00:47:30):
They put all that. But you can't do any of that.

Rene Ritchie (00:47:33):
I filed radars for that. I filed radars for stereo pairing. If you have two displays also for sidecar and for airplay without a, a Mac, like

Leo Laporte (00:47:41):
I just wanna, this is a radar. It's not a bug radar. This is a request for a feature request.

Alex Lindsay (00:47:46):
I, I, yeah, I, I, I still, I feel like, especially with 64 gigs of Ram maybe not, but sure. Seems like there's a lot of smoke in that area. 64

Rene Ritchie (00:47:55):
Gigs of SSD. I, the Ram is lower

Alex Lindsay (00:47:57):
Or I'm sorry, not Ram, but SD, but I mean 60, 64 gigs of, of, I'm just saying, I'm not saying that there's a fire. I'm just saying there's a lot of smoke.

Leo Laporte (00:48:06):

Andy Ihnatko (00:48:07):
There's, that's a, that is just an interest thing. Like, I don't know, sociological thing where if no, if they managed to put all that stuff behind like a blob of like black plastic, like on the back of most things and no one who did the tear down could sense that, Hey, wait a minute, look at everything that's in here. Now, now that people know that there's essentially a full featured iOS computer in here, are people gonna be disappointed if they buy this and on our own initiative, they decided, Hey, wait a minute. In two years, this, this thing is capable of being an airplane target. Why isn't this an airplane target? Hey, this can run iOS apps. Why isn't this running iOS apps?

Leo Laporte (00:48:38):
I think that's what's happening right now. And, and, and yeah, Hey, you know what, if they turn that on, I will buy it. But until they do well, you

Rene Ritchie (00:48:46):
Know what? Leo like AirPods run audios and Apple has upgraded that several times. Like they've added facial audio and a bunch of other features. It'd be interesting if these were the first upgradeable displays, like all of a sudden like WWC comes out and goes, here's direct, direct point of point airplay enjoy.

Leo Laporte (00:49:00):

Alex Lindsay (00:49:01):
Well, and, and, and the, and the point is, regardless of what they're planning to do in the media future, putting that chip in with some storage means that they can do all kinds of things in the future. The problem you really get into when you buy hardware is you're now committing to it, especially a monitor you're gonna keep for a long time. And so having something in there that, that at this point, doesn't cost them very much to add. You know, they, they add that to it and now they can do all kinds of things in the

Leo Laporte (00:49:22):
Future. You, so that's what Garman was saying is don't expect that Apple never does that. And I think Renee was kind of saying that too. Do you really think they might? That's a possibility. I think they're gonna come along.

Rene Ritchie (00:49:32):
I didn't think they'd ever upgrade AirPods. Whoever heard us, your headset upgraded and they,

Leo Laporte (00:49:36):
Yeah, just cuz Apples never done something doesn't mean they won't do it because they've done that before. You

Alex Lindsay (00:49:41):
Also have to look at they, they, that, that they may want to be able to tell you that this works all the way back to some certain date. Right? So, so for instance, the ultra wide band chips were being added for a long time without even talking about them. Right. You know, like, you know, like they're, they're just being put into those into the, into the phones because it allows them. And then like HDR, there's a lot of things in HDR and, and atmo process and so on and so forth. That was being added to the, the being added to the hardware for a long time. Because now what you can say is we now have a hundred, there's another value to Apple being able to tell partners, I've got a hundred million people or 200 million people that can use this technology is different than saying, well, we just started shipping him and we're hoping that it goes well.

Rene Ritchie (00:50:20):
Oh, and to Alex's point like they, this isn't an HDR panel. The way that we think about it now, like with a thousand knits of OLET or mini L E D. But back with the I, with the 2017 iPads, Apple implemented the quasi dodgy, L C D consortiums version of HDR. And this goes to 600 knits. And basically what it does is it lowers the base knits and then brightens them for the highlights. It can't get the blacks, but it, it takes HDR source. Like the Apple TV plus stuff is the HDR source. If airdrop, HDR from your iPhone, it takes the HDR tone map. And then it does what they call EDR, where it just extends. It pulls as much dynamic range out of as it, as it

Leo Laporte (00:50:54):
Can. Well, without

Rene Ritchie (00:50:54):
It's better than a lot of really cheap

Leo Laporte (00:50:56):
HDR without local dimming. That is not HDR. I'm sorry. And you can't get a that's that ain't HDR. I'm sorry.

Rene Ritchie (00:51:04):
They call it EDR. But like, it gives you much better than a, an LCD panel we'll

Alex Lindsay (00:51:08):
Give you. Yeah. And, and it's, and, and I will say that the Apple's tone mapping is exceptional, you know, even, even to things that are SDR. So it's, they do a pretty good job of them.

Leo Laporte (00:51:17):
I remember the days where people would go, that's not HDR, that's tone mapping. It

Rene Ritchie (00:51:21):
Was a big was because L about like three years ago or four, actually five years ago, HDR, like ed could get inky blacks, but they could not get bright at all. And LCD could get really bright, but they could not get black. And they were fighting over what the definition of HDR should be. Luckily the, the right side one has

Leo Laporte (00:51:39):
Been solved. I mean, this is a monitor from two years ago. Well, it has not solved today. It's been solved. Well that

Rene Ritchie (00:51:45):

Leo Laporte (00:51:45):
Right. Ed got bright. There's key Q led there's all sorts of technologies that, that bring these two together. So you can get a full array, local diming, inexpensively on a TV, then get real HDR on your LCD,

Alex Lindsay (00:52:00):
But you have to be careful of, of the it's also what makes sense as a monitor. So there's a lot of things, for instance, O led looks really, really great, but leave a Mon leaves some white emails you know, like white background emails on your OED for a little while, like walk away for lunch and come back. And Ooh, you're gonna be really bummed because that, you know, and, and I've seen we've, we've, we've left we left a graphic. I didn't leave it, but somebody will just say left a graphic on an O L E D overnight. And that was the end of the monitor. Yeah. Like, you know, so, so monitors are different, are different B than TV. So, because we solved it with TVs doesn't necessarily mean they make good monitors. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (00:52:33):
Although I have a beautiful 55 inch OED monitor my alien wear monitor 120 Hertz refresh rates. Gorgeous. They're really nice. And you know, I make sure it turns itself off after 15 minutes. I don't, I don't allow it to stay. That

Rene Ritchie (00:52:46):
Was the other thing you can't get, some people wear upset. You can't get 5k 120 money Hertz, but that's the limitation of Thunderbolt for it can do 4k 120 H or 5k 60 that that's, the, the protocol will not go any faster than that until they ship display port 2.0 and Thunderbolt five.

Leo Laporte (00:53:01):
Whenever they that's another question I have, can I, I'm gonna be putting this studio on that 120 Hertz monitor. It's 4k. It's not 5k. Can it run it

Rene Ritchie (00:53:12):
4K? You're fine. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (00:53:13):
Okay, good. Oh, that's great. I thought you're good. I thought I limited to 60. Okay. That's good. Yeah. All right.

Andy Ihnatko (00:53:19):
One of one other thing that just, just occurred to me that I wish there, it were possible to do a tear down of the, the signal path of what, what the logic is doing inside there, because it kind, it, it just, it just occurred to me that Iowas devices have an end of life designation where at some point, no, we're not gonna update the firm. We're not gonna update the software for this anymore. So whatever it does right now, that's what's gonna do, or in the, whatever we do in the, future's not gonna work with it. Wouldn't it be terrible if it's not truly it's not truly a, a display port, like a display that at some point it needs the software to say, oh yes, this is a, this is a valid device. I'm gonna accept this signal and I'm gonna put it on this panel. And in five years time, it's gonna say, oh, sorry. I know that you've got, I know that the, I know that the H DMI TV that your, your aunt won in a church church raffle 18 years ago still works today. But your five year old's $1,500. Apple panel is no longer gonna work, cuz we don't wanna upload before. It's

Rene Ritchie (00:54:12):
If you have nothing, like if you plug it in as a bare panel, you don't get the, like the iOS stuff. Obviously like you get just a basic webcam, basic speakers, basic mic, but like you can plug it into anything and it'll still work as a basic panel.

Andy Ihnatko (00:54:23):
What, what I'm saying, what I mean is bonus. What, what I mean is internally like the, is I wish I had the language for this to make this, to say this officially

Rene Ritchie (00:54:33):
To validate

Andy Ihnatko (00:54:33):
Is, is meaning that, meaning that is it a, is, is this a display port monitor that happens to have an iOS computer inside it that's adding extra features. Is this an iOS computer that takes a display port input, runs it through an iOS thing. Right? Exactly. That's what I meant. Yeah.

Rene Ritchie (00:54:54):

Andy Ihnatko (00:54:54):
I, I don't think, I don't think they'd pull that, but if there's one, but if there's one copy that would pull that it would be out

Rene Ritchie (00:54:59):
Would pull. That is also be interesting because like the home pods were iOS and now they're they're they're homos. Yeah. Unofficially home OS the AirPods are like unofficially audios. Maybe need to see if Apple develops on like a panel OS when they have enough of these for like the next generation XDR that they just, instead of putting the whole monolithic iOS build on this, they just like, these are the parts we need. We're shipping this part now and it's not gonna have exactly what you're talking about. Those sorts of update limits on it.

Leo Laporte (00:55:26):
Grins says this is gonna be a disappointment to many. The Apple MacBook air refresh has been delayed till next year. And there will be no new MacBook pro 14 or MacBook pro 16 models until next year it says chip shortage is Garman off. Is he right? Is this by the way, Renee? I, I told him about out your germanin thesis. I watched,

Rene Ritchie (00:55:51):

Leo Laporte (00:55:52):
Watched, I, I believe he supported it. Yeah.

Rene Ritchie (00:55:55):
When mark, when mark says he thinks, or he wants like, he wants routers, he's saying he wants routers. Sources say new routers are coming. Then sources are telling him new routers.

Leo Laporte (00:56:03):
I always ignore stories that say things like I want Apple or here's what Apple should do because Apple's not listening. And I don't, it doesn't matter what you think Apple should do. I mean, maybe Apple should do routers. I don't know. But it doesn't matter what

Rene Ritchie (00:56:16):
Apple wasn't gonna do an iPad mini until I'm blanking on his name. Now O'Brien from giga O said look how great this is. And Eddie saw that and he goes, wait a minute. They're praising products that aren't ours.

Leo Laporte (00:56:27):
Oh, oh, okay. Well I have to thank him then, but

Rene Ritchie (00:56:30):
You never know

Leo Laporte (00:56:30):
Who's reading. I do love that minute. Kevin tole. Sorry. Oh, Kevin. TOFL really we, so next time I talked to Kevin, I'm gonna thank him. Yeah. Kevin TOFL made, made Apple make a mini. I believe it

Rene Ritchie (00:56:39):
Was Kevin. Yeah. Wow. Cause Eddie got his article. Then Eddie went, bought the, the, the, which tab, whatever tablet,

Leo Laporte (00:56:45):
The pixel seven probably. Yeah. Or the one

Rene Ritchie (00:56:47):
Right before that, the very first Samsung.

Leo Laporte (00:56:49):
Oh, Samsung six

Rene Ritchie (00:56:50):
Inch tablet that came out. Sorry, not six inch, eight inch, but came out right before the pixel did. And then Eddie carried around. He goes, no, no, we gotta make this. And Steve's like, fine. But if you're wrong, it's like same thing with iTunes on windows. It's on. It's your fault. It's all on you, man.

Leo Laporte (00:57:03):
So that's disappointing. Why do we think that the first of all, do we think Mark's right and why do we think he's right? If he is

Rene Ritchie (00:57:09):
Right, the MacBook pros were never coming. I think, I think people would all, like, sometimes people get angry if something new comes out, which is like the weirdest thing, but like they just bought it and they don't want a new version for a while. So it's not gonna

Leo Laporte (00:57:17):
A yearly refresh on the, on the the M ones like M two,

Rene Ritchie (00:57:21):
I think 18 months I think is gonna be the case. But the air I think is, is disappointing because I think people waited a lot.

Leo Laporte (00:57:27):
We wanted number of colors.

Rene Ritchie (00:57:29):
Yeah. We're just never like, Intel's gonna make fun of Apple at a certain point for not getting their chips out fast enough.

Leo Laporte (00:57:35):

Andy Ihnatko (00:57:36):
Well also also I'm, I'm, I'm not necessarily an iPad air, excuse me, a MacBook air consumer, but I'm excited by the idea of what they could do with a case design designed from the ground up around, around Apple Silicon, with its, with its power with its power features with its heat features. It could really be like it. They could sell me something that like with a keyboard included but just like this iPad, iPad pro with a, with a magic keyboard, they could make something as absolutely cool slim and sexy as this without, without making it to a door stop shape. Yeah.

Alex Lindsay (00:58:13):

Andy Ihnatko (00:58:13):
Also that can get one in purple. That would be nice.

Leo Laporte (00:58:15):
I I'm that's what I wanted was the

Alex Lindsay (00:58:17):

Leo Laporte (00:58:17):
Especially now that I know an M one is an M one is an M one. I'm not gonna discriminate against a MacBook here anymore.

Alex Lindsay (00:58:23):
I want an octagon shape.

Leo Laporte (00:58:27):
You're not gonna, you could say it all you want.

Rene Ritchie (00:58:29):
I think the

Alex Lindsay (00:58:29):
UFC, that's what I want. That's what I, exactly Apple should do that. Exactly.

Leo Laporte (00:58:34):
Want it?

Andy Ihnatko (00:58:35):
You could put your MMA like action figures on it. Have 'em fight out. Yeah,

Alex Lindsay (00:58:38):
Exactly. And it has a little retracting net.

Leo Laporte (00:58:42):
It's the octagon. I get it

Alex Lindsay (00:58:46):
Into the New escort.

Leo Laporte (00:58:51):
How about the Mac pro June, end of the year,

Alex Lindsay (00:58:54):
June tees of

Rene Ritchie (00:58:55):
The end

Leo Laporte (00:58:55):
Of the year, June Ts. Junet June tee. They teased us March 8th. They said there's one more. Yeah. I've

Alex Lindsay (00:59:02):
That's that sounded, that was, I've never heard Apple do that with, well, except for the Mac pro they keep on, they'll tell us that. But after the, the Bole with the charger, I thought they would learn to never, I,

Leo Laporte (00:59:12):
The max studio,

Rene Ritchie (00:59:14):
This was the trash can again, and they didn't want people to panic. This was the only high end Mac.

Leo Laporte (00:59:17):
Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Right, right. For a lot of people, the studio is exactly what I mean. I'm very happy. I'm not gonna be putting in any GPU cards into my Mac anytime soon. So I'm I don't need the expandability,

Rene Ritchie (00:59:29):
No rate

Leo Laporte (00:59:29):
Cards, no rate cards. I mean, I don't need the expandability fiber. I'm happy. So the studio's exactly what I want. Once you get over the kind of the thickness of it, and I spell that with two CS, you, you kind of go, that's a nice looking little,

Rene Ritchie (00:59:43):
You talk about how heavy the copper heat sink is.

Leo Laporte (00:59:46):
It's so heavy

Rene Ritchie (00:59:47):
Ones, like two pounds heavier.

Leo Laporte (00:59:47):
Oh my God. It made I have them here, Micah and I, when we unbox it. Yeah. So I don't have some side by side. When you side by side, you can really tell a difference between

Rene Ritchie (00:59:56):
The yeah. I stack them. Yeah. Yeah. One's one's I tried to hold them both hands for my thumbnails

Leo Laporte (01:00:02):
When A's gone. Well, as I said, I get my max Friday and Lisa's got the ultra, so I will, yeah. Oh, doctor said I should sneak in, in the middle of the night and swap 'em like, if baby

Rene Ritchie (01:00:16):
Use that, Alex Lindsay uses, ketlebells just like, get, get your words. If

Leo Laporte (01:00:20):
Honestly, if I swapped the, it took her ultra and gave her my max. She would not know the difference at all. Except now you told her you've

Rene Ritchie (01:00:29):
Already, she's gonna put a sticker on it now yet. Now she's putting a sticker on it.

Leo Laporte (01:00:31):
She's put a sticker on. Yeah, exactly. Honestly, I don't think I would notice either. And so why go to all that trouble? If even I even, I'm not gonna notice, I'm gonna be very happy with the max. I think potentially break things. The ultimate rule of, of relationships. Exactly. No, you know what?

Rene Ritchie (01:00:48):
The thing where a bunch of YouTubers bought Mac pros, when the new Mac pro came out in 2019, nobody used like, nobody uses 1.5 buys that brand. Nobody, nobody like nobody needed those things, but it was the flex at the time, Leo, this is your flex.

Leo Laporte (01:01:00):
No, there's a lot of over buying when it comes to Apples. Yeah. Of always,

Rene Ritchie (01:01:04):
Always we spend, we have no lives. We have no lives. Other than this, some people go on vacation. Some people buy fancy cars. Some people like this is all we have.

Leo Laporte (01:01:12):
Well, I actually go through this thought experiment, cuz right now it's justified. We have to, you know, we have to test 'em and try 'em and you know, talk about 'em. But when I don't have to someday in the future, the dim, dark distant future when I'm not actually, when you,

Rene Ritchie (01:01:27):
When you do a do.

Leo Laporte (01:01:28):
Yeah. When I do a Dori, that's good. I like it. So when I do the Dori, what would I buy? What will I buy? How often will I buy? I certainly won't four phones get an iPad.

Rene Ritchie (01:01:40):
Well, you have more electric cars. Yeah,

Leo Laporte (01:01:43):
No that's for right. It's a different world.

Andy Ihnatko (01:01:47):
Yeah. I mean, but it is part of Apple culture because we've grown up knowing that this is exactly when I say grown up, I mean from the, from first Apple purchase to like the rest of our lives we've grown up knowing that we, we will be, we will be seeing, we will be shown a simple, like a fancy restaurant. We'll be shown a simple menu of the five things we can choose from. And we will pick one of them and we are, and we are likely to say whatever it is, I think I need, I wanna go one better because who knows what will happen in the future? I wanna get five years out of this. Whereas if we were windows people, God forbid one of the nice things is that we could say, no, here are like a hundred you can choose from.

Andy Ihnatko (01:02:20):
And if you don't see one thing, something that's perfect for you, go ahead and build it to your own specs because all the infrastructure is there. So yeah, there is, there is a lot of that. Like again, just as, as I, as I said earlier, I, if I had, if I had already put aside $2,000 to, for a new desktop Mac, I'm gonna, I am going to be spending this, but I necessarily have that set aside right now. I very might I very well might have bought a Mac a Mac studio, like the day that it was announced. Whereas after, after things cooled off, I'm like, you know what? I wasn't gonna buy. I wasn't gonna, I wasn't gonna buy this until the end of the year. Anyway, I'm gonna wait to see what the

Leo Laporte (01:02:55):
It's good to have a cool off. Always good to have a cool off period with that. That's

Rene Ritchie (01:02:58):
The order, the order period, Leo, it goes to five months real fast. So you can cool off for

Leo Laporte (01:03:02):
Like, by the way, that's a really good thing that, because they, you can cancel with no penalty if they haven't shipped it yet. So

Rene Ritchie (01:03:08):
Instance I bought of the Apple is shipping. Yeah. Can't get in video card or you still can't get like a BSR.

Leo Laporte (01:03:14):
They are shipping. But I canceling this

Rene Ritchie (01:03:17):
Super, like if you ever see people who leave Apple, like if they've been at Apple for 10, 20, 50, like, like 30 years and they leave Apple, all of a sudden, they don't know how to buy Apple gear anymore. They dunno know how to buy their own iPhone. They dunno how to buy their own computer. But also like, they won't be it like they were living on purple restore for years. They won't even put the beta on. They won't even put the current release version on and then like they won't upgrade either. And they'll upgrade like when the computer literally falls at the dust in front of them and its

Leo Laporte (01:03:44):
The most, it's so sad to see transition waiting in line at the Apple store to get his iPhone. It's just a sad, sad. I'm teasing.

Andy Ihnatko (01:03:54):
It's a proud, it's

Leo Laporte (01:03:55):
A proud thing. Yeah. You know what? I would wait in line to get my new ultimate ears. So let me me talk about this as sponsor. We'll come back and talk some more about all this Apple stuff. But you know that I wear any ear monitors that are molded. These are custom molded. You go to an audiologist, they pour stuff in your ear. You have to sit with your jaw open for like three minutes and then they pull it out like with a string and it's, and it's kind, it's expensive, it's complicated. And then you get earbuds that are molded to your ear and or your ear alone. And for this reason, cuz I'm so used to these. I never liked earbuds cuz they never fit quite right. Well for years I've had ultimate ears, molded earbuds. I am really pleased. Ultimate ears has come up with something that's in between.

Leo Laporte (01:04:39):
It's the ultimate ears fits. And while you don't have to go to an audiologist, these are actually fitted to my ears, which is really, really cool. These silicone they're not just round generic, silicone tips. They actually are fitted to my ear canal. So not only do they fit perfectly, but they, but they seal. So you get base. They sound wonderful. The other here, I we're actually gonna show you the process because I got the ultimate ears some time ago and I wanted to record the fitting process. It's something they call light form technology. And what you do is you you're gonna see in a minute, you, you, you, when notice that was sealed and you now immediately you have a, a minute or two, but you wanna put that in your ear right away. First you first you get 'em turned on in the, in the little box there use the app, which is a great little lap that walks you through the light form process.

Leo Laporte (01:05:36):
You put 'em in your ear and the light form technology. It heats. You see it's, it's doing it right now. Heats somehow heats it up a little bit. Not to hot, not hot. You feel it getting warm. And then it molds to your ear. 60 seconds later, you have a perfect fit. It isolates you. The base is better. It it's much, much more comfortable. There's another reason no one else can borrow your earbuds cuz they don't fit their ears. They only fit my ears. I, I just am a big, big fan of these. The sound quality is superb. You get eight hours of continuous playback on a single charge 20 hours with this carrying case, which is beautiful. I got the white one because it just looks like a beautiful Riverstone. It's soft and round. It's, it's great for listening to podcasts, but it's the best Bluetooth headphones I've ever used for listening to music as well.

Leo Laporte (01:06:30):
And it's not surprising ultimate years. I mean I've been using ultimate years for years. They perfected invent hit. In fact, this technology pro musicians, high-fi enthusiasts have have been using ultimate ears for 25 years when bono, you know, pulls out his, his earpiece, those are molded to his ears. Chances are good. Those are ultimate ears. They, they started it all way back when full warm sound it's got a great punchy, low end of course is customized EQ, which I I went through and you can customize it to your hearing cuz I'm an old man. And so I wanted to make it, you know, little, little bump at the high end and it sounds fantastic. Oh yeah, those that's a microphone by the way, which is really cool. So you can you can pause and play music. You can answer calls. Of course it's got a, to much sensitive surface on both ears.

Leo Laporte (01:07:21):
So it's very easy to pair. It's very easy to answer calls. Turn the volume up, turn the volume down, ask your voice assistant of choice. It's for something. I think you're gonna love them. And if you try them and you don't, there's a 30 day money back guarantee even though they're molded to your ear, which I think is pretty cool, free shipping free returns, one year warranty. If you've been looking for earbuds that don't fall out. That sound great. That fit as if they were custom molded. You want ultimate ears cuz they are. They are fantastic. Go to use promo Mac break. Ultimate ears is to get your pair of UE fits and you get, I think the, the greatest fit look at that promo code, Mac break, ultimate ears. These are really, I mean I'm, I am absolutely serious. These are really fantastic. I keep 'em in my my my European carry so that I always have 'em with me of course works great with the iPhone and every other phone I have Thank you. Ultimate ears. They sent me these so I could try the fitting because I said, look, I gotta try this where I can recommend it. Cuz I'm a little spoiled, you know, with these, these are great

Speaker 7 (01:08:44):

Leo Laporte (01:08:45):
All right. Mac Paul, let's talk about Macal we talked about 'em on Sunday. One of many great companies that are in Ukraine. Scott island does Luminar love these guys. You know, they are in a miserable situation. I think it's interesting. Macon does clean my Mac X, right? And they do some really nice little utilities for the Mac set app. We've recommended 'em before they say, despite the invasion of our country by Russia, we you're gonna continue to work. We're in cave, Kiev ki Kiev. So no.

Andy Ihnatko (01:09:23):
Well thank you for trying. It was very good.

Leo Laporte (01:09:25):
No, I wa so this, we don't talk about exactly twig. We watched a, a Ukrainian woman say no it's cave.

Speaker 7 (01:09:34):

Leo Laporte (01:09:34):
I'll say Keve cuz that's I think then you'll know what I'm talking about. So what they've done, which is I think hysterical, they made a, a Mac app to know whether your data is held on Russian servers.

Speaker 7 (01:09:48):

Leo Laporte (01:09:48):
Great. Isn't that amazing? It's called spy Buster. It's free Mac paw.

Andy Ihnatko (01:09:52):

Leo Laporte (01:09:53):
You scan your Mac, determines whether any apps are Russian or be Russin. It can also tell whether any data is sent to servers in those regions. The data is significant because MACPA points out. This is from Apple and insider. Under Russian law. Authorities can command local servers to hand over voice calls, data images, text messages from the last six months. If it's stored on our server in Russia, you might as well assume that Russian authorities can access it at any time. And that data has to be held on Russian servers for three years. So spy Buster is available from MACPA. We should all support them in all these other great developers in Ukraine. And you made the

Rene Ritchie (01:10:37):
Not know cuz they might use an SDK or they might have used a third, like a open source software package or they might use a service that actually is BA like it's hard to tell. So these things are invaluable.

Leo Laporte (01:10:45):

Andy Ihnatko (01:10:47):
It's very interesting. This kind of digital activism that's coming out specifically for this conflict. It's it's really, really great to see. It's it's, it's reassuring to see the amount of power that is still retained by an individual who has, has some ability and has resources and wants to do the right thing.

Leo Laporte (01:11:01):
And Alex, I'm sorry, but your India photogrammetry is probably on a Russian server right now. I'm sorry.

Speaker 7 (01:11:08):

Leo Laporte (01:11:09):
I didn't know. I didn't know, man.

Andy Ihnatko (01:11:11):
I, I, I have to admit until

Alex Lindsay (01:11:12):
You said that I have forgotten. I like, I just hadn't thought about me

Leo Laporte (01:11:16):
Shape. There's a lot of great software written in a lot of good coders, a lot of good coders in Russia, but also Ukraine. A lot of the former Soviet union, they were very skilled coders and well trained and and they're making great software including by the way, GI soft, which is in St. Petersburg. And I have no reason to think Agisoft is, you know, a Putin puppet. So I, you know, I I'm torn. I don't know what I, you know, I don't know. I don't know, but this is probably a good thing to get, you

Rene Ritchie (01:11:48):
Know, the people and not love their current

Leo Laporte (01:11:49):
Leadership. Absolutely. I don't, I don't blame the people at all for their, I mean, there is much you know, at as mercy, as anybody and

Rene Ritchie (01:11:58):
Former governor Schwartz ager is, is getting

Leo Laporte (01:12:01):
Don't. You love Arnold. Damn. I love Arnold man. By the way he is, I

Rene Ritchie (01:12:07):
Thought I wanna retire. He

Leo Laporte (01:12:08):
Is being, yeah, I know. Isn't it great. He's got his, he's got, I don't know what that is. As jacket with a California flag, the American flag on I'm putting on my, get me my jackets. I'm going to make a video. 

Andy Ihnatko (01:12:22):
I mean, I, I, you know, I'm, it sounds like I'm, I'm trying to be funny here, but I'm being serious. It's it's, he's in, he's in the running to be elected like the male Dolly Parton. And I agree you don't, you don't hear from him mobile app, but when he says something, it is beautiful. It is perfect. It makes, it makes it, it, it helps the situation. And just like when he, when he made that video after the January 6th attempted insurrection, this is just Frank direct hits, hits all the points and just absolutely again, makes you very, very happy to have at least at least be genetically speaking the same species as this individual.

Leo Laporte (01:12:58):
I love it. That he's taking his notoriety from such movies as total recall and the Terminator and turning it into political capital is hysterical.

Andy Ihnatko (01:13:07):
Well, again, it's, it's like you, you, you make assumptions about people, celebrities too, where like, oh, okay, well he's a muscle bound guy and he decided to become an or like, no, he actually like, again, came to this country with basically nothing. He, he basically was motivated by what he wanted to do, what he wanted accomplish started like a construction business that, that put him on his feet and made him wealthy, went from there to this, this, this, this. And you're like, okay, I guess, I guess the times when, like we're making fun of like the, the accent about, oh, I'm still, but I, all I do is lift face. Oh, actually he's about five times smarter and 10 times more capable than I've been in the best day of my life.

Leo Laporte (01:13:43):
And of course as a result is being reviled by state TV in Russia. On Sunday evening with Vladimir gin said that face, that face, that Schwarze nega face the cover page of American imperialism and colonialism, not the caricature image of uncle Sam, but these Schwartz in the Hollywood production really,

Andy Ihnatko (01:14:08):
You know what Schwartz means.

Leo Laporte (01:14:09):
Yeah. Yeah. Isn't that interesting? Isn't that telling? Yeah. okay. Yeah. Good on you, Arnold Arnold, here he is in his, in his special jumpsuit. The Gator, we call him

Andy Ihnatko (01:14:27):
That that's a power office

Leo Laporte (01:14:28):
Too. Oh man. Yeah. The last video he had a samurai sword that he brought out. This was the COVID

Andy Ihnatko (01:14:34):
No, there was, was the Conan sword, like

Leo Laporte (01:14:36):

Andy Ihnatko (01:14:37):
That's a hero. The hero process. Yeah,

Leo Laporte (01:14:38):
Yeah, yeah. The hero sword get yourself to Mars. Apple is fine for the ninth time. There's only one more week. And then this will all be over Apple by the Dutch regulators. It's 5 million euros every week. And I think the max is 10 weeks. Right? So one more

Andy Ihnatko (01:15:00):
Week that Apple just looked at it and

Rene Ritchie (01:15:01):
Said, well, in ones

Alex Lindsay (01:15:03):
I, the funny thing is, is that I think that Apple just saw it and says like, well, that'll cost $50 million. And then they went back to what they were doing. They were like,

Rene Ritchie (01:15:09):
Yeah, like Tim cook has a stock of singles and he's just counting singles every week.

Leo Laporte (01:15:13):
Make it rain, Tim make it rain.

Andy Ihnatko (01:15:16):
Exactly like that scene of the godfather where like son grabs a camera away from a reporter, smashes it to the ground, throws that's on. And then just like, there's all things pills up. See that you don't wanna be Apple, Apple. You don't wanna be son Caron worst. You want be, and you don't wanna be either of those guys really?

Leo Laporte (01:15:36):
Is it ironic that Apple itself has changed Apple music on Android so that they don't have to give 30% to Google? Yeah. Is there a little line?

Rene Ritchie (01:15:47):
I agree with Google. That's not ironic, but not by putting the button. There is a, is a lot. Oh

Leo Laporte (01:15:51):
Yeah. They break their it's. Okay. You don't have to.

Rene Ritchie (01:15:53):
Yeah. You don't have to pay the money if you don't want to, but putting a button that you don't allow people to put on the, on iOS apps on the Android app, because Google does allow it. That's a bridge too far. Yeah, sir.

Leo Laporte (01:16:03):
Apple, Apple TV app on Android TV and Google TV will not let users buy or rent movies because Apple apparently had made a deal with Google that they wouldn't have to pay commissions on in-app payments. That deal expired. They were negotiating. They didn't find a solution, so they removed it, but then they did the thing that Apple won't let you do. But Google does, there is a button that says how to watch with a simple, clear explanation of how you can buy a rent content by going to a different device,

Rene Ritchie (01:16:34):
Like have some empathy, right? Like it's hard. Like if you app stores are aggregators of apps and a lot of apps are aggregators of content. Like whether it's comic books or books or videos or TV or music, and you can't do a 70, 30, 30 split, that's just not how math works. So like it's very little room for double aggregators and Apple is like feeling this pain, but they're just like, whatever we can do it on. Whoops.

Leo Laporte (01:16:55):
Would it with you Alex, if Apple allowed a button that said, here's how you can buy this stuff.

Alex Lindsay (01:17:01):
You know, the, the main thing is, is that as we open that up as an, as an Android user, they do whatever they're gonna do as a, as a Mac user. I think that the, the Apple user, I guess what I would say is that, and I don't think Apple should have put that button on because of what their rules are. So I agree with Renee that that's, that was dumb. Yeah. You know, and so the but so I, you know, and the problem is it undermines their entire case for them to do that. And that was just a unfor error. They shouldn't, they shouldn't do that. You know, they should follow their own rules inside of, inside of the Android platform for the eight people that are using Apple TV on, on the Android platform. And so, so the so the thing is, is that, but I, I think that the problem is it's not that by creating that, by opening that little gap, you know, what happens is, is that, you know, like at this point, like Netflix makes you go, like, I'm about to get rid of Netflix because I'm gonna get rid of everything that require or some other login other than my Apple remote.

Alex Lindsay (01:17:52):
Cause I've just had it, you know? And, and so the thing, and, and like in general, the Apple TV is a kind of a disaster when it comes to apps because they let all these people check for cable and, and then you have to, I have to, like, I still haven't gotten, I pay, I don't know how much for, for masterclass. I still watch it by sharing my phone to my I, my Apple TV, because I can't get masterclass to work on my Apple TV, you know? And so, so the thing is because it requires some login that I, and I go to the website and I do this thing. That's, that's what all will happen to everything. If they start opening that up. And that's the thing it's from a user's experience, it's way better to say this is the way it works. You know, I think I

Rene Ritchie (01:18:30):
Have a better solution too. Like instead of just putting that button there just don't charge rev share on double aggregated content, the way you don't charge it on physical goods that I realized that would cost everybody a little bit of money, not that much money, like compared to how much money you make from everything else. But that would mean like you don't have to have the button. You don't like people could actually aggregate content and share it in a way. And we, it, it would just solve so many of these problems, which just seems so silly.

Andy Ihnatko (01:18:53):
Yeah. I, I just continue to have that annoyance with Apple. It's the, it's the one consistent thing that just annoys me about Apple and all the things I have to research about them and write about them, that they want to present this face, that we are a company we're human oriented. We care. We're not like the others. We care about you. We care about big issue. But again, I, not, not that I'm saying that they should be different from other trillion dollar companies, but it's always gonna be a fact that at a certain scale, any company's going to do is not gonna do things that interferes with the money. And if they, they're not gonna let the fact that, well, look, we've sent this message about why we are, why we are pressing these these these limitations upon the app app store developers that the app store developers thinks are unfair and unsuitable, but we're not gonna follow our own rules because we're special because for us to, for us to be consistent in that would cost us money. And we don't want this to cost us money.

Alex Lindsay (01:19:47):
Well, especially in a market that is like a 1% market for them. I mean, who, I don't know if I don't know anybody on Android, like, it just, it was such a, that that is, it literally is spiteful, like literally doing that is spiteful because it's not a market. Like the Android market is not a market for Apple, you know, movies, whatever it's,

Andy Ihnatko (01:20:04):
I mean, it's

Alex Lindsay (01:20:05):

Andy Ihnatko (01:20:06):
Cared enough Apple

Leo Laporte (01:20:07):
To make a standalone app and put it on Roku and a Google TV and other things I think they must think there's a market for that. That it's not as good as the Apple app. I, some people

Rene Ritchie (01:20:18):
On Android TV,

Leo Laporte (01:20:19):
Like nice that app, they

Alex Lindsay (01:20:21):
Cared enough about selling content

Leo Laporte (01:20:23):
From their own media store. That's what they cared about. Yeah. So there's a company called there's, there's a Apple.

Alex Lindsay (01:20:28):
I say the last thing, I would never get an app. I would never buy an Apple. I would never buy an app, get an app for just to watch the Apple content. That's the problem that they have right now is I think they want to get it out to more people. But the reason that I have it is because it comes with a bunch of other things. Like I don't like Apple TV plus is not turned that corner yet. You

Leo Laporte (01:20:45):
Don't like Ted lasso.

Alex Lindsay (01:20:47):
Oh, you don't like it. I, I just

Leo Laporte (01:20:50):

Alex Lindsay (01:20:50):
Episode, and I was like,

Leo Laporte (01:20:53):
Severance, servant, the morning show, the academy award nominated Coda. You don't like that. What's wrong with you, Alex

Alex Lindsay (01:21:02):
Too much. Brusselsprouts the

Rene Ritchie (01:21:03):
Space race is a lot of,

Leo Laporte (01:21:05):
But you like tiny, tiny how or whatever it is. Tiny village, tiny, tiny living.

Alex Lindsay (01:21:10):
Because, because the cinematography is Bel as someone who shoots, like what they shot, they got, I know, I know how hard it is to do what they did. And it was really hard and it was, and it looks beautiful. And it's like, what? You've, I just wish all educational content looked like tiny world or whatever. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (01:21:27):
Tiny world

Rene Ritchie (01:21:28):
Better Alex. I promise.

Alex Lindsay (01:21:30):
Well, yeah. Don't. Yeah, but they, but I, I just wanted to be thatm soul. Who did, I think it's Plym soul productions that did, that, did that. They do all the, a lot of the big national geographic stuff as well. And I'm sure that Apple just so they're well known for it. And Apple just said how about we give you all the money to do what you do? And they were like, sure, I got, yeah,

Rene Ritchie (01:21:49):
We'll take all the money.

Leo Laporte (01:21:50):

Alex Lindsay (01:21:50):
But it takes, it took a decade to make that, like, if you look at the second one they're at night, which is the kind of the night version of that decade,

Leo Laporte (01:21:56):
They shot that for 10 years.

Alex Lindsay (01:21:58):
That was a lot of stuff that they had already had in their banking. And so the thing is, is that, is that you could tell because when they went to the next one, which is like, Hey, let's build off of this. Yeah. Not so good. Like they fell off really quickly. You knows. Interesting. It's hard to produce that at mass in mass, in mass quantities,

Leo Laporte (01:22:14):
There's a company called live core. I was aware of it because Vic TRO left Google, he's a criter Google plus to work there. They make a thing that I use. And it's great to detect fi atrial fibrillation. Brachycardia tachycardia it's a little, you know, put your thumbs on it. And it's really cool. It records EKG. They wanna put something similar in the Apple watch Apple, they claim they're suing them. Apple changed. The heart rate algorithm says live core to make it effectively impossible for third parties to inform a user when to take an ECG. A judge has now ruled federal judge in San Jose has now ruled that Apple must face this lawsuit that claims it illegal mob, monopolizes the us market for heart rate monitoring apps for its Apple, watch a live core, makes a band, the cardio band wristband, which can record ECGs. The judge, actually, the judge is in Oakland. I'm sorry, says that the wristband compliments, but does not compete in that market. And so they dis he did dismiss a live course, separate claim that Apple maintaining a legal monopoly over ECG capable, smart watches, but the lawsuit can go ahead. Apple is allegedly trying to control the market for,

Rene Ritchie (01:23:40):
It's not even worth making Apple watch apps at this point. They

Leo Laporte (01:23:43):

Rene Ritchie (01:23:43):
They just make it an appliance. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (01:23:46):
And I, I, you know, I, you know, I have to say, I have a little soft spot for a live core because it's a really $99 device that is saving. Yeah.

Rene Ritchie (01:23:55):
Great. But like, this just sounds like a make work project for Apple. Like they, they, they're gonna have to make all the APIs and maintain all this. And the market for Apple watches is nowhere. Nearly what the market for Apple iPhone apps.

Leo Laporte (01:24:04):
Yeah. Yeah. True. True. Let's see. Do you have an iPhone running 15.4? Is your battery dying early? Apparently 5g is the problem. You can turn it off. This is according to Nicole noun in the wall street. What channel,

Alex Lindsay (01:24:29):
When you turn the 5g off, you know, what's gonna, you know what, you're gonna notice nothing, nothing,

Rene Ritchie (01:24:34):
Because LTE is

Leo Laporte (01:24:35):
Nothing it's like, okay, well, and I, I will say this, cuz I, I, I was able to find I have T-Mobile running on my iPhone 12 and I was able to find a mid band. There's three bands of 5g. There's low band, which is very,

Rene Ritchie (01:24:49):
You found a C band.

Leo Laporte (01:24:50):
Yeah. I found a C band. So there's a very wide speed, low band T-Mobile does it? I think at and T does it, it's exactly the same as LTE. It's just a different technology. So it's not any faster. There's the millimeter wave, which is Verizon's super fast that that's the one, they always talk about gigabit and stuff, but you can't find anywhere. You have to be within 800 feet of a millimeter waste, an

Rene Ritchie (01:25:11):
Hour care so much about they don't their C band up.

Leo Laporte (01:25:13):
They don't care, but C band is widely getting rolling out. T-Mobile does it at, and T does it, Verizon does it. And I've tried C band with both. My pixel six running or Noah Samsung has 22 running Verizon and this T-Mobile max iPhone 12 pro max 500 megabits down 30 up. It's great. Right. But who needs like two year point Alex? It's not, nobody's gonna notice. Cause what are you doing that you need 500 gig megabits down? I don't know. I

Alex Lindsay (01:25:44):
Mean, the thing that, that I'm noticing with every phone that I buy is my phone quality gets lower and lower and lower. So I, I keep on, I, I, I'm constantly not sure whether, you know, I just find that whether it's the other end or my end, that every time they keep, as they improve these things. Yeah. We're getting more data. But when I'm actually talking to someone on the what's want or that's or FaceTime audio or whatever, it's breaking up all the time and it's constant, it's a constant problem. And I feel like I need an ethernet cable for my phone to actually talk to people. And it's just it's. So I, you know, I remember when I got on a call and it just worked and I haven't had that experience for four or five years.

Leo Laporte (01:26:19):
Yeah. So you can, I guess you can turn all off and maybe you should, if you don't care or you're not within range of any of these special towers, turn off 5g and you'll probably get better results.

Rene Ritchie (01:26:32):
Well, so FaceTime goes HD on the phone, if you're on a 5g network, which may not be a, like, it might not, might not be a, might be a bug more than a feature for you, depending on what your

Leo Laporte (01:26:40):
Reception is. Yeah.

Alex Lindsay (01:26:42):
I use FaceTime on video all the time. Cuz it sounds way better. It does. Yeah. It's it's it

Leo Laporte (01:26:46):
Does. Yeah. Well the, you know, the phone system, they were trying to figure out how bad can we make it sound and still be intelligible back in the twenties or 10. Right. So it's, you know, it's BA basically like five bits sound. It's really low quality. It's not digital, so it's not bits, but it's like that. And, and we can do much better now. And so FaceTime does it should also just,

Rene Ritchie (01:27:09):
Just because I'm that, that JCO to do it every time. Like the, like the 15 5g and 4g, isn't that great if you had good 4g, but 5g has just much better range and much better performance for people who never got the, like never got good 4g. So for people like in, in the outskits and rural areas and other places it's delivering on that process, you should

Leo Laporte (01:27:25):
Test it obviously. Yeah. But if you're getting poor battery life and, and, and you turn off 5g and it's no, you know, it's not changing anything else in your life, that might be a good way to save yourself stop

Rene Ritchie (01:27:36):
Using your phone for a while. Battery'll be fine.

Leo Laporte (01:27:38):
Very big success for those mini L E D MacBook pros. They're out selling according to D SCC the leader in advanced display market research. I have to log in Rosson I have to log in to read it. Well, I'll just read the summary. New many led MacBook pros out sell all Ole laptops combined since there are only maybe five Ole laptops out there. I don't know if that's saying that much, but me say

Rene Ritchie (01:28:05):
How much better known Ross young has been since he started dropping leaks on TWiTer.

Leo Laporte (01:28:09):
Oh, Ross young did that. Ah, yeah. Yeah. There you go.

Rene Ritchie (01:28:11):
That's his company.

Leo Laporte (01:28:12):
That's his company. Good. But I'm sorry, Ross. I'm not gonna log in to read your display supply chain. It's

Rene Ritchie (01:28:19):
Got a report on iPhone. I iPhone notches up until I think 2030 at the

Leo Laporte (01:28:30):
If you have a creaky iPad, air five, you're not alone. Users, users are complaining that the back of the iPad feels thin and makes creaking noises. Okay, fine. I don't know how big a problem this is.

Andy Ihnatko (01:28:43):
Well, I mean, it's the, the, it's a problem on a device that you hold in your hand, that if you feel like the back of it's sort of bow in a little bit. Yeah. Even if it's not a safety issue and it's not a, a survivability issue, it's like, Hey, Hey. And, and also the first time you pick it up, you're very, very cognizant of how much you just spent on it. Cuz that was like just 24 hours or four days

Leo Laporte (01:29:01):
Ago. It's a very thin, I guess, on the back of very thin aluminum, oops.

Andy Ihnatko (01:29:06):
We'll find we'll, we'll find out in time whether this means that people who are tossing these things in backpacks or, or laptop bags wind up with broken or bent frames. That that is a problem. Even when it's not so bad as to cause this thing to stop working. When you, you spend, you know, 6, 7, 800, 900, a thousand dollars on this thing, and then eight months later, you notice that you put it on the table and you notice it's wobbling just a little bit. That's not a good look. Yeah.

Rene Ritchie (01:29:32):
It feel the same to me. Like the, the four and the five. They don't, they don't Creek any difference to me.

Leo Laporte (01:29:37):
Verizon does say something the CHM saying, you know, they're they're oh, you have both. And you, you don't eat. Yours is not creaking.

Rene Ritchie (01:29:43):
No, not creaking at all. Okay.

Leo Laporte (01:29:44):
I mean, well,

Rene Ritchie (01:29:46):
Old phones used to creak. These are fine.

Leo Laporte (01:29:47):
Your mileage may vary.

Andy Ihnatko (01:29:49):
You know, as usual, every time there's a new piece of hardware, there will be a big wave of complaints and some, and, and the question is a month later, are there still new complaints coming in? And so, but this is something to take a little, cause this is a brand new design. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (01:30:03):

Rene Ritchie (01:30:03):
And take yours back. If,

Leo Laporte (01:30:06):
Well, now we're gonna find out,

Rene Ritchie (01:30:09):
Take that. It's fine. Take yours back. If you do have any problems and you are concerned, there's like, they're very gen Andy points that all the time, they're very generous when a new product launches with their returns.

Leo Laporte (01:30:16):
Yeah. There you go. I am gonna have to oh, actually is ultra wide band. So somebody in the Chatman's saying is, well, Verizon's rolling out more millimeter wave. I don't know if they are not, but they are rolling

Rene Ritchie (01:30:28):
Out. No, they're lying. They're well they're yeah. They're calling C C band. They're they're trying they're they're commingling C band. Oh, millimeter wave to make it look like they have a bigger,

Leo Laporte (01:30:36):
So ultra wide band faster C band is, is gonna, they say we cover 175 million people by the end year and I can get here.

Rene Ritchie (01:30:43):
White band used to only be millimeter wave. Now they're conflating the two just to make it look like they have a bigger network,

Leo Laporte (01:30:48):
Right? Yeah. I get UW on my Samsung and it is fast. I'm getting that in. Larper when I visit my daughter, in fact, it's so good. I thought I might even consider that Verizon home residential you know, in internet for her.

Rene Ritchie (01:31:04):
Yeah. It's just so flaky. Like if it rains or likes, there's like leaf blows in the path and line of sight.

Leo Laporte (01:31:09):
That's millimeter wave. Are you saying that's true for C band as well?

Rene Ritchie (01:31:11):
Millimeter? No. C band is great. C bands. Fine.

Leo Laporte (01:31:14):
It doesn't have yeah. Millimeter waves. Such a high frequency. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Rene Ritchie (01:31:17):
It bounces off rain drops. Yeah,

Leo Laporte (01:31:19):
Literally. Yeah. I'm happy about this. I'm the only one who is, but my Mustang ma is now gonna have charging routing in Apple maps. It's the, it's the only car in the world, Apple put this in Apple maps, but the only Ford and BMW even said they were gonna take advantage edge of it. And so far the only cars at all that seem to be are the Ford Mustang Mae. Is

Rene Ritchie (01:31:51):
It true that the Mustang is the only car that Ford still makes. They don't make any cars anymore, except for the Mustang.

Leo Laporte (01:31:57):
The trucks are so successful for them. Yeah. Their F150 is such a good business. I wouldn't be surprised. They've decided to divide their business into EVs and gas vehicles, Petro vehicles. So that's gonna be interesting. I think like all the other grandfather

Rene Ritchie (01:32:11):
Drove four cards forever and they're gone now.

Leo Laporte (01:32:13):
Yeah. Yeah. Isn't that amazing. And Hey, good news. If you're still using a tile, they've launched anti stalking safety in its mobile app.

Rene Ritchie (01:32:26):

Andy Ihnatko (01:32:26):
A bless. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (01:32:27):
Yeah. I think that's, you know, just to have parody with that more,

Rene Ritchie (01:32:32):
Even though it's well, they knew they were next.

Leo Laporte (01:32:34):
Yeah, I, yeah. It'll just let you know that there's somebody, there's a tile you can scan for unknown tiles. I don't think tiles tile works basically the same as the air tech, except that there are a lot more iPhones in the world than there are tiles in the world. So

Andy Ihnatko (01:32:50):
That's always, that's always, well, not only that, but if there's always, I'm sorry, just as you it's it's can only be scanned by people who have installed the app on their phone versus every single iPhone in America is tracking you. So that's,

Rene Ritchie (01:33:01):
Although tile's using Amazon's network now, I think, and they've greatly increased their oh, that's

Leo Laporte (01:33:05):
Capabilities. The they're using sidewalk. Is that what they're using? Not, yeah. Okay. I didn't, I heard that. Yeah. I don't know how many people have sidewalk on,

Rene Ritchie (01:33:14):
I mean like they're gonna build out

Leo Laporte (01:33:15):
It, it will, it will help. That's for sure. I I am going to take a little break. So if you would please prepare your picks of the week coming up next. Our show today brought to you by the address experts, Melissa, to ensure your business is successful. Your customer information has to be accurate, right? Well, Melissa's the leading provider of global data quality and address management solutions to make sure your contact lists are up to date 37 years in this business, more than 10,000 businesses know Melissa, as the address experts with a renewal rate of 92%, the typical return on investment 25% Melissa capped off last year by reaching a milestone, 30 billion, 30 billion with a B north American address lookups in the year. That's the most ever people love Melissa because people move emails, change names, change. You wanna keep track of your customers.

Leo Laporte (01:34:16):
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Leo Laporte (01:35:06):
Then download it. They can help you with identity verification, too, reduce risk, ensure compliance, keep customers happy. They can do geo coating, insert latitude and longitude right there into the into the address. As you go look at that. That's so cool. Email verification. They can remove up at 95% of bad email addresses from your database and because you can get it the way you want it on-prem as a web service. I mentioned FTP software as a service lookups plural up on iOS. It's on Android as well to search addresses names and more right there in, in your phone. And of course, Melissa treats your address data. As, as the solid goal, it is with complete privacy. They undergo continuous independent security audits. If you have to be socked to or HIPAA or GDPR compliant, you'll be glad in know Melissa does is compliant.

Leo Laporte (01:36:01):
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Andy Ihnatko (01:37:16):
My, my pick of the week is yet another like idea sort of BL organizer form it in your head E literature and Latin make my favorite word processor Scrivener, which is what I do. All my projects on books, columns scripts for for radio shows everything. And they also have this really cool app called scalpel, which is again, it's, it's hard to define. It's a, an idea. It's one of those apps that takes the ideas in your head and lets you and information and just put it on something. Basically it's an infinite, infinite chalkboard where you can stick notes to. And that seems like something that anybody could code up in about 10 seconds as if they're taking a pre an introductory programming course, but they've done this so very, very well in that they there are other apps that are like this, that try to impose a structure on you.

Andy Ihnatko (01:38:06):
That try to say, well, here's how you're gonna tag this thing. And here's how you're gonna categorize and color things. This app, it actually just works like, look, here is a whiteboard put ever you want on it. If you want to move them around and group things together, you can do that. If you wanna put arrows between things and create and create links to it, you can do that as well. And so it's a great thing for like this research project that I've been doing for years and years and years, where there are just so many different subjects. And actually I've been, I've been keeping my notes straight in in Scrivener for, for all this time. But there are times when I just wanna see what I have, or I just wanna have this, this second screen. This is a, this is a brilliant full screen app because again, just put, if you just wanna surface to just put something down on, this is a great your second or third monitor, this is a great place to put it.

Andy Ihnatko (01:38:53):
And being able to take all this in research and simply so, okay, here are the, here are the three primary people that are, that are associated with this story. And then, well, what are their timelines? What are their pictures? What are their what are their, what what are, what are their, what newspaper articles that are related to them. It's very, very easy to just throw this together and then always have this ready for you so that you can just look at things. People are I, I, I also use Omni outliner for stuff like this. I love it. But sometimes we sometimes the best way to get your head around something is a visual approach. Since I installed it, it's been around for years. I really just put it on my computer like two or three weeks ago, but ever since I dedicated like an entire screen to this, it's very, very easy for my brain to realize that, oh, if I want this piece of information, it's, it's gonna be located here on this sector or the screen cuz that's where I left it. And it's been very, very useful. This is again, emphatically. If, if you, if you want to use it as a window on a MacBook screen, it's probably not gonna be that effective as a separate workspace. It works great. But as something that's on its own, like 24 inch monitor, it's absolute Lee Bryant,

Leo Laporte (01:39:57):

Andy Ihnatko (01:39:59):
S scalpel at 18 bucks, but there's a free trial mode with all features on lock for, I think for about a month.

Leo Laporte (01:40:04):
Oh, that's a good deal actually. Yeah. from as you say, literature and and since you're in the library, I think that's very appropriate literature. Exactly. And latte S scalpel,

Andy Ihnatko (01:40:14):
Literature and tap order. In my case, Drinking, drinking, fountain, water library, drinking fountain, water, best, best kind,

Leo Laporte (01:40:25):
Alex Lindsay pick of the week.

Alex Lindsay (01:40:27):
So this has been long awaited and I think it's ripping through the audio world automate finally automate makes hardware or makes a thing called Dante virtual sound card. Now what this does is if you're already on Dante it, it means that you can have your app, your Mac, you don't have to have any hardware for it. You can just plug it in and it'll be available to your mixer, you know, you know, so, so all of our mixers are Dante. You know, we have cards that we put into them that make them on a Dante network. And that, that makes it really easy for us to route audio. So we can basically have, we can route all this audio from one place to the other, without Dante virtual sound card, we have to basically put a little piece of hardware to convert our audio, to, to Dante.

Alex Lindsay (01:41:12):
You comes out of the computer and with do with Dante virtual sound card. It means the computer just has, you know, inputs like four I four input, you know, four in or two in two out, you know, kind of thing. It might be four in four out anyway. So the the point is, is that it is now available on the M one we've been waiting for, for many of us have been waiting for this four, eight long time. So it's been, it's taken them a long time for whatever reason to get it compatible with the M one, a lot of audio a lot of audio software's been having trouble, you know, getting M one compliant. And so they finally did it. So if you're, it's a, it's a really powerful piece of software that gets your computer.

Alex Lindsay (01:41:52):
You do want to have something in your network that has the Dante chip in it, cuz that helps with the clocking, but it, but but you can now add lots of computers. So for instance, instead of buying lots of pieces of hardware office hours uses I think, well at least five IMAX or sorry, I, I mean Mac minis, M one Mac minis six actually M one Mac minis and right now they all were taking audio out. We, we would have to take audio out one at a time with their audio outputs. Now what we can do is actually just put them on Dante and they'll all be like, I network them and put them into any device that we have on the network. That's in Dante.

Leo Laporte (01:42:30):
If I were gonna set up a new studio, I might put like all, everything on ethernet and yep. Yeah. And everything would talk to each

Alex Lindsay (01:42:39):
Other. And if everything has, you know, you can get this for the PC or the Mac. It is now all of your computers, you want to have one thing, like you might have a mixer that might be a, like an X 30 baring or X 32 is what a lot of us use in our home. Setups got one of those. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So the bear X 32, you put a Dante card into that. And then now any computers that you put the virtual sound card on which like 30 bucks can, you can see it and you can just route it to different inputs. That's cool. Effortlessly. That's really cool. Yeah. And where it gets really interesting is that you use something like loop back and loop back, can see the Dante. So now you can do all kinds of very complicated loop, you know, audio loops in and out of applications with and access anything that's available on that. Dante network,

Leo Laporte (01:43:22):
Dante from alternate, a U D I N a T E. Now M one enabled the Dante virtuals, oh God, Richie pick of the week.

Rene Ritchie (01:43:33):
So I know you must have discussed this already, but I wasn't here. So I would bring up the, the new iPhone se again, because it's, it's in a very interesting phone for people who are watching this show. I imagine all of us have the latest, well, maybe not Andy, but he's thinking about it, the latest, greatest iPhone imaginable, you know, and we're only ever gonna upgrade to the latest, greatest iPhone imaginable, but there are, I don't know how big a group is, but there is a significant enough for Apple to want to address group of people who still love them. Their home button want nothing to do with gesture notifications, don't care at all about chunky beard and GOE, sorry. You know, I talk bezzles. They just, they want the iPhone that they grew up want. Like they grew up having the one that Steve jobs introduced.

Rene Ritchie (01:44:17):
They have no care concern for O led or for fi like, so not 5g, but any of those fancy features and they just don't wanna pay a lot. They don't wanna pay a dollar more than they have to for an iPhone, but they do want an iPhone that still feels new and, and snappy for the vast of people, I would still recommend an iPhone 11 over an iPhone se because it's only like, you know, 70 bucks more for the base model. And it does have that modern experience, that fuller screen dual camera system, a lot of the modern amenities to it. But some people just really want that classic traditional iPhone and this, because it's got the latest processor, it's gonna get iOS updates for years and years to come mean. The original iPhone se from 2016 just got iOS 15 last year. So like they're, they're supported for a ridiculous amount of time.

Rene Ritchie (01:45:03):
The build quality is ACEs. So they last a long time. I don't know what kind of dark magic Apple conjured for the battery life. It's some mix of a 15 just being a cooler chip you know, battery chemistry better at keeping out the the degradation that, that usually occurs iOS 15 on itself is, is slightly more optimized. And the battery's 10% bigger. So you put all that together and it gets like two hours longer battery life. So for anyone who's really any of our family members or friends, you really just want a classic iPhone experience. You've got a new iPhone se available. It's 30 bucks more because every phone with 5g, those modems are expensive. Qualcomm gonna get paid, but you know, over the course of five, six years, if you keep it that long, not a huge difference. So if you wanted a new iPhone, that's not an expensive iPhone. The iPhone se is that

Leo Laporte (01:45:52):
I tell everybody on the radio show to get it. That's the, that's the radio show audience right there. That's

Rene Ritchie (01:45:57):
The demo.

Leo Laporte (01:45:57):
Yeah, that's the demo a hundred plus. So, yeah. So I'm gonna have to ask Alex to explain all this to me I've been building a, this will be for the crew to Alaska portable audio podcasting recording set up. So I've got my Pelican case with the SM 50 eights and all that stuff. But what I got and the product I wanna mention is this zoom the new zoom F three field recorder. And this is look how little that is takes two double UHA batteries. It records, you know, probably about eight or nine hours with it has a little micro SD hard, which can hold 99 hours on this one. Cause it's 256 gigs. It has two XLR jacks. It provides P Fanm power even at 48 volts. So it's a, it's a nice little recording rig, but the thing that makes this very interesting it's audio only besides the size, by the way, they show pictures of people, strapping it to their pole for their microphone is that light and small, or you could wear it around your wrist cuz it's got these bars.

Leo Laporte (01:47:02):
But the thing that makes it interesting, and this is where I'm gonna defer to Alex in this, they call it 32 bit float record. So we know CDs are 16 bit. Sometimes a lot of, lot of music is recorded at 24 bit. That's the sample rate, not not the sample rate, the sample bit depths not the sample rate. So CD is 44,100 samples per second at 16 bits. But this is 32 bit float. And what zoom says, and I have, have to say, I've been able to confirm it by yelling at it is you, you can't clip the recorder, you can clip the microphone obviously, but you can't clip the recorder because there's so much headroom with 32 bit float. Am I saying that correctly? There's

Alex Lindsay (01:47:45):
Yeah, yeah. Basically what happens is there's still a dynamic range within the record within, in the preempt that you're getting. But if you look at the, if you look at it, your preempt is living in this little world of, let's say a hundred, hundred and 20 DB, you know, but it's

Leo Laporte (01:48:00):
Frustrat, You're listening at home.

Alex Lindsay (01:48:02):
Oh, sorry. And it's so, oh, it's awesome. But this is the range of, of 32 bit float. So it's this tiny little range that you have here, but 32 float is like plus or minus 1400 DB or something like that. Right. So you can't, you can't get to, I mean it's plus or minus 700 and so 1400 total, but it's plus or minus like 700 and some DB,

Leo Laporte (01:48:20):
40 fours,

Alex Lindsay (01:48:20):
Plenty a lot. I don't have that number on top of my head. You

Leo Laporte (01:48:24):
Could whisper and scream. You could play a instrument in a whole orchestra and you would not be able range.

Alex Lindsay (01:48:30):
Yeah. Like for instance, a good example is if you were recording a gun or something like that, you could, you could capture the blast and capture the, the, the, the shells, you know, hitting the ground or whatever, because it's gonna get, normally you can't do anything like that. So for recording those kinds of things, what it really does from a production perspective is that you have a lot, you, your target to hit when you're in the field is much larger. So the, so so now what happens is, oh, you recorded it too low. I, you can recover it. Oh, you recorded it a little too loud. You can't really, you know, record it too loud. But the biggest problem you have is that suddenly someone's really loud or some, or, or you didn't get it turned up enough and you can always bring it back. Right. I, because all that data is actually there. And so it's, it is, there's still dynamic range within the preempt that you have there and, you know, and there's

Leo Laporte (01:49:19):
Pretty good preempt and it's pretty good. I mean, the quality I'm getting out is pretty good. Yeah.

Alex Lindsay (01:49:23):
Yeah. 350

Leo Laporte (01:49:24):
Bucks. Good. Let's put it that way.

Alex Lindsay (01:49:26):
Yeah, absolutely. And, and, and 32 bit float. I mean, so I've been, we've been using 32 bit float for a while because sound devices put it into a, all of their stuff a while ago. And there's actually a great paper about 32 fi float on sound devices, website about it as when they released it a couple years ago. And so but it, oh,

Leo Laporte (01:49:42):
So I have that in my USBP. I just didn't know it

Alex Lindsay (01:49:45):
In your, in the mix pre two, I believe. Okay. I don't know if it's in mix pre one. Yeah, so the, I have,

Leo Laporte (01:49:53):
I have three, I think mix pre two

Alex Lindsay (01:49:55):
Or mix pre two mix pre three, two. Okay. Is the, is the, it should have the 32 bit flow. I don't think that the first one, this

Leo Laporte (01:50:02):
Can be used the same way, which is first interesting. You can plug your mic into it and it has a type C can Nector and pass it through. You can get power over type C by the way, and you can pass it through and use it as an interface, audio interface as well, which is kind of another reason to carry this around. It's pretty good. And the other thing I like is you get the wave form on the LCD zero really?

Alex Lindsay (01:50:21):

Leo Laporte (01:50:21):
Right. Yes.

Alex Lindsay (01:50:22):
That's awesome.

Leo Laporte (01:50:23):
So you can actually see if you're zoom

Alex Lindsay (01:50:25):
Zoom's come a long way. I mean, you know, they're the first they started off rough and they, they have definitely been finding their way in were consumer

Leo Laporte (01:50:31):
Product. Right. What I, what

Alex Lindsay (01:50:33):
I really like about

Leo Laporte (01:50:34):
Consumer? I think what

Alex Lindsay (01:50:34):
I like about zoom is that they're very con con creative. So, you know, they're willing to take a lot of risks. Like they have that eight channel one that looks like a spider. Yeah. And you're kind of like, I, I don't understand that, but, but it was, but what I love about it was that they're not stuck in a, I'm just gonna build a box. Right. They're, they're like playing with all these ideas. So, so I think that it's good. I think that I, I have not seen that recorder, that, that one is tiny and, and really cool looking so it's I, I think that it it's a, but 32 bit float is I wouldn't at this point, buy a field recorder that didn't have 32 bit float. Yeah. Because it SA it has already saved me at least three or four projects that where we went, where the audio wasn't, where we wanted it to be.

Alex Lindsay (01:51:12):
And if we had done it any other way, we would cuz we're sending out remote kits that we are not controlling. Right. And we can't, you know, we and someone on the other end is not technically it's, you know there's no replacement for a great you know, field recorder and field recordist, you know, that's going with it. But when you have to send it out, especially during COVID, we had to send all of these out, we have executives turning up their audio, you know, like, you know, it's not, you know, it's, it's it's not a great environment for us that it wasn't. And the, the float in the, in the mixed pre, which is what we were using saved us at least four or five times. I'm

Leo Laporte (01:51:47):
Very happy. 350 bucks. It's got a the, the tripod Mount on it. It's quarter 20. It's got, I love these little bars cuz you can put it in a strap around your wrist. They have a picture picture of somebody, a belt. You can wear it on your belt. You can put it on your boom if you want. No. And it's been pretty robust. I banged it around. It's got a headphones Jack out got line out. It's a slick

Alex Lindsay (01:52:10):
Little, I've never, that is like, they might be the smallest recorder I've ever I've ever seen. You know, like that, that does what it does. It's it's really interesting. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (01:52:17):
And it can handle up to a terabyte SD card. I have, as I said, 2 56 gigs in here and that's 99.9, nine hours time. That's plenty

Alex Lindsay (01:52:24):
Of times. That's just cause it can't go up. It can't go to the next one. Probably

Leo Laporte (01:52:27):
Nine point that's that's it probably can do more, but it just runs.

Alex Lindsay (01:52:30):
I record a couple hours and Yeah, it's probably like it, it's probably recording a couple hours. I recorded a hundred hours and it still says there's 90, 90 every

Leo Laporte (01:52:38):
Hours. Exactly. That's a week of office hours though. I mean, if we're honest. Yes let's be. But I was thinking, you know, when I go on the cruise, I might wanna sit down with somebody at a table. So I have table stands, a microphone. That's great cables. And then this little field recorder. Yeah. Awesome. And I thought this would be a handy thing to have to do just a slick. Isn't that fun? What's the, what's the model of that? This is the F three. They do make an F six, which also supports 32 bit, but it has six inputs. I almost got that. It's a lot more expensive obvious. Because I was kind of intrigued by the idea of doing a, like a round table show like this on the cruise, but it's also, it's 750 bucks. It's not much bigger. See, here's a picture of the F six sitting on a tripod head John, if you can show that. Yeah. So it's not much bigger. And it's also 32 bit, so yeah. I mean

Alex Lindsay (01:53:27):
Zoom has been really pushing the envelope.

Leo Laporte (01:53:29):
Yeah. They're not. Yeah. I mean, they've always been popular with podcasters cuz you know, it's an easy way to go out and do a field recorder for years as a radio reporter, I had a little, you know, task cam cassette recorder and you'd have a microphone. So this is basically replacing that in a very small package with great quantum I think.

Andy Ihnatko (01:53:46):
And, and can I also say one of the best selling, one of the best things I heard you say about that is the fact that it has like that LCD screen because this is the mix, this is the mix pre three. And one of the things that made me buy it apart, apart from Alex's recommendation, which should have been enough is this idea that it has this meter. So I can actually see what's, it's what the audio that it's seeing. And there's a big like flashing light for recording the number of times where like I've done, like I've recorded like an interview with somebody and I can, my mind can focus on the conversation because outta the corner of my eye, I can see that yes, the recorder is recording and yes it does see the audio. Exactly. So yes, that is such a great feature particularly.

Leo Laporte (01:54:27):
I mean this, I'll put this on my belt at CESA and I can do this I'm recording and yeah, I know you can't, I don't know if you can see it, but you can see there's a wave form there as I'm speaking, so you know exactly what's going on and it's two channels. So that's you on point live from TWiTer. See? Yes, exactly. Tell us about y'all do that and exactly. I don't know why it's something habitual that I have in me that, well, I gotta have an audio recorder. I don't know why but old school radio's this a soul radio guy. Yeah. I also love it because it was used to be so much harder and now it's, it's so easy and so transparent and I kind of love that and they've made and

Andy Ihnatko (01:55:04):
I carry those reel to reels

Leo Laporte (01:55:05):
Around. That was hard.

Andy Ihnatko (01:55:07):
Oh I could, you know, I, I started, I started collecting like tape recorders during the pandemic, as you know, cuz we all started doing weird things as we in stir crazy tape

Leo Laporte (01:55:15):
Recorders are sourdough bread, you know, you get your choice. Yeah. Yeah.

Andy Ihnatko (01:55:18):
And, and my, my favorite ones in the collection are ones that were like actually used by like reporters. I have the, I have from w E I like news radio in Boston, like they're Bo boxy thing, cassette tape with a w E E I logo with a microphone attached. Yeah. The most, the most fun one was a very, very nice one. It's a, it looks like a very, very thick Walkman though. Precedes the Walkman. The fun part is that it has a Mount on the bottom. So you can attach a, I'm not joking, a pistol grip to it with a trigger that starts and stops the recording. So like I, so you are actually like walking up to a politician city hall like this.

Leo Laporte (01:55:53):

Rene Ritchie (01:55:54):
Like we call that the American record button 90

Alex Lindsay (01:55:58):
Pistol grip

Leo Laporte (01:55:59):
Not included here. Yeah. Yeah. Zoom F 3, 350 bucks. If you want more, you can get an F six for 750 bucks that has six inputs, which would be enough to do your, your podcast. That's for sure.

Alex Lindsay (01:56:10):
And they've come so a long way.

Leo Laporte (01:56:13):
Well, I like the idea I could provide my own mics. You know, the old Zoomer quarters had their own mics, which were fine, but I like the idea I can have that 7 58 or something else. I was thinking of getting that Nome on that you like so much, but then I don't want to carry that around. So the SM 58,

Alex Lindsay (01:56:26):
It would be horrible on a ship though, because it it's so sensitive. The S 58 is like the perfect money for, for what you're doing. Absolutely

Leo Laporte (01:56:32):
Stuff. Yeah. I got a little, couple little table table stands. I can, could set up I'm here. I'm my show paper in it.

Rene Ritchie (01:56:42):
Press credentials.

Leo Laporte (01:56:43):
I have a hat with press in it. Yes, absolutely. Nice captain captain. I need to know, are we gonna hit an iceberg? That is it for MacBreak Weekly for this Tuesday. Thank you, Rene Ritchieie for coming back to us, you'll find Renee's. Thank you for being here. All of Renee's stuff at Ritchieie. And you just been ranking out stuff. I'm sure all about all the new hardware and you've got it. It looks like you've got everything.

Rene Ritchie (01:57:09):
All the reviews are live.

Leo Laporte (01:57:10):
Yes. Yeah. So you, there, there he is trying to weigh in his hands. Two different Mac studios. He's got the iPad air five, which he's now dropped on the floor. So the iPhone, I got the

Rene Ritchie (01:57:22):
Ipad air four, luckily.

Leo Laporte (01:57:24):
Oh, that's a right then. And, and you're and somebody in the chat room saying, well, would you recommend the studio display, knowing even with the camera issue, Apple says they're gonna fix,

Rene Ritchie (01:57:35):
Who've wanted a 5k display and, and just didn't want anything to do with the 4k displays. You finally got what you've been asking for. If you haven't asked for it, then don't get it. Get something else

Leo Laporte (01:57:43):
I'm happy with 4k. Why do you need 5k?

Rene Ritchie (01:57:46):
Every designer I know has gone Gaga over this. It's what they've been waiting five years for anyone who makes like a human interface or like anything like that, they've been waiting for.

Leo Laporte (01:57:53):
They, they know what they want and this is what they want. Yes. So if you know you want it, get it. Thank you, Renee. Andy Anaco w GB H in Boston and also at the local library. When are you gonna be on GVH next?

Andy Ihnatko (01:58:07):
I'm off this week, but tune in next week, Friday at 12:30 PM, go to WGB news dot or to listen to it live or later, or you, you can listen to last Friday show in which I talked a whole bunch about Apple stuff. Oh,

Leo Laporte (01:58:19):
I bet you did. I bet you did. And of course from office and oh nine, oh on media, Alex Lindsay, we watched the rocket co-op this weekend at office hours. That was really cool.

Alex Lindsay (01:58:34):
Yeah. And, and this week we're, we're actually breaking down how we did it. So tomorrow morning, we're gonna talk about the graphics. So the, the graphics crew will talk about because they were taking real time telemetry from the rocket and putting it into the graphics. That was so cool. I loved how, and, and so and so we'll be talking about that a little bit. The, the next day we're talking about the actual production, cuz there was quite a production there, there was like, I don't know, eight or 10 cameras and we were doing live back. There were literally live back and forths with Australia and, and we were, you know, there was a lot of things and this is all just like people having good, good fun weekend, you know? And, and so, so the so anyway, I was just totally absurd

Leo Laporte (01:59:07):
Again. That's what's really interesting about this world. Is this stuff that used to have a truck you used to have to have a truck. Oh yeah. To do suddenly you can do things and we,

Alex Lindsay (01:59:17):
We can have a truck. We had a Tesla

Leo Laporte (01:59:20):

Alex Lindsay (01:59:20):
With, with with a lot of power. Yeah. So Jeff Keithley, who's got a, he does a lot of sports and a lot of different productions brought his Tesla. That's a full production unit inside the Tesla. So he was, he

Leo Laporte (01:59:31):
Brought, he powering it with a Teslas battery.

Alex Lindsay (01:59:33):
We had a generator. Oh yeah. It's hard to,

Leo Laporte (01:59:36):
You gotta get an all you're in the desert and stuff. Yeah. Like

Alex Lindsay (01:59:38):
This is out in the middle of nowhere in Nevada. So it's but we we're already planning the next one. Like it was like Mo minute we finish where we were like, that was great. We did a great job. Let's now what are we gonna do different for the next one? So it's already,

Leo Laporte (01:59:50):
You need a model of the rocket so that you can take it apart and show the, just like Walter CRO compact did

Alex Lindsay (01:59:56):
Show the yeah. AR it

Leo Laporte (01:59:58):
Up. That's

Alex Lindsay (01:59:59):
Right. Yeah, exactly. So,

Leo Laporte (02:00:00):
Oh nine If you wanna hire Alex office, if you wanna see the most amazing three ring circus of geeks ever 24 7. Thank you, Renee. Thank you Alex. Thank you, Andy. Great to have you all. Thank you all for being here. Thanks to our club. TWI members who make all of this possible $7 a month, get you ad free versions of all of our sh shows becoming increasingly important as advertisers are pushing harder and harder for ad tracking technology and we're pushing against them. But boy, if we have a big enough club TWI, we don't have to worry about that anymore. If you don't want trackers, you don't want ads $7 a month. You also get access to the club, TWI discord, which is great, fun, really wonderful place to hang out during the show. There's a Mac break se section actually it's 24 7, but it's most active during the show, but there's also sections on every possible subject, including beer, wine cocktails, the book club, current affairs, cooking hacking ham radio coat travel and more.

Leo Laporte (02:01:06):
And you get the TWI plus feed, which has all sorts of stuff, including these special fireside chat with Patrick Delehanty. We did last week. That was really cool. Our engineer, our official engineer software engineer. You also will be hearing Stacy's book club this week on the 24th. The untitled Linox show the GIZ, lots of other shows that are club TWI, only all of that for seven bucks a month. How do we do it? I don't know, go to TWI, and you can participate if you, of course, we always offer everything we do live as well. If you wanna watch us live it's Macbreak Weekly is Tuesdays 11:00 AM Pacific 2:00 PM. Eastern time, 1800 UTC had to adjust that cuz we're on summertime. Now 1800 UTC. The chat room is as well as the discord. After the get shows from our website, twit TV slash M BW, you'll find a YouTube channel with all the MacBreak Weekly shows in video. And of course you can subscribe in your favorite podcast client and get it automatically. The minute it's available, please do please do and leave us a five star review if you do so you can let the world know about this show. I think the longest running Mac podcast anywhere. Thank you everybody for being here. Now get back to work. I hope you have a nice Mac studio waiting for you. Cuz break time is over.

Ant Pruitt (02:02:33):
Did you spend a lot of money on your brand new smartphone? And then you look at the pictures on Facebook and Instagram and you know, like what in the world happened to that photo? Yes you have. I know it happens to all of us. Well you need to check out my show hands on photography, where I'm going to walk you through simple tips and tricks that are gonna help make you get the most out of your smartphone camera or your DSLR or mirrorless. What have, and those shots are gonna look so much better. I promise you so make sure you're tune into twit TV slash hop for hands on photography to find out more.

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