TWiT: Strengthening Community Engagement

TWiT fans, our 24/7 livestream has gone away as we pivot back to basics on our network. Our focus remains on super-serving our community by bringing them the best tech content ever, and we will continue to evolve as a network.
Our mission statement has not changed and will remain: TWiT is dedicated to building a highly engaged community of tech enthusiasts by offering them the knowledge they need to understand and use technology today.
Please check out our newly revamped live streaming hub in Club TWiT on Discord. It's a vibrant community hub where you can directly interact, learn, and connect with others through discussion groups, behind-the-scenes content, and exciting bonuses. And for those who want to watch our shows live when we are recording them, you can catch us on our YouTube Live Stream. At this time, we recommend using YouTube Live as it's the highest quality stream available, yet we expect Discord to continue improving its stream, too.
There will be more changes at TWiT as we continue to evolve in these trying times in the podcast world, and we appreciate your support and patience.
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