The Future of TWiT: How You Can Help Us Meet Our 2024 Goals

TWiT Fans,
2023 has been a challenging year, and we have decided to be public with our 2024 growth goals. First, understand we need both parts of our network to succeed and thrive in the new year. We must meet our club and advertising sales goals to remain competitive and to avoid further cuts.
Our initial goal when establishing Club TWiT was to convert 10% of our fans to join it. Next year will be the 3rd anniversary of our club, and we have only converted 1.2% of our fans to date. This helped tremendously, allowing us to reduce the first round of layoffs and show cancellations by 50%. However, we must reach 5% by 2025 and meet our advertising sales goals. We can miss a little, but it will mean further cuts if it's a lot.
Here are our 2024 goals, and we will be providing updates throughout the year:
Q1 2024:
Grow Club TWiT membership to 15,000 fans, as we are currently at 8,872
We must sell 85% of our ad inventory and are currently at 60%
Q2 2024:
Grow Club TWiT membership to 22,500 fans
We must sell 85% of our ad inventory
Q3 2024:
Grow Club TWiT membership to 30,000 fans
We must sell 85% of our ad inventory
Q4 2024:
Grow Club TWiT membership to 37,500 fans - this is 5% of our fan base
We must sell 85% of our ad inventory
Unfortunately, we missed all growth goals in 2023. There will be further cuts if we continue to miss goals in 2024. We are doing our best to thrive and will continue offering fantastic content for our fans. Please support us and all the podcasts you love.
We are doing our best.
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