Inside TWiT

Episode 4 In Pre-Production

I'm working on setting up our next show, the Mother's Day edition of this WEEK in TECH. To that end I've invited new mother Megan Morrone to join us. I've also put out a call to a number of other TechTV stalwarts to see if they can stop by. As usual, we won't know until it happens. Mark Williamson has very kindly offered us the use of his T1 and a dedicated TeamSpeak server. We'll be trying it out over the next few days. It will allow us to have more people on the show, and eventually take live calls, as well. Not sure how it will sound though.

Priority #1 one is improving the production values and sound quality on the show. By the end of the week we should have 1,000 subscribers and donors. Thanks so much to you all for your great support. I'm really starting to think that this could be a viable project for the long term, and even spin off additional shows, and so on.

Hope you're enjoying the web site. Now that it's stable, and new subscribers and donors are automatically given special accounts, I will start focusing on improving the content side and developing special members-only features. I've created a bug report forum here. Post web site problems there.

Thanks for all the logos! We'll pick one soon. We'll also be announcing the winners in our name the show contest on this week's episode.

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