Tech Break

Apr 28th 2017

Tech Break 3970

Wired Editor is Sorry Not Sorry

Young hackers who were a little less than diverse.

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Category: TWiT Bits

In our latest version of Sorry Not Sorry, featured a story called "Meet the Brilliant Young Hackers Who'll Soon Shape the World" with a photograph of the young hackers who were a little less than diverse. The story was widely criticized as was the publication as being out of touch with the times. #Tired! Wired Editor Nicholas Thompson responded to the criticism on Facebook, without using the word "sorry," but it sounded to me like he was...kind of. He was also defensive, writing that the author included a scene in the story of a meeting with the woman who runs the college’s official hacking group. And quoting the conclusion of the piece about that these guys who "Aren’t ambassadors of their generation; they’re just seven freshmen on one floor of one dorm of one college in one state in one country on our one and only planet."

Full episode can be seen at

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