Security Now with Steve Gibson and Leo Laporte

May 2nd 2017

Security Now 610

Intel's Mismanagement Engine

A May Day Mayday for Intel

Records live every Tuesday at 4:30pm Eastern / 1:30pm Pacific / 20:30 UTC.
Category: Help & How To

This week Steve and Leo discuss the long-expected remote vulnerability in Intel's super-secret motherboard Management Engine technology, exploitable open ports in Android apps, another IoT blows a suspect's timeline, newly discovered problems in the Ghostscript interpreter, yet another way for ISPs and others to see where we go, a new bad problem in the Edge browser, Chrome changes its certificate policy, an interesting new "Vigilante Botnet" is growing fast, a proposed solution to smartphone-distracted driving, Ransomware as a service, Net Neutrality heads back to the chopping block (again), an intriguing new service from Cloudflare, and the ongoing Symantec certificate issuance controversy. Then some fun errata, miscellany, and some closing-the-loop feedback from our terrific listeners.

We invite you to read our show notes.

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For 16kbps versions, transcripts, and notes (including fixes), visit Steve's site:, also the home of the best disk maintenance and recovery utility ever written Spinrite 6.

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