Futures in Biotech

Apr 6th 2012

Futures in Biotech 93

Snyder's Omics

Hosted by Marc Pelletier
Co-Hosted by Andre Nantel, Ph.D

The technologies that our guest has developed are playing an important role in changing the world, not like the car, the microwave and the cell phone, but as in Drs. Flox, McCoy, and Crusher.

Although the show is no longer in production at TWiT, you can enjoy episodes from the TWiT Archives.
Category: News

The technologies that our guest has developed are playing an important role in changing the world, not like the car, the microwave and the cell phone, but as in Drs. Flox, McCoy, and Crusher.

Thanks to Phil Pelletier and Will Hall for the great themes.

Thanks to CacheFly for providing the bandwidth for this netcast.