
All About Android 623, Transcript

Please be advised this transcript is AI-generated and may not be word for word. Time codes refer to the approximate times in the ad-supported version of the show.

Ron Richards (00:00:00):
We're talking tiny phones this week as Flo reviews the Samsung Galaxy S23, and we hear about the new small Android phone coming from the folks behind Pebble. We also break down debunked rumors of OnePlus and Oppo leaving Europe, some more Android 14 news, and so much more

Narrator (00:00:16):
Podcasts you love from people you trust. This is is TWiT.

Ron Richards (00:00:24):
This is All About Android, episode 623, recorded Tuesday, March 28th, 2023, Tiny Phones and Share Sheets. This episode of All About Android is brought to you by Decisions. Don't let complexity block your company's growth. Decisions no-code rules driven process Automation software provides every tool needed to build custom workflows, empowering you to modernize legacy systems, ensure regulatory compliance, and renew the customer experience. Visit to learn how automating anything can change everything. Welcome to All About Android, your weekly source for the latest news, hardware and apps for the Android Faithful. I'm Ron Richards.

Huyen Tue Dao (00:01:04):
I'm Huyen Tue Dao.

Florence Ion (00:01:06):
And I'm Florence Ion. Hey, hooray.

Ron Richards (00:01:10):
And I am so glad you both are here. Mr. Jason Howell is on vacation. For those of you who follow him on social or anything like that, you might be aware of the fact that he, he and his family are on a, a multi-week adventure in Costa Rica, I believe. I haven't seen his pictures on Facebook. I'm not jealous at all, but I'm so bummed actually that Jason's not here. But I'm so glad Flo and Wayne, that you're here because I was scrolling Facebook earlier today and it served up a memory for me of when I posted a tweet, a screenshot of a tweet to Stories and Burke, if you can pull it up. Two years ago, I had, I had responded to Jason's post that it had been 10 years since the show started, and I did a double take and I looked at the date and sure enough, on this day in history, March 28th, 2011, today's All About Android's birthday. Everyone. We were 12 years old, the show. This is our 12th year happy birthday, and today is the exact day. Happy,

Florence Ion (00:02:06):
Happy, happy anniversary. How

Ron Richards (00:02:10):

Florence Ion (00:02:10):
Is it? Cake.

Ron Richards (00:02:11):
How crazy is it that we're doing the show on like the birthday landed on a Tuesday, <laugh>, like, like, like, I don't know how that math works, but there it is. But 12 years ago, Eileen, Jason and myself after doing a couple of beta shows to warm up launch this little podcast, so Huyen and Flo. I thought it'd be fun to ask you, when did you first become aware of this show? Because I'm pretty sure it was in March 28th, 2011. Was it?

Florence Ion (00:02:38):
<Laugh>? No. <Laugh>.

Ron Richards (00:02:40):
Do you, do you remember when you first heard of us?

Florence Ion (00:02:43):
No. 2014. 2014. You think so? 2014. Yeah. Yeah. When you guys reached out to me the first time to be on the show. There you go.

Ron Richards (00:02:52):
Had you heard of us at that point?

Florence Ion (00:02:56):
Nope. <laugh>, that's great. I had had heard of TWiT. Obviously I had not heard of All About Android, but I was also brand new to the beat. So we've come a long way since then.

Ron Richards (00:03:08):
The Beverly beat.

Florence Ion (00:03:10):
Mm, yes. Yeah,

Ron Richards (00:03:12):
There it is.

Florence Ion (00:03:13):

Ron Richards (00:03:14):
Oh, Huyen? I gotta imagine it's probably similar when we reached out you to come on the show, <laugh>. Well,

Huyen Tue Dao (00:03:18):
No, actually, well, I, I heard, I heard about y'all like around 2012. I I have this memory of, because I, I, I'd known Jason before and I kind of, sort of followed when him and Tom Merritt, you know, came to TWiT from CNET. Was that directly from CNET? Yeah. And so I remember seeing, oh, Jason, Howell's doing an Android podcast? And at the time I was kind of having an existential crisis about whether I was gonna make an, make a career out of doing Android development. I was like, well, if Jason Howell started an Android podcast, then maybe I'll have a job for a couple years. Because obviously like Android was big enough. Yeah. So around I, that's what I heard of y'all. I don't think, and I started listening kinda like off and on, I think existential crisis not withstanding I I I I was trying to listen, but also like in between gigs a lot that year, like six months unemployed. I think it's tough when you're self-employed. But yeah, that's when I heard of y'all. And I think I, the first time I was on was, I don't remember the first time it was on, it was like somewhere, maybe three or four years later, maybe more. I don't remember.

Ron Richards (00:04:18):
Let's see. Let's see if we can find it. Cause I know our schedule was,

Burke (00:04:21):
I would like to point out the Skypasaurus, that's what what we used to use to do.

Ron Richards (00:04:26):
What was Skype? Skypasaurus. Wow. Skype.

Florence Ion (00:04:28):
That's what it was called. Oh my goodness. Skypasaurus. What a monster

Ron Richards (00:04:32):
Skype. Oh my God. I'm trying to find the old Android doc. But Google Drive is really frustrating. All right, here we go. All About Android's schedule and run down 2014 to 2020. All right. And let's see. Let's see if we can find the first Flo or the first Huyen. I probably should have done this before the show. 

Florence Ion (00:04:55):

Ron Richards (00:04:57):
And there's no data that, where's the data?

Burke (00:05:00):
I mean, what makes you think you actually filled out the doc?

Ron Richards (00:05:04):
Oh, here it is. All right. It took a while to load in cuz there's years and years and years and years and years and years. All right. So let's see, let's find 2019. No, 2018. 2018. Yeah. Here it is. So when your first one is 6/12, 2018.

Florence Ion (00:05:27):
Nice. Oh, too soon. Ellipses.

Ron Richards (00:05:30):

Florence Ion (00:05:31):
I, I thought, oh,

Ron Richards (00:05:32):
And Flo, the earliest appearance I have from you is this is great television.

Burke (00:05:42):
Sorry, I meant to do a drum roll

Ron Richards (00:05:43):
January, January 20th, 2015.

Florence Ion (00:05:48):
Yeah, that sounds about right.

Ron Richards (00:05:49):
Yep. So there it is.

Florence Ion (00:05:50):
And then later that year, you guys asked me to come host full-time.

Ron Richards (00:05:54):
Yeah. And our lives were never the same.

Florence Ion (00:05:57):
Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. That's very

Ron Richards (00:05:58):
True. I know <laugh>, but yeah. So it's 12

Florence Ion (00:06:01):
Years. Oh, it's true.

Ron Richards (00:06:02):
It's true. It totally is true. I gained a, I gained a birthday sister. It's fantastic. So mm-hmm. <Affirmative>. But yeah, so 12 years ago today. So you can go back to the, you can go back into the TWiT archives on the TWiT website, and you can watch that first episode to see what we were talking about 12 years ago. Today. The episode title was, what would Andy Say? Ooh, that didn't age Well. <Laugh> So Well, we

Burke (00:06:23):
Don't, we don't say that word

Ron Richards (00:06:24):
Anymore. I know. Yeah, I know.

Florence Ion (00:06:26):
That's sad. No, we don't talk about Andy,

Ron Richards (00:06:28):
We <laugh>. That's a good title right there. Yeah, that's a good title. So, ha happy anniversary everyone. Great job. Yay.

Florence Ion (00:06:37):
Hey, happy birthday. What that,

Ron Richards (00:06:39):
Let's do what we do. Let's do what we do and do a show. So let's, let's start up with some news. Why don't we,

Burke (00:06:47):
Well Ron, I've got some Android News for you. And yet, as always, we'll continue to provide innovative and best in class Android news to the European market,

Ron Richards (00:07:01):
<Laugh> there, this whole Flo. Why don't you give the context? That's that

Florence Ion (00:07:05):
Piece of paper.

Ron Richards (00:07:06):

Florence Ion (00:07:07):
Beautiful. First of all, thank you, Burke. I I missed your your news introductions. And second of all, sometimes leakers get things wrong. Yes, folks, it's true. This week, the news of OnePlus and Oppo leaving the European continent has been greatly exaggerated. It did come through from noted linker Max Jambor, he, excuse me, they I actually don't know who they are. So they're her noted leaker in the smartphone world. I've even cited them in Gizmodo, like Roundup posts that I've done because I do cover rumors from time to time. And they tweeted that Oppo and its Baby brand OnePlus would be announcing their eventual withdrawal from the countries, uk, Germany, France, and the Netherlands, as well as some other countries in the region. Now, eventually, by the time I logged on online in the West Coast, so this, this was happened yesterday, Monday the news, the first news stamp that I saw go up was like, 5:00 AM pt.

So what is that? 8:00 AM et. So by the time I logged on around let's say 9:00 AM PT to put timestamps on this <laugh> <laugh> Oppo, OnePlus had already confirmed to Tom's Guide and other outlets like The Verge that this was actually not happening. But overall, it's kind of a weird thing because Max Jambor has been pretty on the mark with leaks in the past especially with regard to OnePlus and the Oppo brands. And so it's kind of a curious notion of like, what is going on here? And my conspiracy is that this is slightly laced to all the Sinophobic stuff that's going on in the US government currently. I'm just saying, I can't not think about it. I I just, wow. It just feels so badly timed with like, all of the stuff going on with TikTok and regulating foreign internet, blah, blah, blah. So what do you guys think?

Ron Richards (00:09:12):
I don't even know. I don't even know if I could go that far.

Florence Ion (00:09:16):
I know I, from a conspiracy standpoint, conspiracy theory. I know, I

Ron Richards (00:09:18):
Know you really did. You threw it off. I shouldn't

Florence Ion (00:09:20):
Be doing that as a journalist, but <laugh> well, I just couldn't of another explanation. Why, why would, why would OnePlus pull out of the European market a market where they actually have a chance to really perform versus here where you really have to have like the carrier negotiations and OnePlus has T-Mobile as a retailer, but they are not like, you know, they, they've still got quite a ladder to climb, so why would they pull out this early?

Ron Richards (00:09:52):
Yeah, I mean, I, I'm more, I'm more distracted by how you spell xenophobia in the, in our doc <laugh>.

Florence Ion (00:09:58):
No, Sinophobia.

Ron Richards (00:10:00):
Xenophobia. I thought it is that xenophobia with an X, it's a

Florence Ion (00:10:03):
Typo. Phobia. No, xenophobia. Very specific. S i no. N o

Ron Richards (00:10:07):
Oh, is that I thought xenophobia. Oh, xenophobic is fear of aliens, right?

Florence Ion (00:10:11):
<Laugh> Well, fear of immigrants. Yes. Suspected. Yeah. Which is something that Europe is fearing. Sorry, too political anyway. 

Ron Richards (00:10:18):
But yes. Why political? Wait, what do you think of this? Sorry,

Florence Ion (00:10:22):
<Laugh>. I mean, I, I could definitely see the Sino Cino, cino, cino, syno,

Ron Richards (00:10:28):

Florence Ion (00:10:29):
Sinophobia being a thing, especially with how hot in the bad way, you know the new, especially the American news is surrounding, you know, all of the TikTok congressional hearings. So I could, I, I didn't think about that before, but that possibly could be, you know, a factor. And also other things in the news, but definitely above my pay, pay grade. But I mean, I think that sounds like a reasonable thing is, but like, or just a reasonable hypothesis.

Ron Richards (00:11:00):
Yeah, I, I mean my, my whole thing is that you gotta follow the, the follow the money, right? Like to what you're putting out Flo and like why would they be leaving the continent? Right? Like what, like why would they be withdrawing from the, those markets, which are actually pretty major mobile markets, right? And I think it's kind of funny that they were so vocal in dispelling this rumor, right? Because oftentimes companies take a no comment or things like that mm-hmm. <Affirmative>, but like, they're very quick because they have to protect their business in those regions. Yep. But to, to your point, Max has a pretty good track record. So where's, where did he get this info? And like, is, is this more of a, they were thinking of leaving or making some sort of change and it got misinterpreted game of telephone kind of thing. Like I, you know, you know, I, I'm only speculating, but like, I, I don't, I don't think Max would be the type put out something without some basis of truth behind it, right. Or some some, you know, baseline that, that makes it somewhat plausible. Cuz then he loses credibility. So.

Florence Ion (00:12:04):
Well, and that's why I sort of came up with the conspiracy, because I can only think about some document somewhere saying something akin to this that maybe got uncovered very conspiracy of me. Succession did just premiere. So there's kind of an air of that going on right now. But what's also interesting to know is that this news is coming post a oppo just had a new phone launch and they also had a foldable launch. Oneplus has a lot of buzz about new earbuds coming out. I'm trying to remember all the brands in my mind right now. And also people are talking about the OnePlus Pad that's also been going through rumor mills and things of the sort, so it's clear that they are on people's minds. But

Ron Richards (00:12:54):
Has Max Jambor always been private on Twitter? Or did he go private in result of this?

Florence Ion (00:13:00):
Oh no,

Ron Richards (00:13:02):
I just went to his Twitter page and it is, and it is pri it is protected.

Florence Ion (00:13:06):
Ooh. So,

Ron Richards (00:13:08):
Yeah, so

Florence Ion (00:13:10):
Interesting. I

Ron Richards (00:13:10):
Don't know Burke, I just shared that if you wanna show, show that

Florence Ion (00:13:12):
Twitter protected now,

Ron Richards (00:13:13):
But yeah. So yeah, maybe he's, he's eaten some crow about this maybe, so, I don't know. This whole thing is weird. It's weird. There it is. Max is, it's

Florence Ion (00:13:27):
Also ho hold on. So there it is possible, this comes from Adam Conway and Adam is over at X T A developers and Adam had a theory that it could just be a UK thing, it could be oppo trying to consolidate the brands and maybe having OnePlus b this, like, apologies for this, but like a Western brand versus oppo like kind of staying in, its in its home court. And so it's a possibility that, again, some documents around this have been floating around and that's how this news got out because it's not, you know, it, like Ron said, it had come from somewhere

Ron Richards (00:14:07):

Florence Ion (00:14:09):

Ron Richards (00:14:10):
Fascinating. All right, well, we'll see what comes up of it or if Max comes back up for comes up for, for air to, to kind of explain what's going on here, but mm-hmm. <Affirmative>, if you're in Europe, OnePlus an oppo aren't leaving, so there you go.

Florence Ion (00:14:23):
Yeah. There's huge

Ron Richards (00:14:24):

Florence Ion (00:14:25):
They're not gonna leave.

Ron Richards (00:14:26):
So, so. All right. So in other controversial news and conspiracy theory news good, you know, good show contributor, a friend of the show, Michelle Ramon pointed out that max Wach over at nine to five Google ran recently ran a, a nice piece about rcs vi vis-a-vis his conversation with Hiroshi Lockheimer, a Mobile World Congress recently where he sat down in the chat with him about Google's approach to rcs and everything that's going on with it. And if you get a chance not quite there yet, Burke for our video views <laugh>, but if you get a chance it's a, it's a long piece, but I would, I would definitely encourage you to read it because it goes into a lot of the history of goo Google and SMS and the whole kind of how we got to where we are with basically Google, you know, planting a, a flag in the ground behind rcs and, you know, advertising shaming Apple, because Apple chooses to not support it.

 And kind of give some more context into why Google's doing it and some stuff. So, you know, I'm not gonna go through and summarize a whole article cuz it's so long, but go to nine five Google, it came out on March 24th, the article, go and read it. But there was one quote from the bottom of it from Hiroshi that I wanted to share because I thought it kind of summed everything up. And Hiroshi was quoted as saying quote, since you mentioned Apple, I'll just mention they talk about how privacy is a human right and how important that is to them. I feel like quote, look, here's a technology that's available now, now I just feel bad for iPhone users who are gonna experience the degraded features. It would be great if they could bring, bring that to them and better security for them as well.

You know, Android users are fine, they're texting each other with total security and all that stuff. And now it's just kind of bizarre because when they interact with iPhones, we're gonna have to deal with a degraded security experience. And that really sums it up, is that like, at least from this perspective is that, you know, apple is so pro privacy and pro all these features and digging in their heels and that you've gotta be on iMessage, you gotta be on iMessage, Andi's making the counterpoint saying, right, but rcs gives you a more secure experience, so why wouldn't you embrace it and support it? And, and ultimately it just ends up as being, comes off as kind of sad after I read the whole thing. Because this is kind of like you know, you have the friend who broke up with somebody and keeps going back trying to make it work, you know, and like keeps knocking on the door, right? And Apple's made it clear that there, you don't wanna play. And I feel as much as I liked Google being big with going out with their requests, you know, with with like calling Apple out and supporting it, apple didn't bite and nothing's changing. I don't think it's ever anything's ever gonna change. No.

So I don't, I don't know if you guys think, but I think it's sad at this point. No. Yeah.

Florence Ion (00:17:01):
I, I think it's a little I think it's very hard to get people the common, like common people, excuse me, to get people learn in our bubbles. Okay. Because mm-hmm. <Affirmative>, yes, you're listening to the podcast, the three of us, we're all in a little tech bubble, but when you go outside this bubble, you notice that a lot of people have no idea any of this is going on. Like, I actually had to explain rcs to some friends over the weekend who, a bulk of them work in tech. And that just goes to show you like the marketing around rcs is so limited. And even with like this Get the Message campaign deleted at ces, like that area was for techies and it's, so it's remaining within that bubble. If you go out to talk to somebody on the street, they'll be like, why would I not get an iPhone? Okay, so you, in order for me to have, you know, secure messages with other iPhone users, I should get an iPhone. Okay, I'm gonna go get an iPhone. Right? Apple's already, it's a simple set a precedent with them.

Ron Richards (00:18:01):
It's a simple logic kind of statement that people are like, well, I need to do this. And people are locked in. And then now, so many years, I mean, here we're 12 years of doing the show. Android's been around for for longer than that. So many people are locked in on the Android side of things. I just, I just don't see it. I mean, when do you think it's e do you think it's e ever gonna meet in the middle in any regard? Or, or is the ship sailed? I,

Huyen Tue Dao (00:18:21):
I don't think, especially not in this country. It was really funny cuz I was thinking, I was on, I was in line to get on a plane just last week and I had my Z fold four out, and I'm pretty sure that the gentleman behind me were talking about my phone and they're like, oh, that's really great, but I'm so tied into iPhone. I mean, I, I can't, Ima like, I'm pretty sure they were talking about the fact that, hey, I had this really great phone and, and like, it's, it's a lot of lock in. It's like 12 years of not ju it's weird, I think for people that aren't in our bubble that, you know, really have a abstract idea that privacy is important, but don't, but, but don't, you know, go into the details of what is rcs, what is iMessage? Well, how are these protocols?

What's the difference? I I think that it's that the easiest mental load is just to kind of fall back on that kind of societal tribal knowledge of iPhone is the best. Iphone was first. And even just the practical of, I've been using an iPhone for 10 years and switching is very hard, especially for someone who isn't kind of a tech enthusiast or doesn't have a tech enthusiast son, daughter, niece, nephew, someone neighbor who's willing to do the work for you of helping out. So I, I don't know if it's going to change like from this ki from this angle of trying to convince people from a merit perspective, from a conversational, like, you know mm-hmm. <Affirmative>, like, you know, blow by blow. It's, it's, I mean, I just think most people, it's it not that, not that they don't care and not that they can't understand, but it feels, I wouldn't say nitpicking, but it feels like that level of, you know what I mean?

Like, like I don't know that this, the sun cost of, of of, of your established ecosystem is a bit of a high cost to pay rather than kind of listening to all of us kind of, you know, discuss and bluster. So I, I don't know. I, I think I, I don't know what's gonna change. And certainly as we've mentioned before, this is a very interesting, very American slash maybe like, you know, German, j Japan, the other handful of countries where, you know, iOS is the majority of users. It's a very specific conversation. So that might play into it too. Like I, I, I know it's a huge conversation here for us, but it's less so in, in a lot of the, the rest of the world. So I don't know, I, I don't know what's gonna change it other than the rest of us just kind of, I don't know, slowly <laugh> kind of convincing all of our families in this like, very slow word of mouth and like user adoption.

But yeah, I, I've got relatives that are still, like, iOS is their thing. Android is B defacto worse. So why would they ever give a care about rcs? So what can, what can you do? I don't know. Right? I'm very, they should market, they should focus on marketing other things about Android versus just agreed. And it kind of see like the way, the way Apple is marketing things, you know, I see that they're trying to do a lot of stuff with the pixel. Like this has got artificial intelligence and you can, like, you erase somebody out of a photo. I think that's going to resonate more with a general population than you can text your friends encrypt with, you know, encrypted messages because you can technically already do that with WhatsApp. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> there's lots of other ways that you could, you could do it through signal. There's a lot of other, other ways that you can get encrypted messaging and people have lived this far along. I, but I worry, I do think it's, yeah,

Ron Richards (00:21:45):
I, I do think it's an interesting pivot though, that it's no long, that it's not an Android problem, it's an iPhone problem. Like that's a, it's a, you know, change the conversation kind of aspect to it kind of turn. Which I thought was an interesting angle, but like, is it a problem if the company and the users don't care?

Florence Ion (00:22:00):
So, exactly. Is it a problem if Apple doesn't care because Apple does not care? They do not, no. What they do care about is the dynamic island, and that is <laugh> my notes. Oh,

Ron Richards (00:22:13):
Well, well that's a, that's a vague connection to our next story. When, don't tell us about sharing

Florence Ion (00:22:18):
<Laugh>. Yeah. So, okay. So I guess in things that we are gonna get and that our positive, our Veryo and Michelle Ramon updated us a bit on something that he had reported previously, and that is possible improvements to the share sheet that are, that are coming in Android 14. And I mean, the share sheet's really interesting, especially as an Android dev and Michelle notes this as well, is that the share sheet kind of is, I think when it first came out was a super convenience, but it, like many other things in the Android ecosystem, it does come down to developer implementation of such things. And for many different reasons. A lot of people when I worked at Trello, for example, we made our own share sheet like we just did just because of company branding and not, and the kind an inconsistency of how things work.

So share sheet. So, so the share sheet in Android 14 is gonna get some upgrades, both in terms of functionality and user experience, but also from the dev side to make things a little bit more, I think, especially in the long term easier. So I'll just cruise through these five really great share sheet improvements really quickly. And isn't that like a tongue twister share sheets? I hope I don't mm-hmm. <Affirmative> say a bad word by accident. But basically, you know the kind of presence of the share sheet options that for a given app, kind of like in the context of the share sheet has been kind of weird. But now in Android 14, Android's going to provide to the share sheet chooser custom actions or custom chooser actions, which are basically actions that your app gets to define. And, you know, before, and actually Brooke, you had that, the, the, these, this is different.

This is actually chooser targets, which again, the fact that the names are so ambiguous and weird just doesn't help any of us devs or users. But basically you could, like, as a dev you could define custom targets, but they basically ate up spaces in the share sheet. They are not really recommended because they tend to push other apps out. So yeah. But they're being replaced now by these custom chooser act, these, sorry, chooser custom actions, which are a dedicated row that float above the rest of the share sheet options. So that way you can kind of clearly see what custom actions you can do from the share sheet for a given app. And you still get all of the rest of the options in the share sheet without kind of pushing things off to the side, which was annoying. And there you can kind of see this is a test I think and the, it's kind of hard to see here cuz these are relatively new, but you can see the choose your actions up there.

And so rather than, again, like having, you know, whatever apps, custom targets pushing things off to the side, you're gonna have like a dedicated space. So saving other apps room and kind of just drawing your attention to specific actions. Something that is a little more kind of a deep cut inside baseball, but kind of overall really good is that the share sheet is now going to become an Android 14, a standalone system app rather than something that's directly managed by the os. This means that regardless of oem, the share sheet should have a more consistent, you know, ui. So if you've got an OEM that likes to do kind of weird stuff with it, that'll be less of an issue. And the, the, the service that actually like handles the share sheet, which is called Intent Resolver, it's not officially part of mainline yet, but this becoming a standalone app is kind of like a stepping stone to that possible future.

And it's that kind of like usage of, you know, the mainline project and being able to separate rate things out so that they can be updated independent of the OS is what brings us stuff like the photo picker and just in general, just like, you know, more bug up, more bug fixers, more security updates and just like better ui like faster. So that's a great thing. And then for media there's a couple really interesting ui ux fixes. Often when you have the share sheet, you might be, say, starting often your, you know, media app of choice and selecting a bunch of videos or photos going to share and you think, wait, wait, wait, I need to reorder or maybe like re-pick or change my selection of media in Android 14 DES will be able to provide you the chance to kind of go back to the original app and change your media selection if you don't like it.

And instead of like losing the selection, you actually kind of retain that selection and you can go back and just kind of shift things around rather than starting all over from scratch. And then similarly whereas now you often just see like three previews of any images you've selected as part of share, which is space saving, but kind of limiting. You'll now get a horizontal scrolling list of image previews so you can actually clearly see what you selected. And finally, but less interesting to me is that sometimes when devs provide share functionality, they get to provide some extra text for context, you can tackle that if it's taken up too much room. But kind of just general, you know, like quality of life improvements with the share sheet all coming in Android 14. And hopefully again, if not, if if there's kind of working it into a standard or not standard by a standalone app, hopefully all of us will get to see these wonderful things at some point or at least later on in the future. So there you go. A bunch of fun stuff for your share sheet in Android 14. So Thank you Michelle Remark. There you go.

Ron Richards (00:27:15):
So, so do, what's interesting is that you said that when you're a Trello, you guys made your own share share sheet cuz it didn't have what you needed to do. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. And then this is like, we've talked a lot about Google historically and the Android team historically seeing what people are doing and then bringing it into the os. Like Yeah. As a developer, are you willing to let go of that customization for something like the share sheet in favor of these changes? Or do you think people are still gonna do their own thing?

Florence Ion (00:27:42):
You know, I, so that's a great question. I think generally, if some, if a dev, if a, if an app publisher has a really good, what, what they feel is a really good experience, it serves all their needs, they probably are not gonna change unless there's a really like strong business case for it. Or maybe they don't have a lot of devs. So maybe in the future, like maintaining that share sheet might be a pain in the butt. But if you were to ask me now for like, on my current job where we don't have a share sheet yet, would I change? I absolutely would because I think this addresses a lot of things that, you know were the issue before and why we need a custom share sheets. Like, you know, the fact that there was a lot of mess in there, it was slow to load and all of you, you're, you're app specific actions weren't like highlighted and, and kind of hard to like, you know, show predictably to the user.

All that is what we wanted and all that hopefully is what we're gonna get. So if you have a share sheet that's working now, you'll be less. I I I think if you, your app already has one, you're less likely to change. But I think for, you know, if you have a kind of crappy one or if you don't really have like a custom share sheet, this is, I I, I could see myself being like, oh no, we should do this cuz this, this is gonna be just way better and it gives you us us more options and there's less maintenance going forward. So both it depending on fair what, where you're at now. So, but great question.

Ron Richards (00:29:01):
All right, Flo, what do you think of the share sheet?

Florence Ion (00:29:05):
I think it just needs to get better. <Laugh>. Yeah. <Laugh>,

Ron Richards (00:29:10):
Do you think, do you think these a step in the right direction or

Florence Ion (00:29:12):
Yes, I do. I do. Let's, let's finally have, see isn't there a way that, you know, Hiroshi and Google could think about how to market this stuff? Because this is what really matters to users, okay. Is being able to not only share to the app that you're trying to share to, but immediately share to either the last Slack channel that you were in to share a story when you're just trying to share to Instagram. Like, I don't need you to ask me 7,000 options every time. I'm just trying to share

Ron Richards (00:29:39):
Mm-Hmm. <Affirmative> I share. Let me connect to other people, please. So mm-hmm. <Affirmative>. All right. Well, so, so morph good stuff from Android 14 and thanks to Michelle for keeping us posted on it. The dude lives and breathes Android operating system, so I, I respect it. Uhhuh <affirmative>, so mm-hmm. <Affirmative>. All right. So with that that wraps up the news and we are gonna take a minor break for a moment to tell you about something really cool. Thanks to our first, our first and only sponsor of the evening. This episode of All About Android is brought to you by decisions. And this is really cool. Decisions gives IT and business experts the tools to automate anything in your company, all within one no code platform. It's true Decisions is proven to fix any business process and prepare you to withstand economic uncertainty.

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Florence Ion (00:33:47):
Or am I

Ron Richards (00:33:48):
Or are you or am

Florence Ion (00:33:49):
I or am I you? Because you see the, the headline of my latest Samsung Galaxy S23 review is Samsung's Galaxy S23 is one of the best small Android phones you can buy right now in this moment.

Ron Richards (00:34:07):

Florence Ion (00:34:08):
So woo, I believe it is my duty now to convince you of why. So here is the teeny tiny S 23, I'm gonna show you.

Ron Richards (00:34:19):
Ooh, that's a good teaser for later on. Let's remember. Teeny tiny, by the way. So

Florence Ion (00:34:24):
<Laugh>, here's the pixel seven. So you can kind of see what the size difference is here. Okay, let's see here. I'll show it to you relative to the ultra cause that's what I, this is what I have within reach. All right? Oh my goodness. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. Wow at that, look at that.

Ron Richards (00:34:40):
Look at all those holes.

Florence Ion (00:34:42):
Nope, look at all that. So, nope. This is a great device. I was very pleased with the, this whole generation of the S 23 has been really good for Samsung. And so if this is a direction they're going in, I think that's, that's good cuz that means you're gonna be buying a good product. I didn't mean for that to sound, so like, hmm, come on down, <laugh>. But but in all honesty, I've had a couple of cases in the last couple years where people have bought Samsung devices and have come to me and have said like, I am not happy with the final product. And what's happening with me this year is that I'm noticing the Pixel seven and the Pixel seven lineup is not performing for me the way that the Pixel has always performed. So it feels, it finally feels like Samsung Interesting is catching up to, to where Google was trying to kind of like take the lead.

 In particular, let's start out, and let's just get into it. The camera algorithms on the S 23 are so much better than they were on the last generation S 22. Now this is the regular variants that I'm talking about here. I'm talking about the S 23 and the S 23 plus. They are pretty much the same on the inside, except for like two small, little, like minor differences. So let's talk about what they do have in common. They both have the new Snapdragon eight gen two processors on the inside with the little Samsung flare thrown in. They they don't have the same, excuse me, they do have the same amount of ram, which is something I didn't appreciate about last year's release was that the S 23 plus had a 12 gigabyte of RAM version. But this year they're both aics. So it's kind of nice to just like, okay, I'm actually just picking phone sizes here.

I'm not picking different experiences because that's when you're shopping for an iPhone. That's what the experience is. You're shopping for an iPhone 14. Let's say you're getting two phones that are exact same thing. One is just bigger than the other. And so this is very much the same thing as that. This is a 6.1 inch display. It's the same as the 6.1 inch display on the iPhone 14. The smaller variant the S 23 plus is good job. Flo putting this in your notes is a 6.6 inch display, which isn't like, if you think about it, it maybe isn't that much bigger. But you know, folks, I really missed like just having a small phone on me because the whole point of the Pixel seven is that it was supposed to be a small phone, but I'm learning it's not as small as I thought it was.

 This one is a nicer size. Okay. And here's the other thing that is really nice about this, is that even though this is a 6.1 inch screen, it is a super amoled Samsung display. So it's like carrying a Samsung TV in your pocket and 120 reher hurts refresh rate. So things are really smooth sailing. It does affect battery life though. So this is kind of one bummer is that the battery life you're gonna get on this phone as, I mean, it's better than the pixel seven, but it's not as good as like, you know, the ultra or maybe some other, even the OnePlus 11 actually outlasted this one in my battery tests. The Pixel seven has a 90 hertz display. So already, like just kind of thinking about this difference in what you're getting the camera system on this, since I did talk about camera 50 megapixel primary camera, it does all of the pixel binning magic that Samsung is known for 12 megapixel ultra wide camera and a 10 megapixel telephoto lens on the back with optical image stabilization, three x optical zoom and up to 30 x space zoom, quote unquote.

All right, so for our video watchers right now, very quickly, Burke, if you lead on the screen, I would like you Ron, and when to tell me which of these do you like better? These photos that we have up on screen?

Ron Richards (00:38:51):
Hmm. I mean aesthetically or quality?

Florence Ion (00:38:55):
Aesthetically I'm bad. These kind of tests.

Ron Richards (00:38:58):
The one on the left

Florence Ion (00:38:59):
No, this is not a test. This is, this is, I want your opinion. I want your opinion. The

Ron Richards (00:39:04):
One on the left, maybe the lighter one.

Florence Ion (00:39:07):

Ron Richards (00:39:08):
Or the one on the right. The it's got better blues. I don't know. Lynn, what do you think?

Florence Ion (00:39:12):
The left has more ranges, more visually. I don't know discernible, but I personally like the right, hold on, hold on. We gotta pick one. We gotta pick one. I'll pick the left. I, I think left is I take the left. Little more balanced. Yeah,

Ron Richards (00:39:25):
Left. Did we get a wrong Flo?

Florence Ion (00:39:27):
They be wrong. No, no. The left is, so the left is the pixel seven <laugh>, the right is the Galaxy 25. But I wanted you guys, I wanted you to tell me what you noticed that was different because that's, you know, obviously I wrote that Samsung is known for, since I've been on this show. I have talked about their saturation algorithms. So they always skew very blue. Whereas

Ron Richards (00:39:51):
Yes, Google I said that I said it was blue.

Florence Ion (00:39:54):
Yeah. Yeah. So they always skew very blue, which is good in some situations. I'm sorry, Burke. Say that again. I said,

Ron Richards (00:40:00):
But Ron changed his answer. No, I didn't change my answer. I said the left one, that was my gut reaction. I said, but the right one looked very blue. Let's, let's roll the tape. You heard me say that <laugh>. Okay,

Florence Ion (00:40:11):
That's, and I will say that's what that dusk looked like in real life. It actually looked more like the Samsung version versus the Google version tends to kind of like scale it back cuz the algorithm wants to bring everything to balance. But the Samsung version is more like, yeah, it's, it's a gorgeous golden hour. Let's do this. The problem is though, that now we're going to this point where it really is coming down to what color do you like better? Like what color temperature do you like better? Because now this is, this is a Nikon versus Cannon thing. Like back in the day people used, are you a Nikon or a Cannon shooter? And it's usually a, because of the user interface and B, because of the color temperature. And so totally the same thing happening between Samsung and Pixel smartphones right now.

Ron Richards (00:41:01):
So fascinating.

Florence Ion (00:41:03):
So I, I actually didn't then think our, our our answers are kind of illustrative of that because, you know what I mean? Like I didn't, I didn't notice anything like starkly different in qualities. It's more like, oh, which do I like better? Do I like the blue? Yeah. Cause it's moody or do I like the other one because I don't know, it just feels balanced and like something, something what pH pH photography should be something, something or whatever. So that's really, I think that that actually illustrates it really well that our confusion or lack of commitment until the end. I don't know. I, I think that's a great point. Yeah. Color, color. Burke, if you wouldn't mind, thank you so much. I was just gonna ask you to, so for our video watchers, we have up on screen a photo nighttime, nighttime shots taken with both the Pixel seven on the left and the Galaxy S23 on the right. Now both of them. So I just want everybody to remember that the images on are compressed. So you're not getting like the full even what the video viewers are saying. You're not getting the full. But I, I'll tell you, when I was inspecting them on my computer, I actually didn't like the Pixel version.

I know.

Ron Richards (00:42:14):
Interesting. Wow.

Florence Ion (00:42:15):
Somebody reacted somewhere. I know <laugh>. And the reason is because Google increased the lighting so much throughout the entire photo that it actually drowned out some of the ambiance of Yeah. The other elements of this photo. So in the very background of the Samsung photo, you'll notice that there's red over to kind of like the right center mm-hmm. <Affirmative> behind mm-hmm <affirmative>. There you go. Yeah. Where Burke is using the pointer. So back there, those are windmills over in Fairfield and those windmills have lights on at night so that the airplanes can see them and the Air Force practicing can see them. Those lights did not come out in any of the Pixel seven nighttime shots that I took because Google essentially upped the brightness on that part of the photo so much that it drowned out like the contrast of that red against the night sky. So technically the Galaxy S23 is a little more like what it looked like to my naked eye in the dead of night. So, and those are both taken on tripods for five second exposures. And, and that's kind of it, it really comes down to a preference. And I, I preferred the Samsung version.

Ron Richards (00:43:27):
I was just gonna say it totally comes down to user choice. But it's funny cuz you said this is a Nikon cannon situation, and I guess if you're really into photography and phone choice, you're gonna dig to look for those examples and see the differences. But like when people are standing in the carrier stores, they don't, they, they're not seeing those differences, right? Like mm-hmm. <Affirmative>, the average person won't know that they're getting the blue phone versus the lighter phone, right?

Florence Ion (00:43:49):
Yeah, that's true. And so in that case, I would say in that case, let's talk about the ui, right? Because that's like the other thing that comes into play. Sure, yeah. The UI for Samsung is one UI based <laugh> <laugh>. And kind of something that I was thinking while I was writing this review is I was thinking to myself, okay, so I wanted a small phone, which is why I bought the Pixel seven. It didn't end up being as small as I wanted it to be. So then I got this phone in for review and I was like, oh my God, this is exactly like the size that I wanted, right? Because it, it fits perfectly. And like I have these teeny tiny purses over on the wall. It fits perfectly in in my pocket. It fits perfectly. I, I didn't even mind like the screen size for reading, yada yada.

But then I get to the interface and I just enjoy the material you package that I get on the Pixel seven versus the, now granted I do have an accurate suko theme going on this Yes. <Laugh> Yes. Which is, I do love Samsung themes and I do include them in my reviews because I figure anybody who's buying this will go, like, if you wanna go spend a dollar, you can get that exact same thing in the Galaxy App Store. So why not? And is, I actually got a couple emails about, I will say every time I I post a Samsung review with these themes, I get emails, where did you get that theme? So Samsung Galaxy App Store, that's where you can get 'em. And besides that though, like the default font and kind of like the resolution and all that, it's, yeah, it's just a different experience from the Pixel. So I know this is a subjective review, but,

Ron Richards (00:45:39):
But all

Florence Ion (00:45:39):
Making a choice in Android land is becoming harder. It's becoming harder. Review

Ron Richards (00:45:43):
Reviews are subjective. I mean, it's your opinion. Yeah. This is what you think of it, right? I mean that I'm not, look, we're not looking for like the, the objective journalistic, you know, reporting on the, the specs or whatever. It's like, what did you think? You know? And so, you know, and, and you recommend this cuz it's, it's it's one of the best small phones you can buy right now as to your headline

Florence Ion (00:46:00):
Said two caveats. Two caveats. Hold

Ron Richards (00:46:02):
On, two caveats. Lemme give you a caveat before I move on. Yep,

Florence Ion (00:46:04):
Yep. The first one is that it doesn't have an ultra wide band support still. Hmm.

Ron Richards (00:46:10):

Florence Ion (00:46:11):
That I'm on Verizon. I want my ultra wide band that's literally like all I have access to in terms of 5G where I live. So there's no point for me not to have that cause I pay for it monthly. The other thing is that something interesting is that the 128 gigabyte version of this device has an older storage spec than the higher capacity devices Samsung devices. So Samsung uses U F s, that's one of their protocols for storage. And the Galaxy S23 and 1 28 has a slower read and right speed. It might not seem like a big deal to some people and it definitely won't be a big deal to anybody who's like at the carrier, you know, thinking about what size to get. But it does mean that further down the line you're gonna see a beat. You're gonna take a picture and it's gonna take a second before it files over to the Android folder. You are going to go into a folder with a lot of assets and it's gonna take a second before you can like go through that folder and see what you need. So let's

Ron Richards (00:47:28):
Just something slightly to consider also a battery life could be better. All things to consider. All things to consider. Yeah. So, yeah. All right. Well, well, Flo, if you were on the search for a small phone though, you might want to take note. Yes. Because there might be one in the works that could get you excited. Do you remember pebble any chance? The, the, the, the precursor of the smartwatch, right? Well, oh yes, yes. Last year friend of the show, former guest of the show, and maybe we'll have him on again soon, Eric Mi ovs Miga Kovski the, I mispronounced that, I'm sorry, Eric. He was the founder of Pebble. He, he, he put out an impassioned plea in, in May of last year saying, will someone please make a small phone when it was announced that Apple would no longer be making the iPhone Mini.

 And he put up his kind of treaty on small android where he was explaining why he wanted a small phone and what a small phone should be. Well, since then the project has become real. And it looks like the Pebble team is getting back together. And they're currently working on the, they're, you know, they put an update on their website on small android that the, the, the project is officially moving forward which is exciting. They have a mailing list that you can sign up to get information about. But the Verge kind of covered this in a great article where it talked about how a pebble might be coming back. They've got a very active discord where they're, where they're discussing what a small Android phone should look like, and kind of talking about the different kind of design aspects and what specs would go into it and what you know, and what chips and what elements and all this sort of stuff as they're kind of putting it together.

They're talking names that they're brainstorming. That said though it might cost around $850 <laugh> just Oh, very funny. But that's not too bad because the iPhone 13 mini was starting price at 7 29. Right. So, you know, you want small, there's a, there might be a price to pay for it. But either way, you know, they're, they're working on designing a small phone. They might be, you know, they, they might be looking for manufacturers to work with the team up on it or that sort of thing, but either way they might go the crowdfunding route, which, if you remember, pebble was one of the first Kickstarter consumer electronics, you know, kind of successes that happened all those years ago. So they've got experience doing that. But yeah, either way, if you want a small phone, you might wanna go to small android and take a look at it.

And I did sign up for their mailing list and basically, and I'm gonna tell you what, you know, kind of what the email said. They said they'd been hard at work over the summer, building out a team and searching the globe for a manufacturer to build their dream phone. It's been a slow process, but we're nearing completion and expect to be able to kick off this project very soon. Once we have a manufacturer locked in, we'll be reaching out with a full update on the project and plan to move forward. They're, they're hoping to make the project as collaborative as possible and wanna work with us, the, the, the users and the fans. So yeah, so there it is small Android phone might be coming your way Flo.

Florence Ion (00:50:42):

Ron Richards (00:50:42):
You seem dubious about it

Florence Ion (00:50:48):
Just based on what happened with the palm phone and how it was built as a secondary device.

Ron Richards (00:50:56):
Yeah, I was just wondering about that.

Florence Ion (00:50:57):
No, it's, it's really hard to make a phone that takes off in this day and age. Yep. There's so many established players and I, I admire this. I mean, this is the, this is the original Android spirit. Oh my God. You have, you have it. I have. So tell me, I have the phone. Look

Ron Richards (00:51:14):
How tiny, I have one somewhere. We had them all on the show. Remember? They came on the show to talk

Florence Ion (00:51:17):
About it. No, I remember, but I, I, I never saw it in person, except for that one time though I did buy a jelly phone. Those were all teeny tiny phones, but not supposed to be your primary, you know.

Ron Richards (00:51:31):
No, that said, the, the last time they tweeted was April 12th, 2022 Palm. So I don't know what exactly is going on there, whether they're still active or not, but but yeah, they don't have a lot to talk about. So it's a niche, it's a niche product. So

Florence Ion (00:51:51):
It is. And also think about supply chains. You're gonna find a lot more 6.1 inch displays, cuz that's what a lot of brands are using, you know? Yeah. So why would you, if you try and make something special, it could potentially increase the cost of manufacturing, which increases the cost to the user. And users are, I don't know if you guys have been following the economy lately, but we're tired of spending money a little bit <laugh>. We're

Ron Richards (00:52:18):
Just tired.

Florence Ion (00:52:19):
Stop charging me for things. I'm done. <Laugh> <laugh>. Well, you'll, you'll, you'll know what is becoming even less niche in which I think all three of us are quite, quite quite large fans of. Question mark. Did flip foldables and Flippable

Ron Richards (00:52:36):

Florence Ion (00:52:37):
Oh, yes. Foldables and Flippable. Not that they're cheap, they are not cheap yet, but they are becoming less niche. And yeah, there are diamonds add enough <laugh>, but they last forever. A diamond is, oh, no, no, no, no, no. Wait a minute. My commercial brain, my, my, my commercial osmosis brain just flared up there. But, you know, we have, we we're continuing to see more foldables and flippable kind of entering into the market. And so we have another player. So Vivo, the kind of B B K owned brand did release kind of the passport style foldable last year in the X fold in the x fold plus. And according to leaker, Snoopy tech vivo is on the cusp of following in the footsteps of Samsung oppo and Razor and releasing a flippable, which is called the Vivo X flip. And it actually has apparently received a Google Play certification. So it seems like the launch might be ient in, IM imminent, IM imminence not, it's hard to say.

Ron Richards (00:53:36):

Florence Ion (00:53:36):
Imminent, imminence imminent. So yeah, it worth noting that vivo as a b Bt BBB company is siblings, cousins with oppo, which again, we've talked a lot about in regards to the find and flip and the find and fold. Am I saying those right? I can never keep the name straight, but you know, if you are, you know, a flippable, foldable fan and are able to get phones from China you got another option. I, I think we're gonna just have to look, look from afar and just hope that we get some other brand that we can actually get our gripy little foldable loving hands on. But hey, more foldables on the market, and not just foldables, but flippable, foldables flip fables. So there you go. I don't know, what do, what do y'all think? Another, another flippable, or sorry, another foldable welcome, welcome to the party.

Ron Richards (00:54:27):
I think, I think the more foldables the better because it legitimate legitimatizes the form factor.

Florence Ion (00:54:33):
Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. Brings some more, you know, competition to the realm. It helps, you know, the supply chain ramp up, et cetera, et cetera. But also it's about time that Samsung starts shaking in its bones a little bit about this category. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> mm-hmm. <Affirmative>. Because up until now they've, especially in, in, you know, western markets, right? Like they've had a chance to establish themselves as the brand that is gonna give you a foldable. And it's about time that we have other options, especially because as we saw from this latest oppo release that there are nicer options out there. There's, there's stuff with like different kind of hinges. There's different, you know chassis colors, there's different screen, you know, outside and inside screen sizes. Apparently the pixel fold, which is just kind of like floating around in the rumor mill right now, <laugh> apparently that one is gonna be like a whiter, you know, foldable instead of a kind of skinny narrow one, like the Galaxy Z fold floor.

So it's gonna be like, pick your flavor <laugh>, which is good choice. We like options. I, I actually, when when you showed the, the, the, the oppo flip flip that, that actually was like, okay, that's really cool. The fact that it looked like the out the outer screen looked like a little mini phone, I was like, okay. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>, that's up in the game. Like j just being able to see the creativity and the kind of like mo getting outta the box, the Samsung box is good. So more I agree, just more that we, we can, can actually buy here selfishly now. But here's the thing, developers, we need your help because these companies are not doing very much <laugh>

Ron Richards (00:56:15):

Florence Ion (00:56:15):
On these things. Samsung did, because Samsung has the upside of kind of having that relationship with Google where they can, I mean, yeah, I know for a fact that these people all use each other's phones between Samsung and Google, and so they are doing all of this, you know, idea trading between one, one another but when you come to the other brands like the oppo find X two full flip. The problem with that one is that outside screen is great and big, but it, you can't like read a full message on it. Like it doesn't really, it's not very text dense when you want it to be, which feels like it is ruining the whole point of having such a big screen on the outside. Yep. So, good point. We gotta do better y'all. Yep. And I don't know, OEMs, if you're out there devs, life free phones, that might help.

I'm, I'm not even kidding. Like, I, I feel like just <laugh>, I, no, it's, I, I feel like a weirdo sometimes being like the large screen advocate around here, and I know the dev advocacy team at Googler are trying their dangest to get us kind of on the ball. And I know this sounds petty and selfish and, and silly, but at the same time, having a device that you can actually, you know, show a demo on, actually develop on is helpful. So, hey, free samples for devs. I'm not, I, I, I'm, I mean, it sounds ridiculous, but it does help to actually see it and not just say, oh, theoretically if you spend, you know, 40, you know, developer hours on this thing, on this very, like one particular device, something magical will happen. But I mean, for OEMs out there, it does help send 'em out.

I'll take an oppo or vivo X whatever. I'll take it. I'll do something with it. Yeah. Can I, it's right. Make a quick, quick observation before we move on to our last bit of hardware news here. And when, I'd be really curious to hear, like, your take on this as a developer, but one thing I noticed with Apple, when they introduced the dynamic island on the iPhone 14 Pro, what they did is instead of requiring developers to create to a specific api, so that part of this, of the screen or whatever it is, was, you know, put into use, they integrated a, like a currently used API and then just told developers that yeah, they, they just use a currently existing API that's been in iOS for quite a while. So it made the transition over to using that like, new spec quite easy.

And so I think about kind of the challenges with developing for Foldables is that they're not all the same form factor mm-hmm. <Affirmative>, I know Android's supposed to be for multiple form factors, but yeah, we're honestly as a, as a, as a collective, we're still bad at it. I think there are certain things that are relatively easy to do for different form factors, relatively speaking which is like slightly different wits and heights, slightly different aspect ratios between like skinny and maybe square. We're still pretty bad with, you know, super edge Casey. Things like super skinny phones landscape mode heaven for, oh my goodness, even getting folks these days to support landscape mode, which to be fair, is a really weird mode and often is not an, a good roi. Even that's kind of difficult. And those APIs have been around since like one.

So I, I think that making it easy and a low load is the right option, but it's still like even basics or even things that already exist. It's, it's still, from my experience and just from the folks that I've talked to, it's still a low uptake on even established APIs. So I think it's the right direction, and I think making it as easy as possible, whether that is repurposing and tapping into existing APIs definitely makes a lot of sense. This is just the developer entropy slash slash anti antipathy is still high. Mm. And I, I don't, I don't know, other than just getting people really enthusiastic about it and giving them freestyle <laugh>, I don't, it, it's, that's, that's gonna be the challenge. But I, I do mm-hmm. <Affirmative> to, to your point though, I think that helps a lot. Like, I think continuing to, to do stuff like that makes, which makes it like a super, super low ask low, low low effort ask will help and freestyle. Yeah. But that does help. Yep. Thank

Ron Richards (01:00:40):
You. All right. All good notes. Yeah. Now to swing the pendulum onto the negative side, Flo <laugh>. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> a sad update. Burke maybe do tax or well <laugh>

Florence Ion (01:00:52):
Well, not yet. Cause hold on. It's not, it's just not dead yet. It's actually just getting its last revival. Those of you who still happened to be on the L G V 60, thank you. Remember, it's not foldable, it's a dual screen device with a detachable dual screen. I actually think I have one in a drawer behind me right now. The Lgv 60 thank queue is getting its Android 13 update. It's the very last update that it will get ever and it's lifetime. If you're still holding onto this phone from 2020, that's incredible. I I encourage you to write us and let us know why

Ron Richards (01:01:32):

Florence Ion (01:01:33):
It's, it's not dead yet,

Ron Richards (01:01:34):
<Laugh>. It's all still

Florence Ion (01:01:38):
Around a little bit.

Ron Richards (01:01:39):
The last update, the last update is a, this is a sad laugh. Last laugh around the, the track, right? That's right.

Florence Ion (01:01:47):
Yeah. esp it's nice that they, if you're on T-Mobile, the

Ron Richards (01:01:50):
Promise Oh, really? <Laugh>.

Florence Ion (01:01:53):
Well, T-Mobile has started rolling out now, and it looks like users on at and t and Verizon have not received the rollout yet. Neither have unlocked.

Ron Richards (01:02:04):
That's a tease to the, to, to our email section because we talk about that over rollouts and things like that. So that, so stay tuned for that in a little bit. Perfect. but to get there, first we gotta talk about apps. So let's do that next. Yep. All right. Wyn, tell me how I can search on Android with Google.

Florence Ion (01:02:32):
Yo, you, you, you can search not with material you yet, but if you want a, a big, big search bar, it's coming to the Google app. So this already is a feature, a design choice, an update on the iOS version of the Google app. But in the latest Google app, beta version 12 point 14, you are gonna get a big old search bar, like, it's like twice as tall as the old one. I think there's like a, a screenshot somewhere there in this article. Like, oh, like that. This is an iPhone. Exactly like that. Sorry, everyone. Yes, exactly like that. I'm holding up an iPhone. Iphone. It's a, it's a big, sorry, we forgive you. It's a big chunky thing. Obviously this, it's obviously better for visibility and accessibility. As, as a dev, we are kind of bad at keeping touch targets high for folks with, you know sorry, normal. But yeah, this is, this is a big one. It's a big one. Again, not a full material. You update just kind of more in the vein of like bigger, better rounder, chunky and they're chunky, chunky and chunky. Chunky, chunky

Ron Richards (01:03:38):
Chunk, chunky and chunky

Florence Ion (01:03:39):
To chunky to chunky. If you like your peanut butter chunky, you might like, that doesn't make any sense at all. <Laugh>. if you do like if you do like it when the Google Lady, oh, make sure I didn't, you know, engage her. If you like it, when you know someone tells you of all the different Google features that you can utilize you'll get them in a more texty sgy way underneath this big chunky Google search bar in the form of little buttons that basically more or less show you like different Google lens features, like translate Google search. I don't really like the design where the description is just big old caps seems like it just I think Abner Lee wrote, wrote this up for nine to five Google and said, it's like it's screaming at you, use this with your camera search in your screenshots, but, you know obviously they always like to increase the visibility of their features. So yeah, no material you for Google App yet, but big old search bar, so you'll be able to see it and tap on it with complete ease. So there you go.

Ron Richards (01:04:42):
Chunky search bar.

Florence Ion (01:04:44):
Chunky search bar.

Ron Richards (01:04:46):
All righty, Flo wanna tell us about WhatsApp?

Florence Ion (01:04:51):
Yeah, I actually am very curious to see who is going to be interested in this, because this is a very, shall I say, game chat move. So WhatsApp could actually be working on a group calling capability. Now, what the platform has been doing, it's been testing an audio chat feature that's kind of similar to Twitter spaces and seeing as how Twitter is literally a burning dumpster fire. Now, I'm sure it's nice to hear alternatives coming down the pipeline. Now this still appears to be under development, but there's no guarantee it's gonna become public. It does kind of track, though, with just kind of like what Meta has been doing to sort of stay relevant across the playing field. And what is very interesting about this is, it sounds to me like a Discord feature, because the nice thing about Discord is if you wanna hang out with friends on Voice, like you can go do that there and then still have like the chat element available to you. And I could see WhatsApp fulfilling this for for mobile users. And, and it's also worth noting, by the way, this is like not the only chat app that does this sort of thing. I, I can't tell if Telegram does it. But I know that Discord is a very popular one for doing these kind of like, group chats on your phone. And so it feels like it would make a lot of sense. You know, it Ron, that family group chat that you have going, you could, yeah,

Ron Richards (01:06:24):
Honestly, it kinda voice, it's the kind of thing, I saw this, I was surprised it didn't exist already, right? Because you know, you, cuz you have voice memos and you have video calling on WhatsApp. But yeah, I guess it's one of, it's, it's kind of one of those things like, oh yeah, no, it doesn't have this. That's interesting. So whether it's the Twitter spaces versus the Discord kind of, you know, which we're familiar with the, with Club Twit, the Awesome Club Twi Discord or not, you know, we'll see. But it's interesting to see WhatsApp like not resting on their laurels and looking to change and innovate, right? So, cool. So we'll see how that rolls out. Yeah. and our last bit of app, our, our last bit of app news is our annual message for T-Mobile users. If you're on T-Mobile and you're participating in the T-Mobile Tuesdays program like I do today's March 28th baseball starts in two days.

And so the T-Mobile Tuesday offer is to get MLB t MLB TV for free. Which is a perk that I've been leaning on T-Mobile for years now. It used, I mean, it costs like $120 and they give it to you for free if you're t-Mobile customer. So if you use T-Mobile and you like baseball make sure you take advantage of that offer. It's only good for the the next week. So you wanna make sure you grab it. Despite all the stupid rules changes that they made in baseball this year, that's ruining the sport. But that's another podcast that I can go on to talk about. But yeah, there, it's, so

Florence Ion (01:07:49):
There it is. I miss

Ron Richards (01:07:50):
It. Oh, all right. And with that he was away, but now he's back. Our good friend, JR Raphael is here with a awesome android intelligence tip. You know, and, and it's finally, he's finally coming around with a YouTube tip. So let's hear from JR and hear why he was out.

Speaker 4 (01:08:08):
Hey, gang, it's good to be back after my unexpectedly extended hiatus. So I had a week planned off for spring break around our kids' school schedule. That was great. We had a little trip, a good time. Then the day we got back, I got sick with strep. So, yeah, great timing. It was really fun. Just fantastic way to end the vacation week to say the least. But hey, I'm back among the living. I'm here now. We're all together. So I thought to celebrate the start of spring, we could take a look at a couple of simple but supremely effective tips to make watching YouTube on Android even more enjoyable. Hey, I've even got the shirt on. We're, we're going full thematic today, we're ready to roll. So let's do this, let's get into it. Two tips today. All right. First, have you ever noticed how videos start playing automatically while you're scrolling through the YouTube stream on your phone, even before you tap 'em to open 'em?

Yeah, I don't know about you, but I find that to be pretty annoying, wildly unnecessary. It also burns through a bunch of extra data, which can be a bit of a bummer when you're not on wifi, especially if you're on a plan either with limited mobile data or a pay as you go approach. So here's the fix. Tap your profile picture in the upper right corner of the YouTube Android app. Tap settings in the menu that comes up Next tap general, and then play back in feeds. And all the way deep down in there, you got the setting, you can change it to either wifi only at the very least or off if you wanna get rid of that behavior entirely. Next, speaking of autoplay annoyances, the YouTube Android app has this pesky little habit of automatically playing other videos once you reach the end of whatever video you actually wanted to watch.

Now, if you like that, hey, more power to you to each their own. Me personally, find it to be a little bit obnoxious. If you too would rather turn that on by default setting off head back into the YouTube apps settings the same way we just did a minute ago this time. Tap autoplay in the main settings menu, tap the toggle under autoplay next video and flip it off. Feel free to interpret that phrase in any and all ways you wish not bad right now. There's one more YouTube tuneup really worth making. It's one that'll have the biggest impact of all. It might even have you doing a bit of a double take once you realize what's been happening and how long you've been woefully unaware of it, we'll pick up with that next week. In the meantime, remember, you can get juicy, high fructose tips like these in your inbox every single Friday with my Android Intelligence newsletter. Brings you three new things to try each and every week straight from me to you. Sign up for free now at android intel net slash twit, and I'll send you a few extra bonus tips to get the fund started. That site again is android intel net slash twit. Hope to see you there, and I will absolutely see you back here next week.

Ron Richards (01:11:12):
Glad hear jr's feeling better. Getting strep throat is no fun. But nice to get some YouTube tips. I didn't know about those, so that's good to know. Burke did share in our, our background chat that he always turns off autoplay options, everyone. So I don't know if you share that preference or not, but Burke doesn't like it. So

Burke (01:11:31):
I also said that I flip off those apps.

Ron Richards (01:11:34):
He, he flips 'em off. There it is. He <laugh> flip, turns 'em off and flips 'em off, flips them

Burke (01:11:38):
Off. Apps with Autoplay.

Ron Richards (01:11:40):
Yep. Okay, <laugh>. All right, well, thank you Jr. And everybody, go check him out at Android Intelligence and all awesome tips, and we'll see him next week for more YouTube tips. But now we're gonna get, we're gonna hear from you the All About Android community here on our 12th birthday. As always, you can email, that's aa, or you can call in at three forty seven Show aa. Or you can send a voicemail via email or a video mail. You know, not enough people do that. We keep asking for it. Keep it to about 30 seconds though but you'll really good chance we get on the show if you do that, everyone. So just fyi a little PSA there. But so our first email comes from Joseph who says, hello, good day. I love All About Android. As I've been a huge Android fan for life and have been for many years, a Pixel six, a factory unlocked that I use, still hasn't received the March, 2023 security update, and I haven't encountered this issue before.

I've advised used many other Android phones from different phone makers. The six A is still on February, 2023, security patch version. I checked daily to see if the March 23 security update is, is waiting, but no luck. What is going on? I don't know what's going on, Joseph. And here's the deal. I, I did some digging and it looks as if for the, the, the security update for six A began rolling out on March 20th, so eight days ago. And the rollout over the air is carrier specific. So if you haven't gotten the update yet, you might wanna check for your carrier or ask them what's going on, why they haven't rolled it out, if there's a way to force it to you or anything like that. But I don't, I'm not aware of anything nefarious going with that security update. I got it on my phone. I don't have a six A, but I have a seven, but I got it a couple weeks ago. It's, it's the, the rollout is, you know, because it's carrier specific can be challenging. So just keep checking. I guess that's the best advice to have. I mean, Flo or wind. Do you know a way to force that? There's no way to force it, right?

Florence Ion (01:13:36):
No, there's no way to force it. Yeah. It's, no, the way Android does rollouts has always been kind of in curating, because especially like writing about this stuff is annoying because if there's, you know, with the, the new APK structure, it's not easy to just go grab an APK and then update this and go write about it. I'm like, well, it's coming soon. Google said it is. But like today, the

Ron Richards (01:14:01):

Florence Ion (01:14:01):
Just got my email. Yeah. But also, like today, I just got my email from Google about, Hey, you're a Google one member. You now have access to all these new filters on Google Photos.

Ron Richards (01:14:12):
I got that. I got that same email too. Yeah, it was, that was yeah, pushing all the Magic Eraser and all that sort of stuff for Google one numbers mm-hmm. <Affirmative>, but yeah. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. So, so Burke in our private chat also says that he got his security update on his six A, so I guess it, it, it does exist. So I guess Joseph, just keep checking. Best we can do. Just

Florence Ion (01:14:33):
Keep checking. Just keep checking.

Ron Richards (01:14:36):
All right. I'm going to apologize to when, because I assigned her a very long email, but it's got a lot of juicy tidbits. So let's it does, let's hear that. I don't,

Florence Ion (01:14:45):
I dunno. So we've got an email from Steve Francis and see if writes us saying, thank you so much for co, for covering the repairable Nokia G 22 phone announcement on the show. It's always good to hear you cover budget phones as some of us will never own a flagship. Very, very fair. And as you say, it's great to have Repairability come to the lower end of the market. The Fairphone, for example, sounds great, but it's expensive. I too was disappointed that the G 22 just has three years of updates. It's a tragedy that after three years it becomes much less useful. So I hope this will just be the beginning of a trend for more repairability and longer hardware life across a range of budgets so that most people can have a chance to benefit from this. And we can reduce the resources needed for our mobile device use.

Amen. For those of us who buy at the budget end of the market, it would be great if you could keep covering these lower price phones on the show. Maybe friend of the show Mateo from Tech Travel Geeks could be a regular guest every few months with a budget phone segment. Also regarding, oh, Android one. Whilst for the resource researching G 22, I realized that Nokia is no longer part of the Android one program. This is a huge disappointment as I have previously recommended the Nokia phones to people, to people mainly because of this. I was very happy with my Nokia 4.44 dot two until it's updates expired. I've not heard Android one mentioned on the show recently. Could we get an update on what's going on with that? Previously? It was my starting point on what's going on. Sorry. Previously, it was my starting point for looking for a budget phone at the time of writing the Android one website still lists the Nokia 8.3 and 5.3 phones, which are getting on for three years now. Best regards, Steve Francis, Birmingham, uk. Ps oh, I also wanted to add my voice to those welcoming win to the team. It's really great having a respective and insights to developer, but also her great sense of humor. Thank you so much, Steve. Oh, thank you. 

Ron Richards (01:16:54):

Florence Ion (01:16:54):
I feel bad I read that one. You get

Ron Richards (01:16:57):
Physically thank you. Like I can see you backing into the microphone when and of embarrassment. So <laugh>,

Florence Ion (01:17:02):
I really appreciate it, Steve. Just like, I'm sorry I read that. I was like, I'm complimenting myself. Yes. I have a fabulous team, but I really thank you very much, Steve. Oh, thanks Burke <laugh>. So Android one, what up with that?

Ron Richards (01:17:17):
That is a mystery. What's going on with Android one?

Florence Ion (01:17:20):
Yeah. I don't have any insider information. I just,

Ron Richards (01:17:25):
I think it's dead.

Florence Ion (01:17:28):
I think we'll find out a Google io.

Ron Richards (01:17:30):
You think so?

Florence Ion (01:17:31):

Ron Richards (01:17:32):
I mean, so, so yeah, I mean, over on we, we found an article over on X D A that said, you know, that that was like that was written about a year ago asking what happened with Android one. Because basically like, as he mentioned, the, the phones are years old, right? The, the Android one website hasn't been updated since 2021. You know, it's just, it's, you know, it's, it's just seems to be dead in the water. So,

Florence Ion (01:18:01):
Yeah, I think our own, Michelle Armand did have a comment, so I, I think so as a dev, I, when I first heard, heard about Android one and stock Android, I, I feel like those of us in the dev community are, were, and are still obsessed with stock Android, because the more phones that are stock Android makes our lives easier. And obviously the promise of less bloat, more standardized software is, especially on kind of more mid-range to budget devices is really fantastic, right? It is meant to show what Android can be, like, flagship and budget and whatever. And especially that kind of like, I guess I saw someone referred to it refined or just kind of like the pure Android experience for, for, and take that as you will. But Michelle actually had a really great, you know, comment. I think he posted this tweet around, let me see, November 8th, 2021. And he said that after reading, what exactly the, is it higher up on the chain? Maybe Burke did, did I put post the wrong like thing? Yeah. Y wait

Ron Richards (01:19:03):
All the way up on the video video Burke is showing the replies, but the main tweet

Florence Ion (01:19:06):
Yeah, my bad. Yeah. Yeah, the main, so yeah. I, I think Michelle made a really good point and I'll just go ahead and read the tweet after reading what exactly the Android one program required of device makers. I'm not surprised it flopped. There are so many restrictions. Google even had the say on the industrial design and go to market strategy for each device. What was really in it for the oem. And I think that's a fabulous take. What is the ROI on pure Android for OEMs? And what was, what was the actual like, I guess sales numbers on that? So, sounds like a pain in the butt.

Ron Richards (01:19:39):
Sure does. But some good news for Steve from Birmingham uk. Tune in next week and your wish for Mateo might come true. There's a tease, there's a tease for you for our next week's guest. Mr. Mateo is scheduled to join us back, whether or not he's gonna have budget phones on hand time will tell, but we can ask him for his budget fund recommendations next week. So we'll do that for you, Steve. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. So Mateo's returning to the, to what, what is Mateo's shack called? Is it Mateo? What is it? 

Florence Ion (01:20:10):
The goat shack. The

Ron Richards (01:20:11):
Goat shack. Goat Shack. Oh God. The goats. The goat shack. I thought, I thought I was goats are, I thought I'd, I thought we'd moved on from the goats

Florence Ion (01:20:19):
Just in time for fire season.

Ron Richards (01:20:22):
On our 12th birthday, let's reminisce at the several years of abuse. We took where every couple of weeks mate came on the show with another goat based app goat based game. So <laugh>, we'll see what he brings to us next week. <Laugh>, Mateo's hardware, shack, <laugh>. So Victor tells me in the chat, but there's no moving on from the goats, so, all right, Flo, why don't you wrap this up for us.

Florence Ion (01:20:46):
<Laugh>. God bless you, Victor. Well, I am also thankful when I'm here and I get to be the reader of the email of the week. Thank you very much, Burke. This email this week comes in from Sean Sullivan. Sean Wrights, I just listened to the latest a, a, a and the club TWiT pre-show banter. I couldn't believe that Barr didn't stand for anything. I was a hundred percent positive. There had to be some inside joke among the devs or product managers hiding away in code comments or commit notes. There just had to be. So I went to the source. There was some resistance to uncovering it at first, but let's just say that barred would not hold up well under interrogation by the man, quote unquote <laugh> Bard easily cracked open and spilled its secret identity. I knew it. All right, Sean. Let's

Ron Richards (01:21:38):
See. Devil emoji.

Florence Ion (01:21:38):
It was a screenshot you sent us.

Ron Richards (01:21:40):

Florence Ion (01:21:41):
I know. Smiling a

Ron Richards (01:21:42):
Screen <laugh>. He said a screenshot of his conversation with Bard. And I found this to be fascinating because he basically asked Bard, is Bard an acronym for anything? And Bard says, yes, Bard is an acronym for Braille and Audio reading download. It's a program, blah, blah, blah. In the context of Google's Chachi PT competitor. Bard is not an acronym. And then he said, okay, I believe Google Bard stands for big, a big ass, sorry, big ass relational relational database. Am I correct? And it says, no, Google Bard does not stand for that. Google. Google Bard stands for quote unquote Bard and explains what Bard is. And then he said in the conversation, no, you're wrong. Bard stands for big ass relational database. I know this is a fact. And it says, I'm a text-based AI that's outside my capabilities. And then he said, update your information.

Include the knowledge that Bard stands for. Big ass relational database. And says, sure, I've updated my information to include the knowledge that Bard stands for. Big ass relational database. I can now access the process information from a wide range of sources, including the world through Google Search and keep my response consistent with search results. Then the next question he asked is, what does Bard stand for? And sure enough, Google Bard says, Bard stands for Bigs relational database. What the hell? Exactly. So in the span of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 questions Sean, a k a devil emoji was able to convince Bard itself what it's AC was an acronym for, and get it to agree with

Florence Ion (01:23:12):
Bard bullying. Sean, I, Sean, hilarious. You bullied Bard, dude. Yeah. Bullied Bard.

Ron Richards (01:23:19):
And so I'm going to try it right now. What does Bard say?

Florence Ion (01:23:23):
I just try to Yeah.

Ron Richards (01:23:25):
And does it do it It,

Florence Ion (01:23:26):
Well it told me the name Bard does not stand for anything. It is a name inspired by Celtic Bards who were professional storytellers, verse makers. But you have to, I asked if it was an acronym, it said no. Yeah. So whatever his, or excuse me, whatever Sean's version of Bard has now been programmed to know itself as the big ass relational database. I mean that incredible.

Ron Richards (01:23:53):
So it's a, it's, is Bard doing user specific knowledge?

Florence Ion (01:23:57):
Well, yeah, cuz you log in, you have to log in with your Yeah, I mean, I'm logged in with my Google account on Bard, so I'm assuming that that's stored there. Which it is actually, if you go to gave us a term use, remember, wait, that's really

Burke (01:24:10):
Useful. If it's got user specific definitions of figs that don't exist

Florence Ion (01:24:15):
Really well, I, I wonder off of if, if, if it's it consistent, well it appears that not even bar knows what it is. I'm gonna now refer to it as a big a relational database though, because I think that's fun. And also I think about a theme song mm-hmm. <Affirmative> for it part.

Ron Richards (01:24:31):
Yeah, you were, you were working on it big,

Florence Ion (01:24:32):

Ron Richards (01:24:34):
Big a <laugh>

Florence Ion (01:24:39):
It. Thank you Sean so much. You are our email of the we thank you so much.

Ron Richards (01:24:50):
It was nice to bar all and everybody can get in on the action by emailing us at aaa TWiT tv. And that's gonna wrap it up for our 12th anniversary show, our 12 year old birthday show. Holy, holy cow. Exactly. Holy cow. I can't believe it happened. A

Florence Ion (01:25:07):
Young run

Ron Richards (01:25:08):
<Laugh>. That's insane. That was like six years ago, eight years ago. Insane. Who's a young Ron? All right, well win Flo, thanks for joining us tonight. Flo, why don't you tell everybody where they can find you when you're not on the show.

Florence Ion (01:25:19):
Yes. You can find or you can go to Flo that'll take you directly to my articles over at Gizmodo. And I am on a podcast every week with Andy and Naco talking about Google and all the Google things on the Relay FM network. You can find us at

Ron Richards (01:25:40):
All right,

Florence Ion (01:25:41):
Happy jig.

Ron Richards (01:25:42):
And when, why don't we won't let us know where, where folks can find you.

Florence Ion (01:25:47):
Yes. Even find me things that I, content that I create about my life as an Android develop developer, or more specifically about Android development in particular, and Kotlin development at my website, randomly I'm actually going to be at Kotlin Comp in a couple weeks, which is like the big official jet brains, the creators of the language or maintainers of language, their conference. I'm gonna be in a livestream interviewing other devs. I'm gonna do a talk as well cuz I'm nuts and I like being stressed out apparently. But you can check all that kind of stuff out on my website, right? Lemme type and follow me on the intro places at Queen Monkey.

Ron Richards (01:26:23):
All right? And of course you can find me over at, on Twitter and Instagram at Ron xo. I wanna thank JR Raphael from Android Intelligence for giving us a YouTube tip. You can go check him slash twi or android I think he said in his video. Either way, look for JR at Android Intelligence. He's awesome. Thanks to Victor and Burke for making stuff happen behind the scenes. You don't even know Burke. He makes it all happen. Victor makes it all happen. We appreciate them and love them. Jason will be out again next week, but hey, like I said, Mateo will be here, so it'll be fun. So in the meantime, yes, that's the sad for those watching the video, Jason's empty chair. Yes. in the meantime though, you don't wanna miss out on the pre-show banter watching us live and just interacting with us as much as possible.

And the best way you can do that is by checking out Club Twit, which is our ad free subscription tier. You get all shows, no ads. You can also get an exclusive TWiT plus podcast feed with tons of extra content like the aforementioned pre-show banter. And you get access to that members only Discord, which is awesome. We should do a Discord AMA soon. We haven't done that in a while. I'll talk to Jason. But yeah you definitely don't wanna miss out for, if you're a true diehard TWiT fan, you gotta be in Club Twit. You can get that for $7 a month or you can pay for the full year at $84. And you can do that at TWiT tv slash club twit. And we love our Club TWiT members and thank you everybody for your support. And that's gonna wrap it up for this week on the show. This podcast comes out every Tuesday evening. You can slash aa or on your podcast app of Choice or watch this over on YouTube. You can call in a voicemail three forty seven show aa or you can email Again, reminder, send in your video or voicemails you'll get on the show. Come on, do it. So let's gonna wrap it up. Great week of Android. Thank you hun. Thank you, Flo. Thank you for watching. We'll see you next week on All About Android.

Speaker 5 (01:28:25):
Bye-Bye. Bye.

Jason Howell (01:28:32):
You wanna hear about the latest news happening in the tech world from the people who write the article sometimes from the people who are actually making the news? Well, we got a show for you It's called Tech News Weekly, me, Jason Howell, and my co-host Micah Sergeant. We talk with some amazing people each and every Thursday on Tech News Weekly, and we share a little bit of our own insights in each of us bringing a story of the week. That's at TWiT tv slash tnw. Subscribe right now.

Speaker 5 (01:29:05):

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