Jul 21st 2006
FLOSS Weekly 10
Who Mos'? Hemos!
Hosted by
Chris DiBona,
Leo Laporte
Jeff "Hemos" Bates is one of the original Slashdot founders. He talks about the site's new design, facing the Digg challenge, and living down the infamous Slashdot PT Cruiser...
Although the show is no longer in production at TWiT, you can enjoy episodes from our archives.
Jeff Bates
Jeff "Hemos" Bates is one of the original Slashdot founders. He talks about the site's new design, facing the Digg challenge, and living down the infamous Slashdot PT Cruiser.
But whatever you do, don't ask him about the nickname!
Thanks to Cachefly for providing the bandwidth for this podcast.