Inside TWiT

Please rate Episode 40: Yellow Lasers

I've been kinda stunned by the negative reaction to this week's TWiT (read the comments to Episode 40 for some idea). Is it really the worst TWiT ever? Or did you like it a lot? I'd like to get some feedback. Please rate it in the poll to the right. As always, we want to give you the kind of shows you like best and the best way to do that is to get your feedback. The good news is that I think we've figured out why shows were getting truncated and we've fixed the links for 39 and 40. Listenership is up substantially - TWiT 38 was downloaded 223,000 times in one week, not including mirrors, BitTorrent, and video - but we don't want to chase you all away, so let us know what you think. Thanks for your support and input!
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